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Catch or Die!
Team Members
Ahmed Orabi
Omar Raafat
Mahmoud El-Sayed
Mahmoud Eidarous
Mustafa Kamel
Egg catcher game
 Inspired from egg catcher game
 Classic game
 Gain points or loss lives
The main idea
 Array of LEDs
 Each luminous led represents an egg
 Lighting and extinction of LEDs represents
egg movement
 Basket position is represented by a row of LEDs
 Two seven-segment chips show the score
 Another seven-segment chip shows
number of lives
The circuit
 Consists of seven subcircuits:
1. Random position generator
2. Display (Array of LEDs)
3. Transition bus
4. Basket position controller
5. Comparator
6. Counter and score display
7. Lives Display
The circuit schema
Display LEDs
Basket position Comparator
The circuit
1. Random position generator
2. Display (Array of LEDs)
3. Transition bus
4. Basket position controller
5. Comparator
6. Counter and score display
7. Lives Display
1. Random position generator subcircuit
 Purpose: Illuminating a random led every cycle
 The idea depends on different transition delays
 Consists of three XOR gates
 Each of them uses the other two outputs as inputs
 The path of every output-to-input is different in transition delays
The subcircuit schematic
The circuit
1. Random position generator
2. Display (Array of LEDs)
3. Transition bus
4. Basket position controller
5. Comparator
6. Counter and score display
7. Lives Display
2. Display subcircuit
 Purpose: Displaying current position to the player
 Consists of 64 LEDs
 8 rows x 8 columns
 Only one led can illuminate at a time
 No two subsequent rows can have an illuminated LEDs
 An extra row of 8 LEDs represents basket position
The circuit
1. Random position generator
2. Display (Array of LEDs)
3. Transition bus
4. Basket position controller
5. Comparator
6. Counter and score display
7. Lives Display
3. Transition bus subcircuit
 Purpose: Moving the position of illuminated LED to next row
 The idea depends on flip flop state transition
 Consists of either :
 three flip flops and a decoder for each row 8 more ICs
 eight flip flops for each row 8 more complex comparator
(more likely to be used)
Transition bus schematic (feeder)
Transition bus schematic (flip flops)
The circuit
1. Random position generator
2. Display (Array of LEDs)
3. Transition bus
4. Basket position controller
5. Comparator
6. Counter and score display
7. Lives Display
4. Basket position controller subcircuit
 Purpose: Moving the basket right or left
 The idea depends on an up down counter
 Consists of two push buttons, an up down counter and a decoder
 We can use a 3-bit adder and flip-flops instead of the counter
 The up button will be connected to the input carry
 the down button will be connected to all the B inputs
 All the A inputs are connected to the flip flops which will store the adder's last state
BPC schematic
The circuit
1. Random position generator
2. Display (Array of LEDs)
3. Transition bus
4. Basket position controller
5. Comparator
6. Counter and score display
7. Lives Display
5. Comparator subcircuit
 Acts as a logical judge
 Purpose: Comparing the last row with the controlled row
 The output is a single bit 0/1 to fit the counter input
 The output is 0 if die and 1 if caught
 Its output is valid only if the last row has an illuminated led
 Can done using a set of AND & OR gates
Comparator schematic
Comparator schematic
The circuit
1. Random position generator
2. Display (Array of LEDs)
3. Transition bus
4. Basket position controller
5. Comparator
6. Counter and score display
7. Lives Display
6.1 Counter subcircuit
 Purpose: Calculates the score
 If the comparator o/p is high, increase one
 Counts up in range from 0:99
 The score will be displayed on two 7-segment chips
 It will be implemented using two subsequent 4026 Ics
7490 counter
7490 counter
 Every clock counts one
 Output is 4-bit BCD
 So output will be no more than 15
 Can be used only for a decade (0:9)
 We need to count in a century range (0:99)
Alternative solution
 We need to display the score on two 7-segment chips
 7490 IC is inadequate
 We can use two 4026 ICs alternatively
 Every clock it counts up one
 It produces a clock every decade
 Its output is the 7-segment input
4026 subcircuit
 Every time the first IC reaches 9 the second
IC counts one
 The clock is the comparator o/p
 The o/p goes to 7-segment directly
 No need to use 7447 (BCD to 7-segment
6.2 Score display subcircuit
 Just take the counter output and display it on two 7-segments
Comparator and score display
The circuit
1. Random position generator
2. Display (Array of LEDs)
3. Transition bus
4. Basket position controller
5. Comparator
6. Counter and score display
7. Lives Display
7. Lives display subcircuit (1)
 Purpose: Displays Players Lives
 If the comparator o/p is low and valid, decrease one
 Counts down in range from 3 to 0
 If the o/p goes to 0 then GAME OVER
 We CAN use the 7490 counter here
7. Lives display subcircuit (2)
 The Circuit uses a 7490 counter that counts UP from 0 to 3
 The 1st two bits are inverted to count down from 3 to 0
 When it reaches zero a game-over flag is raised and the game
 The game's clock will remain high when the player loses
Lives display schematic
Component Quantity Component Quantity Component Quantity
Red LEDs 8x8 Decoders 2 PWM ICs 1
Green LEDs 8 IC 2047 2 PPM circuit 1
Push buttons 2 7490 1 4-bit adder 1
Octal flip flops 8 Green 7-seg 2
Hex not
(Schmitt Triggered)
Quad flip flop 2 Red 7-seg 1 Double 4-input OR 3
Monostable multivibrator 1 BCD to 7Seg 1 Hex Schmitt buffer 1
Quad 2-input AND 4 Quad 2-input XOR 3 Resistors --
Any questions!
Thank you!

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Catch or die Project

  • 2. Team Members Ahmed Orabi Omar Raafat Mahmoud El-Sayed Mahmoud Eidarous Mustafa Kamel 2
  • 3. Egg catcher game Inspired from egg catcher game Classic game Gain points or loss lives 3
  • 4. The main idea Array of LEDs Each luminous led represents an egg Lighting and extinction of LEDs represents egg movement Basket position is represented by a row of LEDs Two seven-segment chips show the score Another seven-segment chip shows number of lives 4
  • 5. The circuit Consists of seven subcircuits: 1. Random position generator 2. Display (Array of LEDs) 3. Transition bus 4. Basket position controller 5. Comparator 6. Counter and score display 7. Lives Display 5
  • 6. The circuit schema 6 RPG circuit Display LEDs Transition bus Basket position Comparator Century Counter Livesdisplay
  • 7. The circuit 1. Random position generator 2. Display (Array of LEDs) 3. Transition bus 4. Basket position controller 5. Comparator 6. Counter and score display 7. Lives Display 7
  • 8. 1. Random position generator subcircuit Purpose: Illuminating a random led every cycle The idea depends on different transition delays Consists of three XOR gates Each of them uses the other two outputs as inputs The path of every output-to-input is different in transition delays 8
  • 10. The circuit 1. Random position generator 2. Display (Array of LEDs) 3. Transition bus 4. Basket position controller 5. Comparator 6. Counter and score display 7. Lives Display 10
  • 11. 2. Display subcircuit Purpose: Displaying current position to the player Consists of 64 LEDs 8 rows x 8 columns Only one led can illuminate at a time No two subsequent rows can have an illuminated LEDs An extra row of 8 LEDs represents basket position 11
  • 12. The circuit 1. Random position generator 2. Display (Array of LEDs) 3. Transition bus 4. Basket position controller 5. Comparator 6. Counter and score display 7. Lives Display 12
  • 13. 3. Transition bus subcircuit Purpose: Moving the position of illuminated LED to next row The idea depends on flip flop state transition Consists of either : three flip flops and a decoder for each row 8 more ICs eight flip flops for each row 8 more complex comparator (more likely to be used) 13
  • 15. Transition bus schematic (flip flops) 15
  • 16. The circuit 1. Random position generator 2. Display (Array of LEDs) 3. Transition bus 4. Basket position controller 5. Comparator 6. Counter and score display 7. Lives Display 16
  • 17. 4. Basket position controller subcircuit Purpose: Moving the basket right or left The idea depends on an up down counter Consists of two push buttons, an up down counter and a decoder We can use a 3-bit adder and flip-flops instead of the counter The up button will be connected to the input carry the down button will be connected to all the B inputs All the A inputs are connected to the flip flops which will store the adder's last state 17
  • 19. The circuit 1. Random position generator 2. Display (Array of LEDs) 3. Transition bus 4. Basket position controller 5. Comparator 6. Counter and score display 7. Lives Display 19
  • 20. 5. Comparator subcircuit Acts as a logical judge Purpose: Comparing the last row with the controlled row The output is a single bit 0/1 to fit the counter input The output is 0 if die and 1 if caught Its output is valid only if the last row has an illuminated led Can done using a set of AND & OR gates 20
  • 23. The circuit 1. Random position generator 2. Display (Array of LEDs) 3. Transition bus 4. Basket position controller 5. Comparator 6. Counter and score display 7. Lives Display 23
  • 24. 6.1 Counter subcircuit Purpose: Calculates the score If the comparator o/p is high, increase one Counts up in range from 0:99 The score will be displayed on two 7-segment chips It will be implemented using two subsequent 4026 Ics 24
  • 26. 7490 counter Every clock counts one Output is 4-bit BCD So output will be no more than 15 Can be used only for a decade (0:9) We need to count in a century range (0:99) 26
  • 27. Alternative solution We need to display the score on two 7-segment chips 7490 IC is inadequate We can use two 4026 ICs alternatively Every clock it counts up one It produces a clock every decade Its output is the 7-segment input 27
  • 28. 4026 subcircuit Every time the first IC reaches 9 the second IC counts one The clock is the comparator o/p The o/p goes to 7-segment directly No need to use 7447 (BCD to 7-segment decoder) 28
  • 29. 6.2 Score display subcircuit Just take the counter output and display it on two 7-segments 29
  • 30. Comparator and score display 30
  • 31. The circuit 1. Random position generator 2. Display (Array of LEDs) 3. Transition bus 4. Basket position controller 5. Comparator 6. Counter and score display 7. Lives Display 31
  • 32. 7. Lives display subcircuit (1) Purpose: Displays Players Lives If the comparator o/p is low and valid, decrease one Counts down in range from 3 to 0 If the o/p goes to 0 then GAME OVER We CAN use the 7490 counter here 32
  • 33. 7. Lives display subcircuit (2) The Circuit uses a 7490 counter that counts UP from 0 to 3 The 1st two bits are inverted to count down from 3 to 0 When it reaches zero a game-over flag is raised and the game stops The game's clock will remain high when the player loses 33
  • 36. Components Component Quantity Component Quantity Component Quantity Red LEDs 8x8 Decoders 2 PWM ICs 1 Green LEDs 8 IC 2047 2 PPM circuit 1 Push buttons 2 7490 1 4-bit adder 1 Octal flip flops 8 Green 7-seg 2 Hex not (Schmitt Triggered) 3 Quad flip flop 2 Red 7-seg 1 Double 4-input OR 3 Monostable multivibrator 1 BCD to 7Seg 1 Hex Schmitt buffer 1 Quad 2-input AND 4 Quad 2-input XOR 3 Resistors -- 36