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Cassandra for Barcodes, Products and Scans:

                       The Backend Infrastructure at Scandit

Christof Roduner
Co-founder and COO
christof@scandit.com   Link: NoSQL concept and data model

www.scandit.com                                             February 1, 2012

    ?   About Scandit

    ?   Requirements

    ?   Apache Cassandra

    ?   Scandit backend

    Scandit provides developers best-in-class tools to
    build, analyze and monetize product-centric apps.

      IDENTIFY           ANALYZE            MONETIZE
       Products         User Interest         Apps

    ?   Tool for app publishers
    ?   App-specific usage statistics

    ?   Insights into consumer behavior:
        ?   What do users scan?
             ?   Product categories? Groceries, electronics, books, cosmetics, ¡­?
        ?   Where do users scan?
             ?   At home? Or while in a retail store?
        ?   Top products and brands

    ?   Identify new opportunities:
        ?   Customer engagement
        ?   Product interest
        ?   Cross-selling and up-selling

    ?   Product database
         ?   Many millions of products
         ?   Many different data sources
         ?   Curation of product data (filtering, etc.)

    ?   Analysis of scans
         ?   Accept and store high volumes of scans
         ?   Generate statistics over extended time periods
         ?   Correlate with product data

    ?   Provide reports to developers

    ?   Scalability
         ?   High-volume storage
         ?   High-volume throughput
         ?   Support large number of concurrent client requests (app)

    ?   Availability

    ?   Low maintenance

    Apache Cassandra
    ? Large, distributed key-value store (DHT)

    ? ?NoSQL? Polyglot Persistence

    ? Inspired by:

         ?   Amazon¡¯s Dynamo distributed storage system
         ?   Google¡¯s BigTable data model
    ?   Originally developed at Facebook
         ?   Inbox search

    ?   Looked very fast
         ?   Even when data is much larger than RAM

    ?   Performs well in write-heavy environment

    ?   Proven scalability
         ?   Without downtime

    ?   Tunable replication

    ?   Easy to run and maintain
         ?   No sharding
         ?   All nodes are the same - no coordinators, masters, slaves, ¡­

    ?   Data model
         ?   YMMV¡­

    ?   Joins
    ?   Referential integrity
    ?   Transactions
    ?   Expressive query language
    ?   Consistency (tunable, but¡­)

    ?   Limited support for:
         ?   Schema
         ?   Secondary indices

                                         Disclaimer: I tend to say ?hash?
                                         when I mean ?dictionary, map,
     ?   Column families                 associative array? (Can you tell
                                         my favorite language?)
     ?   Rows
     ?   Columns

     ?   (Supercolumns)
          ?   We¡¯ll skip them - Cassandra developers don¡¯t like

     ?   Column:
          ?   Is a name-value pair
          ?   row_key, CF, column, timestamp and value

     ?   Row:
          ?   Has exactly one key
          ?   Contains any number of columns
          ?   Columns are always automatically sorted by their name

     ?   Column family:
          ?   A collection of any number of rows (!)
          ?   Has a name
          ?   ?Like a table?

     "users": {
                                                                Row with key ?christof?
         "christof": {
             "email": "christof@scandit.com",
             "phone": "123-456-7890"

         "moritz": {
             "email": "moritz@scandit.com",
                                                              Two columns, automatically
             "web": "www.example.com"                           sorted by their names
         }                                                        (?email?, ?web?)

     ?   A column family ?users? containing two rows
     ?   Columns can be different in every row
          ?   First row has a column named ?phone?, second row does not
     ?   Rows can have many columns
          ?   You can add millions of them

     ?   Column names can be used to store data
     ?   Frequent pattern in Cassandra
     ?   Takes advantage of column sorting
     "logins": {

         "christof": {
             "2012-01-29   16:22:30   +0100":   "",
             "2012-01-30   07:48:03   +0100":   "",
             "2012-01-30   18:06:55   +0100":   "",
             "2012-01-31   12:37:26   +0100":   ""

         "moritz": {
             "2012-01-23 01:12:49 +0100": ""


     ?   Schema is optional
     ?   Data type can be defined for:
          ?   Keys
          ?   The values of all columns with a given name
          ?   The column names in a CF
     ?   By default, data type BLOB is used

     ?   Data Types
          ?   BLOB (default)                  ?   UUID
          ?   ASCII text                      ?   Integer (arbitrary length)
          ?   UTF8 text                       ?   Float
          ?   Timestamp                       ?   Double
          ?   Boolean                         ?   Decimal

                                      Range 1-64,
                   Node 1           stored on node 2
                   Token 0

       Node 4                  Node 2
      Token 192               Token 64

                   Node 3            Range 65-128,
                  Token 128         stored on node 3
                                                                    Range 1-64,
 1.   Calculate md5 hash for row key                              stored on node 2
      Example: md5(¡°foobar") = 48
                                                        Node 1
                                                        Token 0
 2.   Determine data range for hash
      Example: 48 lies within range 1-64

 3.   Store row on node responsible
                                            Node 4                       Node 2
      for range
                                           Token 192                    Token 64
      Example: store on node 2

                                                        Node 3
                                                       Token 128
                                                                   Range 65-128,
                                                                  stored on node 3

     ?   Cluster automatically balanced
          ?   Load is shared equally between nodes
          ?   No hotspots

     ?   Scaling out?
          ?   Easy
          ?   Divide data ranges by adding more nodes
          ?   Cluster rebalances itself automatically

     ?   Range queries not possible
          ?   You can¡¯t retrieve ?all rows from A-C?
          ?   Rows are not stored in their ?natural? order
          ?   Rows are stored in order of their md5 hashes

     Option 1: ?Order Preserving Partitioner? (OPP)
     ?   OPP determines node based on a row¡¯s key instead of its hash
     ?   Don¡¯t use it¡­
          ?   Manually balancing a cluster is hard
          ?   Hotspots
          ?   Balancing cluster for one column family creates hotspot for another

     Option 2: Use columns instead of rows
     ?   Columns are always sorted
     ?   Rows can store millions of columns

                                                                   Replica 1
 ?   Tunable replication factor                                     of row
     (RF)                                               Node 1     ?foobar?
                                                        Token 0
 ?   RF > 1: rows are automatically
     replicated to next RF-1 nodes

 ?   Tunable replication strategy                                   Node 2
                                            Node 4
      ?   ?Ensure two replicas in                                  Token 64
          different data centers, racks,   Token 192

                                                        Node 3
                                                       Token 128   Replica 2
                                                                    of row

     ?   Clients can send read and write
         requests to any node
          ?   This node will act as
                                                          Node 1         Replica 1
     ?   Coordinator forwards request                     Token 0         of row
         to nodes where data resides                                     ?foobar?

              Client                          Node 4                  Node 2
                                             Token 192               Token 64

                                                                       Replica 2
          insert(                                         Node 3        of row
            "foobar": { "email": "fb@example.com" }      Token 128     ?foobar?

     ?   For all requests, clients can set a consistency level (CL)

     ?   For writes:
          ?   CL defines how many replicas must be written before
              ?success? is returned to client

     ?   For reads:
          ?   CL defines how many replicas must respond before result is
              returned to client

     ?   Consistency levels:
          ?   ONE
          ?   QUORUM
          ?   ALL
          ?   ¡­ (data center-aware levels)

     ?   Example scenario:
          ?   Replication factor 2
          ?   Two existing replica for row ?foobar?
          ?   Client overwrites existing columns in ?foobar?
          ?   Replica 2 is down

     ?   What happens:
          ?   Column is updated in replica 1, but not replica 2 (even with CL=ALL !)

     ?   Timestamps to the rescue
          ?   Every column has a timestamp
          ?   Timestamps are supplied by clients
          ?   Upon read, column with latest timestamp wins

     ?   ¡úUse NTP

     ?   Read repair

     ?   Hinted handoff

     ?   Anti entropy
     ?   At a row level, you can¡­
          ?   Get all rows
          ?   Get a single row by specifying its key
          ?   Get a number of rows by specifying their keys
          ?   Get a range of rows
                ?   Only with OPP, strongly discouraged

     ?   At a column level, you can¡­
          ?   Get all columns
          ?   Get a single column by specifying its name
          ?   Get a number of columns by specifying their names
          ?   Get a range of columns by specifying the name of the first and
              last column

     ?   Again: no ranges of rows

     UPDATE users SET
         "email" = "christof@scandit.com",
         "phone" = "123-456-7890"
         WHERE KEY = "christof";

     "users": {

         "christof": {
             "email": "christof@scandit.com",
             "phone": "123-456-7890"

         "moritz": {
             "email": "moritz@scandit.com",
             "web": "www.example.com"


     SELECT * FROM users WHERE KEY = "christof";

     "users": {

         "christof": {
             "email": "christof@scandit.com",
             "phone": "123-456-7890"

         "moritz": {
             "email": "moritz@scandit.com",
             "web": "www.example.com"


     SELECT FIRST 3 "2012-01-30 00:00:00 +0100" ..
            "2012-01-31 23:59:59 +0100"
         FROM logins
         WHERE KEY = "christof";

     "logins": {

         "christof": {
             "2012-01-29   16:22:30   +0100":   "",
             "2012-01-30   07:48:03   +0100":   "",
             "2012-01-30   18:06:55   +0100":   "",
             "2012-01-31   12:37:26   +0100":   ""
             "2012-02-09   10:27:28   +0100":   "218.315.37.21",

         "moritz": {
             "2012-01-23 01:12:49 +0100": ""


     ?   Secondary indices can be defined for (single) columns

     ?   Secondary indices only support equality predicate (=)
         in queries

     ?   Each node maintains index for data it owns
          ?   When indexed column is queried, request must be forwarded
              to all nodes
          ?   Sometimes better to manually maintain your own index

     ?   No stability issues

     ?   Very fast

     ?   Language bindings don¡¯t have the same quality
          ?   Out of sync, bugs

     ?   Data model is a mental twist

     ?   Design-time decisions sometimes hard to change

     ?   Rudimentary access control

     ?   DataStax website
          ?   Company founded by Cassandra developers
          ?   Provides
                ?   Documentation
                ?   Amazon Machine Image

     ?   Apache website

     ?   Mailing lists

     ?   Several nodes in two data centers

     ?   Linux machines

     ?   Identical setup on every node
          ?   Allows for easy failover
     from mobile apps and web browsers

                                            Phusion Passenger

                                            Website & REST API
                                            Ruby on Rails, Rack

                                                                  to other nodes


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Cassandra 2012 scandit

  • 1. Cassandra for Barcodes, Products and Scans: The Backend Infrastructure at Scandit Christof Roduner Co-founder and COO christof@scandit.com Link: NoSQL concept and data model @scandit www.scandit.com February 1, 2012
  • 2. AGENDA 2 ? About Scandit ? Requirements ? Apache Cassandra ? Scandit backend
  • 3. WHAT IS SCANDIT? 3 Scandit provides developers best-in-class tools to build, analyze and monetize product-centric apps. IDENTIFY ANALYZE MONETIZE Products User Interest Apps
  • 4. ANALYZE: THE SCANALYTICS PLATFORM 4 ? Tool for app publishers ? App-specific usage statistics ? Insights into consumer behavior: ? What do users scan? ? Product categories? Groceries, electronics, books, cosmetics, ¡­? ? Where do users scan? ? At home? Or while in a retail store? ? Top products and brands ? Identify new opportunities: ? Customer engagement ? Product interest ? Cross-selling and up-selling
  • 5. BACKEND REQUIREMENTS 5 ? Product database ? Many millions of products ? Many different data sources ? Curation of product data (filtering, etc.) ? Analysis of scans ? Accept and store high volumes of scans ? Generate statistics over extended time periods ? Correlate with product data ? Provide reports to developers
  • 6. BACKEND DESIGN GOALS 6 ? Scalability ? High-volume storage ? High-volume throughput ? Support large number of concurrent client requests (app) ? Availability ? Low maintenance
  • 7. WHICH DATABASE? 7 Apache Cassandra ? Large, distributed key-value store (DHT) ? ?NoSQL? Polyglot Persistence ? Inspired by: ? Amazon¡¯s Dynamo distributed storage system ? Google¡¯s BigTable data model ? Originally developed at Facebook ? Inbox search
  • 8. WHY DID WE CHOOSE IT? 8 ? Looked very fast ? Even when data is much larger than RAM ? Performs well in write-heavy environment ? Proven scalability ? Without downtime ? Tunable replication ? Easy to run and maintain ? No sharding ? All nodes are the same - no coordinators, masters, slaves, ¡­ ? Data model ? YMMV¡­
  • 9. WHAT YOU HAVE TO GIVE UP 9 ? Joins ? Referential integrity ? Transactions ? Expressive query language ? Consistency (tunable, but¡­) ? Limited support for: ? Schema ? Secondary indices
  • 10. CASSANDRA DATA MODEL 10 Disclaimer: I tend to say ?hash? when I mean ?dictionary, map, ? Column families associative array? (Can you tell my favorite language?) ? Rows ? Columns ? (Supercolumns) ? We¡¯ll skip them - Cassandra developers don¡¯t like them
  • 11. COLUMNS AND ROWS 11 ? Column: ? Is a name-value pair ? row_key, CF, column, timestamp and value ? Row: ? Has exactly one key ? Contains any number of columns ? Columns are always automatically sorted by their name ? Column family: ? A collection of any number of rows (!) ? Has a name ? ?Like a table?
  • 12. EXAMPLE COLUMN FAMILY 12 "users": { Row with key ?christof? "christof": { "email": "christof@scandit.com", "phone": "123-456-7890" } "moritz": { "email": "moritz@scandit.com", Two columns, automatically "web": "www.example.com" sorted by their names } (?email?, ?web?) } ? A column family ?users? containing two rows ? Columns can be different in every row ? First row has a column named ?phone?, second row does not ? Rows can have many columns ? You can add millions of them
  • 13. DATA IN COLUMN NAMES 13 ? Column names can be used to store data ? Frequent pattern in Cassandra ? Takes advantage of column sorting "logins": { "christof": { "2012-01-29 16:22:30 +0100": "", "2012-01-30 07:48:03 +0100": "", "2012-01-30 18:06:55 +0100": "", "2012-01-31 12:37:26 +0100": "" } "moritz": { "2012-01-23 01:12:49 +0100": "" } }
  • 14. SCHEMA AND DATA TYPES 14 ? Schema is optional ? Data type can be defined for: ? Keys ? The values of all columns with a given name ? The column names in a CF ? By default, data type BLOB is used ? Data Types ? BLOB (default) ? UUID ? ASCII text ? Integer (arbitrary length) ? UTF8 text ? Float ? Timestamp ? Double ? Boolean ? Decimal
  • 15. CLUSTER ORGANIZATION 15 Range 1-64, Node 1 stored on node 2 Token 0 Node 4 Node 2 Token 192 Token 64 Node 3 Range 65-128, Token 128 stored on node 3
  • 16. STORING A ROW 16 Range 1-64, 1. Calculate md5 hash for row key stored on node 2 Example: md5(¡°foobar") = 48 Node 1 Token 0 2. Determine data range for hash Example: 48 lies within range 1-64 3. Store row on node responsible Node 4 Node 2 for range Token 192 Token 64 Example: store on node 2 Node 3 Token 128 Range 65-128, stored on node 3
  • 17. IMPLICATIONS 17 ? Cluster automatically balanced ? Load is shared equally between nodes ? No hotspots ? Scaling out? ? Easy ? Divide data ranges by adding more nodes ? Cluster rebalances itself automatically ? Range queries not possible ? You can¡¯t retrieve ?all rows from A-C? ? Rows are not stored in their ?natural? order ? Rows are stored in order of their md5 hashes
  • 18. IF YOU NEED RANGE QUERIES¡­ 18 Option 1: ?Order Preserving Partitioner? (OPP) ? OPP determines node based on a row¡¯s key instead of its hash ? Don¡¯t use it¡­ ? Manually balancing a cluster is hard ? Hotspots ? Balancing cluster for one column family creates hotspot for another Option 2: Use columns instead of rows ? Columns are always sorted ? Rows can store millions of columns
  • 19. REPLICATION 19 Replica 1 ? Tunable replication factor of row (RF) Node 1 ?foobar? Token 0 ? RF > 1: rows are automatically replicated to next RF-1 nodes ? Tunable replication strategy Node 2 Node 4 ? ?Ensure two replicas in Token 64 different data centers, racks, Token 192 etc.? Node 3 Token 128 Replica 2 of row ?foobar?
  • 20. CLIENT ACCESS 20 ? Clients can send read and write requests to any node ? This node will act as coordinator Node 1 Replica 1 ? Coordinator forwards request Token 0 of row to nodes where data resides ?foobar? Client Node 4 Node 2 Token 192 Token 64 Request: Replica 2 insert( Node 3 of row "foobar": { "email": "fb@example.com" } Token 128 ?foobar? )
  • 21. CONSISTENCY LEVELS 21 ? For all requests, clients can set a consistency level (CL) ? For writes: ? CL defines how many replicas must be written before ?success? is returned to client ? For reads: ? CL defines how many replicas must respond before result is returned to client ? Consistency levels: ? ONE ? QUORUM ? ALL ? ¡­ (data center-aware levels)
  • 22. INCONSISTENT DATA 22 ? Example scenario: ? Replication factor 2 ? Two existing replica for row ?foobar? ? Client overwrites existing columns in ?foobar? ? Replica 2 is down ? What happens: ? Column is updated in replica 1, but not replica 2 (even with CL=ALL !) ? Timestamps to the rescue ? Every column has a timestamp ? Timestamps are supplied by clients ? Upon read, column with latest timestamp wins ? ¡úUse NTP
  • 23. PREVENTING INCONSISTENCIES 23 ? Read repair ? Hinted handoff ? Anti entropy
  • 24. RETRIEVING DATA (API) 24 ? At a row level, you can¡­ ? Get all rows ? Get a single row by specifying its key ? Get a number of rows by specifying their keys ? Get a range of rows ? Only with OPP, strongly discouraged ? At a column level, you can¡­ ? Get all columns ? Get a single column by specifying its name ? Get a number of columns by specifying their names ? Get a range of columns by specifying the name of the first and last column ? Again: no ranges of rows
  • 25. CASSANDRA QUERY LANGUAGE (CQL) 25 UPDATE users SET "email" = "christof@scandit.com", "phone" = "123-456-7890" WHERE KEY = "christof"; "users": { "christof": { "email": "christof@scandit.com", "phone": "123-456-7890" } "moritz": { "email": "moritz@scandit.com", "web": "www.example.com" } }
  • 26. CASSANDRA QUERY LANGUAGE (CQL) 26 SELECT * FROM users WHERE KEY = "christof"; "users": { "christof": { "email": "christof@scandit.com", "phone": "123-456-7890" } "moritz": { "email": "moritz@scandit.com", "web": "www.example.com" } }
  • 27. CASSANDRA QUERY LANGUAGE (CQL) 27 SELECT FIRST 3 "2012-01-30 00:00:00 +0100" .. "2012-01-31 23:59:59 +0100" FROM logins WHERE KEY = "christof"; "logins": { "christof": { "2012-01-29 16:22:30 +0100": "", "2012-01-30 07:48:03 +0100": "", "2012-01-30 18:06:55 +0100": "", "2012-01-31 12:37:26 +0100": "" "2012-02-09 10:27:28 +0100": "218.315.37.21", } "moritz": { "2012-01-23 01:12:49 +0100": "" } }
  • 28. SECONDARY INDICES 28 ? Secondary indices can be defined for (single) columns ? Secondary indices only support equality predicate (=) in queries ? Each node maintains index for data it owns ? When indexed column is queried, request must be forwarded to all nodes ? Sometimes better to manually maintain your own index
  • 29. PRODUCTION EXPERIENCE 29 ? No stability issues ? Very fast ? Language bindings don¡¯t have the same quality ? Out of sync, bugs ? Data model is a mental twist ? Design-time decisions sometimes hard to change ? Rudimentary access control
  • 30. TRYING OUT CASSANDRA 30 ? DataStax website ? Company founded by Cassandra developers ? Provides ? Documentation ? Amazon Machine Image ? Apache website ? Mailing lists
  • 31. CLUSTER AT SCANDIT 31 ? Several nodes in two data centers ? Linux machines ? Identical setup on every node ? Allows for easy failover
  • 32. NODE ARCHITECTURE 32 from mobile apps and web browsers Phusion Passenger mod_passenger Website & REST API Ruby on Rails, Rack to other nodes