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Carrier & Personal summary
I have been in the Mechanical & Electrical, Utility field since last 15 years mainly in
to deploying. Operation of various utility equipments and preventive, predictive and
breakdown maintenance and also errection and commissioning of various utility
equipment. I have immense & up to date technical background & easily pliable to
situation. I am very confident in my abilities to converse & deal with many situations.

I have a very strong ambition to achieve success in my career & also willing to work
very hard to achieve my goals. My motivation. I am able to work under pressure to
meet deadlines without compromising the quality of workmanship. I hope my knowledge
coupled with the experience in the administrative aspect & personality would make me a
good candidate for a position with in your organization.

Application for the post of Astt. Engineer


NAME                       : CHANDRESH. H. KALAL

                                  OPP ST. AB SCHOOL
                                  TIMES OF INDIA PRESS ROAD
                                  VEJALPUR AHMEDABAD 380051

PHONE NUMBER              :       (M) +919662010946, 919712384829

E- MAIL ADDRESS            :      Chandresh_kalal2006@yahoo.co.in

DATE OF BIRTH             :       20Th Nov. 1970

MARITAL STATUS            :       MARRIED
SEX                       :       MALE

NATIONALITY                   :    INDIAN
Education /   Name of             Examination          Year       Percentage
Qualification Board

     1       G.S.E.B.          S.S.C.                  1987       58%

     2       G.Tech. Board I T I (A.C. & REF.)         1991      65%

     3                         Diploma Electrical      2005      1st class
             Anna              Engineering             August
     4                         Eectrical Engg.         2007      1st class
             PWD Govt. of      Licence Holder
             Gujarat           No. 13227


   Taken training from EAGLE AIRCONS PVT. LTD.
                        DURATION 1992 TO 1993 (2 year)
                        As A Trainee Technician
                        Responsibility, operation and maintenance of centrally
                        A.C.plant and domestic refrigeration equipment, AHU
                        FCU servicing and fault finding and rectification also
                        Preventive maintenance Act.

   Worked with            RIVERA HOTEL Ahmedabad.
                           DURATION 1994 TO 1995 (1 YEAR)
                           As an A.C.Technician.

   Worked with          QUALITY SUITES SHALIN HOTELAhmedabad.
                         DURATION 1995 TO 1997 (3 year)
                         As an A.C.Technician
                         Responsibility operation and maintenance of centrally
                         A.C. plant and domestic refrigeration equipment
                         Hot water generator for hot water for hotel and room
                         Ken fix it and preventive maintenance of electrical and
Mechanical equipment and laundry system.

Worked with    FORTUNE LANDMARK by WELCOM GROUP Ahmedabad.
                (Operated and marketed by I T C Group of hotels)

                As an Engineering supervisor
                Duration 1998 to May 2007 (9. 5 years)
                Responsibility, operation and maintenance of HVAC system
                Steam boiler, electrical equipment, laundry, equipment
                Kitchen, health club, swimming pool, water filtration plant
                Screw chiller and reciprocating chiller, domestic refrigeration
                Water management system, civil work, painting work,
                Staff management and time to time preventive maintenance
                Breakdown and trouble shooting .problem rectification

Worked with CAMBAY group of hotels Gandhinagar Gujarat
Deputed at Cambay Sapphire Vejalpur behind Jivraj Park over Bridge.
               As an Jr. Engineer.
                Duration May 2007 to Dicember2008 (1.5 Year)
                Responsibility, operation and maintenance of HVAC system
                VRF Air-conditioning system PNG gas fired boiler Room Ken
                Fix IT program and staff training HLP budget, Inventory
                Duty roster, Energy saving plan, Perpetual Maintenance.
                Fabrications work, civil work, emergency break down.
                Maintenance planning and approval. Acting chief engineer
                When C.E. on leave or busy in another project. Reporting and
                Responsibility Of over all operation and maintenance of the hotel.

    Presently working with The Pride Hotel Ahmedabad (5 Star hotel)
                 As an Astt. Engineer (acting Chief Engineer)
                 Duration Jan 2009 to tilldates...
                 Responsibility. Operation and maintenance of over all hotel.
                 #175 rooms, 9Bqt hall, 2 restaurants, health club /S pool act.
                 Day to day operation, Preventive maintenance, project work
                 (CD 800kva ACB, HT & LT, distribution / 625 kva DG set.
                 450Tr HVAC system
                 Screw chiller & VRV (by CIAT France & TOSHIBA Japan)
                 Domestic refrigeration equipment, Steam Boiler, Laundry Eq.
                 Reporting to Gm sir, CEO, Management,
                 HLP, Budget, planning, Mornign meeting / staff briefing.
                 Practical on hand experience.
To direct & guide the Engineering & maintenance operations in the hotel to
ensure a high standard of building, machinery, plant, furniture, fixture &
equipment in all the departments in order to achieve an excellent level of
guest satisfaction & profitability in an environment of high employee morale.

 Develops systems and procedure which ensure safety for customers,
employees plant, machinery and property.
 Defines service standards regarding maintenance in all the areas of the
hotel & ensures adherence to these.
 Prepares preventive maintenance schedules and ensures adherence.
 Directs budgeting process for all capital expenditure in order to
ensure that the property is maintained to the best industry standard.
 Identifies & develops new equipment & materials to enhance the product
 Identifies and inducts environment friendly systems and equipment.
 Develops an over all plan and strategy for optimizing use of energy.

 Guides the team in day to day operations of the hotel.
 Ensures liaison with relevant Government agencies to ensure compliance of
various statutory requirements.
 Prepares capital & R & M budgets for Engineering.
 Recommends changes in methods/ equipment / staff to improve
departmental standards / productivity.
 Coordinates and prioritizes maintenance activity of rooms & public area
with executive housekeeper.
 Directs the organization of work within the department, including
assignments, time schedules & vacations.
 Ensures adherence to company & hotel policies by departmental employees.
 Ensures that all renovated areas are as per required standards &
specification, prior to taking over from projects.
 Constantly monitors key performance indicators for the department &
takes corrective action, as & when required.
 Ensures spare parts & material available at all time in stores by proper
 Attends to any legal cases pertaining to Engineering department.
Staff/ Training
 Ensures department employees are fully trained through constant OTJ.
 Ensures attendance on behavioral and vocational training in own and related
areas to enhance skills and encourage multifunctional
 Personally conducts key trainings
 Ensures career development and succession planning for subordinates
 Uses an effective appraisal system to review the performance of direct
subordinates and determine their development needs
 Recommends hiring, promotion, increments, disciplinary action,
performance related salary increments for all subordinates
 Ensures department employees are fully trained on all hotel systems,
procedures to ensure safety requirements
 Counsels subordinates in personal and work related matters
 Attends behavioral and vocational training in own and related work areas to
enhance skills and develop multifunctional.
 Motivates and encourages team building in Engineering Department.
 Keep abreast of latest developments in Hotel engineering.

Yours faithfully.

Chandresh Kalal

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Ck 3

  • 1. Carrier & Personal summary I have been in the Mechanical & Electrical, Utility field since last 15 years mainly in to deploying. Operation of various utility equipments and preventive, predictive and breakdown maintenance and also errection and commissioning of various utility equipment. I have immense & up to date technical background & easily pliable to situation. I am very confident in my abilities to converse & deal with many situations. I have a very strong ambition to achieve success in my career & also willing to work very hard to achieve my goals. My motivation. I am able to work under pressure to meet deadlines without compromising the quality of workmanship. I hope my knowledge coupled with the experience in the administrative aspect & personality would make me a good candidate for a position with in your organization. Application for the post of Astt. Engineer PERSONNAL DETAILS : NAME : CHANDRESH. H. KALAL PERMENANT ADDRESS: A / 2 VIDHATA APARTMENTS OPP ST. AB SCHOOL TIMES OF INDIA PRESS ROAD VEJALPUR AHMEDABAD 380051 PHONE NUMBER : (M) +919662010946, 919712384829 E- MAIL ADDRESS : Chandresh_kalal2006@yahoo.co.in DATE OF BIRTH : 20Th Nov. 1970 MARITAL STATUS : MARRIED SEX : MALE NATIONALITY : INDIAN LANGUAGES KNOWN : GUJARATI, HINDI, AND ENGLISH
  • 2. Education / Name of Examination Year Percentage Qualification Board 1 G.S.E.B. S.S.C. 1987 58% 2 G.Tech. Board I T I (A.C. & REF.) 1991 65% 3 Diploma Electrical 2005 1st class Anna Engineering August University 4 Eectrical Engg. 2007 1st class PWD Govt. of Licence Holder Gujarat No. 13227 PROFFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Taken training from EAGLE AIRCONS PVT. LTD. DURATION 1992 TO 1993 (2 year) As A Trainee Technician Responsibility, operation and maintenance of centrally A.C.plant and domestic refrigeration equipment, AHU FCU servicing and fault finding and rectification also Preventive maintenance Act. Worked with RIVERA HOTEL Ahmedabad. DURATION 1994 TO 1995 (1 YEAR) As an A.C.Technician. Worked with QUALITY SUITES SHALIN HOTELAhmedabad. DURATION 1995 TO 1997 (3 year) As an A.C.Technician Responsibility operation and maintenance of centrally A.C. plant and domestic refrigeration equipment Hot water generator for hot water for hotel and room Ken fix it and preventive maintenance of electrical and
  • 3. Mechanical equipment and laundry system. Worked with FORTUNE LANDMARK by WELCOM GROUP Ahmedabad. (Operated and marketed by I T C Group of hotels) As an Engineering supervisor Duration 1998 to May 2007 (9. 5 years) Responsibility, operation and maintenance of HVAC system Steam boiler, electrical equipment, laundry, equipment Kitchen, health club, swimming pool, water filtration plant Screw chiller and reciprocating chiller, domestic refrigeration Water management system, civil work, painting work, Staff management and time to time preventive maintenance Breakdown and trouble shooting .problem rectification Worked with CAMBAY group of hotels Gandhinagar Gujarat Deputed at Cambay Sapphire Vejalpur behind Jivraj Park over Bridge. As an Jr. Engineer. Duration May 2007 to Dicember2008 (1.5 Year) Responsibility, operation and maintenance of HVAC system VRF Air-conditioning system PNG gas fired boiler Room Ken Fix IT program and staff training HLP budget, Inventory Duty roster, Energy saving plan, Perpetual Maintenance. Fabrications work, civil work, emergency break down. Maintenance planning and approval. Acting chief engineer When C.E. on leave or busy in another project. Reporting and Responsibility Of over all operation and maintenance of the hotel. Presently working with The Pride Hotel Ahmedabad (5 Star hotel) As an Astt. Engineer (acting Chief Engineer) Duration Jan 2009 to tilldates... Responsibility. Operation and maintenance of over all hotel. #175 rooms, 9Bqt hall, 2 restaurants, health club /S pool act. Day to day operation, Preventive maintenance, project work (CD 800kva ACB, HT & LT, distribution / 625 kva DG set. 450Tr HVAC system Screw chiller & VRV (by CIAT France & TOSHIBA Japan) Domestic refrigeration equipment, Steam Boiler, Laundry Eq. Reporting to Gm sir, CEO, Management, HLP, Budget, planning, Mornign meeting / staff briefing. Practical on hand experience.
  • 4. Activity To direct & guide the Engineering & maintenance operations in the hotel to ensure a high standard of building, machinery, plant, furniture, fixture & equipment in all the departments in order to achieve an excellent level of guest satisfaction & profitability in an environment of high employee morale. Strategic Develops systems and procedure which ensure safety for customers, employees plant, machinery and property. Defines service standards regarding maintenance in all the areas of the hotel & ensures adherence to these. Prepares preventive maintenance schedules and ensures adherence. Directs budgeting process for all capital expenditure in order to ensure that the property is maintained to the best industry standard. Identifies & develops new equipment & materials to enhance the product quality. Identifies and inducts environment friendly systems and equipment. Develops an over all plan and strategy for optimizing use of energy. Systems/operations Guides the team in day to day operations of the hotel. Ensures liaison with relevant Government agencies to ensure compliance of various statutory requirements. Prepares capital & R & M budgets for Engineering. Recommends changes in methods/ equipment / staff to improve departmental standards / productivity. Coordinates and prioritizes maintenance activity of rooms & public area with executive housekeeper. Directs the organization of work within the department, including assignments, time schedules & vacations. Ensures adherence to company & hotel policies by departmental employees. Ensures that all renovated areas are as per required standards & specification, prior to taking over from projects. Constantly monitors key performance indicators for the department & takes corrective action, as & when required. Ensures spare parts & material available at all time in stores by proper planning.
  • 5. Attends to any legal cases pertaining to Engineering department. Staff/ Training Ensures department employees are fully trained through constant OTJ. Ensures attendance on behavioral and vocational training in own and related areas to enhance skills and encourage multifunctional Personally conducts key trainings Ensures career development and succession planning for subordinates Uses an effective appraisal system to review the performance of direct subordinates and determine their development needs Recommends hiring, promotion, increments, disciplinary action, performance related salary increments for all subordinates Ensures department employees are fully trained on all hotel systems, procedures to ensure safety requirements Counsels subordinates in personal and work related matters Attends behavioral and vocational training in own and related work areas to enhance skills and develop multifunctional. Motivates and encourages team building in Engineering Department. Keep abreast of latest developments in Hotel engineering. Yours faithfully. Chandresh Kalal