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Christmas Color Game
Color the Christmas scene below by
following the instructions on the clue cards.

                           息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.teyl.com and www.teachchildrenesl.com

Christmas Color Game
Color the Christmas scene below by
following the instructions on the clue cards.

                           息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.teyl.com and www.teachchildrenesl.com
Teachers Notes

This game is a great way to get children to communicate enthusiastically with one another. The students should complete this
task in pairs or groups.

GAME INSTRUCTIONS: Each group is given one clue card. They follow the coloring instructions written on the card. Once they
complete the coloring task, they trade the card for another one (the teacher can hold the cards). The first group to complete all the
coloring correctly wins!

To make sure that the communication is in English rather than in their native language, an English Only rule can be in effect
during this activity.

Each time a member of a group speaks in their native language, there is a penalty of 10 seconds when they want to trade a card.

For faster play, each group can trade two or three cards at a time. A prize can be given for the first group to finish and also to the
group with the best coloring.

Each group needs the following crayons: blue, red, green, purple, pink, yellow, and brown.

                                        The final colored Christmas scene should match the colors below.

                                 息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.teyl.com and www.teachchildrenesl.com
Clue Cards Print this page on thick stock paper and cut them out.                                       You can also print them of regular
paper, glue them to cardboard, and then cut them out.

    The                                                                       The boy                        The boy          The boy
                                              The dog
 ornament                                                                   holding the                     holding the      holding the
                  The candy                 and the tree
balls on the                                                                candy cane                      candy cane       candy cane
                   cane is                   trunk are
 Christmas                                                                   has BLUE                       has a RED            has
                    RED.                        both
  tree are                                                                   pants and                      coat, scarf        GREEN
 YELLOW.                                                                       boots.                        and hat.          mittens.

                                               The boy
                                                                                                                               The girl
                    The girl                  sitting on                        The                           The girl
                                                                                                                             carrying the
The ribbon        decorating                    the big                      Christmas                      carrying the
                                                                                                                             present has
on the tree       the tree is                snowball is                       gift is                      present has
                                                                                                                             PINK pants
 is RED.          dressed all                  dressed                       wrapped in                     a YELLOW
                   in PINK!                  completely                      YELLOW.                            hat.
                                              in BLUE!

                                              The boy                         The boy                          The boy        The boy
  The girl
                                             making the                     making the                       making the      making the
carrying the          The
                                             snowman                         snowman                          snowman        snowman
present has       snowmans
                                               has a                        has BLUE                         has a RED          has
a PURPLE          hat is RED.
                                              GREEN                         mittens and                        hat and        PURPLE
                                               scarf.                          boots.                           coat.          pants.

                       息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.teyl.com and www.teachchildrenesl.com

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Christmas colouring game

  • 1. Name:______________________ Christmas Color Game Color the Christmas scene below by following the instructions on the clue cards. 息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.teyl.com and www.teachchildrenesl.com Name:______________________ Christmas Color Game Color the Christmas scene below by following the instructions on the clue cards. 息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.teyl.com and www.teachchildrenesl.com
  • 2. Teachers Notes This game is a great way to get children to communicate enthusiastically with one another. The students should complete this task in pairs or groups. GAME INSTRUCTIONS: Each group is given one clue card. They follow the coloring instructions written on the card. Once they complete the coloring task, they trade the card for another one (the teacher can hold the cards). The first group to complete all the coloring correctly wins! To make sure that the communication is in English rather than in their native language, an English Only rule can be in effect during this activity. Each time a member of a group speaks in their native language, there is a penalty of 10 seconds when they want to trade a card. For faster play, each group can trade two or three cards at a time. A prize can be given for the first group to finish and also to the group with the best coloring. Each group needs the following crayons: blue, red, green, purple, pink, yellow, and brown. Solution The final colored Christmas scene should match the colors below. 息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.teyl.com and www.teachchildrenesl.com
  • 3. Clue Cards Print this page on thick stock paper and cut them out. You can also print them of regular paper, glue them to cardboard, and then cut them out. The The boy The boy The boy The dog ornament holding the holding the holding the The candy and the tree balls on the candy cane candy cane candy cane cane is trunk are Christmas has BLUE has a RED has RED. both tree are pants and coat, scarf GREEN BROWN. YELLOW. boots. and hat. mittens. The boy The girl The girl sitting on The The girl carrying the The ribbon decorating the big Christmas carrying the present has on the tree the tree is snowball is gift is present has PINK pants is RED. dressed all dressed wrapped in a YELLOW and in PINK! completely YELLOW. hat. mittens. in BLUE! The boy The boy The boy The boy The girl making the making the making the making the carrying the The snowman snowman snowman snowman present has snowmans has a has BLUE has a RED has a PURPLE hat is RED. GREEN mittens and hat and PURPLE coat. scarf. boots. coat. pants. 息2007 Advanced Teacher Training Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.teyl.com and www.teachchildrenesl.com