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Youve got to fight For your right.. To read..
What do the following books  have in common?
Theyve all been challenged or banned at some point!
Challenges and Banning What is a book challenge? What is banning? What are some reasons a book may be challenged?
Silly reasons to censor Encourages children to break dishes so they wont have to dry them.
If there is a possibility that something might be controversial, then why not eliminate it?
It is a real downer.
The basket carried by Little Red Riding Hood contained a bottle of wine, which condones the use of alcohol.
Books on trial- You be the Judge! How does a book go from being challenged to being banned? That is where YOU come in!
Materials Reconsideration Committee Read the book in its entirety. Weigh in on the book. Should it stay or should it go?
Yes! There are criteria Lets talk about the neck response
 Censorship Offends Me -author unknown What is offensive? What is offensive to your neighbor?
Community standards Who is the audience the book is intended for? Is it appropriate for the age? Is the subject matter appropriate? Is the book of interest to the audience it is intended for? Look at reviews of the book.
Controversy There is no controversy in a high  school right? Does the book have literary or social value?
From  Places I Never Meant to Be- Original Stories by Censored Writers   Edited by Judy Blume  Those of us who oppose censorship believe that reading about something is a safe way to explore and understand it, and that it is the best way to prepare young people to deal with the issues they will face, both in school and later in life. Its true that some material is offensive- but to know how to respond to it, we need to understand it. The first step in that process is to read and talk about it with an informed and responsible adult, like a teacher or parent. For this reason, we think that school  should  be the place where students are able to read about and discuss controversial or difficult issues.-

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  • 1. Youve got to fight For your right.. To read..
  • 2. What do the following books have in common?
  • 3. Theyve all been challenged or banned at some point!
  • 4. Challenges and Banning What is a book challenge? What is banning? What are some reasons a book may be challenged?
  • 5. Silly reasons to censor Encourages children to break dishes so they wont have to dry them.
  • 6. If there is a possibility that something might be controversial, then why not eliminate it?
  • 7. It is a real downer.
  • 8. The basket carried by Little Red Riding Hood contained a bottle of wine, which condones the use of alcohol.
  • 9. Books on trial- You be the Judge! How does a book go from being challenged to being banned? That is where YOU come in!
  • 10. Materials Reconsideration Committee Read the book in its entirety. Weigh in on the book. Should it stay or should it go?
  • 11. Yes! There are criteria Lets talk about the neck response
  • 12. Censorship Offends Me -author unknown What is offensive? What is offensive to your neighbor?
  • 13. Community standards Who is the audience the book is intended for? Is it appropriate for the age? Is the subject matter appropriate? Is the book of interest to the audience it is intended for? Look at reviews of the book.
  • 14. Controversy There is no controversy in a high school right? Does the book have literary or social value?
  • 15. From Places I Never Meant to Be- Original Stories by Censored Writers Edited by Judy Blume Those of us who oppose censorship believe that reading about something is a safe way to explore and understand it, and that it is the best way to prepare young people to deal with the issues they will face, both in school and later in life. Its true that some material is offensive- but to know how to respond to it, we need to understand it. The first step in that process is to read and talk about it with an informed and responsible adult, like a teacher or parent. For this reason, we think that school should be the place where students are able to read about and discuss controversial or difficult issues.-