This document provides instructions for a Christmas coloring game activity for students. It involves students working in pairs or groups to color a Christmas scene by following the coloring instructions on clue cards. The first group to correctly color all parts of the scene according to the cards wins. The activity is designed to encourage students to communicate in English only to avoid using their native language. A prize is given to the fastest and best coloring groups.
This document contains questions about parts of speech, pictures showing actions, and instructions to color balloons red and blue. It asks if "noun" is a naming word, the national bird of the Philippines, and which pictures show an action. The final sentences repeat the instruction to color balloons in red and blue.
Kindergarten students are learning important sight words to help with reading. These sight words are common words that students should be able to recognize on sight without sounding out the individual letters. The list includes words like "the", "and", "you", and other short words that make up a large portion of what children read in the early grades.
The document provides details for a design brief and calendar project for Northern Regional College (NRC) for 2013. Students are asked to design an image that represents the theme of "Belonging" and will be included in the 2013 NRC calendar. The image must be submitted digitally by November 14th, and the winning design will be used for the cover and January month, while other finalists will be featured throughout the calendar.
The document discusses the importance of word order in English sentences and provides examples of common word order patterns with the subject, verb, object, complement, and modifiers. It shows how rearranging words can change the meaning of sentences and illustrates standard patterns such as subject-verb-object and subject-verb-complement.
Mitchell Kanashkevich is a renowned documentary photographer who focuses on capturing disappearing ancient cultures and people in challenging situations. His goal is to capture the human elements and convey the deep emotions and hardships experienced by his subjects. He makes a living by freelancing and collaborating with stock photo agencies to sell his photos. Kanashkevich's photos use light, warmth and coldness in composition to depict the environments and moods of his subjects. His work provides insight into the contrasting lives between first and third world countries.
El color carmes鱈 es a su vez nombrado rojo de grana y en tiempos remotos se l...Arlen Mosquera
El color carmes鱈 se ha conocido con diversos nombres a lo largo de la historia. Originalmente se obten鱈a triturando insectos, cuyo polvo ten鱈a este color. En la Edad Media, el color escarlata era s鱈mbolo de estatus debido a su alto costo, por lo que el carmes鱈 tambi辿n ten鱈a este privilegio. El carmes鱈 despierta sentimientos de pasi坦n, fuerza y acci坦n, pero tambi辿n puede simbolizar el odio y la energ鱈a mal encauzada si no se usa con moderaci坦n.
The document provides information about the Pearson Test of English General Practice Test 1 for the written test at Level 3 Upper Intermediate. It details the total time given and score points available for each section. Section 1 is a 10 question listening test worth 10 points. Section 2 involves listening and writing worth 10 points. Section 3 is another 10 question listening test. The following sections involve reading comprehension and writing questions. The written test is out of a total of 75 points.
This passage discusses a document about the Michigan Proficiency Practice Test 1. It provides a cloze passage about global warming that has been redacted with blanks that must be filled in based on multiple choice answer options provided. The passage discusses how the issue of global warming was once portrayed as having two sides but was an oversimplification, and that there is now overwhelming evidence that human activities are the main cause of increasing global temperatures.
Iif u take a mouse to the movies-secret coderealenglishgr
1. The document provides a code to figure out spelling words by substituting letters with other letters or numbers.
2. It includes an example of how "lixt" decodes to "shoe" using the code.
3. Students are instructed to use the code to figure out 13 spelling words and complete additional practice activities with the words.
Santa needs help finding his way through a Christmas maze. Students are instructed to follow and circle Christmas-related words as they guide Santa from the start to finish of the maze. The document provides a maze for students to solve with pictures of various items, and asks them to write the correct Christmas words they circled on the provided answer key.
1. The document provides clues to 31 terms related to Christmas in a crossword puzzle format.
2. Clues are given across and down and include common Christmas items, traditions, characters, and dates.
3. Answers include gifts, decorations, reindeer, stockings, lights, Santa Claus and more.
This is a Christmas-themed word search puzzle containing clues for common Christmas words and phrases. Across clues include "Jingle bells", sending Christmas cards, "Mr. Claus", Scrooge, and reindeer. Down clues include tree toppers, snow covering windows, candy canes, stockings, eggnog, elves, and presents under the tree. The puzzle is copyrighted from 2002.
The document contains 14 Christmas-themed images for coloring, including depictions of a Christmas tree, holly, candle, dove, candy cane, wreath, elf, angel, Santa, Santa's face, mistletoe, stocking, and Santa's sleigh. Each image is accompanied by a copyright notice attributing it to Futonge Kisito on the website
The document is a Christmas-themed board game for kids to practice vocabulary. It includes:
- A board with dialogue boxes containing Christmas prompts like Santa, presents, and reindeer.
- Players move markers along the board by flipping coins and answering the prompts.
- Getting certain spaces like reindeer allow extra turns if a task is completed.
- The first player to reach the finish space wins. The game aims to teach kids Christmas vocabulary in a fun, interactive way.
Iif u take a mouse to the movies-secret coderealenglishgr
1. The document provides a code to figure out spelling words by substituting letters with other letters or numbers.
2. It includes an example of how "lixt" decodes to "shoe" using the code.
3. Students are instructed to use the code to figure out 13 spelling words and complete additional practice activities with the words.
Santa needs help finding his way through a Christmas maze. Students are instructed to follow and circle Christmas-related words as they guide Santa from the start to finish of the maze. The document provides a maze for students to solve with pictures of various items, and asks them to write the correct Christmas words they circled on the provided answer key.
1. The document provides clues to 31 terms related to Christmas in a crossword puzzle format.
2. Clues are given across and down and include common Christmas items, traditions, characters, and dates.
3. Answers include gifts, decorations, reindeer, stockings, lights, Santa Claus and more.
This is a Christmas-themed word search puzzle containing clues for common Christmas words and phrases. Across clues include "Jingle bells", sending Christmas cards, "Mr. Claus", Scrooge, and reindeer. Down clues include tree toppers, snow covering windows, candy canes, stockings, eggnog, elves, and presents under the tree. The puzzle is copyrighted from 2002.
The document contains 14 Christmas-themed images for coloring, including depictions of a Christmas tree, holly, candle, dove, candy cane, wreath, elf, angel, Santa, Santa's face, mistletoe, stocking, and Santa's sleigh. Each image is accompanied by a copyright notice attributing it to Futonge Kisito on the website
The document is a Christmas-themed board game for kids to practice vocabulary. It includes:
- A board with dialogue boxes containing Christmas prompts like Santa, presents, and reindeer.
- Players move markers along the board by flipping coins and answering the prompts.
- Getting certain spaces like reindeer allow extra turns if a task is completed.
- The first player to reach the finish space wins. The game aims to teach kids Christmas vocabulary in a fun, interactive way.
1. Name:______________________
Christmas Color Game
Color the Christmas scene below by
following the instructions on the clue cards.
息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. and
Christmas Color Game
Color the Christmas scene below by
following the instructions on the clue cards.
息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. and
2. Teachers Notes
This game is a great way to get children to communicate enthusiastically with one another. The students should complete this
task in pairs or groups.
GAME INSTRUCTIONS: Each group is given one clue card. They follow the coloring instructions written on the card. Once they
complete the coloring task, they trade the card for another one (the teacher can hold the cards). The first group to complete all the
coloring correctly wins!
To make sure that the communication is in English rather than in their native language, an English Only rule can be in effect
during this activity.
Each time a member of a group speaks in their native language, there is a penalty of 10 seconds when they want to trade a card.
For faster play, each group can trade two or three cards at a time. A prize can be given for the first group to finish and also to the
group with the best coloring.
Each group needs the following crayons: blue, red, green, purple, pink, yellow, and brown.
The final colored Christmas scene should match the colors below.
息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. and
3. Clue Cards Print this page on thick stock paper and cut them out. You can also print them of regular
paper, glue them to cardboard, and then cut them out.
The The boy The boy The boy
The dog
ornament holding the holding the holding the
The candy and the tree
balls on the candy cane candy cane candy cane
cane is trunk are
Christmas has BLUE has a RED has
RED. both
tree are pants and coat, scarf GREEN
YELLOW. boots. and hat. mittens.
The boy
The girl
The girl sitting on The The girl
carrying the
The ribbon decorating the big Christmas carrying the
present has
on the tree the tree is snowball is gift is present has
PINK pants
is RED. dressed all dressed wrapped in a YELLOW
in PINK! completely YELLOW. hat.
in BLUE!
The boy The boy The boy The boy
The girl
making the making the making the making the
carrying the The
snowman snowman snowman snowman
present has snowmans
has a has BLUE has a RED has
a PURPLE hat is RED.
GREEN mittens and hat and PURPLE
scarf. boots. coat. pants.
息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. and