This document discusses lessons learned from superstar companies. It identifies 9 common characteristics of highly successful companies: 1) obsession with talent, 2) investing in core skills, 3) balancing long and short-term goals, 4) setting extravagant goals, 5) attention to detail, 6) regularly reassessing investments, 7) balancing global scale with local roots, 8) disrupting their own businesses before others can, and 9) transforming themselves regularly to adapt to changes. Examples are provided for each characteristic from companies like GE, Amazon, BMW, Google, Apple, and others.
A galaxy is a massive, gravitationally bound system consisting of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter. Galaxies range greatly in size, from dwarfs with only 10 million stars to giants with 100 trillion stars orbiting the center of mass. Galaxies are categorized based on their visual morphology as elliptical, spiral, or irregular galaxies. There are estimated to be over 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe.
This document discusses a study that examined whether English speakers learning Spanish would eliminate aspiration of voiceless stops like "p", "t", and "k" after practicing pronunciation. Nine students participated, with five in the experimental group practicing a technique to reduce aspiration and four in the control group. Pre- and post-tests showed that the experimental group greatly improved in eliminating aspiration, while the control group showed almost no change. The results confirmed that focused practice can help English speakers improve pronunciation of these Spanish sounds.
This document contains contact information for Sandy Senior, the sale manager of Guangzhou Purple Ox Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. It lists her name, mobile number, telephone number, fax number, Skype account, and email address.
Saager & Deepak - Automated acceptance testing on iOSvodQA
Automated acceptance testing helps verify that an iOS app works as intended before release. The document discusses tools for iOS automated testing like iCuke and UIAutomation, demonstrating their capabilities and limitations. While UIAutomation integrates directly with apps and supports gestures, it cannot run without a device. iCuke can automate the full testing process but has less direct app integration. Both tools have advantages for different types of iOS automated testing needs.
Meatless Monday is a campaign that encourages people to not eat meat on Mondays. It was originally started during World War 1 to reduce meat consumption. The campaign believes cutting back on meat has health benefits and positively impacts the environment by reducing the resources needed for meat production. The researchers conducted a focus group with college students to understand their perspectives on Meatless Monday, including why they participate and how it affects their lifestyle. They found a variety of reasons for participation and plan to further analyze the data and present their final results.
The Romans built a 120 km long wall that was six meters high in places, with military camps spaced every seven km, to defend their empire that spanned 4,000 km. While the rich and poor lived very differently, they both enjoyed frequenting the free public baths. The Romans established the foundations of their civilization on the seven hills near the Tiber River, with the legend telling of brothers Romulus and Remus, and the transition to a republic after King Tarquinius Superbus.
Anay Nayak
Organization: ThoughtWorks
Topic: Fluent interfaces in testing
Presented in vodQA - THE TESTING SPIRIT! on Oct 7, 2010 in ThoughtWorks, Pune
The document discusses various home construction and renovation topics such as water management, foam and cellulose installation, solar home design, air sealing tests, infrared imaging, garden fence design, and the construction of a custom wine room. It provides before and after photos showing the renovation process and results of projects from 1977 to the present.
Barnes & Noble is expanding to India by opening several stores in Mumbai neighborhoods that are home to upper-middle and high-income residents. The stores will sell books, music, toys, gifts and home appliances. They will target different customer groups including kids, youth, working professionals and families. The stores will offer membership programs, events and cafes to create a community experience around reading, entertainment and relaxation.
Patricia Dur叩n Ospina es microbi坦loga y directora del Centro de Investigaciones de la Fundaci坦n Universitaria del rea Andina en Pereira. Tuvo cargos directivos en Novartis y fue cofundadora del Grupo Salud Visual, adem叩s de ser miembro de juntas directivas de asociaciones de simulaci坦n cl鱈nica y fisiolog鱈a. El documento proporciona lineamientos sobre el marco jur鱈dico en epidemiolog鱈a incluyendo legislaci坦n internacional, nacional y protocolos regionales de la OMS. Tambi辿n presenta recursos online para investig
Dokumen tersebut membahas beberapa model jaringan komputer yaitu Adidas Network, Master Slave, Peer to Peer, dan Client Server. Client Server dijelaskan memiliki keunggulan kecepatan dan optimalisasi sumber daya tetapi memiliki kelemahan kompleksitas pengaturan dan biaya tinggi. Terdapat beberapa tipe server dalam arsitektur client server seperti server berkas, basis data, transaksi, groupware, objek, dan web.
Technology has come a long way. From Atari to Xbox. From listening to fireside chats on the radio to watching videos on Youtube. But has technology bettered your life? Ja-Nae will you through how technology can walk for you and how you can use it to become more productive.
Este documento proporciona la clasificaci坦n de una regata llamada "La Ruta de la Tramutana 2011" que tuvo lugar el 8 y 9 de julio de 2011. La regata cubri坦 68 millas n叩uticas entre El Balis y Llosa Pollen巽a. Se incluyen los tiempos de llegada y velocidades promedio de los diferentes yates participantes ordenados en diferentes clasificaciones: general, alfa e india-bravo.
The teaching of the English language is worth a lot of money for three key reasons:
1) Textbooks and courses for learning English at various levels can be extremely expensive and take a significant amount of time to complete.
2) Producing English language education requires few resources like workers, equipment, or spare parts compared to traditional industries, making it more reliable.
3) As English has spread globally through British colonies and become an official language in many countries, the market for learning English has expanded tremendously, establishing it as a major business worldwide.
The Romans lived their daily lives according to a strict schedule, getting up at daybreak and going to bed early. People did not go out in the evenings for safety reasons. Public baths were an important part of Roman life, where everyone would go to get clean. The Baths of Diocletian were large, open-air public baths with separate areas for men and women, as well as hot and cold pools. By 300 AD, there were over 850 public baths in Rome where people would socialize and exercise in the open air.
The document discusses different styles and techniques of film editing including continuity editing, montage editing, and various transition effects between shots. It notes that continuity editing aims for shots to flow together naturally and appear continuous, while montage editing juxtaposes shots to create new meanings. It also describes crosscutting/parallel editing, dissolves, wipes, and how editing is crucial for action films to maintain pace and tension.
The document announces important dates for the UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) to be held on December 24, 2011. The last date to apply online is October 25, 2011. The last date to submit application forms and required documents to test centers is October 31, 2011. The NET determines eligibility for Junior Research Fellowship and lectureship positions. It will be conducted in 78 subjects across 74 test centers. Results will be posted online and candidates will not be individually notified. The test consists of three papers on the test date. The document provides details on eligibility criteria, reservations, age limits, exam fees, exemptions, and fellowship details.
Anay Nayak
Organization: ThoughtWorks
Topic: Fluent interfaces in testing
Presented in vodQA - THE TESTING SPIRIT! on Oct 7, 2010 in ThoughtWorks, Pune
The document discusses various home construction and renovation topics such as water management, foam and cellulose installation, solar home design, air sealing tests, infrared imaging, garden fence design, and the construction of a custom wine room. It provides before and after photos showing the renovation process and results of projects from 1977 to the present.
Barnes & Noble is expanding to India by opening several stores in Mumbai neighborhoods that are home to upper-middle and high-income residents. The stores will sell books, music, toys, gifts and home appliances. They will target different customer groups including kids, youth, working professionals and families. The stores will offer membership programs, events and cafes to create a community experience around reading, entertainment and relaxation.
Patricia Dur叩n Ospina es microbi坦loga y directora del Centro de Investigaciones de la Fundaci坦n Universitaria del rea Andina en Pereira. Tuvo cargos directivos en Novartis y fue cofundadora del Grupo Salud Visual, adem叩s de ser miembro de juntas directivas de asociaciones de simulaci坦n cl鱈nica y fisiolog鱈a. El documento proporciona lineamientos sobre el marco jur鱈dico en epidemiolog鱈a incluyendo legislaci坦n internacional, nacional y protocolos regionales de la OMS. Tambi辿n presenta recursos online para investig
Dokumen tersebut membahas beberapa model jaringan komputer yaitu Adidas Network, Master Slave, Peer to Peer, dan Client Server. Client Server dijelaskan memiliki keunggulan kecepatan dan optimalisasi sumber daya tetapi memiliki kelemahan kompleksitas pengaturan dan biaya tinggi. Terdapat beberapa tipe server dalam arsitektur client server seperti server berkas, basis data, transaksi, groupware, objek, dan web.
Technology has come a long way. From Atari to Xbox. From listening to fireside chats on the radio to watching videos on Youtube. But has technology bettered your life? Ja-Nae will you through how technology can walk for you and how you can use it to become more productive.
Este documento proporciona la clasificaci坦n de una regata llamada "La Ruta de la Tramutana 2011" que tuvo lugar el 8 y 9 de julio de 2011. La regata cubri坦 68 millas n叩uticas entre El Balis y Llosa Pollen巽a. Se incluyen los tiempos de llegada y velocidades promedio de los diferentes yates participantes ordenados en diferentes clasificaciones: general, alfa e india-bravo.
The teaching of the English language is worth a lot of money for three key reasons:
1) Textbooks and courses for learning English at various levels can be extremely expensive and take a significant amount of time to complete.
2) Producing English language education requires few resources like workers, equipment, or spare parts compared to traditional industries, making it more reliable.
3) As English has spread globally through British colonies and become an official language in many countries, the market for learning English has expanded tremendously, establishing it as a major business worldwide.
The Romans lived their daily lives according to a strict schedule, getting up at daybreak and going to bed early. People did not go out in the evenings for safety reasons. Public baths were an important part of Roman life, where everyone would go to get clean. The Baths of Diocletian were large, open-air public baths with separate areas for men and women, as well as hot and cold pools. By 300 AD, there were over 850 public baths in Rome where people would socialize and exercise in the open air.
The document discusses different styles and techniques of film editing including continuity editing, montage editing, and various transition effects between shots. It notes that continuity editing aims for shots to flow together naturally and appear continuous, while montage editing juxtaposes shots to create new meanings. It also describes crosscutting/parallel editing, dissolves, wipes, and how editing is crucial for action films to maintain pace and tension.
The document announces important dates for the UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) to be held on December 24, 2011. The last date to apply online is October 25, 2011. The last date to submit application forms and required documents to test centers is October 31, 2011. The NET determines eligibility for Junior Research Fellowship and lectureship positions. It will be conducted in 78 subjects across 74 test centers. Results will be posted online and candidates will not be individually notified. The test consists of three papers on the test date. The document provides details on eligibility criteria, reservations, age limits, exam fees, exemptions, and fellowship details.
Portugal decriminalized the use and possession of all drugs for personal use in 2001. This shifted the treatment of drug addiction from a criminal justice issue to a public health issue. As a result, Portugal has seen a decline in drug use rates, drug-related crime and HIV infection rates, as well as increased uptake of treatment for drug addiction.
Japan and Poland have maintained friendly diplomatic relations since establishing ties in 1919. The two countries have collaborated on economic and political issues. Both seek to strengthen bilateral cooperation and exchanges between their peoples.
2. - wykad prezydenta Horsta Kohlera: "Midzynarodowy System
- Pawe Osiej: spotkanie o praktykach i wolontariacie w
strukturach unijnych
- p. El甜bieta Kaca z Instytutu Spraw Publicznych oraz dr Olaf
Osica z Orodka Studi坦w Wschodnich: debata powicona
europejskiej inicjatywie Partnerstwa Wschodniego;
Szkoa wizerunku:
- firma AMBudzyska: warsztat pt. Wystpienia publiczne,
radiowe i telewizyjne z elementami PR;
- firma Neuronova: warsztaty logopedyczne
- Stanisaw Krajski: szkolenie z zakresu Savoir Vivre