The document presents a modified HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) model for IPTV streaming. The standard Apple HLS model was tested and modified to improve traffic shaping, bandwidth load balancing, and mobility. Intermediate cache servers were added to distribute traffic between servers in a peer-to-peer manner, reducing response times. The modified model segments streams into indexed files that cache servers store and share among clients, limiting traffic to requested content only. Results showed the modified model provided improved accessibility, security, and optimized traffic distribution compared to multicast and standard unicast streaming methods.
RPP Kelas 1b t1 st 4 pb 1 ( teguh hidayat )Teguh Hidayat
Rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran ini membahas tentang tema "Diriku" dan subtema "Aku Istimewa" untuk siswa kelas 1B. Pembelajaran ini bertujuan agar siswa dapat mengenal karakteristik diri dan teman-temannya, serta belajar bekerja sama dalam permainan sederhana. Materi ajarannya meliputi mengamati wajah dan ciri fisik diri sendiri dan teman, serta bermain permainan tradisional ular naga se
The document presents a modified HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) model for IPTV streaming. The standard Apple HLS model was tested and modified to improve traffic shaping, bandwidth load balancing, and mobility. Intermediate cache servers were added to distribute traffic between servers in a peer-to-peer manner, reducing response times. The modified model segments streams into indexed files that cache servers store and share among clients, limiting traffic to requested content only. Results showed the modified model provided improved accessibility, security, and optimized traffic distribution compared to multicast and standard unicast streaming methods.
RPP Kelas 1b t1 st 4 pb 1 ( teguh hidayat )Teguh Hidayat
Rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran ini membahas tentang tema "Diriku" dan subtema "Aku Istimewa" untuk siswa kelas 1B. Pembelajaran ini bertujuan agar siswa dapat mengenal karakteristik diri dan teman-temannya, serta belajar bekerja sama dalam permainan sederhana. Materi ajarannya meliputi mengamati wajah dan ciri fisik diri sendiri dan teman, serta bermain permainan tradisional ular naga se
El documento describe la evaluaci坦n final como una herramienta para comprobar lo que los estudiantes han aprendido y c坦mo han integrado los conocimientos. Tiene como objetivos conocer el logro de los objetivos de un curso, comprobar las capacidades de los estudiantes, y posibilitar la promoci坦n o graduaci坦n. La evaluaci坦n final puede incluir observaciones, preguntas, an叩lisis de trabajos, pruebas, discusiones, autoevaluaciones y es importante para mejorar el proceso de ense単anza-aprendizaje de manera continua.
Este documento describe las 7 etapas clave de la planificaci坦n de la evaluaci坦n: 1) identificar el objeto a evaluar, 2) determinar la finalidad, 3) determinar los criterios de evaluaci坦n, 4) seleccionar los instrumentos, 5) aplicar los instrumentos, 6) registrar y analizar la informaci坦n, y 7) tomar decisiones. Explica cada etapa y proporciona ejemplos. El prop坦sito general de la evaluaci坦n es obtener informaci坦n retroalimentadora para mejorar el proceso de ense単anza-aprendizaje mediante decisiones basadas en
When we hear values, we interpret it in three different ways: cultural norms, metrics for tradeoffs (if you happen to be a decision analyst), or distinguishing between means and ends (if youve read Value-Focused Thinking). This talk will share a fourth way of hearing the term values, offering an interpretation of values as meta-strategy by understanding intrinsic purpose. Exploring intrinsic purpose is unfamiliar territory, and stories will be shared on how such an exercise helped unlock the creative juice of an organization, gave dignity to their work and transformed their frame. Along the way, a $2 million portfolio turned into a $30 million portfolio. That story and other experiments in mapping the values of organizations will be shared. A reformulation of the six elements of decision quality along the head and heart dimensions will also be offered.
Engineering Research Publication
Best International Journals, High Impact Journals,
International Journal of Engineering & Technical Research
ISSN : 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P)
Engineering Research Publication
Best International Journals, High Impact Journals,
International Journal of Engineering & Technical Research
ISSN : 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P)
Engineering Research Publication
Best International Journals, High Impact Journals,
International Journal of Engineering & Technical Research
ISSN : 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P)
This document provides an overview of test automation using Selenium. It discusses what test automation is, the benefits of automation, and when it should be used. It then describes several automation tools, focusing on the features of Selenium. The core components of Selenium are outlined, including Selenium IDE, Selenium Remote Control, WebDriver, and Grid. Examples of using Selenium IDE to retrieve values from a list box and check for a specific value are also provided.
I do not have enough information to determine if any of the options constitute price discrimination. Price discrimination refers to a company charging different prices to different customers for the same good or service.
Asher Smith was born in New Jersey and moved to Colorado as a baby where she learned to walk and ride a horse. At age 4 she moved to California where she learned to surf. At age 8 she returned to Colorado and this past winter learned how to ski based on family photos, maps, and stories from her parents.
This document discusses the concept of consumer sovereignty. It defines consumer sovereignty as the ability and freedom of consumers to choose from a range of goods and services, and that ultimately consumers decide what is produced through their choices. The document provides a brief history of the term, noting it was coined by William Hutt, and discusses how consumer sovereignty is an important aspect of free market economics. It also discusses some limitations to true consumer sovereignty, such as unequal incomes, availability of goods, and other external factors that influence consumer choices.
Video Documentation for Action Research:
The following presentation was presented at "KY YU H畛I THAO KHOA HO味C QUC GIA: TIP C畉N GIAO DU味C THONG MINH TRONG I MI GIAO DU味C PH THONG" in Da Nang on December 21, 2018.
This presentation was shared to WOW Bali as part of our on going research in sustainable and regenerative development; leveraging WOW's Social Emotional Learning Framework within "Smart Education" Development. The efforts are to define sustainable and regenerative (easy to do and simple to share) models that hyper prime SEAMEO's Seven (7) Priorities of Education via SEL development for optimum innovative research and developments via low cost and high impact dynamics. These solutions hope to includes ASEAN's collaborative networks development via trans-sectorial and trans-cultural solutions; such as private to public partnerships for maximizing opportunities.
Presentation 7 FILE NAME: Bao cao - ThS. Nguyen Thi My
ThS. NGUYN THI味 MY味 Nang cao hi畉耕u qua ho味c t畉〔p cua ho味c sinh thong qua th動 nghi畉耕m mo hinh l董p ho味c thong minh ta味i Tru董ng Ti棚u ho味c Archimedes Academy Ha N畛i
7. L畛a ch畛n v t畛 ch畛c c叩c n畛i dung h畛c t畉p
D畛a tr棚n c叩c c但u h畛i WHO ? WHAT ? HOW ?
畛i t動畛ng ch鱈nh tham gia h畛 th畛ng d畉y h畛c tr畛c tuy畉n?
o 畉c i畛m? Nhu c畉u h畛c t畉p?
o N畛n t畉ng ki畉n th畛c, k挑 nng?
o Kh坦 khn, h畉n ch畉?
C叩c c担ng vi畛c c畉n th畛c hi畛n:
Th担ng tin v畛 kh坦a h畛c-h畛c ph畉n v 畛i t動畛ng: ngnh o t畉o, lo畉i
h狸nh o t畉o (ch鱈nh quy, t畉i ch畛c, nghi畛p v畛), kh坦a h畛c (di h畉n, ng畉n
h畉n), h畛c vi棚n (ngnh ngh畛, 畛 tu畛i, ki畉n th畛c n畛n)
Kh畉o s叩t v畛 kh畉 nng chuy棚n m担n, ki畉n th畛c/k挑 nng
Kh畉o s叩t v畛 kh畉 nng/k挑 nng IT v Internet
Kh畉o s叩t v畛 m畛c 畛 s畛 d畛ng PC v c叩c c担ng c畛 Web (chat, blog,
8. L畛a ch畛n v t畛 ch畛c c叩c n畛i dung
h畛c t畉p
M畛c ti棚u h畛c t畉p
o M畛c ti棚u d畉y h畛c c畛a kh坦a h畛c h畛c ph畉n ?
o Y棚u c畉u c畉n 畉t 動畛c sau kh坦a h畛c? Ki畉n
th畛c, k挑 nng?
K畉t qu畉 h畛c t畉p
o N畛i dung tr畛ng t但m
o N畛i dung t畛 nghi棚n c畛u
o Ti li畛u tham kh畉o, ti nguy棚n h畛c t畉p
9. L畛a ch畛n v t畛 ch畛c c叩c n畛i dung
h畛c t畉p
o H狸nh th畛c o t畉o: h畛 tr畛 h畛c t畉p, k畉t h畛p, hay t畛
xa hon ton?
o C叩ch ki畛m tra, 叩nh gi叩: off-line, on-line (t畛 l畛 v
thnh ph畉n)?
o T畛 ch畛c c叩c ho畉t 畛ng d畉y h畛c: theo tu畉n hay theo
ch畛 畛?
o T畛 ch畛c ho畉t 畛ng gi叩m s叩t, ph畉n h畛i th担ng tin v
qu畉n l鱈 kh坦a h畛c?
13. 13
E - mail
Di畛n n th畉o
G畉p m畉t (t畉i l畛p)
Tr狸nh chi畉u
Tr嘆 chuy畛n
Thm d嘆 箪 ki畉n
C叩c 畛ng d畛ng chia s畉
Th畉o lu畉n qua audio
Th畉o lu畉n qua video
Lm vi畛c theo nh坦m
Gi叩o vi棚n
H畛c sinh
14. Ch畛n c担ng c畛 c畉n thi畉t cho m畛t th畉o
lu畉n tr畛c tuy畉n
T畉i sao c畉n m畛t cu畛c th畉o lu畉n tr畛c tuy畉n
o D畉y h畛c kh担ng c坦 c畉u tr炭c, ki畉n th畛c tr畛u t動畛ng
o Ng動畛i h畛c c坦 nhi畛u c但u h畛i
o Nh畛ng h畛c sinh th畛 畛ng c畉n h畛c v畛i nh畛ng h畛c sinh kh叩c
o Kh担ng c坦 th畛i gian 畛 ph叩t tri畛n h畛c li畛u
15. Ch畛n c担ng c畛 ph湛 h畛p cho h畛c sinh
C叩c y畉u t畛 quy畉t 畛nh:
N畛i dung 02Th担ng th畉o
ng担n ng畛
畛 hi畛u v
ph畉n 畛ng
linh ho畉t
Tr畛ng 但m
Tr畛ng 但m
畉nh h動畛ng
畉n vi畛c hi畛u
nh畛ng ng動畛i
K畛 nng 叩nh
K畛 nng 叩ng
m叩y t畛t s畉
tang s畛
t動董ng t叩c khi
ang tr嘆
chuy畛n gi炭p
cho cu畛c
th畉o lu畉n c坦
hi畛u qu畉
Chuy棚n m担n
k挑 thu畉t
Kh畉 nng s畛
m叩y t鱈nh v
c叩c c担ng
ngh畛 thnh
th畉o gi炭p cho
vi畛c th畉o
lu畉n tr畛c
tuy畉n di畛n ra
m畛t c叩ch
thu畉n l畛i v
thnh c担ng
16. Ch畛n c担ng c畛 ph湛 h畛p cho h畛c sinh
C叩c y畉u t畛 quy畉t 畛nh kh叩c
o T畛c 畛 k畉t n畛i m畉ng
20. Quy tr狸nh s畛 d畛ng
Gi叩o vi棚n
H畛c sinh
M叩y ch畛 c畛ng t叩c
1. Gi叩o vi棚n
t畉o slides
2. Gi叩o vi棚n t畉i
c叩c slides l棚n
4. Gi叩o vi棚n tr狸nh
5. H畛c sinh
nh狸n v nghe
21. 際際滷 Shows
S畛 d畛ng khi:
o N畛i dung 動畛c thay 畛i nhanh ch坦ng 畛 ph湛 h畛p v畛i ph畉n h畛i
c畛a h畛c sinh vo c叩c bu畛i h畛c tr動畛c.
o Th担ng tin c畉n 動畛c truy畛n 畉t m畛t c叩ch hi畛u qu畉, h畛p l箪 v
ch鱈nh x叩c.
o Tr狸nh by c叩c v鱈 d畛 tr畛c quan nh動 h狸nh 畉nh, s董 畛,
o Gi畛i thi畛u t畛ng quan c叩c ho畉t 畛ng.
o H動畛ng d畉n chi ti畉t cho ng動畛i h畛c kh担ng bi畉t c叩ch s畛 d畛ng c叩
c担ng c畛 c畛ng t叩c hay ch動a s畉n sang c畛ng t叩c v畛i m畛i ng動畛i.
22. E-mail
E-mail l ph動董ng ph叩p ph畛 bi畉n nh畉t khi c畛ng t叩c trong e-
S畛 d畛ng 畛:
o G畛i c叩c th担ng b叩o cho l畛p
o Khi c畉n trao 畛i ri棚ng v畛 c叩c ho畉t 畛ng, c担ng vi畛c trong l畛p.
23. Discussion Forums (Di畛n n th畉o
N董i gi叩o vi棚n v c叩c thnh vi棚n trong l畛p h畛c c坦 th畛 trao 畛i, th畉o
lu畉n c叩c v畉n 畛 trong h畛c t畉p v畛i nhau m畛t c叩ch g畉n g滴i, th但n
S畛 d畛ng khi:
o Ng動畛i h畛c t動董ng t叩c v畛i nhau
o Cho ph辿p c叩c cu畛c th畉o lu畉n di畛n ra theo 畛 di t湛y 箪
o T畉t c畉 m畛i ng動畛i 畛u c坦 th畛 tham gia
o Gi炭p cho ng動畛i h畛c r竪n luy畛n c叩c k挑 nng ng担n ng畛
o Th畉o lu畉n m畛i ch畛 畛 quan t但m
o Khuy畉n kh鱈ch s畛 ph畉n h畛i t畛 ng動畛i h畛c
o Gi炭p ng動畛i h畛c ph叩t tri畛n kh畉 nng t畛 h畛c
24. Chat and Instant messaging
S畛 d畛ng khi
o Cho c叩c cu畛c th畉o lu畉n 董n gi畉n
o S畛 ph畉n h畛i trong tr狸nh by
o C叩 nh但n h坦a h畛c t畉p
o Kh担ng c畉n bi gi畉ng
o Cho nh畛ng ng動畛i 叩nh m叩y nhanh
25. Whiteboard
B畉ng tr畉ng gi炭p c叩c gi叩o vi棚n v h畛c sinh ph叩c th畉o 箪 t動畛ng m
kh担ng th畛 di畛n t畉 b畉ng l畛i.
B畉ng tr畉ng 畉c bi畛t quan tr畛ng 畛i v畛i c叩c kh坦a h畛c v畛 khoa h畛c,
k畛 thu畉t, to叩n h畛c, v c叩c 畛i t動畛ng kh叩c c坦 畛 h畛a v vn b畉n.
B畉ng tr畉ng c滴ng r畉t quan tr畛ng 畛i v畛i nh畛ng ng動畛i c坦 k畛 nng
ti畉ng Anh k辿m.
C叩c 畛i t動畛ng ph畛 bi畉ntrong Whiteboard:
o H狸nh 畉nh tr畛c quan
o S畛 b畛 tr鱈 v t畛 ch畛c c叩c thnh ph畉n c畛a h畛 th畛ng
o Bi畛u 畛, 畛 th畛
o Bi畛u t動畛ng tr畛c quan
26. Web tours
Web Tours cho ph辿p gi叩o vi棚n h動畛ng d畉n h畛c vi棚n d畉n 畉n c叩c
trang web c畉n quan t但m.
Gi叩o vi棚n i畛u h動畛ng t畛i m畛t trang Web v tr狸nh duy畛t c畛a ng動畛i
h畛c s畉 t畛 畛ng hi畛n th畛 trang 坦.
C坦 2 lo畉i Web tours:
o Ng動畛i h畛c ch畛 動畛c xem
o Ng動畛i h畛c c坦 th畛 t動董ng t叩c
27. Application sharing
Cho ph辿p chia s畉 c叩c ch動董ng tr狸nh, c畛a s畛, ton mn h狸nh v畛i
ng動畛i h畛c.
S畛 d畛ng khi
o M担 ph畛ng c叩c ch動董ng tr狸nh v d畉y k挑 nng ho畉c c叩c ch動董ng
tr狸nh ch動a 動畛c ph叩t hnh v kh担ng ph畛 bi畉n r畛ng r達i
o Xem c叩c d畛 li畛u m kh担ng 畛 tr棚n m叩y t鱈nh ng動畛i h畛c
o Ng動畛i h畛c lm c叩c m担 ph畛ng c畛a ng動畛i d畉y
o T畉o c叩c ho畉t 畛ng h畛p t叩c li棚n quan 畉n nhi畛u h畛c vi棚n
30. Khai th叩c c叩c ho畉t 畛ng
Absorb activity
o Ng動畛i h畛c h畛c n畛i dung m畛i 動畛c tr狸nh by trong video bi
gi畉ng, video demo
o Tham kh畉o slide bi gi畉ng, ti li畛u tham kh畉o kh坦a h畛c cung c畉p
12/23/2014 30
31. Khai th叩c c叩c ho畉t 畛ng
Do-type activities
o Ng動畛i h畛c th畛c hi畛n bi t畉p sau m畛i bi h畛c
12/23/2014 31
32. Khai th叩c c叩c ho畉t 畛ng
Connect Activities
o Forum
o Wikis
o Journal
o Glossary
12/23/2014 32
Ng動畛i h畛c tham gia chia s畉, trao 畛i th畉o lu畉n v畛i gi叩o vi棚n v
v畛i ng動畛i h畛c kh叩c
#44: d畛 畛nh v畛 nh畛ng ph畉n 畛ng, 動a ra nh畛ng chu畉n, ph畉n 畛ng d畉n d畉n, kh担ng bao gi畛 ph畉n 畛ng trong s畛 gi畉n d畛, ph但n bi畛t s畛 kh担ng 畛ng 箪 v畛 m畉c nh畉n th畛c t畛 nh畛ng hnh vi l畉m d畛ng
#46: f Keep discussion forums open or set up alumni-only forums.
f Maintain a roster of alumni who are willing to share their contact information. Make it
available only to other alumni.
f Conduct alumni-only meetings to discuss how they are applying ideas from the
f Let alumni sit in on future offerings of the course.
f Invite alumni to serve as special tutors, mentors, or teaching assistants.