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CAPITAL  OF : - England                             - UnitedKingdomLOCATION:                                                                                     THAT卒S LONDON
MAIN MONUMENTS AND PLACESIf you like sightseeing you have to  visit the following places in London:MONUMENTS  Westminster                                      Big BenPalace
Windsor Castle                                                                   Nelson卒s StatueBuckinghamPalace
BuckinghamPalaceisprotectedbyguardslikehim.Buses are typically red as in Burgos.
London has a temperate marine climateItisusuallyfoggy
FOODThemostfamousfood in Englandisfish and chips and itcostsaround 4,5  pounds.
London's most popular sport is football.In the Premier League play well known football teams such as: Arsenal, Manchester United, Chelsea and Manchester City.SPORTS
MUSICLondon's two main opera houses are the Royal Opera House and the Coliseum Theatre. One of the most famous      group is Sex Pistols.
 Capital of:                              Scotland  MAIN MONUMENTS AND PLACESDon卒tforgettovisitSt Andrew Square, whereyou can findtheMelvillemonument and the Dundas house.Grassmarketisanimportant place in Oldtown and it has thatnamebecause in thepastithad a market.
Holyrood ParkEdimburghCastleRoyal Botanic Garden
CLIMATE In winter, it卒scoldbutnotfreezy, thetemperatureshardlyever are under 0尊 C In summerthetemperatures are around 13 尊 C so ifyougothereyouhavetowear a sweater or a jacket.
Ifyougo in Summeryou can seeone of themostfamousMusic and Drama Event in Europa. The festival lasts three weeks.MUSIC
FOODThetypical Scottish foodisHaggis.Itislikeourblack pudding.
SPORTSHillwakingis a differentactivitypractised in Edimburgh.HF Edinburgh 油is a very friendly and sociable group which walks every Sunday
Capital of: IrelandRepublicEnglishistheofficiallanguage.Thecurrencyusedisthe Euro.
MAIN MONUMENTS AND PLACES In Dublinthereis a monumentthatprobablysurprisesyou. It卒scalledSpire of Dublin and it卒sverylong and thin.Its height is 120 meters!!
KilmainhamprisonIn thepast, itwas a prisonbutnowadaysis a museum. Wellington BridgeAlsoknown as Ha'penny Bridge. It卒sone of themainDublin卒s symbols.
MalahideCastleChapel   RoyalParlamientHouse
It卒susuallyraining and  Ithardlyeversnows.Thetemperatureis more orlesslike in SpainCLIMATE
MUSICOne of themostfamousmusicgroup, allovertheworldis U2.They are fromDublin.Theyhavereleased more than 14 albums!
FOODBacon and cabbageis a typicalfoodfromDublin.Althoughitdoesn卒thaveanexcellentappearance, Itistasty
SPORT Do youknowHurling??-Itis a traditional sport and it卒splayedwithsticksan a ball.Itis similar to hockey
ThecurrencyusedistheaustraliandollarIt卒sthebiggestcity in Australia
MAIN MONUMENTS AND PLACES Australia has gotmanybeaches, in Sidneywe can findthenextones: Bondi beachPalm beachWatson Bay
 OPERA HOUSEIt has got:- Fivetheatres- Fiveroomstorehearse- Twobig halls- Four restaurants- Sixbars- Severalsouvenir shops
SidneyTowerSidneyCathedralHarbour Bridge
In Sidneyyou can alsoenjoynature:The Blue MountainsJenolan Caves
MuseumsThere are severalmuseums in SidneyThe Museum of Contemporary ArtTheAustralianMuseumSidney
FOODChefs fromSydney and Australia knowhowtocook a CarpetbagSteakMmmmmIt卒sdelicious!!
SPORT Rugby isthemost popular around Australia, there are threedifferent leagues of this sport. Theyhave similar rules butnotthesame.
TheofficiallanguageisEnglish.Thecurrencyusedisthe D坦lar.
MONUMENTS AND PLACESThe Hollywood Sign is a famous landmark in the Hollywood Hills area of Mount Lee in Santa Monica Mountains.
 Hollywood Walk of FameIs a sidewalkwithdifferentpicturesonitalong Hollywood BoulevardAntonio Banderas and Pl叩cido Domingo havetheirownstar in thissidewalk.
Eachpicturemeans a differentthing:
CLIMATELos Angeles has a Mediterraneanclimate.The average temperature is24油属C during the day and14油属C at night.
SPORTBaseball and Basketball are more popular than football in L.A.                                   - There are two well known basketball teams, L.A. Lakers and L.A. Clippers.

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