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Cavitation in
Kavitace v mikrofluidice
Academic Year:
2015 / 2016
Martin HOLUB
doc. Ing. Pavel RUDOLF, Ph.D.
Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.
Theophrastus (370285 BC)
Cavitation Microfluidics
Cavitation on hydrofoil [1] Microfluidic chip [2]
Thesis Goals
 Introduction, definition of
fundamental terms
 Literature research and
report on the state-of-the-
art technology
 CFD for the flow in
 Design of experiment
Cavitation Chemistry & Other Effects
Luminescence [5]
Single bubble collapse near
the wall [4]
 2 2
Mechanical, heat and
chemical effects
Luminescence [5]
Single bubble collapse near
the wall [4]
Cavitation Chemistry & Other Effects
 2 2
Mechanical, heat and
chemical effects
Luminescence [5]
Single bubble collapse near
the wall [4]
 2 2
Cavitation Chemistry & Other Effects
Mechanical, heat and
chemical effects
Microscale Cavitation
Bubbles completely filling
microchannel [6]
Cases relevant for
comparison [6],  ~
inception,  金 ~ choking
 []   []
ゐ = 11.5 
0.284 0.242  = 100.2 
 = 101.3 
ゐ = 21.5 
0.38 0.299  = 100.2 
 = 101.3 
ゐ = 21.5 
0.24 0.171  = 201 
 = 101.3 
ゐ = 40 
0.301 0.252  = 200.2 
 = 101.3

#1 102.5 0.365
#2 130 0.415
#3 158 0.465
#4 186.5 0.515
#5 213 0.565
#6 241 0.615
Dimensions of microchannel, given in micrometers.
BCs locations and types are indicated
Overview of
solved cases
Solution Monitor  Vapor
Fraction Fast Fourier Transform
Stable liquid jet surrounded by two
broad and long vapor bubbles that
touch the walls [7]
Wavy pattern of cavity
boundary [6]
 = 0.365
Vapor Volume Fraction Frequency
and BCs, all

[  ]
#1 14 5.67
#2 20 2.95
#3 60 0.53
Overview of solved cases
Vapor fraction =
0.2 in brick-
shaped chamber
 = 0.53
Vapor fraction
in constriction,
high void
fraction in red
Pressure drop
Temperature of bubble
Source: [8]
Design of Experiment
Microfluidic channel with packaging module (Courtesy of D.
Jasikova TUL)
Schematics of experimental setup
Design of Experiment
Main Outcomes
 Recommendations for
future research work
 Periodicity of solution
 Strengths and weaknesses
of laminar model
 Design of experimental
setup and procedure with
 Phases distribution
 Regions of recirculation
and potential mixing
 Overview of state-of-the-art
 CFD guidelines for future
Sources of Images
[1] FRANC, Jean-Pierre a Jean-Marie MICHEL. Fundamentals of cavitation. Dordrecht: Springer
Netherlands, 2005, xxii, 300 p. ISBN 978-904-8166-183.
[2] news.stanford.edu/news/2006/january18/gifs/fluidicschip.jpg
and Aniruddha PANDIT Cavitation reactors: Efficiency assessment using a model reaction. AIChE
Journal [online]. Hoboken: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company, 2001, 47(11), 2526-
2538 [cit. 2015-12-19]. DOI: 10.1002/aic.690471115. ISSN 00011541.
[4] brookbubble.weebly.com/uploads/7/8/1/6/78160850/5575735.gif
[5] DUPLAT, J辿r担me a Emmanuel VILLERMAUX. Luminescence from Collapsing Centimeter Bubbles
Expanded by Chemical Reaction. Physical review letters [online]. 2015, 115(9), 094501 [cit. 2016-06-
[6] MISHRA, C. a Y. PELES Size scale effects on cavitating flows through microorifices entrenched in
rectangular microchannels. Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of [online]. USA: IEEE, 2005,
14(5), 987-999 [cit. 2015-12-19]. DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2005.851800. ISSN 10577157.
[7] MISHRA, Chandan a Yoav PELES. Flow visualization of cavitating flows through a rectangular slot
micro-orifice ingrained in a microchannel. Physics of Fluids [online]. AIP, 2005, 17(11), 13602-13616
[cit. 2016-04-10]. DOI: 10.1063/1.2132289. ISSN 10706631.
[8] ROOZE, Joost, Matthieu ANDR, Gert-Jan GULIK, David FERNNDEZ-RIVAS, Johannes
GARDENIERS, Evgeny REBROV, Jaap SCHOUTEN a Jos KEURENTJES. Hydrodynamic cavitation
in microchannels with channel sizes of 100 and 750 micrometers. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
[online]. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2012, 12(1), 499-508 [cit. 2015-12-19]. DOI:
10.1007/s10404-011-0891-5. ISSN 16134982.

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Cavitation in Microfliuidcs_rev1_43_share

  • 1. Cavitation in Microfluidics Kavitace v mikrofluidice Academic Year: 2015 / 2016 Martin HOLUB Supervisor: doc. Ing. Pavel RUDOLF, Ph.D. Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. Theophrastus (370285 BC)
  • 2. Cavitation Microfluidics Cavitation on hydrofoil [1] Microfluidic chip [2]
  • 3. Thesis Goals Introduction, definition of fundamental terms Literature research and report on the state-of-the- art technology CFD for the flow in micrometer-sized channel Design of experiment
  • 4. Cavitation Chemistry & Other Effects Luminescence [5] Single bubble collapse near the wall [4] 2 2 獅 獅 2 Energy Mechanical, heat and chemical effects Applications
  • 5. Luminescence [5] Single bubble collapse near the wall [4] Cavitation Chemistry & Other Effects 2 2 獅 獅 2 Energy Mechanical, heat and chemical effects Applications
  • 6. Luminescence [5] Single bubble collapse near the wall [4] 2 2 獅 獅 2 Energy Cavitation Chemistry & Other Effects Mechanical, heat and chemical effects Applications
  • 7. Microscale Cavitation Bubbles completely filling microchannel [6] Cases relevant for comparison [6], ~ inception, 金 ~ choking = 倹 1 2 p 2 Device Description [] [] ゐ = 11.5 0.284 0.242 = 100.2 = 101.3 ゐ = 21.5 0.38 0.299 = 100.2 = 101.3 ゐ = 21.5 0.24 0.171 = 201 = 101.3 ゐ = 40 0.301 0.252 = 200.2 = 101.3
  • 8. Microchannel = Case No. 倹 [] [] #1 102.5 0.365 #2 130 0.415 #3 158 0.465 #4 186.5 0.515 #5 213 0.565 #6 241 0.615 Dimensions of microchannel, given in micrometers. BCs locations and types are indicated Overview of solved cases
  • 9. Solution Monitor Vapor Fraction Fast Fourier Transform Microchannel
  • 10. Stable liquid jet surrounded by two broad and long vapor bubbles that touch the walls [7] Wavy pattern of cavity boundary [6] = 0.365 Microchannel
  • 11. Vapor Volume Fraction Frequency Microchannel
  • 12. Millichannel Millichannel geometry and BCs, all dimensions in micrometers Case No. [ ] [] #1 14 5.67 #2 20 2.95 #3 60 0.53 Overview of solved cases
  • 13. Vapor fraction = 0.2 in brick- shaped chamber = 0.53 Vapor fraction in constriction, high void fraction in red Millichannel
  • 14. Pressure drop Temperature of bubble collapse Source: [8] Millichannel
  • 15. Design of Experiment Microfluidic channel with packaging module (Courtesy of D. Jasikova TUL)
  • 16. Schematics of experimental setup Design of Experiment
  • 17. Main Outcomes Recommendations for future research work Periodicity of solution Strengths and weaknesses of laminar model Design of experimental setup and procedure with 亮-PIV Phases distribution Regions of recirculation and potential mixing Overview of state-of-the-art research CFD guidelines for future students
  • 18. Sources of Images [1] FRANC, Jean-Pierre a Jean-Marie MICHEL. Fundamentals of cavitation. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2005, xxii, 300 p. ISBN 978-904-8166-183. [2] news.stanford.edu/news/2006/january18/gifs/fluidicschip.jpg [3] GOGATE, Parag, Irfan SHIRGAONKAR, M. SIVAKUMAR, P. SENTHILKUMAR, Nilesh VICHARE and Aniruddha PANDIT Cavitation reactors: Efficiency assessment using a model reaction. AIChE Journal [online]. Hoboken: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company, 2001, 47(11), 2526- 2538 [cit. 2015-12-19]. DOI: 10.1002/aic.690471115. ISSN 00011541. [4] brookbubble.weebly.com/uploads/7/8/1/6/78160850/5575735.gif [5] DUPLAT, J辿r担me a Emmanuel VILLERMAUX. Luminescence from Collapsing Centimeter Bubbles Expanded by Chemical Reaction. Physical review letters [online]. 2015, 115(9), 094501 [cit. 2016-06- 06]. [6] MISHRA, C. a Y. PELES Size scale effects on cavitating flows through microorifices entrenched in rectangular microchannels. Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of [online]. USA: IEEE, 2005, 14(5), 987-999 [cit. 2015-12-19]. DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2005.851800. ISSN 10577157. [7] MISHRA, Chandan a Yoav PELES. Flow visualization of cavitating flows through a rectangular slot micro-orifice ingrained in a microchannel. Physics of Fluids [online]. AIP, 2005, 17(11), 13602-13616 [cit. 2016-04-10]. DOI: 10.1063/1.2132289. ISSN 10706631. [8] ROOZE, Joost, Matthieu ANDR, Gert-Jan GULIK, David FERNNDEZ-RIVAS, Johannes GARDENIERS, Evgeny REBROV, Jaap SCHOUTEN a Jos KEURENTJES. Hydrodynamic cavitation in microchannels with channel sizes of 100 and 750 micrometers. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics [online]. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2012, 12(1), 499-508 [cit. 2015-12-19]. DOI: 10.1007/s10404-011-0891-5. ISSN 16134982.