The document discusses several retail stores and brands, including:
- Disney stores that sell memorabilia after attractions.
- Adidas stores where marathon runners can engrave their personal best times on bracelets.
- NikeTown stores that immerse visitors in Nike's brand through exhibits and athlete videos.
- Several other stores selling items for families, children, concerts, museums, candy, and fashion accessories. Many provide unique experiences beyond just products.
Billiards originated in the 15th century in France, with the word deriving from terms meaning stick or ball. The game was played with a club-like mace until the 1600s when the cue stick became standard. Michael Phelan, an Irish immigrant, popularized billiards in America by adding diamonds for aiming and developing new tables and cushions, and was the first American billiards columnist.
Billiards originated in the 15th century in France, with the word deriving from either the French word for stick or ball. The game evolved from using a club-like mace to the standard cue stick in the 1600s. Michael Phelan, an Irish immigrant, helped popularize billiards in America in the 1800s by developing innovations like diamonds on tables and new cushion designs.
The Harley-Davidson Museum tells the story of the motorcycle company through exhibits that showcase significant vehicles and artifacts. Some highlights include the oldest surviving Harley from 1903, a recreation of a 1920s board track, and motorcycles owned by Elvis Presley and from the movie Easy Rider. The museum aims to celebrate the brand's history and the passion of its riders.
Sworders Mid Century Design Tuesday 23 June 2020Sworders
Mid-Century Design
Tuesday 23 June, 10am
Viewing by appointment, more details available on our website.
Alipa es una marca de ropa ecológica fundada en 2009 por los hermanos Lorca en Chile. Comenzó fabricando poleras para amigos con dise?os artísticos, deportivos y ecológicos, y desde entonces se ha ido expandiendo. Alipa busca formar una revolución ecológica juvenil y ofrece poleras 100% ecológicas para hombres y mujeres entre 18-30 a?os de clases ABC1. Su principal medio de publicidad son eventos deportivos y auspicios de deportistas, además de redes sociales y su pá
The document discusses several companies that provide products for the hospitality industry, including tableware, cutlery, hollowware, buffet equipment, lighting, and other items. It provides information on the history and product offerings of companies such as Fürstenberg, Sieger, Q Industries, Serax, Villeroy & Boch, Frilich, Broggi, Carlisle, Haber & Son, First Pack, Packnwood, SteakStones, Hollowick, Urban Bar, and Unico. The document aims to inform potential customers in the hospitality sector about high-quality product and service providers.
The new Nissan NP300 Navara pickup truck features improved style, performance, technology and fuel efficiency. It introduces new technologies like Around View Monitor and improved ride comfort with a redesigned rear suspension. The 2.3L diesel engine is more efficient and powerful. Payload and towing capacity are over 1 tonne and 3,500kg respectively. The NP300 Navara sets a new benchmark for pickup trucks with its refined interior, improved driving experience, and low running costs.
Este documento proporciona una introducción a los deportes extremos. Define los deportes extremos como aquellos que implican un alto riesgo físico y emocional. Luego describe algunas de las modalidades deportivas más representativas consideradas deportes extremos, como el surf, ciclismo de monta?a, ala delta y paracaidismo. Explica brevemente las características y riesgos inherentes a cada uno de estos deportes.
Este documento lista numerosos museos, galerías de arte, teatros, edificios históricos y espacios públicos en Málaga que estarán abiertos durante la Noche en Blanco de 2014, ofreciendo exposiciones, espectáculos y actividades culturales gratuitas. Entre los lugares destacados se encuentran el Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga, el Museo del Patrimonio Municipal, la Fundación Pablo Ruiz Picasso Casa Natal, y el Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga, donde habrá exposiciones
El documento propone un cambio radical en la política colombiana para promover la educación, la innovación, la salud y el desarrollo agrícola e industrial. Plantea luchar contra la corrupción y por una política inclusiva que mejore las condiciones de vida de los colombianos a través de vivienda, servicios básicos e infraestructura. Harold Mosquera se postula al Senado para impulsar estas reformas y una nueva forma de hacer política basada en el cumplimiento de promesas.
This document summarizes remote medical monitoring solutions for seniors to improve safety, independence, and quality of life. It discusses technologies for fall detection, activity monitoring, two-way communication, socialization, reminders, and telemedicine. Products are presented as solutions for families caring for seniors, home care agencies, senior living facilities, doctors, and professionals. Specific products mentioned include ActiveCare-PAL, Halo Monitoring, Medipendant, Presto, Sonamba, Telikin, Dakin Brainfitness, and blood pressure and weight monitoring devices from A&D Medical.
Este documento proporciona información sobre polígonos regulares, incluyendo que todos sus lados son de la misma longitud y sus ángulos interiores son iguales. También define ángulos internos, externos y lados de los polígonos, y explica brevemente la suma como una operación que deriva de contar y que permite saber la cantidad total al agregar cantidades.
Este documento proporciona información sobre la Escuela de Primavera de Cáritas que se llevará a cabo del 29 de febrero al 4 de marzo de 2016. Incluye detalles sobre el proceso de inscripción, los precios, las fechas límite y los módulos y cursos disponibles. Los participantes pueden elegir entre dos módulos, A y B, que cubren una variedad de temas como la comunicación institucional, la explotación laboral, el voluntariado, la motivación de los estudiantes y la resili
La crisis de Irán. la pugna por mantener la hegemonía de los EE.UU. en el tab...Lagranpartida
El documento analiza la crisis de Irán desde la perspectiva de la lucha de Estados Unidos por mantener su hegemonía mundial a través del control del suministro energético y del dólar como moneda de reserva. Explica que la producción mundial de petróleo alcanzará su pico máximo y luego declinará, lo que amenaza la posición estadounidense. También describe los desafíos geopolíticos, económicos y militares a los que se enfrenta Estados Unidos y su estrategia de mantener el control sobre el com
This letter confirms that Ms. Chiasson has been a member of the volunteer website Workaway since 2014, during which time she successfully completed 5 volunteer projects abroad. The letter provides feedback from 5 of her project hosts praising her strong work ethic, flexibility, creativity, and skills in photography, yoga instruction, and event planning. All hosts recommend her highly and state she was an excellent volunteer.
The document provides an overview of corporate taxation in China. Some key points:
1) China implemented a new Corporate Income Tax Law on January 1, 2008 that unified the tax rate for foreign and domestic companies at 25%, phasing out preferential rates previously enjoyed by foreign firms.
2) Certain sectors like high-tech may qualify for a preferential 15% rate. Small companies meet certain criteria qualify for 20% rate.
3) The new law aims to simplify the previous complex tax rules but some tax holidays and incentives will remain for qualifying companies.
4) The State Administration of Taxation administers tax policies set by the State Council and Ministry of Finance. China's tax system includes both direct corporate
Este documento discute la implementación del ecoturismo en áreas protegidas en Bolivia. Explica que el ecoturismo se ha desarrollado exitosamente dentro de áreas protegidas debido a que estas tienen normas claras sobre el uso de recursos. Además, destaca cuatro condiciones clave para el éxito del ecoturismo: la conservación de recursos naturales, la protección de la cultura local, la participación amplia en la gestión del producto turístico, y la rentabilidad. Finalmente, se?ala algunos requisitos para la
The document summarizes new pharmaceutical services offered by the Weyer Group, an engineering and consulting firm with over 30 years of experience in industries including chemicals, petrochemicals, and waste disposal. It has provided services to the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years, and recently expanded its offerings to include design and qualification of production facilities for active pharmaceutical ingredients and final dosage forms. The Weyer Group can now offer an integrated set of design, engineering, and qualification services for pharmaceutical projects through its expertise and partnerships with other specialists in areas like building services. Its goal is to support clients with high quality services based on extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry.
Inclusive design: real accessibility for everyoneChris Mills
Chris Mills gives a presentation on inclusive design and accessibility. He defines inclusive design as considering all users, including those with disabilities, using mobile devices, or with low bandwidth. He outlines 10 principles of inclusive design such as being equitable, flexible, simple and intuitive. He provides examples of how to implement these principles through techniques like adaptive layouts, alternative text, and consistent navigation. The overall message is that inclusive design benefits all users and is just good design.
El 7 de enero, un ataque terrorista en París causó conmoción en todo el mundo. En el horizonte cultural, todavía cuelga el fantasma del 11 de septiembre de 2001, cuando ocurrió el mayor atentado de la historia.
Para los cristianos, volver a discutir la guerra santa en el siglo XXI adquiere un significado más amplio.
La Biblia aprueba y narra los acontecimientos que, sin duda, se ocupan de lo que se podría calificar como una “guerra santa”.
?Cómo puede un Dios de amor, que prohíbe el asesinato, ordenar el exterminio de pueblos enteros?
Este documento describe los aspectos espaciales y físico-naturales del municipio de Huacareta en Chuquisaca, Bolivia. Se ubica geográficamente y describe su extensión, límites, división político-administrativa en distritos, cantones, comunidades y centros poblados. Luego detalla las características fisiográficas como altitudes, relieve, pisos ecológicos, clima e información sobre suelos. El municipio tiene una extensión de 2,973.5 km2 y limita con otros municipios y
A Selection of Antiques for Apartment LivingKate Davies
Antique Furniture from Europe (18th & 19th Century)
These French and English pieces fold, expand, can be tucked away or are simply just a great compact size for apartment living in Hong Kong, Asia, anywhere. We ship to you! — Hong Kong
French octagonal walnut side table with pretty gilt detail (see inset), stunning balustrade legs and a central globe feature. Made in the 1890s.
Three-tier Edwardian mahogany folding cake stand, used by aristocracy when entertaining in England. The versatile three-tiered cake stand is open and ready for cakes, tea cups and anything else you can place on it. It can stand on the floor, and these days, on a table. Flip it closed when finished. This piece was made in England at the turn of the century, c1900.
Striking mahogany wine table with centre pod on three legs, it’s light and easy to move to a place where it’s useful, or tuck it behind the sofa or in a cupboard, late 19th century, England.
Georgian two-tiered mahogany dumb waiter on three sabre legs and brass wheels. It was used to serve wine and meals, or later to display private collections of silverware or porcelain, and thus the wealth and culture of the home-owners, c1820 England.
Georgian two-tiered mahogany dumb waiter on three sabre legs and brass wheels. It was used to serve wine and meals, or later to display private collections of silverware or porcelain, and thus the wealth and culture of the home-owners, c1820 England.
Classic Victorian mahogany metamorphic table. Cast iron base for stability, reeded brass column for quality and a mahogany top for hard-wearing. It was used as a lamp table and makes a unique occasional table, extending up to 120cm high, on four paw feet with wheels.
See the metamorphic table extending up to 120cm high when you need something taller, England c1860.
English oak department store shoe mirror, c1880. A unique gift for friends with a shoe fetish.
Signed burr mahogany drop-leaf Edwards & Roberts?sofa?table, made in London, c1870. Edwards & Roberts, famous English furniture makers, was established in 1845 at 21 Wardour Street, London. They occupied more than a dozen buildings in Wardour Street by 1892, and successfully continued to trade there until the end of the century.?This pretty low pedestal has been painted by a previous owner with beautiful flowers and musical detail (see inset).?The drawer is stamped inside with “Edwards & Roberts”.
Napoleon III ormolu-mounted games table, ebonised with Boulle marquetry, c1860s.
This stunning table folds open (see inset) to reveal a games table. It is a c1860s piece, in the style of Andre-Charles Boulle, Chief Cabinet-Maker to King Louis XIV at Versailles.
Eight piece Henry II style dining set in walnut, c1890.
Billiards is a game played between two people on a large cloth-covered table using cues to hit balls into pockets. It originated in the 15th century as a game similar to croquet and evolved to use cue sticks instead of maces. Milestones in billiards included the development of the leather cue tip in the 1830s, use of slate table tops in 1835, and rubber cushions in 1845, which led to its classification as a sport in the 1850s.
John Lobb became famous for his bespoke bootmaking business after developing a hollow-heeled boot for prospectors in Australia and winning awards for his craft. He eventually moved his business to London. Shoe polish, like Kiwi polish invented in Australia, became important for maintaining footwear and a mark of status. Shoe shining was an occupation that some businessmen rose from, like Malcolm X. The shoe polishing industry has faced issues around child labor and street children.
The document discusses several companies that provide products for the hospitality industry, including tableware, cutlery, hollowware, buffet equipment, lighting, and other items. It provides information on the history and product offerings of companies such as Fürstenberg, Sieger, Q Industries, Serax, Villeroy & Boch, Frilich, Broggi, Carlisle, Haber & Son, First Pack, Packnwood, SteakStones, Hollowick, Urban Bar, and Unico. The document aims to inform potential customers in the hospitality sector about high-quality product and service providers.
The new Nissan NP300 Navara pickup truck features improved style, performance, technology and fuel efficiency. It introduces new technologies like Around View Monitor and improved ride comfort with a redesigned rear suspension. The 2.3L diesel engine is more efficient and powerful. Payload and towing capacity are over 1 tonne and 3,500kg respectively. The NP300 Navara sets a new benchmark for pickup trucks with its refined interior, improved driving experience, and low running costs.
Este documento proporciona una introducción a los deportes extremos. Define los deportes extremos como aquellos que implican un alto riesgo físico y emocional. Luego describe algunas de las modalidades deportivas más representativas consideradas deportes extremos, como el surf, ciclismo de monta?a, ala delta y paracaidismo. Explica brevemente las características y riesgos inherentes a cada uno de estos deportes.
Este documento lista numerosos museos, galerías de arte, teatros, edificios históricos y espacios públicos en Málaga que estarán abiertos durante la Noche en Blanco de 2014, ofreciendo exposiciones, espectáculos y actividades culturales gratuitas. Entre los lugares destacados se encuentran el Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga, el Museo del Patrimonio Municipal, la Fundación Pablo Ruiz Picasso Casa Natal, y el Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga, donde habrá exposiciones
El documento propone un cambio radical en la política colombiana para promover la educación, la innovación, la salud y el desarrollo agrícola e industrial. Plantea luchar contra la corrupción y por una política inclusiva que mejore las condiciones de vida de los colombianos a través de vivienda, servicios básicos e infraestructura. Harold Mosquera se postula al Senado para impulsar estas reformas y una nueva forma de hacer política basada en el cumplimiento de promesas.
This document summarizes remote medical monitoring solutions for seniors to improve safety, independence, and quality of life. It discusses technologies for fall detection, activity monitoring, two-way communication, socialization, reminders, and telemedicine. Products are presented as solutions for families caring for seniors, home care agencies, senior living facilities, doctors, and professionals. Specific products mentioned include ActiveCare-PAL, Halo Monitoring, Medipendant, Presto, Sonamba, Telikin, Dakin Brainfitness, and blood pressure and weight monitoring devices from A&D Medical.
Este documento proporciona información sobre polígonos regulares, incluyendo que todos sus lados son de la misma longitud y sus ángulos interiores son iguales. También define ángulos internos, externos y lados de los polígonos, y explica brevemente la suma como una operación que deriva de contar y que permite saber la cantidad total al agregar cantidades.
Este documento proporciona información sobre la Escuela de Primavera de Cáritas que se llevará a cabo del 29 de febrero al 4 de marzo de 2016. Incluye detalles sobre el proceso de inscripción, los precios, las fechas límite y los módulos y cursos disponibles. Los participantes pueden elegir entre dos módulos, A y B, que cubren una variedad de temas como la comunicación institucional, la explotación laboral, el voluntariado, la motivación de los estudiantes y la resili
La crisis de Irán. la pugna por mantener la hegemonía de los EE.UU. en el tab...Lagranpartida
El documento analiza la crisis de Irán desde la perspectiva de la lucha de Estados Unidos por mantener su hegemonía mundial a través del control del suministro energético y del dólar como moneda de reserva. Explica que la producción mundial de petróleo alcanzará su pico máximo y luego declinará, lo que amenaza la posición estadounidense. También describe los desafíos geopolíticos, económicos y militares a los que se enfrenta Estados Unidos y su estrategia de mantener el control sobre el com
This letter confirms that Ms. Chiasson has been a member of the volunteer website Workaway since 2014, during which time she successfully completed 5 volunteer projects abroad. The letter provides feedback from 5 of her project hosts praising her strong work ethic, flexibility, creativity, and skills in photography, yoga instruction, and event planning. All hosts recommend her highly and state she was an excellent volunteer.
The document provides an overview of corporate taxation in China. Some key points:
1) China implemented a new Corporate Income Tax Law on January 1, 2008 that unified the tax rate for foreign and domestic companies at 25%, phasing out preferential rates previously enjoyed by foreign firms.
2) Certain sectors like high-tech may qualify for a preferential 15% rate. Small companies meet certain criteria qualify for 20% rate.
3) The new law aims to simplify the previous complex tax rules but some tax holidays and incentives will remain for qualifying companies.
4) The State Administration of Taxation administers tax policies set by the State Council and Ministry of Finance. China's tax system includes both direct corporate
Este documento discute la implementación del ecoturismo en áreas protegidas en Bolivia. Explica que el ecoturismo se ha desarrollado exitosamente dentro de áreas protegidas debido a que estas tienen normas claras sobre el uso de recursos. Además, destaca cuatro condiciones clave para el éxito del ecoturismo: la conservación de recursos naturales, la protección de la cultura local, la participación amplia en la gestión del producto turístico, y la rentabilidad. Finalmente, se?ala algunos requisitos para la
The document summarizes new pharmaceutical services offered by the Weyer Group, an engineering and consulting firm with over 30 years of experience in industries including chemicals, petrochemicals, and waste disposal. It has provided services to the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years, and recently expanded its offerings to include design and qualification of production facilities for active pharmaceutical ingredients and final dosage forms. The Weyer Group can now offer an integrated set of design, engineering, and qualification services for pharmaceutical projects through its expertise and partnerships with other specialists in areas like building services. Its goal is to support clients with high quality services based on extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry.
Inclusive design: real accessibility for everyoneChris Mills
Chris Mills gives a presentation on inclusive design and accessibility. He defines inclusive design as considering all users, including those with disabilities, using mobile devices, or with low bandwidth. He outlines 10 principles of inclusive design such as being equitable, flexible, simple and intuitive. He provides examples of how to implement these principles through techniques like adaptive layouts, alternative text, and consistent navigation. The overall message is that inclusive design benefits all users and is just good design.
El 7 de enero, un ataque terrorista en París causó conmoción en todo el mundo. En el horizonte cultural, todavía cuelga el fantasma del 11 de septiembre de 2001, cuando ocurrió el mayor atentado de la historia.
Para los cristianos, volver a discutir la guerra santa en el siglo XXI adquiere un significado más amplio.
La Biblia aprueba y narra los acontecimientos que, sin duda, se ocupan de lo que se podría calificar como una “guerra santa”.
?Cómo puede un Dios de amor, que prohíbe el asesinato, ordenar el exterminio de pueblos enteros?
Este documento describe los aspectos espaciales y físico-naturales del municipio de Huacareta en Chuquisaca, Bolivia. Se ubica geográficamente y describe su extensión, límites, división político-administrativa en distritos, cantones, comunidades y centros poblados. Luego detalla las características fisiográficas como altitudes, relieve, pisos ecológicos, clima e información sobre suelos. El municipio tiene una extensión de 2,973.5 km2 y limita con otros municipios y
A Selection of Antiques for Apartment LivingKate Davies
Antique Furniture from Europe (18th & 19th Century)
These French and English pieces fold, expand, can be tucked away or are simply just a great compact size for apartment living in Hong Kong, Asia, anywhere. We ship to you! — Hong Kong
French octagonal walnut side table with pretty gilt detail (see inset), stunning balustrade legs and a central globe feature. Made in the 1890s.
Three-tier Edwardian mahogany folding cake stand, used by aristocracy when entertaining in England. The versatile three-tiered cake stand is open and ready for cakes, tea cups and anything else you can place on it. It can stand on the floor, and these days, on a table. Flip it closed when finished. This piece was made in England at the turn of the century, c1900.
Striking mahogany wine table with centre pod on three legs, it’s light and easy to move to a place where it’s useful, or tuck it behind the sofa or in a cupboard, late 19th century, England.
Georgian two-tiered mahogany dumb waiter on three sabre legs and brass wheels. It was used to serve wine and meals, or later to display private collections of silverware or porcelain, and thus the wealth and culture of the home-owners, c1820 England.
Georgian two-tiered mahogany dumb waiter on three sabre legs and brass wheels. It was used to serve wine and meals, or later to display private collections of silverware or porcelain, and thus the wealth and culture of the home-owners, c1820 England.
Classic Victorian mahogany metamorphic table. Cast iron base for stability, reeded brass column for quality and a mahogany top for hard-wearing. It was used as a lamp table and makes a unique occasional table, extending up to 120cm high, on four paw feet with wheels.
See the metamorphic table extending up to 120cm high when you need something taller, England c1860.
English oak department store shoe mirror, c1880. A unique gift for friends with a shoe fetish.
Signed burr mahogany drop-leaf Edwards & Roberts?sofa?table, made in London, c1870. Edwards & Roberts, famous English furniture makers, was established in 1845 at 21 Wardour Street, London. They occupied more than a dozen buildings in Wardour Street by 1892, and successfully continued to trade there until the end of the century.?This pretty low pedestal has been painted by a previous owner with beautiful flowers and musical detail (see inset).?The drawer is stamped inside with “Edwards & Roberts”.
Napoleon III ormolu-mounted games table, ebonised with Boulle marquetry, c1860s.
This stunning table folds open (see inset) to reveal a games table. It is a c1860s piece, in the style of Andre-Charles Boulle, Chief Cabinet-Maker to King Louis XIV at Versailles.
Eight piece Henry II style dining set in walnut, c1890.
Billiards is a game played between two people on a large cloth-covered table using cues to hit balls into pockets. It originated in the 15th century as a game similar to croquet and evolved to use cue sticks instead of maces. Milestones in billiards included the development of the leather cue tip in the 1830s, use of slate table tops in 1835, and rubber cushions in 1845, which led to its classification as a sport in the 1850s.
John Lobb became famous for his bespoke bootmaking business after developing a hollow-heeled boot for prospectors in Australia and winning awards for his craft. He eventually moved his business to London. Shoe polish, like Kiwi polish invented in Australia, became important for maintaining footwear and a mark of status. Shoe shining was an occupation that some businessmen rose from, like Malcolm X. The shoe polishing industry has faced issues around child labor and street children.
The document discusses several companies that provide products for the hospitality industry, including tableware, cutlery, hollowware, buffet equipment, lighting, and bar accessories. It provides information on the history and product offerings of companies such as Fürstenberg, Sieger, Q Industries, Serax, Villeroy & Boch, Frilich, Broggi, Carlisle, Haber & Son, First Pack, Packnwood, SteakStones, Hollowick, and Urban Bar. The document aims to inform potential customers in the hospitality industry about high-quality product options from these suppliers.
Vm chronicles no.11 an eleventh series of extraordinary retail eventsVM-unleashed! Ltd
The document discusses several retail store openings and developments:
1) Tesco has opened a new fashion store within its Earls Court flagship location, separating it from the grocery area below. This is seen as adding value and may lead to more standalone fashion stores.
2) Tiger has opened its first London store on Tottenham Court Road, focusing on impulse items like stationery, home goods, and fashion. Strong graphics and displays are aimed at creating a high conversion rate.
3) Reebok has unveiled an urban fitness-focused store following Athleta's model, building on its sportswear heritage through areas like an activity wall.
4) TK Maxx is targeting more luxury brands
This document provides tips for individualizing suits to add personality. It suggests decorating your lapel with a floral fabric pin or metal pin to stand out. Opting for textured neckwear like woven or lace ties can also bring character. Silk scarves draped around the neck or shoulders are an underrated accessory that looks debonair when styled properly. Shaking up a formal look with an interesting shirt, like one with unique cuffs or collar, is another option mentioned. The tips aim to customize suits without looking like too much effort was made.
This document provides an overview of Cordy House, an East London building that was formerly an artistic hub in the early 2000s. It hosted performances by avant-garde theatre groups and showcases by graffiti artists. Over the last decade, the surrounding area has become a desirable destination for creatives and professionals. The final issue of Cordy House magazine marks the unveiling of Cordy House's redevelopment into eight luxury apartments, which retains some of the original building's artistic features. The magazine has featured local landmarks, restaurants, shops and profiles related to East London's culture and the redevelopment of Cordy House.
This document describes the "Museum of Matches" in Portugal, which contains the largest collection of matchboxes in Europe with over 40,000 items donated by collector Aquiles da Mota Lima. The museum displays matchboxes from over 127 countries organized into rooms by region, showcasing the history and culture represented through unique designs and symbols on the matchboxes. It provides visitors a unique way to learn about different places around the world through the visual stories told on the decorative matchboxes.
Swiss Clog: A Footwear That Everyone Needs Acton Bell
Swiss clogs are one such fashion footwear that has been around for a very long time now. One of the reasons why they are so acceptable and famous form of footwear is the legacy that they carry with themselves apart from the plethora of benefits that they offer. For more information visit:
This document summarizes the Art Deco style that emerged after World War 1. It was characterized by geometric shapes, bold colors, and merging of ancient and futuristic styles. Art Deco influenced architecture, interior design, furniture, fashion and other decorative arts. It featured triangles, rectangles and layered motifs with bright colors and fine details. Prominent Art Deco artists included René Lalique in glasswork and Clarice Cliff in ceramics. The style was popularized in movies like The Great Gatsby and architecture like the Chrysler Building.
1. The document outlines various architectural and furniture styles that were prevalent during different historical periods from Gothic to Art Deco.
2. Baroque furniture from 1620-1700 was highly ornate with high chair backs, scrolling arms, cabriole legs and stretchers. Rococo from 1700-1760 featured chairs with cabriole legs, fiddle backs and Chippendale styles.
3. Neoclassical styles from 1760-1830 rejected ornate styles for classical influences with chairs having straight, tapered or saber legs and castors.
Interior Design student work (Dezyne E' cole College)dezyneecole
The document outlines various architectural and furniture styles that were prevalent during different historical periods. It provides details on the typical features of chairs, tables, and other furniture during the Baroque period from 1620-1700 when furniture became more luxurious. Examples given include high-backed upholstered chairs and scroll arms on chairs. During the Rococo period from 1700-1760, chairs had cabriole legs and fiddle backs while tables had twist turned legs. The Neoclassical period from 1760-1830 featured furniture with straight legs, tapered legs, and shield-shaped chair backs. Ornate furniture continued in the Eclectic period from 1830-1880 which included Gothic and Renaissance revivals.
Wine can be collected both for enjoyment of drinking and as an investment that appreciates over time. When collecting wine, quality, price, producer, and vintage year are most important factors. Winemaking and collecting has a long history dating back thousands of years to ancient Egypt and Rome. The advent of cork stoppers and glass bottles in the 17th-18th centuries allowed for proper aging and transport of wine. Today's market offers opportunities to collect both established wines and new discoveries, though conditions for cellaring and future demand are unpredictable.
The summary provides a high-level overview of the key details about the Seville Fair in 3 sentences or less:
The Seville Fair began in 1847 and has grown to include over 1,000 booths, horse-drawn carriages, traditional food and drink, flamenco performances, and bullfighting. It is a week-long celebration held in April/May that transforms the city and honors its culture. The fair illuminates the streets with 350,000 light bulbs and brings the community together for singing, dancing, and enjoyment.
Nye & Company's Jan. 22-23 Chic and Antique Auction will Feature Fine Art, An...associate14
The two-day event will showcase noted artists such as Le Pho, Nicolaes Maes and Edward Corbett, as well as a wonderful variety of remarkable pieces of traditional Americana.
Tennis originated in France in the 11th-12th centuries when monks would play against walls using their hands or crude gloves. By the 14th century, players began using wooden racquets with gut strings. The modern game of lawn tennis emerged in 1874 when Major Walter Wingfield developed standardized equipment and rules for playing on grass courts. Racquets changed little over the next 100 years, remaining heavy wooden frames until new materials like titanium provided lighter, stronger options in recent decades.
This document provides a summary of the Milan Furniture Fair from the perspective of Mark Simpson, a design director at BDP. Some of the key points from the fair included:
- Many historic palazzos in Milan opened their doors to host exhibits, including Airbnb's exhibition at Palazzo Crespi and a Louis Vuitton exhibit at Palazzo Bocconi.
- New products were launched by many brands, such as an updated Archibald sofa by Poltrona Frau, new pieces from B&B Italia, and Maxalto.
- Other highlights included visiting the permanent collection of 20th century design at the Nilufar Depot and the '
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Intangibles in Sports Betting: How Pro Bettors WinJoe Duffy
Chevillotte: The Manufacturer of Exclusive Modern Billiard Tables
1. C h e v i l l o t t e
of exclusive
billiards tables
2. Chevillotte,
since 1860
In 1860, Eugène Chevillotte established a travelling
business in Orléans for the sale of special goods for
cafés. Soon he abandoned his four wheel horse
drawn vehicle for a showroom.
At that time, many cafés offered billiards tables to
their clients. Due to the efforts of his son, Rémi,
CHEVILLOTTE’s “billiards” activity experienced
rapid development.
From 1900, CHEVILLOTTE Group acquired the trade
names and business assets of very old manufacturers of
billiards equipment such as FOUQUAU-LACAN, RABANI
and MARION. In 1924, Rémi Chevillotte opened his first
shop-come-workshop in the centre of Orléans.centre
d’Orléans, son tout premier magasin-atelier.
3. International
At present, export represents 30 % of CHEVILLOTTE’s
turnover, who has an international presence in more
than forty countries. It is, indisputably, the arrival of
Christophe Chevillotte (son of Claude) who is the reason
for this considerable increase in export.
Today’s prestigious company is the result of
passion and know-how transferred from father to
son over 150 years!
From 1860 onwards, Eugène, Rémi, Guy, Claude
and Christophe Chevillotte have ensured the
development and presence of an enterprise, which
is now among the five most significant players in
this line of business, world-wide.
The premier French manufacturer, CHEVILLOTTE
is also a leader in quality.
With its main offices at Paris and Orléans,
CHEVILLOTTE offers a large range of billiard
tables, ranging from classical to resolutely
contemporary design.
At present, CHEVILLOTTE goes to great lengths to
fulfil its clients’ needs, finding the dream billiards
table whatever the requirements. Every enterprise,
hotel or club can be sure to find the billiards table to
suit, be it French or American billiards tables, Pool
and Carom tables, English 8 ball, Snooker, Russian
Pyramid or even convertible office or dinner tables.
4. 1 2
Restoration of
billiards tables
In addition to manufacturing billiards tables,
CHEVILLOTTE restores, in the best tradition, games
tables and unique pieces, embellishes them with its
name, thus bringing them to life again after decades,
or even centuries of disuse. Created using the kind of
wood used for marquetry (mahogany, amarante, rose
and violet wood, lemon tree, ebony, maple, walnut,
palissander, sycamore etc.), each antique
CHEVILLOTTE billiard table is a true masterpiece.
Do not confuse “antique billiards tables” and “second-
hand billiards tables”! Tables dating from the 18
or 19
centuries, made from precious woods (amarante, lemon
tree, ebony, walnut, sycamore etc.) are considered and
categorized as “antique billiards tables”.
Much more than a “simple” repair, restoration is first and
foremost a philosophy, a noble respect for the art of the
past, a wish to preserve these exceptional tables.
6. A tradition of
and audacity
Inspired by modern technology, while maintaining the
methods and secrets of its ancestors, CHEVILLOTTE
knows and applies the secrets of perfection.
In June 2009, CHEVILLOTTE received the ?Living
Heritage Company? label and thus joined a league
of several hundreds of enterprises distinguished by
their know-how.
Design Bernard Moise
This is the first table (or office desk) which can be
transformed into a billiards table with the help of a
patented high precision system. In 2006, CHEVILLOTTE
introduced the Verytables models, a new type of billiards
table, in which the legs at the 4 corners of the table top
correspond to the design of dining tables. This concept,
which seems quite normal today, was a revolution in the
world of billiards when bases were considered technical
supports, bearing the significant weight of the slates to
ensure good stability of the billiards table.
Since then, many manufacturers have followed in
CHEVILLOTTE’s footsteps and have introduced this
type of model.
Design Bernard Moise
Heimo illustrates the continuity of innovation and
workmanship initiated by Verytables as it was designed
as a table that can adapt to all circumstances. Equipped
with its table top, Heimo can gather family and friends
around for a good meal or a game of billiards. With
Heimo, CHEVILLOTTE wanted to offer to a large number
of people the pleasure of playing on a quality billiards
table designed in consonance with the environment and
people (the wood used for its construction is PEFC
certified, European Eco-label which guarantees that the
forest from where the wood is sourced is under
sustainable management).
billiards table manufacturer
to live up to the high expectations of customers
concerned about ?better? purchasing experience
and environment friendly consumption.
8. The game
of billiards
The game of billiards took several varied forms
before becoming what it is today.
A variation of the game with croquet hoops, it was
originally played on the ground: the green colour of
cloth still evokes grass.
The first billiards table was built in 1469 for Louis
XI. It consisted of a wooden slab covered with a
sheet of Elbeuf cloth.
Some Royal Tennis Court Rooms, after obtaining a
license for operations, gave rise to the first billiards
academies. Between 1550 and 1630, 150 tables were
installed in Paris. Cardinal Richelieu who was passionate
about billiards then created the Royal Academy for the
nobles and taught this game to young officers.
It became very popular in the 18
and 19
centuries and was a passion among the nobles and
bourgeoisie. In 19
century, women played billiards
as much as men and every palace, royal residence,
had its billiards table.
In 1790, around 800 gaming tables were installed in
the capital.
9. The different
types of billiards
Largely played throughout the world, is a game of
finesse, reflection and skill. It develops several
qualities. It is played with three balls, either alone or
with other players. It is not only the noblest of all but
also the most technical game. This is the reason for
its charm and reputation.
Played with 16 balls (6 holes) by at least 2 players.
Widespread in Anglo-Saxon countries, it
symbolizes the USA and their lifestyle. Easy to
play, it is highly popular with young people.
Pool and Carom
2 in one billiards. It cannot be compared in any way
with competitive billiards, but it is certainly the best
response to any conflict of generations. On a pool
table, an ingenious system is adapted for filling the
pockets, allowing practicing all disciplines of French
Carom. This patented system developed by
CHEVILLOTTE, is the best suited for the current
informal use in the market.