This document is a module on Bootstrap 3 basics that covers typography, buttons, icons, navs and navbars, lists, tables, and forms. It includes demos of each topic and concludes that Bootstrap 3 provides an out of the box experience for common elements like navigation, forms, lists and tables, but encourages customizing the framework to make it one's own.
This document is a module on Bootstrap 3 basics that covers typography, buttons, icons, navs and navbars, lists, tables, and forms. It includes demos of each topic and concludes that Bootstrap 3 provides an out of the box experience for common elements like navigation, forms, lists and tables, but encourages customizing the framework to make it one's own.
The document is a test for admission to community college in Vietnam in 2014. It contains 80 multiple choice questions testing English language skills. The questions cover topics such as novel reviews, recommendations, grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and meaning.
7. H動畛ng D畉n:
Ch炭 箪: Cisco IOS CLI
- Cisco c坦 3 mode l畛nh, v畛i t畛ng mode s畉 c坦 quy畛n truy c畉p t畛i nh畛ng b畛 l畛nh kh叩c nhau
- User mode: 但y l mode 畉u ti棚n m ng動畛i s畛 d畛ng truy c畉p vo sau khi ng nh畉p vo router.
User mode c坦 th畛 動畛c nh畉n ra b畛i k箪 hi畛u > ngay sau t棚n router. Mode ny cho ph辿p ng動畛i d湛ng
ch畛 th畛c thi 動畛c m畛t s畛 c但u l畛nh c董 b畉n ch畉ng h畉n nh動 xem tr畉ng th叩i c畛a h畛 th畛ng. H畛 th畛ng
kh担ng th畛 動畛c c畉u h狸nh hay kh畛i 畛ng l畉i 畛 mode ny.
- Privileged mode: mode ny cho ph辿p ng動畛i d湛ng xem c畉u h狸nh c畛a h畛 th畛ng, kh畛i 畛ng l畉i h畛
th畛ng v i vo mode c畉u h狸nh. N坦 c滴ng cho ph辿p th畛c thi t畉t c畉 c叩c c但u l畛nh 畛 user mode.
Privileged mode c坦 th畛 動畛c nh畉n ra b畛i k箪 hi畛u # ngay sau t棚n router. Ng動畛i s畛 d畛ng s畉 g探 c但u
l畛nh enable 畛 cho IOS bi畉t l h畛 mu畛n i vo Privileged mode t畛 User mode. N畉u enable
password hay enabel secret password 動畛c ci 畉t, ngu畛i s畛 d畛ng c畉n ph畉i g探 vo 炭ng m畉t
kh畉u th狸 m畛i c坦 quy畛n truy c畉p vo privileged mode. Enable secret password s畛 d畛ng ph動董ng
th畛c m達 ho叩 m畉nh h董n khi n坦 動畛c l動u tr畛 trong c畉u h狸nh, do v畉y n坦 an ton h董n. Privileged
mode cho ph辿p ng動畛i s畛 d畛ng lm b畉t c畛 g狸 tr棚n router, v狸 v畉y n棚n s畛 d畛ng c畉n th畉n. 畛 tho叩t
kh畛i privileged mode, ng動畛i s畛 d畛ng th畛c thi c但u l畛nh disable.
8. H動畛ng D畉n:
- Configuration mode: mode ny cho ph辿p ng動畛i s畛 d畛ng ch畛nh s畛a c畉u h狸nh ang
ch畉y. 畛 i vo configuration mode, g探 c但u l畛nh configure terminal t畛 privileged mode.
Configuration mode c坦 nhi畛u mode nh畛 kh叩c nhau, b畉t 畉u v畛i global configuration
mode, n坦 c坦 th畛 動畛c nh畉n ra b畛i k箪 hi畛u (config)# ngay sau t棚n router. C叩c mode nh畛
trong configuration mode thay 畛i tu畛 thu畛c vo b畉n mu畛n c畉u h狸nh c叩i g狸, t畛 b棚n
trong ngo畉c s畉 thay 畛i. Ch畉ng h畉n khi b畉n mu畛n vo mode interface, k箪 hi畛u s畉 thay
畛i thnh (config-if)# ngay sau t棚n router. 畛 tho叩t kh畛i configuration mode, ng動畛i s畛
d畛ng c坦 th畛 g探 end hay nh畉n t畛 h畛p ph鱈m Ctrl-Z
- Ch炭 箪 畛 c叩c mode, tu畛 vo t狸nh hu畛ng c畛 th畛 m c但u l畛nh ? t畉i c叩c v畛 tr鱈 s畉 hi畛n th畛 l棚n
c叩c c但u l畛nh c坦 th畛 c坦 畛 c湛ng m畛c. K箪 hi畛u ? c滴ng c坦 th畛 s畛 d畛ng 畛 gi畛a c但u l畛nh 畛
xem c叩c tu畛 ch畛n ph畛c t畉p c畛a c但u l畛nh.
9. Nh畛ng c但u l畛nh s畛 d畛ng trong bi lab ny v nh畛ng c但u l畛nh m畛 r畛ng:
畉t t棚n router : R(config)# hostname t棚n router
畉t c但u cho cho router : R(config)# banner motd % n畛i dung c但u cho %
畉t console password :
R(config)# line console 0
R(config-line)# password password_mong_muon
R(config-line)# login
C畉u h狸nh ch畛ng tr担i d嘆ng l畛nh trong router :
R(config)# line console 0
R(config-line)# logging synchronous
C畉u h狸nh th畛i gian tho叩t kh畛i router :
R(config)# line console 0
R(config-line)# exec-timeout phut giay
10. Nh畛ng c但u l畛nh s畛 d畛ng trong bi lab ny v nh畛ng c但u l畛nh m畛 r畛ng:
畉t enable password :
R(config)# enable password password_mong_muon
R(config)# enable secret password_mong_muon
M達 h坦a t畉t c畉 c叩c password :
R(config)# service password-encryption
C畉u h狸nh tr棚n interface :
R(config)# interface s畛 t動董ng 畛ng
R(config-if)# ip address t動董ng 畛ng
R(config-if)# no shutdown (kh担ng 動畛c qu棚n)
C但u l畛nh xem trong router c坦 bao nhi棚u interface :
R# show ip interface brief
C但u l畛nh xem ton b畛 c畉u h狸nh router :
R# show run
11. Nh畛ng c但u l畛nh s畛 d畛ng trong bi lab ny v nh畛ng c但u l畛nh m畛 r畛ng:
C但u l畛nh xem tr棚n 1 interface no 坦 :
R# show interface s畛 t動董ng 畛ng
C但u l畛nh x坦a c畉u h狸nh router :
R# erase startup-config
R# reload
C但u l畛nh l動u l畉i c畉u h狸nh router :
R# copy run start
R# wr
C畉u h狸nh TELNET
R(config)# line vty 0 4
R(config-line)# password password_mong_mu畛n
R(config-line)# login
12. Nh畛ng c但u l畛nh s畛 d畛ng trong bi lab ny v nh畛ng c但u l畛nh m畛 r畛ng:
C叩c c但u l畛nh xem TELNET :
R# show users (xem c坦 bao nhi棚u k畉t n畛i telnet t畛i router c畛a m狸nh)
R# clear line ? (mu畛n ng畉t k畉t n畛i v畛i user no 坦)
R# show sesssion (mu畛n bi畉t ang 畛ng 畛 router no)
C叩c c但u l畛nh xem SSH:
R# show ip ssh (xem 動畛c version c畛a ssh)
C但u l畛nh chuy畛n version c畛a SSH :
R(config)# ip ssh version ?
13. Nh畛ng c但u l畛nh s畛 d畛ng trong bi lab ny v nh畛ng c但u l畛nh m畛 r畛ng:
C畉u h狸nh SSH : Secure Shell
//T畉o username v password
R(config)# username 123 password 123
//T畉o domain name
R(config)# ip domain name
//T畉o key + m達 h坦a
R(config)# crypto key generate rsa (ch畛n key m達 h坦a l 1024)
// p 畉t c畉u h狸nh
R(config)# line vty 0 4
R(config-line)# login local
R(config-line)# transport input ssh telnet