OM RegistrationOMCSThis document contains a student registration form that collects information such as:
- The student's legal name, birthdate, gender, preferred name, address, grade, last school attended.
- Contact information for parents/guardians, emergency contacts, and medical information such as health conditions, medications, doctors.
- Demographic information like ethnicity, language spoken at home, homeless status.
- Permission forms for things like releasing student information, sharing immunization records, taking field trips, and conducting vision screenings.
The form collects important personal details about the student and family to register the student at the school and address any medical or academic needs.
Physical mental health12edupreeThis document collects contact and health information from a client of SLP Counseling, Inc. It requests the client's name, date of birth, address, email, phone numbers, permission to leave messages, and contact information for their physician and other healthcare providers. It also asks the client to describe any current health issues, psychiatric medication history, hospitalizations, and current substance use. Finally, it requests a list of any prescription medications, dosages, and start dates. The purpose is to gather relevant personal and medical details to assist in counseling services.
Ndcr inc application for men and women websiteJacqueline MitchellNew Day Community Residence provides affordable, faith-based housing and recovery support for disadvantaged individuals. Rent is $400 per month with a $110 entrance fee. Residents must be able to meet financial obligations and may qualify for assistance. New Day requests medical history to provide appropriate resources and address any special needs with dignity and respect to support recovery. Residents must participate in a 12-step/faith-based recovery plan combining medication, therapy, and aftercare to address substance dependency physically, mentally, and spiritually for success. Non-compliance with rules or relapse behavior may result in dismissal to prevent harm.
WaiverFlorecellBThis document contains a health information form for a massage clinic called Rochelle's Touch Institute. The form collects information about a client's personal details, massage history, areas they consent to receive massage, current health conditions and medications, and previous surgeries or accidents. It also includes a liability waiver stating that massage is not a substitute for medical treatment and any medical conditions should be disclosed. The client signs agreeing to communicate any issues during treatment and acknowledging massage is for stress reduction rather than diagnosing illness.
Portefólio da criançaAlbertina PereiraThe document is a student portfolio containing information about the student's kindergarten, name, photo, birthdate, height and weight over time, likes and dislikes, self-assessments of skills and progress, records of behavior observations, evaluations of difficulties and strategies from the start and end of periods, and notes.
Formulating a family care plan iidentifying data· name _____arnit1This document contains a template for formulating a family care plan. It includes sections for collecting identifying data on family members, creating a family genogram, assessing individual health needs, interpersonal needs, family needs including developmental stages, illnesses/losses, resources and support, environment, and internal family dynamics. The final section is for analyzing the family style, strengths, and functioning and identifying needs. The overall purpose is to gather comprehensive information on a family to develop a tailored care plan.
2 Staff Application FormYWAM NashvilleThis document is a staff application form for an organization. It requests a variety of personal information from the applicant, including contact details, family details, education and experience history, health information, and consent for treatment. The form notes that answers will not necessarily disqualify an applicant and that each application will be carefully considered and prayed about before a decision is made. It collects information over several sections to evaluate an applicant's suitability and commitment for a staff position.
Portefólio 2009 2010Maria Paula de PaivaThis document appears to be a student portfolio template containing sections for personal information, interests, self-assessments, observations, evaluations, and notes. It includes fields for the student's name, photo, birthdate, height and weight. There are also sections to track accomplishments over time, academic strengths and weaknesses, and strategies for improvement. The template seems designed to collect a variety of data about a student's development and learning progress throughout the school year.
1st Grade Unit 6: A tiger cub grows upSharnon Johnston-RobinettThe document provides instructions for students to complete a weekly vocabulary study booklet. It directs students to cut out vocabulary words, put them in alphabetical order, use each word in a sentence, and staple the words into a booklet to take home and study. It includes a list of vocabulary words for the student to use in sentences in the booklet.
Contagion Health Get Up and Move: Social Gaming for Better HealthJen McCabe The document appears to be a collection of disjointed notes and phrases with no clear overall topic or narrative. It includes dates, words, sentences fragments and a medical form with fields for personal information. There is no obvious central theme or main idea that could be summarized due to the diverse and unrelated nature of the content.
Kids Therapy Forms | Initial QuestionnaireMy Kids TherapyKids Therapy Connection is an outpatient pediatric practice that offers a whole-person approach to therapy focused on promoting the growth and development of children within their families. Therapists use sensory integration, cognitive behavioral, motor learning, and neurodevelopment frameworks to guide practice. Our therapists regularly attend professional training courses to enhance their skills and provide innovative treatment for our clients.
Rental applicationJenjt11This rental application collects information about an applicant, including their contact information, rental history, employment, credit history, references, and vehicle information. If approved, the applicant would rent a property at a monthly rate of $________ with a security deposit of $________, anticipating a move-in date of __________. Personal details are requested for the applicant and any co-applicants or dependents. Employment and income sources must be verified along with references from banks, employers, and a personal contact.
Box 13-7Family Assessment GuideIIdentifying Data· Name ____VannaSchrader3This document contains a family assessment guide with sections for collecting identifying data, drawing a genogram, assessing individual and family needs, analyzing family dynamics, and developing a care plan. It then provides an example case study of an 80-year-old man with diabetes who had his leg amputated and is now refusing care, causing stress for his caregiver wife. Their children visit infrequently. The community health nurse completes assessments to understand the family's situation and develop a mutually agreeable care plan.
Updated PRC FormBlue bearThe document appears to be a record of clinical experiences for a nursing student. It includes sections listing major operations, minor procedures, deliveries handled and assisted with, and cord dressings. For each experience, it records patient details, date, type of procedure or surgery, hospitals and supervising clinicians. Signatures and credentials of supervisors and the dean are provided to validate the documented experiences.
Updated HTU PRC FormBlue bearThe document appears to be a record of clinical experiences for a nursing student. It includes sections listing major operations, minor procedures, deliveries handled and assisted with, and cord dressings. For each experience, it records patient details, date, type of procedure or surgery, anesthesia used, treating physicians and hospital. Signatures of the clinical supervisor, chief nurse and dean are included to verify the documented experiences.
Autism Spectrum Disordersguestd6b912The document outlines the schedule and content for a presentation on treating autism spectrum disorders from a systemic perspective. Part I defines autism and common non-systemic treatment approaches, including applied behavioral analysis and social skills training. Part II examines the systemic context of autism's effects on families. Part III discusses systemic treatment approaches like family therapy and generating stronger family structures.
Autism Spectrum DisordersjgreenlcswcThe document outlines a presentation on treating autism spectrum disorders from a systemic perspective. Part I defines autism and common non-systemic treatment approaches. Part II discusses the systemic context of autism and how it affects family dynamics. Part III describes systemic treatment approaches, including strengthening the family structure, developing parents' skills, and minimizing scapegoating within the family system.
Reproduction+work+sheet+isn[1]clonardoSexual reproduction involves the fusion of male and female gametes to produce offspring that are genetically different from the parents. In animals, gametes are produced through meiosis and fuse during fertilization. In plants, pollen is transferred during pollination and fuses with the egg cell during fertilization. Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent and involves processes like budding in plants or binary fission in bacteria.
New Patient Welcome PacketBeachhead CommunicationsThis document collects information from a new patient, including their contact information, reason for visit, medical history, current medications, and insurance details. The patient is asked to provide details about their primary complaint, when it began, how it affects their daily life, previous treatments received, and any relevant past injuries, illnesses, or surgeries. They are also asked if they use tobacco or have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. The final sections collect their insurance and demographic information to process payments.
CONTRACT SIGNATURE PAGEMelissa FinnThis document contains a contract for care between a parent and Lady Bug's Child Care Center. The parent gives permission for their child to go on general outings with the center, have their photo taken on outings which may be used for advertising, participate in media use and ride in vehicles driven by center staff. The parent agrees to the weekly rates for care of their child and to promptly pay bills by the agreed upon schedule, with a $25 late fee to be charged for each late payment.
PersonalinjuryquestionnaireWendy CahillThis document is a personal injury questionnaire for a patient of Dr. R. Mark Pappas relating to a motor vehicle accident. It requests information about the accident details, insurance, injuries, treatment history, and current complaints. Specifically, it asks for the date of injury, names of those involved, vehicle and insurance details, whether police were notified, a description of the accident and injuries, prior medical history, treatment received, and impact on work. It also includes a checklist of potential present complaints.
Box 13-7 Family Assessment GuideI Identifying DataName ______.docxbartholomeocoombsBox 13-7 Family Assessment Guide
I Identifying Data
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone number(s):_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Household members (relationship, gender, age, occupation, education):____________________________________________________
Financial data (sources of income, financial assistance, medical care; expenditures):___________________________________________
Ethnicity: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Religion: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Identified client(s):______________________________________________________________________________________________
Source of referral and reason: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
II Genogram
Include household members, extended family, and significant others
Age or date of birth, occupation, geographical location, illnesses, health problems, major events
Triangles and characteristics of relationships
III Individual Health Needs (for each household family member)
Identified health problems or concerns: ________________________________________________________________________________
Medical diagnoses: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Recent surgery or hospitalizations: _________________________________________________________________________________
Medications and immunizations: _________________________________________________________________________________
Physical assessment data: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Emotional and cognitive functioning: _______________________________________________________________________________
Coping: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sources of medical and dental care: ____________________________________________________________________________
Health screening practices: ____________________________________________________________________________________
IV Interpersonal Needs
Identified subsystems and dyads:________________________________________________________________________________
Prenatal care needed: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent–child interactions:__.
Atividade de-ciencias-as-caries-4º-ou-5º-anoPaulo SilvaThe document discusses dental caries (cavities) in children. It states that bacteria in the mouth use leftover food after meals to produce acid, which causes damage to teeth and leads to cavities. Brushing teeth after eating with toothpaste and dental floss removes food and bacteria, protecting dental health. The World Health Organization recommends that by age 12, a child should have no more than 3 cavities, but in Brazil, children of that age have over 6 cavities on average. The main ways to prevent cavities are brushing after meals, limiting sweets, and regular dental checkups.
College Reportnatasha100This document is a form for transfer applicants currently enrolled in college courses to provide information about their ongoing coursework and progress. It requests the applicant list current courses, credit hours, and estimated grades. A school official must sign to verify the accuracy of the information. Upon completion of the current term, a final transcript must be sent to the University of Tennessee Office of Admissions for review to allow for an early admission decision.
Apta eval fax version asapt 2007BASIT RehmanThis physical therapy assessment document contains information about a new patient, including:
- Demographic information such as name, age, height, weight, hand dominance, living situation, and medical history.
- The patient's chief complaints including a history of their current problems, symptoms, and functional limitations.
- Medical information like past surgeries, medications, allergies, and family medical history.
- Screening of the patient's general health, pain levels, functional status, and goals for physical therapy.
Employment applicationRachel VillalobosPlanned Parenthood is an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate in hiring or employment. The application requests basic personal information such as name, address, phone number, and eligibility to work. It asks about the applicant's education history, previous work experience, licenses or certifications, and personal references. By signing, the applicant authorizes Planned Parenthood to conduct background checks and acknowledges that providing false information is grounds for disqualification or dismissal.
Patient history of illnessspinalworks3Chiropractic is a safe and gentle approach to healthcare that gets right to the heart of the matter to help you restore the body to its natural state of well being and once again enjoy an active, pain free lifestyle.
For More Information Visit at:
Intellectual Honesty & Research Integrity.pptxNidhiSharma495177Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
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Similar to Child Case History Form.pdfasdsaàssasfgg (20)
Portefólio 2009 2010Maria Paula de PaivaThis document appears to be a student portfolio template containing sections for personal information, interests, self-assessments, observations, evaluations, and notes. It includes fields for the student's name, photo, birthdate, height and weight. There are also sections to track accomplishments over time, academic strengths and weaknesses, and strategies for improvement. The template seems designed to collect a variety of data about a student's development and learning progress throughout the school year.
1st Grade Unit 6: A tiger cub grows upSharnon Johnston-RobinettThe document provides instructions for students to complete a weekly vocabulary study booklet. It directs students to cut out vocabulary words, put them in alphabetical order, use each word in a sentence, and staple the words into a booklet to take home and study. It includes a list of vocabulary words for the student to use in sentences in the booklet.
Contagion Health Get Up and Move: Social Gaming for Better HealthJen McCabe The document appears to be a collection of disjointed notes and phrases with no clear overall topic or narrative. It includes dates, words, sentences fragments and a medical form with fields for personal information. There is no obvious central theme or main idea that could be summarized due to the diverse and unrelated nature of the content.
Kids Therapy Forms | Initial QuestionnaireMy Kids TherapyKids Therapy Connection is an outpatient pediatric practice that offers a whole-person approach to therapy focused on promoting the growth and development of children within their families. Therapists use sensory integration, cognitive behavioral, motor learning, and neurodevelopment frameworks to guide practice. Our therapists regularly attend professional training courses to enhance their skills and provide innovative treatment for our clients.
Rental applicationJenjt11This rental application collects information about an applicant, including their contact information, rental history, employment, credit history, references, and vehicle information. If approved, the applicant would rent a property at a monthly rate of $________ with a security deposit of $________, anticipating a move-in date of __________. Personal details are requested for the applicant and any co-applicants or dependents. Employment and income sources must be verified along with references from banks, employers, and a personal contact.
Box 13-7Family Assessment GuideIIdentifying Data· Name ____VannaSchrader3This document contains a family assessment guide with sections for collecting identifying data, drawing a genogram, assessing individual and family needs, analyzing family dynamics, and developing a care plan. It then provides an example case study of an 80-year-old man with diabetes who had his leg amputated and is now refusing care, causing stress for his caregiver wife. Their children visit infrequently. The community health nurse completes assessments to understand the family's situation and develop a mutually agreeable care plan.
Updated PRC FormBlue bearThe document appears to be a record of clinical experiences for a nursing student. It includes sections listing major operations, minor procedures, deliveries handled and assisted with, and cord dressings. For each experience, it records patient details, date, type of procedure or surgery, hospitals and supervising clinicians. Signatures and credentials of supervisors and the dean are provided to validate the documented experiences.
Updated HTU PRC FormBlue bearThe document appears to be a record of clinical experiences for a nursing student. It includes sections listing major operations, minor procedures, deliveries handled and assisted with, and cord dressings. For each experience, it records patient details, date, type of procedure or surgery, anesthesia used, treating physicians and hospital. Signatures of the clinical supervisor, chief nurse and dean are included to verify the documented experiences.
Autism Spectrum Disordersguestd6b912The document outlines the schedule and content for a presentation on treating autism spectrum disorders from a systemic perspective. Part I defines autism and common non-systemic treatment approaches, including applied behavioral analysis and social skills training. Part II examines the systemic context of autism's effects on families. Part III discusses systemic treatment approaches like family therapy and generating stronger family structures.
Autism Spectrum DisordersjgreenlcswcThe document outlines a presentation on treating autism spectrum disorders from a systemic perspective. Part I defines autism and common non-systemic treatment approaches. Part II discusses the systemic context of autism and how it affects family dynamics. Part III describes systemic treatment approaches, including strengthening the family structure, developing parents' skills, and minimizing scapegoating within the family system.
Reproduction+work+sheet+isn[1]clonardoSexual reproduction involves the fusion of male and female gametes to produce offspring that are genetically different from the parents. In animals, gametes are produced through meiosis and fuse during fertilization. In plants, pollen is transferred during pollination and fuses with the egg cell during fertilization. Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent and involves processes like budding in plants or binary fission in bacteria.
New Patient Welcome PacketBeachhead CommunicationsThis document collects information from a new patient, including their contact information, reason for visit, medical history, current medications, and insurance details. The patient is asked to provide details about their primary complaint, when it began, how it affects their daily life, previous treatments received, and any relevant past injuries, illnesses, or surgeries. They are also asked if they use tobacco or have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. The final sections collect their insurance and demographic information to process payments.
CONTRACT SIGNATURE PAGEMelissa FinnThis document contains a contract for care between a parent and Lady Bug's Child Care Center. The parent gives permission for their child to go on general outings with the center, have their photo taken on outings which may be used for advertising, participate in media use and ride in vehicles driven by center staff. The parent agrees to the weekly rates for care of their child and to promptly pay bills by the agreed upon schedule, with a $25 late fee to be charged for each late payment.
PersonalinjuryquestionnaireWendy CahillThis document is a personal injury questionnaire for a patient of Dr. R. Mark Pappas relating to a motor vehicle accident. It requests information about the accident details, insurance, injuries, treatment history, and current complaints. Specifically, it asks for the date of injury, names of those involved, vehicle and insurance details, whether police were notified, a description of the accident and injuries, prior medical history, treatment received, and impact on work. It also includes a checklist of potential present complaints.
Box 13-7 Family Assessment GuideI Identifying DataName ______.docxbartholomeocoombsBox 13-7 Family Assessment Guide
I Identifying Data
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone number(s):_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Household members (relationship, gender, age, occupation, education):____________________________________________________
Financial data (sources of income, financial assistance, medical care; expenditures):___________________________________________
Ethnicity: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Religion: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Identified client(s):______________________________________________________________________________________________
Source of referral and reason: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
II Genogram
Include household members, extended family, and significant others
Age or date of birth, occupation, geographical location, illnesses, health problems, major events
Triangles and characteristics of relationships
III Individual Health Needs (for each household family member)
Identified health problems or concerns: ________________________________________________________________________________
Medical diagnoses: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Recent surgery or hospitalizations: _________________________________________________________________________________
Medications and immunizations: _________________________________________________________________________________
Physical assessment data: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Emotional and cognitive functioning: _______________________________________________________________________________
Coping: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sources of medical and dental care: ____________________________________________________________________________
Health screening practices: ____________________________________________________________________________________
IV Interpersonal Needs
Identified subsystems and dyads:________________________________________________________________________________
Prenatal care needed: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent–child interactions:__.
Atividade de-ciencias-as-caries-4º-ou-5º-anoPaulo SilvaThe document discusses dental caries (cavities) in children. It states that bacteria in the mouth use leftover food after meals to produce acid, which causes damage to teeth and leads to cavities. Brushing teeth after eating with toothpaste and dental floss removes food and bacteria, protecting dental health. The World Health Organization recommends that by age 12, a child should have no more than 3 cavities, but in Brazil, children of that age have over 6 cavities on average. The main ways to prevent cavities are brushing after meals, limiting sweets, and regular dental checkups.
College Reportnatasha100This document is a form for transfer applicants currently enrolled in college courses to provide information about their ongoing coursework and progress. It requests the applicant list current courses, credit hours, and estimated grades. A school official must sign to verify the accuracy of the information. Upon completion of the current term, a final transcript must be sent to the University of Tennessee Office of Admissions for review to allow for an early admission decision.
Apta eval fax version asapt 2007BASIT RehmanThis physical therapy assessment document contains information about a new patient, including:
- Demographic information such as name, age, height, weight, hand dominance, living situation, and medical history.
- The patient's chief complaints including a history of their current problems, symptoms, and functional limitations.
- Medical information like past surgeries, medications, allergies, and family medical history.
- Screening of the patient's general health, pain levels, functional status, and goals for physical therapy.
Employment applicationRachel VillalobosPlanned Parenthood is an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate in hiring or employment. The application requests basic personal information such as name, address, phone number, and eligibility to work. It asks about the applicant's education history, previous work experience, licenses or certifications, and personal references. By signing, the applicant authorizes Planned Parenthood to conduct background checks and acknowledges that providing false information is grounds for disqualification or dismissal.
Patient history of illnessspinalworks3Chiropractic is a safe and gentle approach to healthcare that gets right to the heart of the matter to help you restore the body to its natural state of well being and once again enjoy an active, pain free lifestyle.
For More Information Visit at:
Intellectual Honesty & Research Integrity.pptxNidhiSharma495177Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
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Child Case History Form.pdfasdsaàssasfgg
1. Page 1 of 4
Client No: ________
All questions contained in this questionnaire are strictly confidential and will become part of the child’s
Name: ____________________________________________________ DOB _____/______/_________
(Last, First, MI)
Address: _______________________________________________ Home/cell phone: ___________________
City, State, ZIP __________________________________________Work phone: ________________________
Best time to phone: _____________________________
Previous or Referring Doctor: __________________________________________________________________
Parents Name Age Occupation Highest Education Level
Name of person completing this questionnaire: _____________________________________________________
Relationship to child:__________________________________________________________________________
If the address of either parent is different from that of the child, please indicate below.
Other children in the family:
Name Gender Age Any speech, language or hearing problems? Please explain.
Who referred you to the Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic? ________________________________________
Has your child received speech or language therapy in the past? ________________________________________
If so, who was the child’s speech-language pathologist? ______________________________________________
Is the child currently enrolled in therapy? ______ If so, where? _______________________________________
Child’s doctor(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
Why are you seeking our services at this time?______________________________________________________
What do you expect to achieve from our services?___________________________________________________
When was the speech or language difficulty first noticed? ____________________________________________
Who noticed it? ______________________________________________________________________________
2. Page 2 of 4
Biological mother’s age at time of pregnancy: ______________________________________________________
Any medical problems before this pregnancy: Yes □ No □ If yes, please explain. ________________________
Did the mother have any of the following during the pregnancy? German Measles □ Toxemia □
Accidents/Injuries □ Anemia □ Hospitalization □ Other □
Please explain above complications:______________________________________________________________
Please check and explain all that apply:
□ Mother took medication during pregnancy _______________________________________________________
□ Child was born prematurely___________________________________________________________________
□ Prolonged labor ____________________________________________________________________________
□ Forceps used ______________________________________________________________________________
□ Caesarean Section __________________________________________________________________________
□ Breech birth _______________________________________________________________________________
□ Mother given drugs during labor/delivery _______________________________________________________
□ Low birth weight ___________________________________________________________________________
□ Small for gestational age _____________________________________________________________________
□ Rh Factor _________________________________________________________________________________
□ Child received oxygen at birth ________________________________________________________________
□ Other complications ________________________________________________________________________
Please give ages which the following first occurred:
Held up head Sat up unsupported
Crawled Reached for an object
Stood Walked unaided
Ran First tooth erupted
First word Put two words together
Bladder trained Bowel trained
Night trained Fed self
Which hand does the child use most frequently? Right □ Left □ No preference □
Does your child have difficulty walking, running, or participating in other activities which require small or large
muscle coordination? _________________________________________________________________________
Are there or have there ever been any feeding problems (e.g., problems with sucking, swallowing, drooling,
chewing, etc.?) If yes, please describe. ____________________________________________________________
Describe the child’s response to sound (please check all that apply):
Responds to all sounds □ Responds to loud sounds □ Inconsistently responds to sounds □
3. Page 3 of 4
Surgeries: Reason: Hospital:
Check all that apply: indicate age
and describe where appropriate. Age Describe:
□ Adenoidectomy
□ Allergies
□ Asthma
□ Blood disease
□ Cataracts
□ Chickenpox
□ Chronic colds
□ Convulsions
□ Croup
□ Dental problems/ Orthodontia
□ Ear aches
□ Ear infections
□ Encephalitis
□ Headaches
□ Head injuries
□ Heart problems
□ Influenza
□ Mastoidectomy
□ Measles
□ Muscle disorder
□ Pneumonia
□ Tonsillectomy
□ Tonsillitis
□ Other (please specify)
Is your child’s health Good □ Fair □ Poor □
Is your child now under medical treatment or on medication? Yes □ No □
List your child’s prescribed drugs and over-the-counter drugs, (ex. Medications, vitamins, inhalers) ___________
Date of last vision test: _____________ Results: _________________________________________________
Date of last hearing test: ____________ Results: _________________________________________________
Does your child wear a hearing aid? Yes □ No □ Glasses? Yes □ No □ If yes, please explain.
Date of comprehensive or behavioral evaluation(s): _________________________________________________
4. Page 4 of 4
Is English the primary language in the home? Yes □ No □ If not, what is the primary language? _____________
Please describe how your child interacts with others? (e.g., shy, aggressive, uncooperative, etc.) ______________
How does your child get along with other children? _________________________________________________
Does your child prefer to play alone? _____________________________________________________________
Does your child have pretend play (pretends to go to work like mom/day, drinks pretend tea, etc.) ____________
What are your child’s favorite TV shows? _________________________________________________________
Does your child have a favorite stuffed animal or cartoon character? ____________________________________
How does the child get along with brothers and sisters?_______________________________________________
What kinds of activities are engaged in by the whole family? __________________________________________
What things does the child do particularly well? ____________________________________________________
Child’s current grade level: ____________________________________________________________________
How is your child doing academically? ___________________________________________________________
If enrolled for special services, has an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) been developed? If yes, please describe
your child’s goals or attach a copy of his/her IEP. ___________________________________________________
Please provide any additional information that may be helpful in the evaluation or treatment of your child.