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Opening the class
Lets open our study today by praying together.
Pray begins
May I take
your order?
Food preferences
How to order food/drink
Speak up challenge!
You will learn:
Food preferences
Using so, too, either, and
Chapter 8_ Food Preferences_Kelas 1.pptx
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hot dog
Conversation 1
Jefri : Bob, do you want to get something to eat?
Bobby : Sure, Im tired of studying.
Jeffri : So am I. So, what do you think of Nasi Pecel?
Bobby : I love it, but Im not really in the mood for it today.
Jeffri : Yeah, Im not either, I guess. Its a bit spicy.
Bobby : Do you like Ayam Lodho?
Jeffri : Yeah, I like it a lot.
Bobby : So do I. And I know a great restaurant near here.
Its called Ayam Lodho Pak Yusuf.
Jeffri : Oh, Ive always wanted to go there.
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Content Here
Content Here
Lets focus on these! So, too, neither, either
Positive statement
I like Javanese food a lot.  So do I. / I do, too.
 Really? I dont like it very much.
Im crazy about Italian food.  So am I. / I am, too.
 Oh, Im not.
I can eat really spicy food.  So can I. / I can, too.
 Really? I cant.
Negative statement
I dont like salty food.  Neither do I. / I dont either.
 Oh, I like it a lot.
Im not in the mood for Nasi
 Neither am i. / Im not either.
 Really? I am.
I cant eat cheese.  Neither can i. / I cant either.
 Oh, I love it!
Lets Practice!
Neither am I / Im not either
So can I / I can, too
So do I / I do, too
Neither can I / I cant either
Neither do I / I dont either
So am I / I am, too
So am I / I am, too
Neither do I / I dont either
So do I / I do, too
Neither can I / I cant either
How to order foods/drinks
Using would and will
Conversation 2
Server : May I take your order?
Customer : Yes. Id like the spicy fish and rice.
Server : All right. And would you like a salad?
Customer : Yes, Ill have a mixed green salad.
Server : OK. What kind of dressing would you like?
We have cheese and olive oil.
Customer : Cheese, please.
Server : And would you like anything to drink?
Customer : Yes, Id like a large iced tea, please.
Lets focus on these!
Would and will for requests
What would you like? Id like the fish and rice.
Ill have a small salad.
What kind of dressing would you like? Id like cheese, please.
Ill have olive oil.
What would you like to drink? I'd like an iced tea.
Ill have coffee.
Would you like anything else? Yes, please. Id like some water.
No, thank you. Thatll be all.
 Ill = I will
 Id = I would
Lets Practice!
Role Play  in a coffee shop
Speak up
1. What is your favorite food/drink?
2. What is the food/drink you dont like?
3. What kinds of food do you enjoy eating?
4. Do you prefer junk food to healthy food?
5. Are there any foods you absolutely refuse to eat? Why?
6. Do you prefer eat at home or at restaurants? Why?
7. Do you do diet? Why or why not?
8. Is there unhealthy food you love to eat? Why or why not?
9. Do you like to cook food at home? Why or why not?
10. What kinds of food can you cook?
Related vocabularies:
 Eat: Makan Fried: digoreng
 Drink: Minum Stir fried: tumis/oseng
 Enjoy: Menikmati Boiled: direbus
 Prefer: Lebih suka Steamed: dikukus
 Health: Kesehatan Hungry: lapar
 Healthy: Menyehatkan Feel full: merasa kenyang
Chapter 9 - At Cicis farm (page 80-92)
Livestock / la vst k/
 肘  hewan ternak
Rabbit / r脱b t/
 肘 kelinci Bird /b rd/
Duck /d k/
 bebek Chicken / t k n/
 肘 肘 ayam
Cat /k脱t/ kucing Butterflies / b trfla s/
  肘 kupu-kupu
Fish /f /
肘 ikan Bee(s) /bi s/
Frog(s) /fr s/
鼻 katak
I have a cat. (Saya punya seekor kucing.)
I have a bird. (Saya punya seekor burung)
I have a duck. (Saya punya seekor bebek)
I have a rabbit. (.)
I have nine fish. (.)
I have eight chickens. (.)
I have three ducks. (.)
Lets exercise!
Joshua, Made, and Bagas are in the park.
They see  bird,  butterflies,  bees,
and  frogs. They see  fish and  ducks
in the pond.
What do we learn today?
Closing the class
Lets close our study today by praying together.
Pray begins

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Chapter 8_ Food Preferences_Kelas 1.pptx

  • 1. Opening the class Lets open our study today by praying together. Pray begins
  • 3. Food preferences 01 How to order food/drink 02 Speak up challenge! 03 You will learn:
  • 4. Food preferences 01 Using so, too, either, and neither
  • 6. CHIEF CHEF 2013 ~ 2014 Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. 2014 ~ 2016Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. 2016 ~ 2019 Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. CHIEF CHEF 2013 ~ 2014 Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. 2014 ~ 2016Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. 2016 ~ 2019 Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. CHIEF CHEF 2013 ~ 2014 Text here You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing. 2014 ~ 2016Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. 2016 ~ 2019 Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. Name Here Name Here Name Here Vocabulary
  • 7. CHIEF CHEF 2013 ~ 2014 Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. 2014 ~ 2016Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. 2016 ~ 2019 Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. CHIEF CHEF 2013 ~ 2014 Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. 2014 ~ 2016Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. 2016 ~ 2019 Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. CHIEF CHEF 2013 ~ 2014 Text here You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing. 2014 ~ 2016Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. 2016 ~ 2019 Text here Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. Name Here Name Here Name Here Vocabulary chicken lamb turkey hot dog fish octopus shrimp salmon grapes mangoes strawberries apples corn peas potatoes spinach bread pasta rice cereal
  • 8. Conversation 1 Jefri : Bob, do you want to get something to eat? Bobby : Sure, Im tired of studying. Jeffri : So am I. So, what do you think of Nasi Pecel? Bobby : I love it, but Im not really in the mood for it today. Jeffri : Yeah, Im not either, I guess. Its a bit spicy. Bobby : Do you like Ayam Lodho? Jeffri : Yeah, I like it a lot. Bobby : So do I. And I know a great restaurant near here. Its called Ayam Lodho Pak Yusuf. Jeffri : Oh, Ive always wanted to go there.
  • 9. Content Here Content Here Content Here Lets focus on these! So, too, neither, either Positive statement I like Javanese food a lot. So do I. / I do, too. Really? I dont like it very much. Im crazy about Italian food. So am I. / I am, too. Oh, Im not. I can eat really spicy food. So can I. / I can, too. Really? I cant. Negative statement I dont like salty food. Neither do I. / I dont either. Oh, I like it a lot. Im not in the mood for Nasi Pecel. Neither am i. / Im not either. Really? I am. I cant eat cheese. Neither can i. / I cant either. Oh, I love it!
  • 10. Lets Practice! Neither am I / Im not either So can I / I can, too So do I / I do, too Neither can I / I cant either Neither do I / I dont either So am I / I am, too So am I / I am, too Neither do I / I dont either So do I / I do, too Neither can I / I cant either
  • 12. How to order foods/drinks 02 Using would and will
  • 13. Conversation 2 Server : May I take your order? Customer : Yes. Id like the spicy fish and rice. Server : All right. And would you like a salad? Customer : Yes, Ill have a mixed green salad. Server : OK. What kind of dressing would you like? We have cheese and olive oil. Customer : Cheese, please. Server : And would you like anything to drink? Customer : Yes, Id like a large iced tea, please.
  • 14. Lets focus on these! Would and will for requests What would you like? Id like the fish and rice. Ill have a small salad. What kind of dressing would you like? Id like cheese, please. Ill have olive oil. What would you like to drink? I'd like an iced tea. Ill have coffee. Would you like anything else? Yes, please. Id like some water. No, thank you. Thatll be all. Contractions Ill = I will Id = I would
  • 16. Role Play in a coffee shop
  • 18. 1. What is your favorite food/drink? 2. What is the food/drink you dont like? 3. What kinds of food do you enjoy eating? 4. Do you prefer junk food to healthy food? 5. Are there any foods you absolutely refuse to eat? Why? 6. Do you prefer eat at home or at restaurants? Why? 7. Do you do diet? Why or why not? 8. Is there unhealthy food you love to eat? Why or why not? 9. Do you like to cook food at home? Why or why not? 10. What kinds of food can you cook? Related vocabularies: Eat: Makan Fried: digoreng Drink: Minum Stir fried: tumis/oseng Enjoy: Menikmati Boiled: direbus Prefer: Lebih suka Steamed: dikukus Health: Kesehatan Hungry: lapar Healthy: Menyehatkan Feel full: merasa kenyang
  • 19. Chapter 9 - At Cicis farm (page 80-92) Livestock / la vst k/ 肘 hewan ternak Rabbit / r脱b t/ 肘 kelinci Bird /b rd/ burung Duck /d k/ bebek Chicken / t k n/ 肘 肘 ayam Cat /k脱t/ kucing Butterflies / b trfla s/ 肘 kupu-kupu Fish /f / 肘 ikan Bee(s) /bi s/ lebah Frog(s) /fr s/ 鼻 katak
  • 20. Examples: I have a cat. (Saya punya seekor kucing.) I have a bird. (Saya punya seekor burung) I have a duck. (Saya punya seekor bebek) I have a rabbit. (.) I have nine fish. (.) I have eight chickens. (.) I have three ducks. (.)
  • 21. Lets exercise! Joshua, Made, and Bagas are in the park. They see bird, butterflies, bees, and frogs. They see fish and ducks in the pond.
  • 22. Thanks! What do we learn today?
  • 23. Closing the class Lets close our study today by praying together. Pray begins