MediaMosa en EDIT: Online Onderwijs Makkelijk GemaaktGeert Wissink
ED*IT is sinds september 2009 het meest multimediale onderwijsplatform van Nederland. Leerlingen en leraren uit het basis en middelbaar onderwijs hebben met ED*IT toegang tot tienduizenden originele video¨s, film- en geluidsfragmenten, artikelen en foto¨s uit het Nederlands cultureel erfgoed. ED*IT beidt de mogelijkheid om zelf materiaal up te loaden en deze met geavanceerde verwerkingsapplicaties om te zetten in online presentaties, montages, dossiers en tijdlijnen. Aan de achterkant verzorgt Mediamosa het streamen, de metadata en transcoding. In deze presentatie gaan we dieper in op de koppeling tussen ED*IT en MediaMosa en welke lessen zijn te trekken uit het afgelopen jaar.
Migrer vers PMB: retour d\'exp└rience d\'une migration depuis S4WPMB-BUG
PMB-BUG, Leuven, 2008-10-02
Lucie Deweer (FR)
Migrer vers PMB: retour d\'exp└rience d\'une migration depuis S4W
Migreren van een andere software naar PMB: Ervaringen met de migratie van S4W
As software development teams transition to cloud-based architectures and adopt agile processes, the tools they need to support application development in this new world will change. In this session, we'll take you the transition that Amazon made to a service-oriented architecture over a decade ago, and introduce you to some of the processes and tools that we built and adopted along the way. We¨ll share what lessons we¨ve learned, explain how we¨ve achieved better agility and reliability in our software development and deployment processes, and present an overview of tools we¨ve used to help get us there that have since become services such as AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy, and more.
A 2 minutes presentation regarding to the design concepts for BC Hydro Innovation Challenge...
The challenge question is "How to foster an energy conservation culture in British Columbia?"
The Looking Glass is an audiovisual interactive installation that responds to individuals by creating an altered representation of users. Participants enter a dark room with a fibre optic wall, which is activated by the movement and projects a distorted silhouette of the participants through the individual glowing strands of fibre optics. Any sound emitted by the user will be echoed and cause the projections to change colour based on volume. The installation allows participants to develop an awareness of an alternative self, which encourages interaction and reflection. It explores the line between the digital and physical using fibre optic.
She represents different things to the singer including a memory that cannot be forgotten, a source of pleasure or regret, or something that can make each day heaven or hell. The singer will remember her until the day they die and sees her as the reason they survive and the meaning of their life. She may seem one way on the outside but be different inside and have private moments where she cries that no one sees.
This document promotes logo design services from a company, stating that they have designed 52 logos and that branding can profit businesses. It provides a phone number and email to contact the company for logo design services.
The document introduces fractions and their key components. It explains that a fraction represents a part of a whole and is written with a numerator over a denominator. The numerator indicates the part being used, and the denominator indicates how many equal parts make up the whole. Examples of fractions represented on number lines and circles are provided, including 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 6/7, and 5/9. Mixed numbers containing both a whole number and fractional part are also introduced, with the example given of 1 1/5.
Rossetti-Silvi, Ontologia sociale del documento giuridicoAndrea Rossetti
venerd━ 3 ottobre a partire dalle 9.30 presso l¨Aula Magna dell¨Universit┐ in Via Sant¨Abbondio a Como.
Durante la giornata, dopo i saluti del Rettore dell¨Universit┐ degli Studi dell¨Insubria, Alberto Coen Porisini, e di Laura Castelvetri, direttore del Dipartimento di Diritto, Economia e Culture, si svolgeranno gli interventi di Gianni Penzo Doria, direttore generale dell¨Universit┐ degli Studi dell'Insubria e, tra l¨altro, esperto di diplomatica del documento digitale e responsabile scientifico del progetto ^UniDOC ̄; Filippo Pappalardo, referente del Processo Telematico di Milano - Unione Lombarda Ordini Forensi; Andrea Orlandoni, referente del Processo Telematico di Como - Unione Lombarda Ordini Forensi; Francesca Ferrari, ricercatrice di diritto processuale civile all¨Universit┐ degli Studi dell¨Insubria; Andrea Rossetti, professore associato di Filosofia del Diritto all¨Universit┐? degli Studi Milano Bicocca; Marco Silvi, docente di
The document discusses using Web 2.0 tools for management communication in libraries. It introduces common Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, Google Apps that allow easy information sharing and collaboration. These tools can help streamline communication, keep all staff informed and avoid fragmented communication compared to traditional methods. Specific tools demonstrated include Google Docs, Calendar, Blogger, PBWiki and for organizing and sharing links and documents.
A wiki is a website that allows users to collaboratively edit and add content to pages. This document provides an introduction to using Wikispaces, a wiki platform, including how to create an account, edit pages by inserting text, documents, and links. It also describes how to discuss pages and add additional pages to the navigation menu.
The Power Of Pervasive Performance Management: Aligning All Employees to Corp...Callidus Software
- The document discusses using Callidus TrueTarget to integrate performance management and compensation across departments like sales, marketing, and call centers for better business alignment. It highlights features like setting objectives, assigning weights, and projecting bonus payouts.
- It also introduces a new partner, IncentOne, which provides total rewards solutions including non-cash incentive programs. IncentOne has solutions for industries like healthcare, financial services, and manufacturing.
- The document provides examples of IncentOne clients and programs, showing how they designed customized non-cash points solutions to reward employees for achieving targets.
Abraham Elterman's painting style has evolved over the years from 1999 to 2007, but has consistently dealt with themes of individuality, loneliness, isolation, and connectedness. In 1999, his paintings featured large single objects that reached into the canvas, representing cut sections of larger objects. In 2000, the paintings showed elongated organic forms occupying the entire canvas without backgrounds. Subsequent series in 2001-2004 featured more refined, ovoid and feminine shapes speaking of connectedness and empathy between forms. Later works from 2005-2007 explored elongated structures infused with a sense of life that conform to each other or are isolated.
The poem describes a woman and the different ways she can affect the narrator. In three sentences, the poem explores how the woman may represent different emotions like pleasure, regret, beauty, or beast. She is also described as potentially being the reason for the narrator's survival, happiness, and meaning in life. The narrator states that wherever the woman goes, he must follow, as she is the meaning of his life.
She represents different things to the singer including a memory that cannot be forgotten, a source of pleasure or regret, or something that can make each day heaven or hell. The singer will remember her until the day they die and sees her as the reason they survive and the meaning of their life. She may seem one way on the outside but be different inside and have private moments where she cries that no one sees.
This document promotes logo design services from a company, stating that they have designed 52 logos and that branding can profit businesses. It provides a phone number and email to contact the company for logo design services.
The document introduces fractions and their key components. It explains that a fraction represents a part of a whole and is written with a numerator over a denominator. The numerator indicates the part being used, and the denominator indicates how many equal parts make up the whole. Examples of fractions represented on number lines and circles are provided, including 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 6/7, and 5/9. Mixed numbers containing both a whole number and fractional part are also introduced, with the example given of 1 1/5.
Rossetti-Silvi, Ontologia sociale del documento giuridicoAndrea Rossetti
venerd━ 3 ottobre a partire dalle 9.30 presso l¨Aula Magna dell¨Universit┐ in Via Sant¨Abbondio a Como.
Durante la giornata, dopo i saluti del Rettore dell¨Universit┐ degli Studi dell¨Insubria, Alberto Coen Porisini, e di Laura Castelvetri, direttore del Dipartimento di Diritto, Economia e Culture, si svolgeranno gli interventi di Gianni Penzo Doria, direttore generale dell¨Universit┐ degli Studi dell'Insubria e, tra l¨altro, esperto di diplomatica del documento digitale e responsabile scientifico del progetto ^UniDOC ̄; Filippo Pappalardo, referente del Processo Telematico di Milano - Unione Lombarda Ordini Forensi; Andrea Orlandoni, referente del Processo Telematico di Como - Unione Lombarda Ordini Forensi; Francesca Ferrari, ricercatrice di diritto processuale civile all¨Universit┐ degli Studi dell¨Insubria; Andrea Rossetti, professore associato di Filosofia del Diritto all¨Universit┐? degli Studi Milano Bicocca; Marco Silvi, docente di
The document discusses using Web 2.0 tools for management communication in libraries. It introduces common Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, Google Apps that allow easy information sharing and collaboration. These tools can help streamline communication, keep all staff informed and avoid fragmented communication compared to traditional methods. Specific tools demonstrated include Google Docs, Calendar, Blogger, PBWiki and for organizing and sharing links and documents.
A wiki is a website that allows users to collaboratively edit and add content to pages. This document provides an introduction to using Wikispaces, a wiki platform, including how to create an account, edit pages by inserting text, documents, and links. It also describes how to discuss pages and add additional pages to the navigation menu.
The Power Of Pervasive Performance Management: Aligning All Employees to Corp...Callidus Software
- The document discusses using Callidus TrueTarget to integrate performance management and compensation across departments like sales, marketing, and call centers for better business alignment. It highlights features like setting objectives, assigning weights, and projecting bonus payouts.
- It also introduces a new partner, IncentOne, which provides total rewards solutions including non-cash incentive programs. IncentOne has solutions for industries like healthcare, financial services, and manufacturing.
- The document provides examples of IncentOne clients and programs, showing how they designed customized non-cash points solutions to reward employees for achieving targets.
Abraham Elterman's painting style has evolved over the years from 1999 to 2007, but has consistently dealt with themes of individuality, loneliness, isolation, and connectedness. In 1999, his paintings featured large single objects that reached into the canvas, representing cut sections of larger objects. In 2000, the paintings showed elongated organic forms occupying the entire canvas without backgrounds. Subsequent series in 2001-2004 featured more refined, ovoid and feminine shapes speaking of connectedness and empathy between forms. Later works from 2005-2007 explored elongated structures infused with a sense of life that conform to each other or are isolated.
The poem describes a woman and the different ways she can affect the narrator. In three sentences, the poem explores how the woman may represent different emotions like pleasure, regret, beauty, or beast. She is also described as potentially being the reason for the narrator's survival, happiness, and meaning in life. The narrator states that wherever the woman goes, he must follow, as she is the meaning of his life.
1. Subir arquivos a con ccPublisher Ra┣l Hidalgo IES Vilar Ponte (Viveiro)
2. ccPublisher Xa na primeira pantalla do programa inf┏rmannos dos pasos que debemos seguir: Arrastrar os arquivos ata o programa. Escoller o tipo de licencia. Enviar os arquivos a Aqu┴ vai pedirnos o noso nome de usuario nesta p│xina. Copiar o enderezo onde queda aloxado o arquivo para usalo no blog.
3. ccPublisher C elecci┏n dos arquivos Abrindo a carpeta onde temos os arquivos podemos arrastralos directamente ao programa. Poden seleccionarse varios arquivos ao tempo coas teclas Mayus (arquivos seguidos, p┣lsase no primeiro e no ┣ltimo) ou Ctrl (arquivos alternos, p┣lsase en todos). Na seguinte pantalla vai pedirnos datos dos arquivos: cantante, t┴tulo, ano, descrici┏n...
4. ccPublisher - licencia Hai que cubrir os datos da licenza. Neste caso po?o as que ten a cantante na p│xina de Jamendo. S┏ poden subirse arquivos con licenza Creative Commons ou de dominio p┣blico.
5. ccPublisher C formato e destino Seleccionamos o formato dos arquivos. Podemos miralo no Audacity Se imos aloxar os arquivos en aqu┴ non hai que facer nada. O programa tam└n permite gardalos noutras p│xinas.
6. ccPublisher C entrada a Aqu┴ temos que escribir o identificador do arquivo, que vai ser parte do seu enderezo na web. Este dato non se pode cambiar despois. Po?emos o noso nome de usuario e contrasinal no Internet Archive.
7. ccPublisher C arquivo subido A subida └ longa, e a ratos parece que o programa quedou colgado. Nalgunha ocasi┏n deume erros e tiven que empezar outra vez o proceso. Cando o arquivo est│ subido vemos o enderezo web no que queda aloxado. Pulsando nel entramos na p│xina, onde podemos ver os seus datos e copiar o c┏digo dun reprodutor flash para insertar no blog. Aqu┴ xa podemos pechar o ccPublisher.
8. Enderezo proporcionado polo ccPublisher Ao p└ do reprodutor hai un c┏digo EMBED que permite colocalo no blog. Os arquivos quedan aloxados en MP3 en d┣as calidades e en Ogg Vorbis Con bot┏n dereito C Copiar a ruta do enlace podemos levar o enderezo do MP3 a outro reprodutor (muzicons...)