The document consists of a single website address - - repeated over 500 times. It provides no other text, images or meaningful content beyond repeatedly listing the same URL.
The document contains a single repeated line of text - "" - repeated over 200 times. It provides no other information besides this repeated URL address.
The document discusses time zones around the world and times in various locations. It provides the times in places like Dourados - Brazil, S達o Paulo - Brazil, Dallas - US, Lisbon - Portugal, Brisbane - Australia, Moscow - Russia, and Baghdad - Iraq. It also discusses telling time in formats such as "8:00" as "eight o'clock" and "1:05" as "one-five". Finally, it addresses conversation about activities people are doing at different times.
This document provides descriptions of physical characteristics such as height, hair, age, and appearance for several fictional characters and people. Short descriptors are given for E.T., Tom Cruise, Marilyn Monroe, and Oscar in terms of their height. Then more detailed physical descriptions are provided for the character Bratt including that he is tall, slim, blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, and in his thirties. Additional terms and descriptors are defined for hair, eye color, skin, body type, and other features. Examples are also given of descriptive paragraphs for several fictional characters and their physical traits.
The document discusses conjunctions, which are words used to join sentences or clauses together. It provides examples of common conjunctions like and, but, so, because. It explains how conjunctions can join two short sentences into a longer one. The document also discusses different types of conjunctions, such as coordinating conjunctions and subordinate conjunctions. Examples are provided to illustrate the usage of each conjunction. Activities are included for the learner to practice identifying and using conjunctions correctly.
This document discusses safety on a university campus in Brazil. It asks whether students typically live on campus in Brazil as they do in other countries. It also asks students at the University of Grande Dourados in Dourados, Brazil if they feel safe on campus, and if it can be dangerous to walk around alone at night on campus or elsewhere. The document mentions key words related to campus services, safe walks, safe rides, security, and residence halls.
Activity ingl棚s para fins espec鱈ficos (leitura) Cintia Santos
1) A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that smokers in the United States spend $50 billion per year on medical costs related to smoking, which is about $2 per pack of cigarettes.
2) This cost is nearly double the amount found in previous studies and shows that smoking is as harmful to the economy as it is to health.
3) Taxpayers pay 43% of the total medical costs from smoking, which was $21.6 billion in 1993.
- The political climate in Brazil had been turbulent, with two plane crashes raising criticisms of government inaction, and corruption charges against allies of President Lula da Silva. However, da Silva remained optimistic during the interview.
- Despite challenges, Brazil's economy has grown steadily in recent years with falling debt and unemployment. Da Silva focused on Brazil's growing agricultural and biofuel exports.
- Da Silva denied knowing about corruption allegations but refused to assign blame. He expressed confidence in Brazil's economic momentum and role in Latin America's development.
The document provides information about various geographical locations and features around the world. It discusses the Grand Canyon, Caspian Sea, Mount Everest, Sahara Desert, Nile River, Angel Falls, Amazon Rainforest, and comparisons using adjectives of size, distance, and temperature. Questions are also provided that can be answered using terms like how far, how big, how high, how deep, how long, and how hot/cold.
The document provides an introduction to the ASP.NET MVC framework. It discusses the MVC pattern and how ASP.NET MVC works, including controllers handling requests and rendering views. It then walks through creating a sample ASP.NET MVC project, examining the default code, and creating a basic controller and view.
This document discusses cognates and false cognates between Portuguese and English. It provides examples of cognates, which are words that are spelled similarly and have the same meaning in both languages, such as "competition" and "competi巽達o". It also discusses false cognates, which seem similar but have different meanings, such as "exquisite" and "esquisito". The document emphasizes the importance of being able to distinguish between cognates and false cognates for those learning English, and provides tips and more examples to help with this.
This chapter introduces the main character Chiyo, who grows up in a small fishing village in Japan called Yoroido. She lives with her father, a fisherman, her older sister Satsu, and her mother, who has been ill for years. The village doctor informs Chiyo's father that her mother does not have much longer to live. Chiyo is distraught at the thought of losing her mother and wonders how she will continue living in the house with just her father after her mother passes away.
English for specific purpose FALSE FRIENDSCintia Santos
The document discusses English for specific purposes taught by Teacher Cintia. It provides examples of cognates and false friends in English and Portuguese. It notes that cognates have similar spelling and meaning in both languages, while false friends look similar but have different meanings. Examples of both are provided. The document emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between cognates and false friends for students learning English.
The document contains information about English phonetic symbols, popular names in the US, conversations introducing people and spelling names, titles for addressing people, and the verb "to be". It includes lists of popular names, spelling exercises, and sample dialogues practicing introductions and asking for names. The main topics covered are English sounds and phonics, common names, polite greetings, and using correct grammar for subject-verb agreement.
Activity ingl棚s para fins espec鱈ficos (leitura) Cintia Santos
1) A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that smokers in the United States spend $50 billion per year on medical costs related to smoking, which is about $2 per pack of cigarettes.
2) This cost is nearly double the amount found in previous studies and shows that smoking is as harmful to the economy as it is to health.
3) Taxpayers pay 43% of the total medical costs from smoking, which was $21.6 billion in 1993.
- The political climate in Brazil had been turbulent, with two plane crashes raising criticisms of government inaction, and corruption charges against allies of President Lula da Silva. However, da Silva remained optimistic during the interview.
- Despite challenges, Brazil's economy has grown steadily in recent years with falling debt and unemployment. Da Silva focused on Brazil's growing agricultural and biofuel exports.
- Da Silva denied knowing about corruption allegations but refused to assign blame. He expressed confidence in Brazil's economic momentum and role in Latin America's development.
The document provides information about various geographical locations and features around the world. It discusses the Grand Canyon, Caspian Sea, Mount Everest, Sahara Desert, Nile River, Angel Falls, Amazon Rainforest, and comparisons using adjectives of size, distance, and temperature. Questions are also provided that can be answered using terms like how far, how big, how high, how deep, how long, and how hot/cold.
The document provides an introduction to the ASP.NET MVC framework. It discusses the MVC pattern and how ASP.NET MVC works, including controllers handling requests and rendering views. It then walks through creating a sample ASP.NET MVC project, examining the default code, and creating a basic controller and view.
This document discusses cognates and false cognates between Portuguese and English. It provides examples of cognates, which are words that are spelled similarly and have the same meaning in both languages, such as "competition" and "competi巽達o". It also discusses false cognates, which seem similar but have different meanings, such as "exquisite" and "esquisito". The document emphasizes the importance of being able to distinguish between cognates and false cognates for those learning English, and provides tips and more examples to help with this.
This chapter introduces the main character Chiyo, who grows up in a small fishing village in Japan called Yoroido. She lives with her father, a fisherman, her older sister Satsu, and her mother, who has been ill for years. The village doctor informs Chiyo's father that her mother does not have much longer to live. Chiyo is distraught at the thought of losing her mother and wonders how she will continue living in the house with just her father after her mother passes away.
English for specific purpose FALSE FRIENDSCintia Santos
The document discusses English for specific purposes taught by Teacher Cintia. It provides examples of cognates and false friends in English and Portuguese. It notes that cognates have similar spelling and meaning in both languages, while false friends look similar but have different meanings. Examples of both are provided. The document emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between cognates and false friends for students learning English.
The document contains information about English phonetic symbols, popular names in the US, conversations introducing people and spelling names, titles for addressing people, and the verb "to be". It includes lists of popular names, spelling exercises, and sample dialogues practicing introductions and asking for names. The main topics covered are English sounds and phonics, common names, polite greetings, and using correct grammar for subject-verb agreement.
2. 2Amsterdam Airport(movie)Top 10 best airport:1. Incheon International2. Hong Kong International3. Singapore Changi4. Zurich5. Munich6. Kansai7. Kuala Lumpur8. Amsterdam <= 9. Central Nagoya 10. AucklandBritish-based Skytrax consultancy group recent poll.
3. 3Background70% transfer Passengers: Logistics, Safety& SecurityAt Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Control Centershave to combine signals from a multitude of sensors to support smooth & safe operationsGeo information, Enterprise Asset management and Video Content Analysis / Interactive Video Analysis are necessary to create a complete view of reality and add the needed context to enable operators to interpret disparate video feeds.
4. 4Users of Video / camera infrastructureCompany Users: Baggage Controle Centre, Parking, Terminal asset management, Firebrigade (3 firestations), Security Control Centre, Passenger logistics, Access Control, .Sector Users: Douane (Customs), KoninklijkeMarechaussee (Border police), Local police, AIVD (General Intelligence & Security Service), NS (National Railways), AF KLM Hub Control Centre, Ground service handlers, Air Traffic Control, ARA (shops) .GemeenschappelijkeMeldkamerInfrastruktuur (GMI): shared infrastructure (cameras, distribution of video feeds, storage of video, retrieval, I&AM)
7. 7Schiphol Security CentreSystems viewSCC: Siemens ELS WEBVideo infrastructure: Bosch VMS SCADA system security: Industrial Defender (CSS)MRO: IBMs MaximoGeo inform: ESRIAccess control : NedapAEOSVCA components: PoCContent management: EDMSESB: Sun Jcaps (CISS)VA: Hessing, .
8. 8Eis diamantenroof Gassan 15 maanden diamanten, die ruim 117.000 euro waard zijn, werden 26 augustus vorig jaar gestolen door een groep van negen mensen. G . stond gisteren voor de rechtbank op Schiphol. Hij ontkent elke betrokkenheid. De diefstal gebeurde tussen twee vluchten door. De vermoedelijke rovers waren net uit Parijs gekomen en zouden doorvliegen naar Istanboel, waar de tentoonstelling Istanbul Jewellery Show werd gehouden. In de overstaptijd van ruim een uur stapten ze in de lezing van justitie de winkel van Gassan binnen. Twee mannen verkenden eerst de zaak, vervolgens leidden twee de verkoopster af. Twee anderen pakten een plateau met diamanten van de toonbank. Het plateau verdween met stenen en al in de tas. Onderzoek wees uit dat de diefstal moet zijn gepleegd door een groep van negen Spaanstalige personen. Het zou gaan om zes mannen en drie vrouwen. De officier van justitie sprak van een 'goed georganiseerde criminele groepering'. De Colombiaan heeft een fors strafblad met soortgelijke feiten, maar zegt dat hij niets met deze diefstal te maken heeft. Het OM acht daarentegen bewezen dat hij 'persoon 1' is die op videobeelden van de bewakingscamera's staat. Die beelden zijn echter zo slecht, dat ze volgens het Nederlands Forensisch Instituut niet geschikt zijn voor wetenschappelijke gezichtsvergelijking.油 These images are so bad that according to the Dutch Forensic Institute they are not suitable for scientific face comparison.
9. 9Video Content Analysis FunctionalityDefinitionVCA Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name Video Analytics is a technology that is used to analyze video for specific data, behaviour, objects or attitude VCA on an Airportpeople counterqueue countercounter-flow detection, wrong way motionpiggybacking, tailgatingintrusion detection, perimeter breach, virtual fencingloitering, lurkingcrowd detectiondetecting child on baggage belt left luggage detection, unattended baggage detectionautomatic number plate recognitioniris recognitionface recognitionpattern recognitionsound detection
10. 10Real life examplesReallifeexamplesIris recognition Queue counter Automatic number plate recognitionIntrusion detection, perimeter breach, virtual fencing ChallengesImplementing technology Adjusting functionalityInfrastructure fit TestingReliable costs estimatesUp scaling
19. Scalable15Real time Securityfor a Mainport: Business ActivityMonitoringorComplex Event Processing User (sector, operational & management & financial)
25. 17Conclusion: lots of opportunities for integration or油
26. 18Maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAs MRO involves working with an organizations products, resources, suppliers and customers, MRO packages have to interface with many enterprise business software systems (PLM, EAM, ERP, SCM, CRM).One of the functions of such software is the configuration of bills of materials or BOMs, taking the component parts list from engineering (eBOM) and manufacturing (mBOM) and updating it from as delivered through as