This document provides an overview of common sentence structures in English that are often seen on university and college entrance exams in Vietnam. It discusses structures such as those using "not only...but also", "as well as", "both...and", question structures like "to have/get someone do something", and relative clauses using "too" and "so". Examples are provided to illustrate the usage of each grammatical structure. The document aims to help students familiarize themselves with these common patterns to improve their English proficiency.
The document provides information about the simple past tense, present continuous tense, and past continuous tense in English.
It explains that the simple past tense uses the past form or auxiliary "did" plus the base form of the verb. Regular verbs end in "-ed" and irregular verbs have variable past forms. The present continuous tense uses "be" plus the base form plus "-ing" to talk about present or future actions. The past continuous tense uses the past form of "be" plus the present participle to talk about an action that was happening at a specific time in the past.
This document provides information about how to form and use the Simple Past Tense in English. It discusses:
1. The structure of positive, negative, and question sentences in the Simple Past Tense, which uses the past form of irregular verbs and the auxiliary "did" + base form of regular verbs.
2. Examples of common irregular and regular verb forms in the Simple Past Tense.
3. Exceptions for the verb "to be", which is conjugated rather than using an auxiliary.
The document provides information about the simple past tense, present continuous tense, and past continuous tense in English.
It explains that the simple past tense uses the past form or auxiliary "did" plus the base form of the verb. Regular verbs end in "-ed" and irregular verbs have variable past forms. The present continuous tense uses "be" plus the base form plus "-ing" to talk about present or future actions. The past continuous tense uses the past form of "be" plus the present participle to talk about an action that was happening at a specific time in the past.
This document provides information about how to form and use the Simple Past Tense in English. It discusses:
1. The structure of positive, negative, and question sentences in the Simple Past Tense, which uses the past form of irregular verbs and the auxiliary "did" + base form of regular verbs.
2. Examples of common irregular and regular verb forms in the Simple Past Tense.
3. Exceptions for the verb "to be", which is conjugated rather than using an auxiliary.
The document provides a review of English verb tenses for the College Board exam, including the present progressive, past progressive, simple present, future, and simple past tenses. It defines each tense and provides examples of formation, questions, and negatives for each tense. A list of irregular verbs is also included at the end.
This document discusses different types of pronouns in English including:
- Demonstrative pronouns like this, that, these, those.
- Interrogative pronouns like who, which, whom, whose.
- Negation pronouns like no, nobody, none.
- Personal and reflexive pronouns like I, me, myself.
- Relative pronouns like who, whom, whose, which, that.
- Reciprocal pronouns like each other, one another.
- Quantifier pronouns like some, any, every, all, both.
Examples are provided to illustrate how each type of pronoun is used as a subject, object
This document discusses the use of the simple past tense in Spanish. It provides examples of how the simple past is used to express actions that started and finished at a specific time in the past, to list a series of actions, and to describe durations that began and ended in the past. It also explains that the simple past can be used to describe past habits or facts that are no longer true. The document further discusses the formation of the simple past of regular and irregular verbs, questions and negatives in the simple past.
This document outlines the curriculum for the first semester of English 7 taught by Ms. Thu Oanh. It covers 5 units:
1) Present simple and future tenses
2) Imperatives, compound sentences
3) Past simple and present perfect tenses
4) Comparatives and same/different
5) Quantifiers, passive voice
The document provides forms, usage and examples for grammar structures in each unit. It also lists knowledge and skills that will be taught to help students with English proficiency and exams.
This document provides 20 grammar topics for review to prepare students for the English proficiency exam for 7th graders. It includes the forms, usage and examples of verb tenses like present simple, present continuous, present perfect. It also covers other grammar points like phrases and clauses, comparisons, reported speech, modal verbs, questions tags and more. The topics aim to help students strengthen their knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary.
This document provides information on the present simple, present perfect, and present continuous tenses in English. It discusses the forms, uses, and rules for each tense. For the present simple, it describes how it is used to describe routines, habits, and frequent actions. For the present perfect, it explains how it is used for actions that started in the past and continue now, past experiences, and actions with present results. And for the present continuous, it outlines how it expresses ongoing actions happening now or around the moment of speaking.
This document provides information on the present simple, present perfect, and present continuous tenses in English. It discusses the forms, uses, and rules for each tense. The present simple is used to describe habits and routines. The present perfect is used for actions that began in the past and continue to the present or actions that happened at an unspecified time previously. The present continuous expresses actions that are happening now or around the moment of speaking. Examples are provided to illustrate the different tenses.
The document discusses past future tense and simple future tense in English. Past future tense refers to actions that were planned or predicted in the past from the past perspective, and is formed using "would" or "was/were going to". Simple future tense refers to actions that will occur in the future, and is formed using "will" or "be going to". Both tenses are used to make predictions, plans and promises. Examples are provided to illustrate the formation and use of past future tense and simple future tense.
This document provides a summary and examples of different English verb tenses including:
1. Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Would Like To, Future with Will, and Future: Be Going To.
2. Each tense is defined and examples are provided to illustrate their structure and usage. Key points about when each tense is used are highlighted such as to describe habitual actions, ongoing actions, completed actions, plans/predictions for the future.
3. Over 20 verb tense examples are given for each one to demonstrate them in full sentences. The document serves as a helpful reference guide for the different English verb tenses.
The document discusses the different tenses in the English language, including the present simple, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, and simple past tenses. It provides rules for forming sentences in each tense, including affirmative, negative, and interrogative examples. It also includes exercises for the reader to practice forming sentences in each tense.
This document defines and discusses relative pronouns and relative clauses in Vietnamese. It defines relative clauses as subordinate clauses connected to main clauses by relative pronouns like who, whom, whose, which, that or relative adverbs like where, when, why. It discusses the different types of relative pronouns and adverbs, the types of relative clauses, ways to shorten relative clauses, and notes on using relative clauses. Key points include:
- Who is used for people as subjects, whom for people as objects
- Which can be used for things as subjects or objects
- That can be used for both people and things
- Whose is used to replace possessive adjectives
- When, where,
The document provides information about an English textbook for 7th grade students in Vietnam. It includes:
- An overview of the textbook's organization according to the new Vietnamese education curriculum and standards.
- A description of the textbook's content including grammar, vocabulary, exercises for phonics, reading, writing and more.
- A note encouraging students to use the textbook to help them master English and do well on tests.
The document appears to be notes about elliptical constructions in English. It provides examples of how to use words like "too", "so", "either", and "neither" to combine two similar sentences that share the same action or activity. It discusses the use of these words with sentences using verbs, modal verbs, the auxiliary verbs "have" and "has", and when an additional verb like "do" or "does" is needed. Several examples are given for positive and negative sentences.
The document provides an overview of infinitives in English grammar. It discusses how infinitives can act as subjects, objects, and subject complements. It also covers how certain verbs, adjectives, nouns, and adverbs are followed by infinitives and the different meanings this can convey. Specifically, it explains how infinitives can indicate necessity or advisability after nouns and how some verbs allow only infinitives or gerunds while others allow both. The document provides examples for each rule and clarifies confusing aspects of using infinitives.
The document discusses different past tenses in English including the past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple, and past perfect continuous. It explains that these "past narrative tenses" are used to talk about finished past events and interrupted or continuous past actions. The document also discusses the uses of "used to" and "would" for describing past habits or repeated actions versus past situations or states. Examples are provided and the students practice identifying and correcting errors related to these past tense forms.
This document provides a grammar lesson on the present perfect tense. It explains that the present perfect is used to talk about something that started in the past but is still ongoing or relevant in the present. It outlines the form of the present perfect, which uses either "has" or "have" plus the past participle of the main verb. It also discusses how to form negative sentences and questions in the present perfect.
The document discusses various English grammar concepts including gerunds, infinitives, adverbs, noun clauses, conditionals, and the subjunctive mood. Gerunds act as nouns formed from verbs and can be subjects, objects, or complements. Infinitives also act as nouns and can be subjects or objects. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and entire sentences. Noun clauses function as subjects, objects, or complements and are introduced by words like that, what, why, whether. Conditionals express real or unreal situations depending on the tense used. The subjunctive mood is used after certain adjectives or with "it" constructions to express necessity or
1. The document provides guidelines for using verbs and modifiers correctly in English sentences. It discusses the proper use of verb tenses, including simple present, future, conditionals, modals, and verbals.
2. Modifier usage is also covered, including adjectives, adverbs, comparatives, superlatives, numbers, and negation. Guidelines are provided for adjective-adverb confusion, dangling modifiers, and adjective order.
3. Pronoun rules are outlined, such as case, number, person, possession, and reference. Relative and personal pronouns are distinguished.
4. Other sections address basic patterns involving clauses, objects, and word order. Guidelines encourage conciseness
1. Chuy棚n 畛 Luy畛n thi T畛t nghi畛p THPT v Luy畛n thi 畉i h畛c, Cao 畉ng 2009
V LUY畛N THI 畉I H畛C, CAO 畉NG 2009
Chuy棚n 畛: M畛T S畛 M畉U CU TH働畛NG G畉P
- 但y l chuy棚n 畛 cu畛i c湛ng ch炭ng t担i gi畛i thi畛u t畛i c叩c em. Chuy棚n 畛 ny tr狸nh by
c叩c c畉u tr炭c c但u c董 b畉n hay g畉p trong ti畉ng Anh: c畉u tr炭c c但u mang ngh挑a bao hm, c畉u
tr炭c c但u ph畛 ho畉, c畉u tr炭c c但u c畉u khi畉n v m畛t s畛 c畉u tr炭c c但u kh叩c.
1. C畉u tr炭c c但u mang ngh挑a bao hm
坦 l l畛i n坦i g畛p hai 箪 trong c但u lm m畛t th担ng qua m畛t s畛 c叩c c畛m t畛. Hai
thnh ph畉n trong c但u ph畉i t動董ng 動董ng nhau v畛 m畉t t畛 lo畉i: danh t畛 v畛i danh t畛,
t鱈nh t畛 v畛i t鱈nh t畛, ...
1.1. Not only ..... but also (kh担ng nh畛ng ... m c嘆n....)
S + verb + not only + noun/adj/adv + but also + noun/adj/adv
S + not only verb + but also + verb
Robert is not only talented but also handsome.
He writes not only correctly but also neatly.
She can play not only the guitar but also the violin.
She not only plays the piano but also composes music.
Thnh ph畉n sau 'but also' th動畛ng quy畉t 畛nh thnh ph畉n sau 'not only'.
Incorrect: He is not only famous in Italy but also in Switzerland.
Correct: He is famous not only in Italy but also in Switzerland.
1.2. As well as (v畛a ... v畛a ...)
C滴ng gi畛ng nh動 c畉u tr炭c tr棚n, c叩c thnh ph畉n 畉ng tr動畛c v 畉ng sau c畛m t畛
ny ph畉i t動董ng 動董ng v畛i nhau.
S + verb + noun/adj/adv + as well as + noun/adj/adv
S + verb + as well as + verb
V鱈 d畛:
Robert is talented as well as handsome.
He writes correctly as well as neatly.
She plays the guitar as well as the violin.
Paul plays the piano as well as composes music.
Ch炭 箪: Kh担ng 動畛c nh畉m thnh ng畛 ny v畛i as well as c畛a hi畛n t動畛ng 畛ng ch畛
ng畛 mang ngh挑a c湛ng v畛i. Ng担i tr動畛ng chung c畛a h畛c tr嘆 Vi畛t Trang 1
2. Chuy棚n 畛 Luy畛n thi T畛t nghi畛p THPT v Luy畛n thi 畉i h畛c, Cao 畉ng 2009
The teacher, as well as her students, is going to the concert.
My cousins, as well as Tim, have a test tomorrow.
1.3. Both ..... and... (v畛a ... v畛a)
C担ng th畛c d湛ng gi畛ng h畛t nh動 not only .... but also. Both ch畛 動畛c d湛ng v畛i
and, kh担ng 動畛c d湛ng v畛i as well as.
Robert is both talented and handsome.
Paul both plays the piano and composes music.
2. M畛t s畛 c畉u tr炭c c但u c畉u khi畉n
2.1. To have sb do sth = to get sb to do sth = khi畉n ai, b畉o ai lm g狸
Ill have Peter fix my car.
Ill get Peter to fix my car.
2.2. To have/to get sth done = lm m畛t vi畛c g狸 b畉ng c叩ch thu棚 ng動畛i kh叩c
I have my hair cut. (T担i i c畉t t坦c - ch畛 kh担ng ph畉i t担i t畛 c畉t)
I have my car washed.
(T担i mang xe i r畛a ngoi d畛ch v畛 - kh担ng ph畉i t畛 r畛a)
Theo khuynh h動畛ng ny 畛ng t畛 to want v would like c滴ng c坦 th畛 d湛ng v畛i m畉u
c但u nh動 v畉y:
To want/ would like Sth done. (鱈t d湛ng)
I want/ would like my car washed.
2.3. To make sb do sth = to force sb to do sth = B畉t bu畛c ai ph畉i lm g狸
The bank robbers made the manager give them all the money.
The bank robbers forced the manager to give them all the money.
畉ng sau t但n ng畛 c畛a make c坦 th畛 d湛ng 1 t鱈nh t畛: To make sb/sth + adj
Wearing flowers made her more beautiful.
Chemical treatment will make this wood more durable
2.4. To make sb + P2 = lm cho ai b畛 lm sao
Working all night on Friday made me tired on Saturday.
2.5. To cause sth + P2 = lm cho c叩i g狸 b畛 lm sao
The big thunder storm caused many waterfront houses damaged.
2.6. To let sb do sth = to permit/allow sb to do sth = 畛 cho ai, cho ph辿p ai lm g狸
I let me go.
At first, she doesnt allow me to kiss her but...
3. L畛i n坦i ph畛 ho畉
3.1. Ph畛 ho畉 c但u kh畉ng 畛nh
Khi mu畛n n坦i m畛t ng動畛i ho畉c v畉t no 坦 lm m畛t vi畛c g狸 坦 v m畛t ng動畛i, v畉t
kh叩c c滴ng lm m畛t vi畛c nh動 v畉y, ng動畛i ta d湛ng so ho畉c too. 畛 tr叩nh ph畉i l畉p
l畉i c叩c t畛 c畛a c但u tr動畛c (m畛nh 畛 ch鱈nh), ng動畛i ta d湛ng li棚n t畛 and v th棚m
m畛t c但u 董n gi畉n (m畛nh 畛 ph畛) c坦 s畛 d畛ng so ho畉c too. ngh挑a c畛a hai t畛
ny c坦 ngh挑a l c滴ng th畉垂. Ng担i tr動畛ng chung c畛a h畛c tr嘆 Vi畛t Trang 2
3. Chuy棚n 畛 Luy畛n thi T畛t nghi畛p THPT v Luy畛n thi 畉i h畛c, Cao 畉ng 2009
John went to the mountains on his vacation, and we did too.
John went to the mountains on his vacation, and so did we.
I will be in Vietnam in May, and they will too.
I will be in Vietnam in May, and so will they.
He has seen her play, and the girls have too.
He has seen her play, and so have the girls.
We are going to the movie tonight, and he is too.
We are going to the movie tonight, and so is he.
She will wear a custom to the party, and we will too.
She will wear a custom to the party, and so will we.
Picaso was a famous painter, and Rubens was too.
Picaso was a famous painter, and so was Rubens.
Tu畛 theo t畛 no 動畛c d湛ng m c畉u tr炭c c但u c坦 s畛 thay 畛i.
Khi trong m畛nh 畛 ch鱈nh c坦 畛ng t畛 be 畛 b畉t c畛 th畛i no th狸 trong m畛nh 畛
ph畛 c滴ng d湛ng t畛 be 畛 th畛i 坦.
Affirmative statement (be) + and + S + verb + too
Affirmative statement (be) + and + so + verb + S
I am happy, and you are too.
I am happy, and so are you.
Khi trong m畛nh 畛 ch鱈nh c坦 m畛t c畛m tr畛 畛ng t畛 + 畛ng t畛, v鱈 d畛 will go,
should do, has done, have written, must consider, ... th狸 c叩c tr畛 畛ng t畛 trong
m畛nh 畛 坦 動畛c d湛ng l畉i trong m畛nh 畛 ph畛.
They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too.
They will work in the lab tomorrow, and so will you.
Khi trong m畛nh 畛 ch鱈nh kh担ng ph畉i l 畛ng t畛 be, c滴ng kh担ng c坦 tr畛 畛ng t畛,
b畉n ph畉i d湛ng c叩c t畛 do, does, did lm tr畛 畛ng t畛 thay th畉. Th畛i v th畛 c畛a tr畛
畛ng t畛 ny ph畉i chia theo ch畛 ng畛 c畛a m畛nh 畛 ph畛.
Affirmative statement + and + S + do/does/did + too
Affirmative statement + and + so + do/does/did + S
Jane goes to that school, and my sister does too.
Jane goes to that school, and so does my sister.
3.2. Ph畛 ho畉 c但u ph畛 畛nh
C滴ng gi畛ng nh動 too v so trong c但u kh畉ng 畛nh, 畛 ph畛 ho畉 m畛t c但u ph畛 畛nh,
ng動畛i ta d湛ng 'either' (c滴ng) ho畉c 'neither' (c滴ng kh担ng). Ba quy t畉c 畛i v畛i tr畛
畛ng t畛, 畛ng t畛 be ho畉c do, does, did c滴ng 動畛c 叩p d畛ng gi畛ng nh動 tr棚n. Ta
c滴ng c坦 th畛 g坦i g畛n 3 quy t畉c 坦 vo m畛t c担ng th畛c nh動 sau:
Negative statement + and + S + negative auxiliary (or be) + either
Negative statement + and + neither + positive auxiliary (or be) + S
V鱈 d畛: Ng担i tr動畛ng chung c畛a h畛c tr嘆 Vi畛t Trang 3
4. Chuy棚n 畛 Luy畛n thi T畛t nghi畛p THPT v Luy畛n thi 畉i h畛c, Cao 畉ng 2009
I didn't see Mary this morning, and John didn't either
I didn't see Mary this morning, and neither did John.
She wont be going to the conference, and her friends wont either.
She wont be going to the conference, and neither will her friends.
John hasnt seen the new movie yet, and I havent either.
John hasnt seen the new movie yet, and neither have I.
4. C叩c c畉u tr炭c kh叩c
4.1. Enough: 畛р.畛 c坦 th畛 lm g狸
i v畛i t鱈nh t畛 ho畉c tr畉ng t畛, enough th動畛ng 畛ng sau:
S + verb + adv + enough + (for somebody) + to + verb
S + tobe + adj + enough + (for somebody) + to + verb.
V鱈 d畛:
Coffee is hot enough for me to drink
This exercise is easy enough for us to do.
This motorbike drives fast enough to Ha Dong.
i v畛i danh t畛, enough th動畛ng 畛ng tr動畛c:
S + verb + enough + noun (for somebody) + to verb
S + verb + enough + for something
V鱈 d畛:
I have enough money to buy a car.
They grow enough rice to live.
Its enough time for us to do the exercise.
Have you got enough vegetable for dinner?
Do you have enough sugar for the cake?
4.2. Too: qu叩 畛 c坦 th畛 lm g狸.
C畉u tr炭c ny i畛n t畉 m畛c 畛 v動畛t qu叩 kh畉 nng 畛 lm g狸 坦
C畉u tr炭c:
S + verb + too + adv + (for somebody) + to + verb .
S + tobe + too + adj + (for somebody) + to + verb
V鱈 d畛:
The coffee is too hot for me to drink.
He is too young to love.
He spoke too quickly for us to understand.
The bus drives too fast for us to keep pace with.
4.3. So/such.that.: 畉n n畛i m
So .that.
C畉u tr炭c: S + tobe + so + adj + that + a clause
S + verb + so + adv + that + a clause
V鱈 d畛: Ng担i tr動畛ng chung c畛a h畛c tr嘆 Vi畛t Trang 4
5. Chuy棚n 畛 Luy畛n thi T畛t nghi畛p THPT v Luy畛n thi 畉i h畛c, Cao 畉ng 2009
The exercise is so difficult that I cant do it.
The food is so hot that we cant eat it.
He spoke so quickly that I cant hear him.
The bus drives so fast that they cant catch it.
C畉u tr炭c:
S/it + tobe + such + (a/an)+ adj + noun + that + a clause
S/it + verb + such + (a/an) + adj + noun + that + a clause
V鱈 d畛:
It is such a difficult exercise that we cant do it.
We bought such a modern car that we couldnt dream.
Ch炭 箪: n畉u danh t畛 l kh担ng 畉m 動畛c th狸 kh担ng d湛ng a/an
This is such difficult homework that we cant finish it.
He invested such much money that we couldnt imagine.
4.4. Adj + to verb
C畉u tr炭c: It + tobe + adj + for somebody + to verb.
V鱈 d畛:
Its necessary for us to protect environment.
Its difficult for him to pass the exam.
4.5. Its + adj + of + object + to + verb.
V鱈 d畛:
Its kind of him to help me = He is kind to help me.
(anh ta th畉t t畛t b畛ng v狸 達 gi炭p 畛 t担i)
Its cowardly of him to run away= he is cowardly to run away.
(anh ta th畉t h竪n nh叩t v狸 達 b畛 ch畉y)
4.6. It takes/took + object + kho畉ng th畛i gian + to verb.
= somebody spend/spent + kho畉ng th畛i gian + V-ing: m畉t bao l但u 畛 ai 坦 lm
vi畛c g狸.
V鱈 d畛:
It takes me 15 minutes to go to school by bike.
= I spend 15 minutes going to school by bike.
It took him a year to study English
= He spent a year studying English.
It took her 2 hours to type this document.
= She spent 2 hours typing this document.
4.7. Its + kho畉ng th畛i gian + since + clause (simple past): 動畛c bao l但u t畛 khi
V鱈 d畛:
Its a week since I saw Nam
Its a year since they visited me.
Its ages since it rained here. Ng担i tr動畛ng chung c畛a h畛c tr嘆 Vi畛t Trang 5
6. Chuy棚n 畛 Luy畛n thi T畛t nghi畛p THPT v Luy畛n thi 畉i h畛c, Cao 畉ng 2009
4.8. Its the first time + clause (present perfect): 但y l l畉n 畉u ti棚n.
= ..before
V鱈 d畛:
Its the first time Ive ever visited this town.
= Ive never visited this town before.
Its the first time he has ever sent me a letter.
= He has never sent me a letter before.
Its the first time she has ever arrived late.
= She has never arrived late before.
4.9. It is/was not until + time + that + clause: m達i cho 畉n khi..
V鱈 d畛:
It was not until 1990 that she became a teacher. (m達i 畉n nm 1990,c担 畉y
m畛i tr畛 thnh gi叩o vi棚n)
It was not until 1915 that the cinema really became an industry.
(m達i 畉n nm 1915 i畛n 畉nh m畛i th畛c s畛 tr畛 thnh m畛t ngnh c担ng
Bi t畉p 1: Ph畛 h畛a v畛i nh畛ng c但u d動畛i 但y:
V鱈 d畛: Nam likes fish. (I) > Nam likes fish, so do I.
1. He came early, (she)
2. She knows you quite well, (her husband)
3. My friend lived in Hai Phong, (his sister)
4. These books dont belong to me, (those)
5. I dont believe it, (my friend)
6. I dont like the hot weather, (my wife)
7. Trees dont grow very well here, (grass)
Bi t畉p 2: K畉t h畛p hai c但u sau, s畛 d畛ng "too ..." or "enough ...":
1. It was very dark. I couldn`t see the words.
2. It was early. I couldn`t tell you once more story.
3. Dick is very clever. He can learn this in a short time.
4. My mother is very old. She cannot do that work.
5. That house isn`t large. We can`t stay there for the night.
6. Daisy was very short. She couldn`t reach the picture.
7. Jack is very clever. He can do this work.
8. The little girl was so shy. She couldn`t tell me the story.
9. The driver was very hurried. He couldn`t wait for me.
Bi t畉p 3: Vi畉t l畉i c叩c c但u sau v畛i t畛 cho s畉n sao cho ngh挑a c畛a c但u kh担ng thay 畛i. Ng担i tr動畛ng chung c畛a h畛c tr嘆 Vi畛t Trang 6
7. Chuy棚n 畛 Luy畛n thi T畛t nghi畛p THPT v Luy畛n thi 畉i h畛c, Cao 畉ng 2009
1. Its the first time theyve ever bought me a present.
> They.
2. Peter isnt tall enough to reach the bookself.
> Peter is
3. John worked very carefully . It took him a long time to finish his work.
> John worked so
4. Thank you for helping me.
> It was very kind ..
5. Mrs Green told Alice to take the books home.
> Mrs Green had .
6. You cant understand those things because you are too young.
> You arent
7. This shirt is too dirty for me to wear.
> This shirt isnt .
8. Boiling an egg is not difficult.
> Its..
9. We spent 5 hours getting to London.
> It took.
10. They last visited me five years ago.
> They havent .
11. His briefcase was too full for the zip fastener to close properly.
> His briefcase was so full
12. The last time I played football was in 1971.
> I havent.
13. Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them.
> They had..
14. The noise next door didnt stop until after midnight.
> It was not.
叩p 叩n:
Bi 1:
1. He came early, so did she/she did too.
2. She knows you quite well, her husband does too.
3. My friend lived in Hai Phong, so did his sister
4. These books dont belong to me, those dont either / neither do those.
5. I dont believe it, my friend doesnt either.
6. I dont like the hot weather, neither does my wife
7. Trees dont grow very well here, grass does neither.
Bi 2: Ng担i tr動畛ng chung c畛a h畛c tr嘆 Vi畛t Trang 7
8. Chuy棚n 畛 Luy畛n thi T畛t nghi畛p THPT v Luy畛n thi 畉i h畛c, Cao 畉ng 2009
1. It was too dark for me to see the words.
2. It was too early for me to tell you once more story.
3. Dick is clever enough to learn this in a short time.
4. My mother is too old to do that work.
5. That house isn`t large enough for us to stay there for the night.
6. Daisy was too short to reach the picture.
7. Jack is clever enough to do this work.
8. The little girl was too shy to tell me the story.
9. The driver was too hurried to wait for me.
Bi 3:
1. Its the first time theyve ever bought me a present.
> They have never bought me a present before.
2. Peter isnt tall enough to reach the bookself.
> Peter is too short to reach the bookself.
3. John worked very carefully . It took him a long time to finish his work.
> John worked so carefully that it took him a long time to finish his work.
4. Thank you for helping me.
> It was very kind of you to help me.
5. Mrs Green told Alice to take the books home.
> Mrs Green had Alice take the books home
> Mrs Green had the books taken home by Alice.
6. You cant understand those things because you are too young.
> You arent old enough to understand those things.
7. This shirt is too dirty for me to wear.
> This shirt isnt clean enough for me to wear.
8. Boiling an egg is not difficult.
> Its easy to boil an egg.
9. We spent 5 hours getting to London.
> It took us 5 hours to get to London.
10. They last visited me five years ago.
> They havent visited me for five years.
11. His briefcase was too full for the zip fastener to close properly.
> His briefcase was so full that the zip fastener couldnt close properly.
12. The last time I played football was in 1971.
> I havent played football since 1971.
13. Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them.
> They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them. Ng担i tr動畛ng chung c畛a h畛c tr嘆 Vi畛t Trang 8
9. Chuy棚n 畛 Luy畛n thi T畛t nghi畛p THPT v Luy畛n thi 畉i h畛c, Cao 畉ng 2009
14. The noise next door didnt stop until after midnight.
> It was not until after midnight that the noise next door stopped.
Bi t畉p 1: K畉t h畛p c但u d湛ng not onlybut also ho畉c both.and
1. He is interested in planting orchids. He is interested in collecting butterflies. (not
only.but also)
2. You can visit the West End in London. You can visit the East End in London.
3. You can attend the party. Your sister can attend the party. (both.and)
4. She can sing beautifully. She can play the piano well. (not only.but also)
5. I can drink coffee black. I can drink coffee with sugar. (bothand)
6. She is good at maths. She is good at English. (not only .but also.)
Bi t畉p 2: Ch畛n ph動董ng 叩n th鱈ch h畛p 畛 hon thnh c但u sau 但y:
1. My father is not interested in tennis and................
A.I don't, either. don't I.
C.neither do I.
D.neither am I.
2. It is wise ............. you to stay away from that crowd.
3. ...................... not until the end of the seventeenth century that scientists began to
stress the importance of experiments as a way of gaining knowledge.
A.There was
B.It was
C.There were
D.It is
4. Chimpanzees, apes, orangutans and a few other primates laugh, but .........................
A.another animals also laugh. other animals do. other animals do.
D.also do other animals laugh.
5. The teacher spent an hour..the new lesson.
A.explain explain Ng担i tr動畛ng chung c畛a h畛c tr嘆 Vi畛t Trang 9
10. Chuy棚n 畛 Luy畛n thi T畛t nghi畛p THPT v Luy畛n thi 畉i h畛c, Cao 畉ng 2009
6. These were the highest words of praise they ever (hear) ..............from the old man.
A.had ever heard
B.have ever heard
D.had been heard
7. ....................... several years for bamboo seeds to grow into plants that can be used for
commercial purposes.
A.It took
B.It takes
C.It taken
D.It taking
Gi叩o vi棚n: Nguy畛n Th畛 T但m
Ngu畛n: Ng担i tr動畛ng chung c畛a h畛c tr嘆 Vi畛t Trang 10