The document provides details for a design brief and calendar project for Northern Regional College (NRC) for 2013. Students are asked to design an image that represents the theme of "Belonging" and will be included in the 2013 NRC calendar. The image must be submitted digitally by November 14th, and the winning design will be used for the cover and January month, while other finalists will be featured throughout the calendar.
1. Students are asked to create a free composition using elements like dots, lines, planes, textures and colors to transmit a message for International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
2. Their composition can be abstract or representational and will be evaluated based on criteria like how well the topic corresponds to the intended message and how shapes, colors and techniques are used.
3. Students must explain the message they wish to transmit through their composition.
This document outlines the objectives, timeline, and requirements for Units 4, 5, and 6 of the Edexcel (BTEC) Diploma in Foundation Studies in Art & Design. The units focus on developing understanding of historical and contemporary contexts to inspire creative work, bringing together skills across media, and proposing ideas that exploit material properties. Students will complete a project in their specialist pathway from December to February, involving research, experimentation, and producing a finished outcome or model. They must meet objectives for each unit, show evidence of their process, and provide ongoing self-analysis and a final evaluation of their work.
Este documento resume la historia reciente de Catalu単a y las relaciones entre Catalu単a y Espa単a. Explica que durante los 炭ltimos 35 a単os, Catalu単a ha tenido mayor autonom鱈a y poder de decisi坦n que nunca antes en su historia. Sin embargo, en los 炭ltimos a単os ha habido un aumento del sentimiento independentista, probablemente debido a la crisis econ坦mica y la demora en la sentencia sobre el estatuto de autonom鱈a de Catalu単a. El documento analiza las encuestas que muestran este aumento del sentimiento independentista y atribuye parte de la culpa a los medi
The Toyota Prius is one of the most famous hybrid cars in the world. It provides advantages like fuel efficiency and cleanliness. Using more hybrid cars can help reduce air pollution levels globally.
This document outlines the marketing manager role and responsibilities of Sarah Pendley, who oversees social media and marketing for The St. Regis Houston, Westin Galleria & Westin Oaks Houston, and Westin Houston Memorial City. It provides tips on best practices for social media marketing, ideas for social media content, and an analysis of increases in social media followers for the hotels over the past year.
Casey Newman, the Director of Communications and Marketing at The Briar Club, will present today. Students should form at least 5 questions for Casey related to her work in social media communications and marketing. Questions could relate to her experience at The Briar Club, her career path, or tips for jobs in the social media field. Students should post their questions to the class Facebook group by the end of class.
QuickTime Player allows you to record your screen in 5 simple steps: select File > New Screen Recording, choose a portion of the screen to capture, click the red recording button, click the button again to stop recording, and then post the recording to YouTube to share.
El documento describe la econom鱈a catalana al inicio del siglo XXI, se単alando tres fuerzas que impulsan el movimiento independentista: los independentistas de larga data, los catalanistas que se sintieron ofendidos por la sentencia del Estatuto, e indignados por la crisis. Tambi辿n analiza datos econ坦micos de Catalu単a que muestran un crecimiento m叩s lento que el promedio espa単ol en ocupaci坦n, PIB per c叩pita e innovaci坦n. La crisis econ坦mica a partir de 2008 tuvo un fuerte impacto en Espa単a y Catalu単a, con altos
Este documento discute las afirmaciones econ坦micas del independentismo catal叩n. Se単ala contradicciones en sus argumentos sobre la riqueza de Catalu単a y su relaci坦n con Espa単a. Por un lado, reconocen su situaci坦n econ坦mica privilegiada comparada con el resto de Espa単a, pero tambi辿n mantienen una ret坦rica de v鱈ctima de explotaci坦n colonial. Adem叩s, dicen que la independencia mejorar鱈a su econom鱈a, pero tambi辿n enfatizan su 辿xito econ坦mico actual. El documento usa datos estad鱈sticos para mostrar que Catalu単a ha dis
Here are 5 questions I would ask Sydney Freas:
1. Open-ended: What factors do you consider most important when selecting new hotel partners for your sites?
2. Closed-ended: Do you have a minimum star rating requirement for hotels?
3. Directive: Could you tell me more about how your marketing efforts help drive business to hotel partners?
4. Reflective: When hoteliers express concerns about high commission rates, how do you help them understand the value you provide?
5. Reflective: Some argue that online travel agencies do not provide as much value as they did in the past. What is your perspective on that view?
Here are 3 potential opening methods not yet discussed:
- Question - The salesperson could open by asking the prospect a thought-provoking question to engage them and learn about their needs.
- Product - Introducing a new product or service offering could be an direct way to open the conversation.
- Air of Mystery - Piquing the prospect's curiosity without explicitly stating the offering upfront can attract their interest.
The document discusses techniques for handling objections in sales, including listening without interrupting, understanding the objection, remaining positive, empathizing with the customer, providing evidence to address their concerns, and maintaining a positive attitude and behavior. It provides examples of common objections, steps to overcoming objections, and emphasizes selling the benefits rather than just the features to convince the customer.
Marie Antoinette was born in 1755 in Austria and married Louis XVI when she was 14. She became Queen of France but faced increasing hostility from the public. During the French Revolution in 1789, an angry mob stormed the Bastille prison and Versailles palace, forcing the royal family to flee to Paris. Marie and Louis were later imprisoned and Marie was executed by guillotine in 1793 at the age of 37, marking the end of the French monarchy.
Modern academic library space planning and design presentationkdarby100
Academic libraries have had to redesign their physical spaces due to technological advancements. There are three common paradigms for library space planning: reader-centered, which devotes space to connecting with books; book-centered, which devotes most space to books and materials; and learning-centered, which focuses on educating users. Information commons provide technology and staff assistance for accessing digital information and have replaced traditional library spaces on many campuses. The athenaeum model is less service-oriented than the information commons and focuses more on engagement in scholarship. Studies have found physical study spaces like rooms and carrels are consistently popular, and that physical space is desired more for group collaboration over virtual space.
El documento describe la econom鱈a catalana al inicio del siglo XXI, se単alando tres fuerzas que impulsan el movimiento independentista: los independentistas de larga data, los catalanistas que se sintieron ofendidos por la sentencia del Estatuto, e indignados por la crisis. Tambi辿n analiza datos econ坦micos de Catalu単a que muestran un crecimiento m叩s lento que el promedio espa単ol en ocupaci坦n, PIB per c叩pita e innovaci坦n. La crisis econ坦mica a partir de 2008 tuvo un fuerte impacto en Espa単a y Catalu単a, con altos
Este documento discute las afirmaciones econ坦micas del independentismo catal叩n. Se単ala contradicciones en sus argumentos sobre la riqueza de Catalu単a y su relaci坦n con Espa単a. Por un lado, reconocen su situaci坦n econ坦mica privilegiada comparada con el resto de Espa単a, pero tambi辿n mantienen una ret坦rica de v鱈ctima de explotaci坦n colonial. Adem叩s, dicen que la independencia mejorar鱈a su econom鱈a, pero tambi辿n enfatizan su 辿xito econ坦mico actual. El documento usa datos estad鱈sticos para mostrar que Catalu単a ha dis
Here are 5 questions I would ask Sydney Freas:
1. Open-ended: What factors do you consider most important when selecting new hotel partners for your sites?
2. Closed-ended: Do you have a minimum star rating requirement for hotels?
3. Directive: Could you tell me more about how your marketing efforts help drive business to hotel partners?
4. Reflective: When hoteliers express concerns about high commission rates, how do you help them understand the value you provide?
5. Reflective: Some argue that online travel agencies do not provide as much value as they did in the past. What is your perspective on that view?
Here are 3 potential opening methods not yet discussed:
- Question - The salesperson could open by asking the prospect a thought-provoking question to engage them and learn about their needs.
- Product - Introducing a new product or service offering could be an direct way to open the conversation.
- Air of Mystery - Piquing the prospect's curiosity without explicitly stating the offering upfront can attract their interest.
The document discusses techniques for handling objections in sales, including listening without interrupting, understanding the objection, remaining positive, empathizing with the customer, providing evidence to address their concerns, and maintaining a positive attitude and behavior. It provides examples of common objections, steps to overcoming objections, and emphasizes selling the benefits rather than just the features to convince the customer.
Marie Antoinette was born in 1755 in Austria and married Louis XVI when she was 14. She became Queen of France but faced increasing hostility from the public. During the French Revolution in 1789, an angry mob stormed the Bastille prison and Versailles palace, forcing the royal family to flee to Paris. Marie and Louis were later imprisoned and Marie was executed by guillotine in 1793 at the age of 37, marking the end of the French monarchy.
Modern academic library space planning and design presentationkdarby100
Academic libraries have had to redesign their physical spaces due to technological advancements. There are three common paradigms for library space planning: reader-centered, which devotes space to connecting with books; book-centered, which devotes most space to books and materials; and learning-centered, which focuses on educating users. Information commons provide technology and staff assistance for accessing digital information and have replaced traditional library spaces on many campuses. The athenaeum model is less service-oriented than the information commons and focuses more on engagement in scholarship. Studies have found physical study spaces like rooms and carrels are consistently popular, and that physical space is desired more for group collaboration over virtual space.
Modern academic library space planning and design presentationkdarby100
Nrc calendar brief 2013 v2
1. Project NRC 2013 Calendar Design
Issued to BTEC Diploma in Foundation Studies in Art and Design (NRC)
Date 19th October 2012
Brief Theme:
2012 and 2013 are special years for this part of the world. The centenary celebrations,
special events and iconic launches that are currently being promoted through Northern
Ireland Tourist Boards Our Time, Our Place branding campaign are raising the profile of
Northern Ireland on an international basis. Even more importantly perhaps, theyre helping
all of us to recognise the strengths of our shared heritage, to see what it means to take pride
in local achievements and to understand the aspirations that we all share for the future.
With these powerful feelings in mind, the theme of the 2013 NRC calendar is:
It is the role of artists, poets, writers and perhaps most especially designers to help people
understand, appreciate and experience the world around them. Good design can take a
complex theme and make it seem clear and direct. Often this process involves using some
form of symbolism to communicate on an emotional rather than a rational level.
For this project we want you to bear in mind all that is mentioned above, think about what
the word Belong means to you as an individual, consider how a sense of belonging can
play a positive role within society and ultimately create an image that communicates your
conclusions. These images will be used within the NRC 2013 calendar, an integral and
crucial part of the colleges corporate communications.
Target Audience:
Students and staff of Northern Regional College
Industry - local, national and international
Local community - schools, libraries and community groups
Local media
McCadden Roof Terrace, Bedford House, Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7FD | 028 9024 2228 |
2. Brief Media:
There is no restriction imposed upon how you create your image. Images may be full colour
or monochrome and can be produced in any of the following media:
Photography or digital imaging
Mixed media of your choice
Image Area - to scale to finished size of - 325mm (w) x 275mm (h)
All images to be supplied as either:
300dpi CMYK eps photoshop file
Highest quality JPG file
CS4 Illustrator eps
Adobe Acrobat PDF 300dpi
Submission to include a maximum of 140 words of text to explain your
interpretation of the brief
design rationale
method of production
Deadline 14th November 2012
All final submissions to be given to your tutor by
Wednesday 14th November 2012 at 12 noon.
Each student can only submit one design.
McCadden will judge the submissions and the winning entries will be as follows:
1st - Winner
The winning entry will feature on the front cover and on the month of January
of the calendar and the winning student will be awarded an iPod Touch.
The remaining 11 finalists will be featured on the FebruaryDecember spreads.
The 12 finalists will be announced on Tuesday 4th December 2012 at 12 noon.
Date of award ceremony - Tuesday 4th December 2012 at 12 noon.
McCadden Roof Terrace, Bedford House, Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7FD | 028 9024 2228 |
3. Brand Building
This area is for support text
IMAGE AREA from the student about their
piece of work. This area is for
support text from the student
about their piece of work. This
area is for support text from
the student about their piece of
work. This area is for support
text from the student about their
piece of work. This area is for
support text from the student
about their piece of work. This
area is for support text from
the student about their piece of
work. This area is for support
text from the student about their
piece of work. This area is for
support text from the student
about their piece of work. This
area is for support text from
the student about their piece of
work. This area is for support
text from the student about
their piece of work.
MARCH 2013 M T W T F S S
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
Format Calendar 2013
Please note the format of the entries on the calendar.
Shape is LANDSCAPE - please submit entry at 325mm (width) x 275mm (height).
McCadden Roof Terrace, Bedford House, Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7FD || 028 9024 2228 |
Roof Terrace, Bedford House, Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7FD 028 9024 2228