Email marketing 101Steve SmithEmail marketing is a key component of web strategy and can optimize various aspects of a typical business algorithm. It allows businesses to be proactively outbound and easily measure results by focusing email marketing on target audiences. Email automation can optimize lead generation, sales processes, customer retention, and upselling through features like drip campaigns, triggers based on user actions, product updates, and referral programs. Testing is important, such as A/B split testing subject lines and monitoring results over time.
Afp midland tx create a fundraising action plan for your board membersgailperryThis document provides guidance on creating a fundraising action plan to engage board members in fundraising efforts. It outlines five steps to put board members to work fundraising: 1) Fire up the board about the cause, 2) Have deeper conversations about why they care, 3) Provide training on fundraising skills, 4) Give board members very specific fundraising tasks, and 5) Create a structure for reporting and peer support. The document emphasizes making fundraising fun, relationship-building focused, and giving board members a sense of ownership over the tasks they take on.
WhitestonealexhmorrisonThe document outlines Whitestone's plan to improve their online presence and promote an upcoming film. Key elements included optimizing their website based on usability testing, launching a Facebook page and Twitter strategy to engage fans, live streaming film production to interact with fans, and developing a film promotion campaign site and launch. The results showed increased fan engagement and interactions across platforms. Whitestone's founder praised how the work helped take care of their brand and connect with fans.
Master Class 'Servicialisation - From Service Identifying to Service Billing ...servicEvolutionThis master class was hosted by the itSMF Russia for presenting the approach of servicialisation / Сервиселизация to the ITIL/itSMF community for review and discussion.
- Servicialisation – Coining, Deducing & Demarcating
- Service Trilemma – Service Quality, Service Price & Service Cost
- Service Identifying – Service Consumer, Service Object & Benefit
- Service Specifying – 12 Service Attributes, 3 Service Levels & 2 Pages
- Service Composing – Service Specification, Service Map & Service Screenplay
- Service Orchestrating – Service Concept, Supplier & Service Supply Chain
- Service Cataloguing – Service Specification, Service Prices & Service Offering
- Service Committing – Service Catalogue, Service Committing & SLA
- Service Concerting – Delivery Readiness, Delivery Capacity & Delivering
- Service Billing – SLA, Service Delivery Price & Service Consumption
- Service Providing Maturity Model – Maturity Levels, Maturity Criteria & Steps
The approach shall be presented on the itSMF Congress 2012 of itSMF Russia on September 12th to 13th, 2012, too.
s. further documents in German
- Servicialisierung - Service-Erbringung & Methodik
- Service-Trilemma - Dimensionen & Beteiligte
- Service-Identifizierung - Service-Typ & Wesensmerkmale
- Service-Kategorien - Service-Objekttypen & Nutzeffekttypen
- Service-Spezifizierung - Service-Typ & Service-Erbringungsqualität
- Service-Konzept - Service-Beitragstypen & Service-Drehbuch
- Service-Orchestrierung - Service-Beitragstypen & Service-Beitragszubringer
- Service-Kontrahierung - Service-Kunde & Service-Konsumenten
- Service-Triathlon - Auslöser & Adressaten
- Servuktionsumsatz - Service-Erbringungspreis & Service-Menge
Afp midland tx create a fundraising action plan for your board membersgailperryThis document provides guidance on creating a fundraising action plan to engage board members in fundraising efforts. It outlines five steps to put board members to work fundraising: 1) Fire up the board about the cause, 2) Have deeper conversations about why they care, 3) Provide training on fundraising skills, 4) Give board members very specific fundraising tasks, and 5) Create a structure for reporting and peer support. The document emphasizes making fundraising fun, relationship-building focused, and giving board members a sense of ownership over the tasks they take on.
Social Media 101 for Small BusinessJa-Nae DuaneAs a small business, it can be extremely difficult to figure out how to use social media to build the business. Many questions come up, such as where do I start; or how can I build my social media strategy when it is just me? Ja-Nae will walk you through social media 101 and how to build your business through it.
Ancient greece projectolearyaThe document summarizes an ancient Greece project by two students on Greek mythology. It outlines that Greeks believed in polytheism worshipping many gods, while modern religions are monotheistic. The top god was Zeus, king of the gods, and other major gods included Athena, Hades, Apollo, Poseidon, and Ares. The students' favorite gods were Apollo for one and Zeus for the other. Famous Greek stories included the Iliad and Odyssey, with one student preferring the Odyssey and the other the Iliad. Greeks told mythological stories to explain beliefs and past events.
Tr'11 clasificacionesAnamEste documento proporciona la clasificación de una regata llamada "La Ruta de la Tramutana 2011" que tuvo lugar el 8 y 9 de julio de 2011. La regata cubrió 68 millas náuticas entre El Balis y Llosa Pollença. Se incluyen los tiempos de llegada y velocidades promedio de los diferentes yates participantes ordenados en diferentes clasificaciones: general, alfa e india-bravo.
Aviation industryBrijesh ManiyathThe document discusses the Indian aviation industry, major private airlines operating in India such as SpiceJet, IndiGo, and Kingfisher Airlines. It notes that the Indian aviation industry is one of the fastest growing worldwide, starting in 1912 with domestic routes. By 2000, many private companies had entered the industry, dominating 75% of the market. It then provides details about SpiceJet, IndiGo, and the former Kingfisher Airlines. IndiGo is preparing for an IPO of up to $400 million to further expand its market share and operations.
Learnings from Hybrid App Testing Jijesh MohanvodQAThis document discusses testing a hybrid book reader application built with Phonegap, HTML5, and CSS3 for the iPad. It recommends testing the app on actual devices rather than simulators due to differences in user interactions, screen sizes, and orientations. The document outlines areas to focus testing on, including app performance, memory usage, compliance with App Store guidelines, handling of user gestures and touch events, and network connectivity in various conditions. Automated testing is suggested but noted to have limited support for hybrid apps. Testing across multiple devices using a mobile grid is proposed for report consolidation.
Power point 7 mediajackthompsonPhoto shop was the main technology used to create a music magazine, allowing layers of images and text to be overlapped. It took time to learn how to use Photo shop's unique tools and features for designing magazine covers and articles. Blogger was also used and proved useful for uploading information to get feedback from others on missed or extra details, and to compare work to other's and past work through accessing all information at once. People could leave comments on work through Blogger to help further improve it.
Testing the Mysterious SpherevodQATesting the Mysterious Sphere
This workshop helps testers get an overview of what to do and what not to do under different circumstances. Then it is observed how they react/respond in those situations from where the learnings are derived. It focusses on the key testing and consulting skills. They can tie it back to real time project experiences.
Through a series of interesting phases with role plays and activities the entire workshop duration is full of energy and interactions.
Delivered by - Anjali Wadhwa, Ashwini Ingle, Preeti Mishra at vodQA - Agile Testing, at ThoughtWorks, Pune on Sat, 9th Jan 2016
Sex,genderDaniel PioquintoSex refers to biological differences while gender refers to cultural constructions of masculinity and femininity. Gender roles are tasks and activities assigned by culture to sexes, with many societies dividing work along sex lines. Theories for near-universal gender divisions of labor include strength, compatibility with childcare, economy of effort, and expendability.
WhitestonealexhmorrisonThe document outlines Whitestone's plan to improve their online presence and promote an upcoming film. Key elements included optimizing their website based on usability testing, launching a Facebook page and Twitter strategy to engage fans, live streaming film production to interact with fans, and developing a film promotion campaign site and launch. The results showed increased fan engagement and interactions across platforms. Whitestone's founder praised how the work helped take care of their brand and connect with fans.
Master Class 'Servicialisation - From Service Identifying to Service Billing ...servicEvolutionThis master class was hosted by the itSMF Russia for presenting the approach of servicialisation / Сервиселизация to the ITIL/itSMF community for review and discussion.
- Servicialisation – Coining, Deducing & Demarcating
- Service Trilemma – Service Quality, Service Price & Service Cost
- Service Identifying – Service Consumer, Service Object & Benefit
- Service Specifying – 12 Service Attributes, 3 Service Levels & 2 Pages
- Service Composing – Service Specification, Service Map & Service Screenplay
- Service Orchestrating – Service Concept, Supplier & Service Supply Chain
- Service Cataloguing – Service Specification, Service Prices & Service Offering
- Service Committing – Service Catalogue, Service Committing & SLA
- Service Concerting – Delivery Readiness, Delivery Capacity & Delivering
- Service Billing – SLA, Service Delivery Price & Service Consumption
- Service Providing Maturity Model – Maturity Levels, Maturity Criteria & Steps
The approach shall be presented on the itSMF Congress 2012 of itSMF Russia on September 12th to 13th, 2012, too.
s. further documents in German
- Servicialisierung - Service-Erbringung & Methodik
- Service-Trilemma - Dimensionen & Beteiligte
- Service-Identifizierung - Service-Typ & Wesensmerkmale
- Service-Kategorien - Service-Objekttypen & Nutzeffekttypen
- Service-Spezifizierung - Service-Typ & Service-Erbringungsqualität
- Service-Konzept - Service-Beitragstypen & Service-Drehbuch
- Service-Orchestrierung - Service-Beitragstypen & Service-Beitragszubringer
- Service-Kontrahierung - Service-Kunde & Service-Konsumenten
- Service-Triathlon - Auslöser & Adressaten
- Servuktionsumsatz - Service-Erbringungspreis & Service-Menge
Afp midland tx create a fundraising action plan for your board membersgailperryThis document provides guidance on creating a fundraising action plan to engage board members in fundraising efforts. It outlines five steps to put board members to work fundraising: 1) Fire up the board about the cause, 2) Have deeper conversations about why they care, 3) Provide training on fundraising skills, 4) Give board members very specific fundraising tasks, and 5) Create a structure for reporting and peer support. The document emphasizes making fundraising fun, relationship-building focused, and giving board members a sense of ownership over the tasks they take on.
Social Media 101 for Small BusinessJa-Nae DuaneAs a small business, it can be extremely difficult to figure out how to use social media to build the business. Many questions come up, such as where do I start; or how can I build my social media strategy when it is just me? Ja-Nae will walk you through social media 101 and how to build your business through it.
Ancient greece projectolearyaThe document summarizes an ancient Greece project by two students on Greek mythology. It outlines that Greeks believed in polytheism worshipping many gods, while modern religions are monotheistic. The top god was Zeus, king of the gods, and other major gods included Athena, Hades, Apollo, Poseidon, and Ares. The students' favorite gods were Apollo for one and Zeus for the other. Famous Greek stories included the Iliad and Odyssey, with one student preferring the Odyssey and the other the Iliad. Greeks told mythological stories to explain beliefs and past events.
Tr'11 clasificacionesAnamEste documento proporciona la clasificación de una regata llamada "La Ruta de la Tramutana 2011" que tuvo lugar el 8 y 9 de julio de 2011. La regata cubrió 68 millas náuticas entre El Balis y Llosa Pollença. Se incluyen los tiempos de llegada y velocidades promedio de los diferentes yates participantes ordenados en diferentes clasificaciones: general, alfa e india-bravo.
Aviation industryBrijesh ManiyathThe document discusses the Indian aviation industry, major private airlines operating in India such as SpiceJet, IndiGo, and Kingfisher Airlines. It notes that the Indian aviation industry is one of the fastest growing worldwide, starting in 1912 with domestic routes. By 2000, many private companies had entered the industry, dominating 75% of the market. It then provides details about SpiceJet, IndiGo, and the former Kingfisher Airlines. IndiGo is preparing for an IPO of up to $400 million to further expand its market share and operations.
Learnings from Hybrid App Testing Jijesh MohanvodQAThis document discusses testing a hybrid book reader application built with Phonegap, HTML5, and CSS3 for the iPad. It recommends testing the app on actual devices rather than simulators due to differences in user interactions, screen sizes, and orientations. The document outlines areas to focus testing on, including app performance, memory usage, compliance with App Store guidelines, handling of user gestures and touch events, and network connectivity in various conditions. Automated testing is suggested but noted to have limited support for hybrid apps. Testing across multiple devices using a mobile grid is proposed for report consolidation.
Power point 7 mediajackthompsonPhoto shop was the main technology used to create a music magazine, allowing layers of images and text to be overlapped. It took time to learn how to use Photo shop's unique tools and features for designing magazine covers and articles. Blogger was also used and proved useful for uploading information to get feedback from others on missed or extra details, and to compare work to other's and past work through accessing all information at once. People could leave comments on work through Blogger to help further improve it.
Testing the Mysterious SpherevodQATesting the Mysterious Sphere
This workshop helps testers get an overview of what to do and what not to do under different circumstances. Then it is observed how they react/respond in those situations from where the learnings are derived. It focusses on the key testing and consulting skills. They can tie it back to real time project experiences.
Through a series of interesting phases with role plays and activities the entire workshop duration is full of energy and interactions.
Delivered by - Anjali Wadhwa, Ashwini Ingle, Preeti Mishra at vodQA - Agile Testing, at ThoughtWorks, Pune on Sat, 9th Jan 2016
Sex,genderDaniel PioquintoSex refers to biological differences while gender refers to cultural constructions of masculinity and femininity. Gender roles are tasks and activities assigned by culture to sexes, with many societies dividing work along sex lines. Theories for near-universal gender divisions of labor include strength, compatibility with childcare, economy of effort, and expendability.
NarkosknszPortugal decriminalized the use and possession of all drugs for personal use in 2001. This shifted the treatment of drug addiction from a criminal justice issue to a public health issue. As a result, Portugal has seen a decline in drug use rates, drug-related crime and HIV infection rates, as well as increased uptake of treatment for drug addiction.
18.05sknszJapan and Poland have maintained friendly diplomatic relations since establishing ties in 1919. The two countries have collaborated on economic and political issues. Both seek to strengthen bilateral cooperation and exchanges between their peoples.