The document discusses the key aspects of hiring, training, and evaluating employees. It covers recruiting employees through internal promotions or external screening. Companies must offer compensation packages and ensure employees have the necessary skills through training. Performance is evaluated using consistent forms to recognize achievements or address deficiencies. The goal is to have a process that complies with applicable employee and labor laws.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964)
An employer cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin with respect to employment.
All public or private employers of 15 or more persons.
All private and public educational institutions, the federal government, and state and local governments
All public and private employment agencies
All labor unions with 15 or more members
Purpose: Apply industry best practices gained from ISO 9001, CMMI, and ITIL to improve your proposal management processes.
ITIL = Information Technology Infrastructure Library
ISO = International Organization for Standardization
CMMI = Capability Maturity Model Integrated
The document discusses the origins and components of the internet and web. It describes how the internet was launched in 1969 as a US government project and the web was launched in 1992. The internet is the worldwide network of devices connected via wires and satellites, while the web is the multimedia interface accessed via the internet. The document outlines how individuals and businesses access the internet, methods of communication like email, tools for searching the internet, and how electronic commerce works online.
The document is an interpretive report that provides information about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment. It begins by introducing the MBTI and describing the respondent's four-letter type code as ENFP. It then briefly explains where personality types come from and how the MBTI is used. The rest of the report describes how the respondent's answers indicate their ENFP type and provides a description of the key characteristics of the ENFP personality type.
This document discusses different methods for evaluating employee performance, including top-down evaluations conducted by direct supervisors, matrix evaluations that average scores from multiple managers, peer-to-peer evaluations completed by coworkers, 360-degree evaluations that gather feedback from those an employee works with, and self-assessments where employees evaluate their own performance.
The Business Case: Evaluating Employee Engagement and Alignment with Organisa...The HR Observer
Understanding the correlation between engagement levels and business performance
How to establish employee engagement as a critical driver of business success
Ensuring alignment throughout different phases and layers within the business
Moving engagement from an add-on activity to core business driver
Rebecca Jeffs, Head of Talent and Reward, Serco
多Por qu辿 necesitamos seleccionar y usar un game engine? 多Por qu辿 los SDKs nativos no son suficientes? Desde Manduka nos desvelan est叩s cuestiones y nos explicar叩n porque ellos apuesta por Cocos2d-x. Analizan las principales herramientas que usan para programar en un entorno multiplataforma.
La Revoluci坦n Francesa comenz坦 en 1789 como resultado de varios factores como la rigidez del r辿gimen mon叩rquico, el crecimiento de la burgues鱈a y las nuevas ideas de la Ilustraci坦n. Los Estados Generales se convirtieron en la Asamblea Nacional y declararon una nueva constituci坦n, llevando a enfrentamientos con la monarqu鱈a. El 14 de julio, el pueblo tom坦 la Bastilla, s鱈mbolo del absolutismo, marcando el inicio de la revoluci坦n. La Asamblea Constituyente estableci坦 una nueva forma
Afriyoldi has over 15 years of experience in mechanical engineering and piping design. He currently works as a Mechanical Piping Design Engineer for WorleyParsons, where he is responsible for tasks like piping design, engineering, and construction supervision. Previously he worked as a Mechanical Drafter for Tripatra Fluor Consortium, where he prepared piping plans, diagrams, and drawings. He has extensive expertise in piping design standards and codes like ASME, ANSI, and API.
Tekst og foto av Bo Mathisen. Sak i A-Magasinet (Aftenposten) om Waj達pi- indianere i Amazonas. Prosjektet ble st淡ttet av organisasjonen Fritt Ord og ble gjennomf淡rt i samarbeid med Regnskogfondet. I tillegg til saker i pressen stilte Bo ut store forst淡rrelser p奪 R奪dhusplassen i Oslo. Utstillingen som ogs奪 inneholdt informasjon om indianerne, regnskogen og Regnskogsfondets arbeid, varte i 3 m奪neder i 2008 .
El documento describe la importancia de cuidar y proteger el planeta Tierra. Explica que la Tierra es el 炭nico planeta que puede sustentar vida y contiene recursos vitales como el agua. Sin embargo, las actividades humanas han da単ado gravemente el medio ambiente. El documento concluye que cuidar el planeta es una responsabilidad compartida de toda la humanidad y que debemos tomar medidas para preservarlo y restaurarlo para las generaciones futuras.
Breve trabajo de investigaci坦n sobre el licopeno y sus propiedades farmacol坦gicas, sobre c坦mo act炭a como antioxidante, previene el c叩ncer de pr坦stata y mama, entre otros, y ademas protege contra enfermedades cardiovasculares.
Selective laser melting (SLM) can be used to 3D print metal injection molds with complex internal cooling channels that conform to the shape of the part, allowing for shorter molding cycles. Case studies showed cycle time reductions of 10-40% for automotive and packaging parts, improving quality and decreasing costs. SLM molds offer benefits over traditional molds like improved thermal control and reduced energy usage.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre SQL y su breve historia. Explica que SQL se origin坦 en 1974 y fue llamado inicialmente SEQUEL. Tambi辿n define SQL como un lenguaje para especificar las caracter鱈sticas de bases de datos relacionales e incluye un breve resumen de algunos de los comandos y cl叩usulas m叩s comunes de SQL.
Prezentarea intra in culisele unor campanii concrete de mobile marketing derulate de Pepsi in Romania si discuta despre rezultatele obtinute si despre impactul pe care acest canal de comunicare l-a avut asupra consumatorilor.
Prezentarea a fost sustinuta de catre Stefan Chiritescu, Head of Planning, Graffiti BBDO si Dan Virtopeanu, Director General, Voxline Communication, in cadrul celei de a doua editii a evenimentului Mobile Marketing Conference.
The document provides administrative instructions for the 35th Annual U.S. Army Culinary Arts Competition taking place from February 27 to March 12, 2010 at Fort Lee, Virginia. It outlines the rules, categories, schedule, and procedures for the competition. Installation teams must submit entry forms by February 1st to register for the event. The competition follows the rules of the American Culinary Federation and aims to select new members for the United States Army Culinary Arts Team.
El documento describe un libro viajero que se pasa de casa en casa entre los estudiantes de una clase. Cada estudiante, con la ayuda de un familiar, escribe una figura literaria en el libro como un trabalenguas, poes鱈a, etc. y lo comparte con la clase al d鱈a siguiente. Tambi辿n describe una actividad en la que los estudiantes participan en ejercicios de escritura como cuentos o adivinanzas sacados de un sombrero y contin炭an un cuento iniciado por el director sin coherencia. Finalmente, promueve histor
Programa sint辿tico. criterios de evaluaci坦n tsq iimCheyko Mtz
Este documento presenta la materia de Temas Selectos de Qu鱈mica II impartida en la Preparatoria UIN. La materia se enfoca en m辿todos y procedimientos para resolver problemas relacionados con la qu鱈mica. Los objetivos son preparar a los estudiantes en el 叩rea de qu鱈mica y dotarlos de las herramientas necesarias para ingresar a la educaci坦n superior. Los contenidos incluyen 叩cidos, bases, oxidaci坦n-reducci坦n y macromol辿culas. La evaluaci坦n se basa en ex叩menes parciales, participaci坦n y
Tata Steel was established in 1907 in Jamshedpur, India as the country's first integrated steel plant. It has since expanded its annual production capacity to 10 million tons. Tata Steel produces a wide range of steel products under high quality standards to serve the construction, engineering, and automotive sectors in India and globally. One of its product lines is Tata Structura steel hollow sections which are manufactured in various shapes and sizes for architectural, infrastructure, industrial, and general engineering applications.
The document discusses the process of hiring, training, and evaluating employees. It covers topics such as human resources planning, recruitment, federal employment laws, compensation packages, evaluating employee skills and performance, dealing with labor unions, and resolving labor conflicts. The overall process involves forecasting needs, analyzing jobs, attracting candidates, selecting employees, providing training, assessing performance, addressing issues, and managing union relationships.
This document contains a summary of Varghese Baby's experience as a human resources professional. He has over 15 years of experience in human resources management, including building HR departments from scratch, talent acquisition, policy development, and performance management. Currently based in Dubai, UAE, he is looking to leverage his expertise in areas such as leadership development, strategic planning, and change management.
Advance Pathshala HR Practical Training ServicesReenu Tiwari
The document provides information about an HR training program offered by Advance Pathshala. The 80-85 hour program covers topics like payroll processing, statutory compliance with laws like EPF and ESI, performance management, recruitment, and more. It aims to provide practical skills and knowledge needed for entry-level HR roles. Trainees will learn through online and classroom sessions, assignments, and have opportunities for client project work and 100% placement assistance. The fee for the complete training program is INR 12,000 plus GST.
Hr admin manager in uae-hossam hussein-final - for mergeConfidential
This document provides a summary of an HR professional with over 19 years of experience in areas such as human resources development, administration, recruitment, and labor law. The professional seeks new opportunities and has expertise in developing HR policies and procedures, staff recruitment and training, performance management, and ensuring legal compliance. Recent experiences include roles as an HR Manager at an Abu Dhabi contracting firm and experience in public relations, administration, and labor law processing.
多Por qu辿 necesitamos seleccionar y usar un game engine? 多Por qu辿 los SDKs nativos no son suficientes? Desde Manduka nos desvelan est叩s cuestiones y nos explicar叩n porque ellos apuesta por Cocos2d-x. Analizan las principales herramientas que usan para programar en un entorno multiplataforma.
La Revoluci坦n Francesa comenz坦 en 1789 como resultado de varios factores como la rigidez del r辿gimen mon叩rquico, el crecimiento de la burgues鱈a y las nuevas ideas de la Ilustraci坦n. Los Estados Generales se convirtieron en la Asamblea Nacional y declararon una nueva constituci坦n, llevando a enfrentamientos con la monarqu鱈a. El 14 de julio, el pueblo tom坦 la Bastilla, s鱈mbolo del absolutismo, marcando el inicio de la revoluci坦n. La Asamblea Constituyente estableci坦 una nueva forma
Afriyoldi has over 15 years of experience in mechanical engineering and piping design. He currently works as a Mechanical Piping Design Engineer for WorleyParsons, where he is responsible for tasks like piping design, engineering, and construction supervision. Previously he worked as a Mechanical Drafter for Tripatra Fluor Consortium, where he prepared piping plans, diagrams, and drawings. He has extensive expertise in piping design standards and codes like ASME, ANSI, and API.
Tekst og foto av Bo Mathisen. Sak i A-Magasinet (Aftenposten) om Waj達pi- indianere i Amazonas. Prosjektet ble st淡ttet av organisasjonen Fritt Ord og ble gjennomf淡rt i samarbeid med Regnskogfondet. I tillegg til saker i pressen stilte Bo ut store forst淡rrelser p奪 R奪dhusplassen i Oslo. Utstillingen som ogs奪 inneholdt informasjon om indianerne, regnskogen og Regnskogsfondets arbeid, varte i 3 m奪neder i 2008 .
El documento describe la importancia de cuidar y proteger el planeta Tierra. Explica que la Tierra es el 炭nico planeta que puede sustentar vida y contiene recursos vitales como el agua. Sin embargo, las actividades humanas han da単ado gravemente el medio ambiente. El documento concluye que cuidar el planeta es una responsabilidad compartida de toda la humanidad y que debemos tomar medidas para preservarlo y restaurarlo para las generaciones futuras.
Breve trabajo de investigaci坦n sobre el licopeno y sus propiedades farmacol坦gicas, sobre c坦mo act炭a como antioxidante, previene el c叩ncer de pr坦stata y mama, entre otros, y ademas protege contra enfermedades cardiovasculares.
Selective laser melting (SLM) can be used to 3D print metal injection molds with complex internal cooling channels that conform to the shape of the part, allowing for shorter molding cycles. Case studies showed cycle time reductions of 10-40% for automotive and packaging parts, improving quality and decreasing costs. SLM molds offer benefits over traditional molds like improved thermal control and reduced energy usage.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre SQL y su breve historia. Explica que SQL se origin坦 en 1974 y fue llamado inicialmente SEQUEL. Tambi辿n define SQL como un lenguaje para especificar las caracter鱈sticas de bases de datos relacionales e incluye un breve resumen de algunos de los comandos y cl叩usulas m叩s comunes de SQL.
Prezentarea intra in culisele unor campanii concrete de mobile marketing derulate de Pepsi in Romania si discuta despre rezultatele obtinute si despre impactul pe care acest canal de comunicare l-a avut asupra consumatorilor.
Prezentarea a fost sustinuta de catre Stefan Chiritescu, Head of Planning, Graffiti BBDO si Dan Virtopeanu, Director General, Voxline Communication, in cadrul celei de a doua editii a evenimentului Mobile Marketing Conference.
The document provides administrative instructions for the 35th Annual U.S. Army Culinary Arts Competition taking place from February 27 to March 12, 2010 at Fort Lee, Virginia. It outlines the rules, categories, schedule, and procedures for the competition. Installation teams must submit entry forms by February 1st to register for the event. The competition follows the rules of the American Culinary Federation and aims to select new members for the United States Army Culinary Arts Team.
El documento describe un libro viajero que se pasa de casa en casa entre los estudiantes de una clase. Cada estudiante, con la ayuda de un familiar, escribe una figura literaria en el libro como un trabalenguas, poes鱈a, etc. y lo comparte con la clase al d鱈a siguiente. Tambi辿n describe una actividad en la que los estudiantes participan en ejercicios de escritura como cuentos o adivinanzas sacados de un sombrero y contin炭an un cuento iniciado por el director sin coherencia. Finalmente, promueve histor
Programa sint辿tico. criterios de evaluaci坦n tsq iimCheyko Mtz
Este documento presenta la materia de Temas Selectos de Qu鱈mica II impartida en la Preparatoria UIN. La materia se enfoca en m辿todos y procedimientos para resolver problemas relacionados con la qu鱈mica. Los objetivos son preparar a los estudiantes en el 叩rea de qu鱈mica y dotarlos de las herramientas necesarias para ingresar a la educaci坦n superior. Los contenidos incluyen 叩cidos, bases, oxidaci坦n-reducci坦n y macromol辿culas. La evaluaci坦n se basa en ex叩menes parciales, participaci坦n y
Tata Steel was established in 1907 in Jamshedpur, India as the country's first integrated steel plant. It has since expanded its annual production capacity to 10 million tons. Tata Steel produces a wide range of steel products under high quality standards to serve the construction, engineering, and automotive sectors in India and globally. One of its product lines is Tata Structura steel hollow sections which are manufactured in various shapes and sizes for architectural, infrastructure, industrial, and general engineering applications.
The document discusses the process of hiring, training, and evaluating employees. It covers topics such as human resources planning, recruitment, federal employment laws, compensation packages, evaluating employee skills and performance, dealing with labor unions, and resolving labor conflicts. The overall process involves forecasting needs, analyzing jobs, attracting candidates, selecting employees, providing training, assessing performance, addressing issues, and managing union relationships.
This document contains a summary of Varghese Baby's experience as a human resources professional. He has over 15 years of experience in human resources management, including building HR departments from scratch, talent acquisition, policy development, and performance management. Currently based in Dubai, UAE, he is looking to leverage his expertise in areas such as leadership development, strategic planning, and change management.
Advance Pathshala HR Practical Training ServicesReenu Tiwari
The document provides information about an HR training program offered by Advance Pathshala. The 80-85 hour program covers topics like payroll processing, statutory compliance with laws like EPF and ESI, performance management, recruitment, and more. It aims to provide practical skills and knowledge needed for entry-level HR roles. Trainees will learn through online and classroom sessions, assignments, and have opportunities for client project work and 100% placement assistance. The fee for the complete training program is INR 12,000 plus GST.
Hr admin manager in uae-hossam hussein-final - for mergeConfidential
This document provides a summary of an HR professional with over 19 years of experience in areas such as human resources development, administration, recruitment, and labor law. The professional seeks new opportunities and has expertise in developing HR policies and procedures, staff recruitment and training, performance management, and ensuring legal compliance. Recent experiences include roles as an HR Manager at an Abu Dhabi contracting firm and experience in public relations, administration, and labor law processing.
The document discusses human resource management from an investment perspective. It outlines several ways that employees provide value to organizations, including through technical knowledge, learning abilities, decision-making skills, motivation, commitment, and teamwork. The document also discusses how training, development, and retention practices can be viewed as investments in an organization's human capital. Specifically, it provides examples of how investing in areas like training, benefits, flexible work policies, and job security can help improve employee retention and motivation. However, it notes that viewing employees as investments also carries risks, as trained employees may leave for other opportunities, so organizations must develop strategies to ensure a return on their human resource investments.
- The document is a resume submitted by Sanjib Kumar Samantaray for a position in human resources.
- He has 8 years of experience in HR roles, including his current role as HR Manager at High Tech Group of Industries.
- His experience includes recruitment, training, performance management, statutory compliance, and other core HR functions.
- He holds an MBA in human resource management and seeks a challenging opportunity in HR management at a reputable firm.
This document discusses individual and organizational career planning. It outlines the individual career planning process, which involves self-assessment, exploring information, opportunities, making a decision, and creating an action plan. It also discusses organizational career planning, including types of career programs, recommendations for employers, and examples of innovative career plans from companies like AT&T, Motorola India, and HSBC. The advantages of career planning for both individuals and organizations are highlighted.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Aniruddha J. Ralegaonkar. It outlines his career objective in human resources, industrial relations, and administration. It then summarizes his significant achievements across his career, including conducting employee satisfaction surveys, implementing employee engagement programs, job description analysis, and competency mapping. The CV also lists his professional experience in human resources and industrial relations roles at various manufacturing companies, and highlights his responsibilities and accomplishments in areas like union negotiations, policy formation, training, and statutory compliance.
The document provides a resume for Mayura Masti, outlining over 12 years of experience in human resources roles including recruitment, training, employee relations and administration. Recent roles included HR coordinator positions in Australia and administrative roles providing executive assistance. Educational background includes a Master's degree in Human Resources and professional development qualifications.
The document discusses career management and the shared responsibility of employees, managers, HR, and companies in the career management process. It defines career management as a process where employees become aware of their interests, skills, career goals, and develop action plans. Companies that are successful emphasize employee responsibility for career management while still providing resources like training. The roles of various parties in assisting with career management are described.
This document is a resume for Sherif Abd El-Hakem Zaki, seeking a managerial position in human resources. It summarizes his education, including an MBA and bachelor's degree in commerce. It also outlines his work experience, including current and past roles as an HR coordinator and section head. Finally, it lists his skills, training, and personal details to support his candidacy. The resume provides a comprehensive overview of Sherif's qualifications and experience in human resources management over several pages.
It is well known that employees and their skills, abilities represent a significant asset for organization. It is an serious issue for any organization to measure this value as well as its contribution to the organization.
This document discusses managing human capital through merit pay plans. It begins with an executive summary that outlines the purpose of examining factors influencing merit pay plans and debates arguments for and against them. It then provides sections on reward structures, performance appraisal, compensation/benefits, legal considerations, examples of merit pay plans in practice, and guidelines for establishing successful merit pay plans. While merit pay can positively motivate performance, the document notes it is difficult to objectively measure and evaluate merit, and performance evaluations may differ between management and employees. Overall guidelines and considerations are provided, but it concludes there is insufficient evidence to determine if merit pay definitively enhances performance.
Ashutosh Gaur has over 13 years of experience in human resources operations and generalist roles. He is currently the HR Head for Nextra Teleservices Pvt. Ltd. and its group companies, where he leads HR functions for a 2000+ employee business. Previously he has held HR roles at companies including Infotel Group, Whirlpool of India Ltd., Aegis BPO Services Ltd., and Hewitt Associates, gaining experience in areas such as talent acquisition, compensation management, recruitment, and HR process improvement. He has implemented HR systems including SAP and designed performance incentive plans.
This chapter discusses various types of pay for performance and financial incentive plans. It begins by covering individual employee incentives, including discussing Frederick Taylor's contributions to scientific management and incentives. Various sales compensation plans are outlined, including salary, commission, and combination plans. Team and organization-wide incentive plans are also summarized, such as employee stock ownership plans, gainsharing plans, and at-risk variable pay structures. The chapter concludes by examining incentives for managers and executives, like annual bonuses and stock options.
Yogesh Srivastava has over 11 years of experience in training and operations roles. He is currently an Assistant Manager of Trainings at Transedge Marketing Services, where he is responsible for training design, delivery, and program management. Previously he held senior roles at UnitedHealth Group and IBM focused on claims processing, auditing, and training. He has a Master's degree in HR and professional training certifications.
The document discusses leveraging an organization's Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to attract and retain top talent. It finds that having a strong EVP leads to better financial and business outcomes. While candidates and employers sometimes value different attributes, research in India found adequate salary, job security, promotion opportunities, interesting work, and responsibility/independence as top motivators. The document provides questions to help assess an organization's EVP and tips like flexible work hours to strengthen the EVP. The Academy of HRD aims to help members with EVP research, interventions, and career programs.
HRM Process in INDO Gulf Fertilizer Pvt. Ltd.Skyline College
This document summarizes the HR processes at Indo Gulf Fertilizer Pvt. Ltd., including recruitment and performance appraisal. Retaining employees is a challenge due to increasing attrition rates. The company uses a recruitment process to hire the right people and a performance appraisal system to measure employee performance and potential. This helps the company reward and motivate employees. The author conducted a study of the company's HR practices, including recruitment, performance evaluation, compensation, and use of an HR information system. Recommendations include aligning compensation with skills, motivating employees, empowering workers, and improving interdepartmental coordination.
The importance of Personal Management is being increasingly realized in industrial or non-industrial organization in both India and abroad. The realization has come about because of increasing complexity of the task of manager and administrators. In most organizations the problems of getting the component and relevant people, retaining them, keeping their motivation & morale, and helping them to both continuously grow and contribute their best to the organization, are now viewed as the most critical problems.
This document discusses business ethics and social responsibility. It defines business ethics as the principles and standards that define acceptable conduct in business. Social responsibility refers to a business's obligation to maximize its positive impact and minimize its negative impact on society. The document outlines common ethical issues like conflicts of interest, fairness and honesty, communications, and business relationships. It discusses factors that influence business ethics decisions like individual values, managers' influence, and compliance codes. The document also covers topics like codes of ethics, whistleblowing, social responsibility issues, and the responsibilities of an ethics officer.
This document discusses international business and trade. It provides information on:
- The role of international business is to buy, sell, and trade goods and services across national boundaries. Nations trade to obtain unavailable or lower cost materials and goods.
- Countries have absolute advantage when they are the only or most efficient producer of an item. Comparative advantage exists when a country can supply products at a lower cost than other items.
- Barriers to international trade include economic, political/legal, social/cultural, and technological factors. Trade agreements like the WTO, NAFTA, and EU help reduce trade barriers.
This document discusses computer communication and networks. It defines computer communication as the process of exchanging data, instructions, and information between two or more computers or devices. It also lists the key components required for successful communication, including a sending device, communication devices, a communication channel, and a receiving device. The document then discusses various uses of communication technologies like email, instant messaging, wireless messaging services, collaboration tools, and voice mail. It defines a network as a collection of connected computers and devices that allows for sharing of hardware, data, information, software, and funds. Finally, it outlines different network types, communication software, and transmission media used for computer networks.
This document discusses how to create and manage presentations in PowerPoint. It covers starting a new presentation from scratch or a template, saving presentations in different formats, opening existing presentations, creating and inserting new slides, managing slides by rearranging, deleting or selecting them, and using content placeholders to insert and format text.
Storage holds data and information for future use. Common storage mediums include hard disks, CDs, DVDs, memory cards, and USB flash drives. Storage devices, like hard disks, record and retrieve data from these storage mediums. Hard disks use magnetic disks to store data in tracks and sectors. They have faster access times than optical discs but slower times than memory. Other storage media include floppy disks, optical discs like CDs and DVDs, and flash memory cards.
The document discusses different forms of digital communication including messaging, voice communication, blogs and wikis, social and professional networking, and multimedia content sharing. It provides details on text messaging, instant messaging, multimedia messaging, cell phones, VOIP, blogs, wikis, social networking sites, online learning, digital cameras, YouTube, Flickr, and sharing documents. The document explores both business and personal uses of digital communication and notes advantages like increased efficiency and wider provider choice as well as disadvantages like cell phone distraction and VOIP quality issues.
The system unit contains the main electronic components of a computer, including the processor, motherboard, memory, and storage devices. The processor performs instructions and calculations using components like the control unit, arithmetic logic unit, and registers. The motherboard connects the components and includes expansion slots for additional hardware. Peripheral devices like keyboards, mice, and monitors connect to the system unit but are not contained within the case.
19 animations, transitions and delivering a presentationMrQaz996
This document discusses animations, transitions, and handouts in PowerPoint presentations. It explains that animations refer to how individual objects enter or exit a slide, while transitions refer to how the entire slide enters or exits. It provides details on assigning automatic and manual transitions, choosing transition effects, and using animations. It also covers creating handouts, including choosing the number of slides per page, printing selected slides, adjusting color settings, and setting the orientation. Finally, it discusses using the handout master view to setup the handout format, position placeholders, set orientation, format text, and add speaker notes.
This document discusses formulas and functions in Excel. It explains that formulas can use mathematical and logical operators, cell references, values, and functions. It also describes the order of operations and use of parentheses in formulas. The document also discusses Excel functions like Average, Max, and Sum and how to enter formulas manually or with functions. Finally, it covers cell referencing as relative, absolute, or mixed and referencing between worksheets and workbooks.
Charts in Excel can be used to visually represent numeric data. There are several chart types including line charts, pie charts, and bar charts. Charts can be embedded on a worksheet or placed on their own chart sheet. To create a chart, select the data range and choose a chart type from the Insert tab. Charts can then be customized by adjusting layouts, changing elements, and formatting. Different chart types are suited for comparing items, data over time, relationships, frequencies, or identifying unusual situations.
This document discusses working with tables, charts, SmartArt, clip art, and other graphics in PowerPoint. It covers how to create and format tables, insert and modify charts, use SmartArt diagrams for lists and processes, search for and insert clip art, and add image files or link to graphics. Tips are provided for editing table structure, applying styles, merging and splitting cells, defining chart data ranges and labels, modifying SmartArt structure, and using picture tools.
12 essential worksheet and cell range operationsMrQaz996
This document discusses essential worksheet and cell range operations in Excel, including how to view and edit worksheets by adding, deleting, or renaming sheets, how to select different types of cells and ranges, how to copy or move ranges using various commands and shortcuts, and how to add and edit comments on cells.
Microsoft Excel 2007 introduced several new features including larger spreadsheets, SmartArt graphics, autocomplete formulas, and new worksheet formulas. Excel is used to create budgets, analyze data, and organize lists through worksheets and workbooks. Each workbook can contain multiple worksheets divided into rows and columns, with each cell having a unique address to enter numerical values, text, or formulas for financial analysis, surveys, and other complex tasks.
This document discusses formatting in MS Word, including paragraph formatting using fonts, alignment, and indentation; using and creating styles; and page and section formatting through headers, footers, margins, orientation, paper size, columns, and page breaks. It covers decorating paragraphs, modifying and creating styles, and formatting pages and sections, including headers, footers, margins, orientation, paper size, columns, and page breaks.
3 softwares and elements of information systemMrQaz996
Computer software includes system software like operating systems and utility programs, as well as application software designed for personal tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, and internet browsing. There are various categories of computers including personal computers, mobile devices, servers, mainframes, and supercomputers. Computers are used by home users, small businesses, mobile professionals, power users, and large businesses. An information system requires five key elements: hardware, software, data, people, and procedures in order to generate valuable information.
This document defines and describes various computer input and output devices. It discusses input devices such as keyboards, scanners, and microphones that allow users to enter data. Output devices are described as monitors, printers, and speakers that display or present information to users. The document also covers combination input/output devices like touchscreens.
Application software comes in many forms, including packaged, custom, web-based, open source, shareware, and freeware. It can be categorized based on its purpose, such as business software, graphics/multimedia software, home/personal software, and communication software. Web 2.0 refers to websites offering web-based software, allowing users to interact and collaborate online. Application service providers (ASPs) manage and distribute software applications via the web. Learning tools like help files, templates, and online training help users support application software.
This document summarizes Microsoft Word 2007. It discusses creating new files from blank or template formats, saving files in different formats like .docx. Navigation tips like keyboard shortcuts and mouse clicks are covered. Views like draft, print layout and full screen reading are introduced. Methods for character and font formatting like using styles or direct formatting are explained.
This document discusses operating systems and utility software. It defines system software as the interface between users and hardware. There are two types: operating systems and utility software. The operating system manages programs, memory, tasks, devices, networks and performance. Utility programs are included in the basic OS or as standalone programs. The document also outlines different types of operating systems including standalone, network, embedded, device-dependent, and device-independent operating systems.
This document discusses gaming on consoles and PCs. It provides a brief history of gaming consoles, listing some of the most popular consoles such as the PS1-3, Xbox 360, and Wii. It notes that PCs have more powerful graphics cards and processors than consoles. While PCs are more expensive, they are upgradeable and have maximum performance, whereas consoles have lower graphics and limited performance but are cheaper. Both have advantages and disadvantages for gamers.
1. Copyright 息 2007 South-Western. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11
Hiring, Training, and
Evaluating Employees
2. Hiring, Training,
and Evaluating
Copyright 息 2007 South-Western. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
1. How should a company recruit employees?
2. How can it ensure equal opportunity for its
job positions?
3. What type of compensations can a firm
offer to its employees?
4. How can it ensure that its employees have
the proper skills?
5. How should the employees be evaluated?
5. Hiring, Training,
and Evaluating
Human Resource Planning
Copyright 息 2007 South-Western. All rights reserved.
Planning to satisfy a firms needs
for employees
Job Analysis
8. Hiring, Training,
and Evaluating
Copyright 息 2007 South-Western. All rights reserved.
- Promotions
- Screening
Labor Unions
9. Hiring, Training,
and Evaluating
Internal Recruiting
Copyright 息 2007 South-Western. All rights reserved.
The assignment of an employee to a higher-level job
with more responsibility and compensation
-- This potential for advancement can motivate
employees to perform well.
-- Such potential also reduces job turnover and
therefore reduces the costs of hiring and training
new employees.
-- Many of the employees that Walt Disney hires for
17. Hiring, Training,
and Evaluating
Copyright 息 2007 South-Western. All rights reserved.
Evaluation Form
1 Communicate responsibilities
2 Inform of deficiencies
3 Be consistent
Labor Unions
18. Hiring, Training,
and Evaluating
Action Due to Performance
Reassigning the employees to new jobs,
suspending them temporarily, or firing them
Reasons for poor performance
upward appraisals
Employee Lawsuits
Labor Unions
Editor's Notes
#9: Recruitment Internal: An effort to fill open positions with persons already employed by the firm. This can be beneficial because existing employees have already been proven their personalities are known and their potential can be assessed. Promotions: The assignment of an employee to a higher-level job with more responsibilities and compensation. Many firms, for example have a promote from within policy whereby management level positions are only filled by existing employees. External: An effort to fill positions with applicants from outside the firm. Some firms feel that they can recruit more qualified individuals by using external recruiting. Screening: When recruiting externally for employees, the company does not know as much about the candidates as when internal candidates are considered therefore candidates must be go through a screening process
#13: Diversity There are three main benefits of a diverse workplace: Studies have shown that employees who work in a diverse workplace tend to be more innovative. Employees in a diverse workplace are more likely to understand different points of view and be capable of interaction with a diverse set of customers. A larger proportion of eligible employees with be from minority groups in the future in the labor pool .
#14: Compensation Package: The total monetary compensation and benefits offered to employees. Salary: The dollars paid for a job over a specific period (a wage). For example, $8.00/ hour is a salary level. Stock Options: Allows employees to purchase shares of their employers stock at a specific price. For example, employees at a firm may have been given the option to purchase 100 shares of stock at a price of $20 per share. This means that they can purchase the stock for the price, regardless of the stocks market price. Microsoft attributes much of its success to its use of stock options, because of its strong performance since 1992, its managers who were hired in 1992 or before are now millionaires because their shares are worth more than $1 million. Commissions: Compensation for meeting specific sales objectives. For example, this is usually listed as a percentage of the employees total sales volume. Bonuses: An extra onetime payment at the end of a period in which performance was measured. At Disney, for example, 70 percent of bonuses paid to executives are based on specific financial performance measures, such as earnings. Profit Sharing: A portion of the firms profits is paid to employees. For example, firms such as Continental Airlines and General Motors offer profit sharing to employees in an effort to motivate employees to perform in a manner that improves profitability. Benefits: Additional privileges beyond compensation payments, such as paid vacation time, health, life or dental insurance, and pension programs. Many firms, for example, provide substantial employee benefits to their employees, and also offer preventive health-care programs to help reduce the high health care costs. Perquisites: Additional privileges beyond compensation payments and employee benefits. These are typically offered to high-level employees, for example, and include perks such as free parking, a company car, club membership, telephone credit cards and expense accounts.
#16: Employee Skills Technical: employees must be trained to perform the tasks they engage in daily. For example, Ace Hardware offers courses to train its employees in the use of the products that it sells. Many firms find that due to advances in computer technologies, they must offer technical training to their workers. Decision-Making: Companies should provide guidelines for employees to consider when making decisions and generating ideas. For example, Xerox trains all of its employees to follow a six-step process when generating ideas and making decisions. Customer service: Customer services skills training needs to be provided to employees who frequently deal with customers. For example, Marriott International provides training on servicing customers, with refresher sessions after the first and second months. Safety: Companies often train employees on safety within the working environment, such as how to operate machinery and equipment. For example, United Parcel Service (UPS) implements training programs for its employees on handling hazardous materials. Human Relations: Supervisors may receive training on how to manage other employees. For example, Dennys offers employee training on diversity to prevent racial discrimination, and to create an environment in which people work together more effectively, thereby increasing the firms performance.
#17: Evaluating employee performance For most employees, their overall performance is normally based on multiple criteria. Therefore, an evaluation can best be conducted by segmenting the evaluation into the criteria that are relevant for each particular job position. For example, some employees may have excellent technical skills, yet not be dependable. The exhibit on this slide illustrates hot the measures vary by type of job. Other types of characteristics, for example, that are not shown on this slide, for some positions are organization, communication and decision-making skills.
#18: Firms can follow certain steps to demonstrate fairness and recognition of employees rights, while following legal guidelines: Supervisors should communicate job responsibilities to employees when they are hired. They should also communicate any changes in those responsibilities over time, and should be done in writing. The letters, for example, not only provide legal protection, but also force the supervisors to pinpoint the specific tasks for employees in a particular job position. Supervisors should inform of deficiencies when they become aware of them. Many companies do this, for example, in the form a standard periodic review. Some supervisors prefer to inform employees immediately, rather than wait for the review period. Employees should be given the chance to provide feedback. Supervisors should be consistent when conducting performance evaluations. For example, employees who have a similar deficiency should be treated equally in the evaluation process.
#19: The pictures on this slide show some of the types of action that can be taken based on evaluations, namely: Recognition: Employees who receive very favorable evaluations may deserve some type of recognition or even a promotion for their hard work. For example, employees that regularly exceed sales targets may be promoted to the position of sales manager. Punishment: Employees who receive unfavorable evaluations also need attention. The reasons for the bad performance need to be explored. For example, the bad evaluation may be temporarily due to a family illness, or perhaps, a non-temporary bad attitude. Employees need to be made aware of any deficiencies.