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Multimediain the classroomDavid Foster
Most useful toolFor me, the most useful tool I came across is Animoto.  In teaching science and math to special needs kids who have such diverse learning styles, I need a tool I can use to present information to my students in a visual manner and find a way to get them actively involved.  I can achieve both of these goals with Animoto.
An abundance of toolsBefore taking this course, about all I could do as far as multimedia work was create a slide show on PowerPoint.  Even my PowerPoint slide shows were very basic.  I just never had enough time to look into all of the other available options.  I now wish I would have taken the time earlier to learn what I have learned in this course.  Well, better late than never!I love VoiceThread!  With my low vision, it is a tool that I can benefit from myself, let alone my students.  The possibilities with it are endless!
SUCCESS!Pixlr:I was surprised how easy it was to use Pixlr to upload and edit images.  Before trying it out, I thought editing images would be a difficult task for an amateur such as myself.  I proved myself wrong.I will share some images with my students.  We will look at the results of some of our science experiments.  I will use the images to show students the ins and outs of body language.Animoto:As I mentioned earlier, this tool rocks as far Im concerned.  I can see myself using this tool in many different ways, including as a tool to use to help students catch up when they miss classes due to appointments or work schedules.  My students can create videos to be displayed at our science fair (we are currently working on projects about bridges and catapults).  Many of my high school students already have a good handle on basic computer skills, so I feel they will be able to learn how to use Animoto easily.
The biggest challenges for meTime!    I wish I had more time to design more creative and thoughtful projects.  Still, I feel taking this course has helped me greatly.  Im looking forward to learning more in the long term as I gain more experience.Windows Live Move maker.  I did struggle when trying to figure out how to use all of its features.  I also was not able to use.MOV files, which were on my Iphone.  That frustrated me greatly.  I was not sure how to convert an.MOV file to another suitable file type.  So, I was not able to create the type of project I would have liked to.  With more time, though, I feel I can figure out how to use it well.  I just need to make the time to use it.  I would love to be able to show parents what exactly happens in our classroom when they visit by sharing with them a  complete video presentation
Some thoughts on MoodleI am quite impressed with Moodle.  The site was well organized and fairly simple to navigate, even for someone who has vision difficulties such as myself.  I never experienced any trouble signing in.  I never experience trouble accessing any areas on the site.  It really helped me out.  I learn best when information is well organized and presented step by step.  I have more difficulty when information is scattered.  With Moodle, I had no difficulty finding the information that I needed.  Plus, I love the fact that I can see what my classmates are doing and saying as well.  It gives me a chance to see their way of thinking and doing things.  Therefore, I can gather ideas that otherwise I may have never though of.  I also appreciate the thoughtful feedback everyone provides in the forums
Thoughts on online learningI believe that nothing is better than being in the classroom, with the instructor, receiving direct instruction.  With online learning, you lose the personal interactions that take place in the classroom.  Still, after taking this, my first online class, I would not be against taking another one in the future.
Why try online learning?Being able to learn at my own paceI have more access to classes that otherwise I would not be able to attend since I do not drive.Im limited as to what I can see in the classroom . That is not as big of an issue for me when working online.Being able to interact with others in the class to share creative ideas and opinions  is very beneficial as it helps to open my mind up to alternative ways of thinking and doing.
My projectsMy photo project (Flickr)http://www.flickr.com/photos/dfoster2011My audio project: VoiceThreadhttp://voicethread.com/?#q.b1846784.i9710959My web video project: Animotohttp://animoto.com/play/WiIzEbo1KPwhKgYOF7Xv8QMy video project: YouTubehttp://www.youtube.com/user/dxf043?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/G203qX3rV2s
Thank you!I truly enjoyed my first online class.  Thanks Rich for all of the information and support you provided.  Thanks to everyone else in the class for sharing all of their wonderful thoughts and suggestions.  Now, lets go make some multimedia history.

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  • 2. Most useful toolFor me, the most useful tool I came across is Animoto. In teaching science and math to special needs kids who have such diverse learning styles, I need a tool I can use to present information to my students in a visual manner and find a way to get them actively involved. I can achieve both of these goals with Animoto.
  • 3. An abundance of toolsBefore taking this course, about all I could do as far as multimedia work was create a slide show on PowerPoint. Even my PowerPoint slide shows were very basic. I just never had enough time to look into all of the other available options. I now wish I would have taken the time earlier to learn what I have learned in this course. Well, better late than never!I love VoiceThread! With my low vision, it is a tool that I can benefit from myself, let alone my students. The possibilities with it are endless!
  • 4. SUCCESS!Pixlr:I was surprised how easy it was to use Pixlr to upload and edit images. Before trying it out, I thought editing images would be a difficult task for an amateur such as myself. I proved myself wrong.I will share some images with my students. We will look at the results of some of our science experiments. I will use the images to show students the ins and outs of body language.Animoto:As I mentioned earlier, this tool rocks as far Im concerned. I can see myself using this tool in many different ways, including as a tool to use to help students catch up when they miss classes due to appointments or work schedules. My students can create videos to be displayed at our science fair (we are currently working on projects about bridges and catapults). Many of my high school students already have a good handle on basic computer skills, so I feel they will be able to learn how to use Animoto easily.
  • 5. The biggest challenges for meTime! I wish I had more time to design more creative and thoughtful projects. Still, I feel taking this course has helped me greatly. Im looking forward to learning more in the long term as I gain more experience.Windows Live Move maker. I did struggle when trying to figure out how to use all of its features. I also was not able to use.MOV files, which were on my Iphone. That frustrated me greatly. I was not sure how to convert an.MOV file to another suitable file type. So, I was not able to create the type of project I would have liked to. With more time, though, I feel I can figure out how to use it well. I just need to make the time to use it. I would love to be able to show parents what exactly happens in our classroom when they visit by sharing with them a complete video presentation
  • 6. Some thoughts on MoodleI am quite impressed with Moodle. The site was well organized and fairly simple to navigate, even for someone who has vision difficulties such as myself. I never experienced any trouble signing in. I never experience trouble accessing any areas on the site. It really helped me out. I learn best when information is well organized and presented step by step. I have more difficulty when information is scattered. With Moodle, I had no difficulty finding the information that I needed. Plus, I love the fact that I can see what my classmates are doing and saying as well. It gives me a chance to see their way of thinking and doing things. Therefore, I can gather ideas that otherwise I may have never though of. I also appreciate the thoughtful feedback everyone provides in the forums
  • 7. Thoughts on online learningI believe that nothing is better than being in the classroom, with the instructor, receiving direct instruction. With online learning, you lose the personal interactions that take place in the classroom. Still, after taking this, my first online class, I would not be against taking another one in the future.
  • 8. Why try online learning?Being able to learn at my own paceI have more access to classes that otherwise I would not be able to attend since I do not drive.Im limited as to what I can see in the classroom . That is not as big of an issue for me when working online.Being able to interact with others in the class to share creative ideas and opinions is very beneficial as it helps to open my mind up to alternative ways of thinking and doing.
  • 9. My projectsMy photo project (Flickr)http://www.flickr.com/photos/dfoster2011My audio project: VoiceThreadhttp://voicethread.com/?#q.b1846784.i9710959My web video project: Animotohttp://animoto.com/play/WiIzEbo1KPwhKgYOF7Xv8QMy video project: YouTubehttp://www.youtube.com/user/dxf043?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/G203qX3rV2s
  • 10. Thank you!I truly enjoyed my first online class. Thanks Rich for all of the information and support you provided. Thanks to everyone else in the class for sharing all of their wonderful thoughts and suggestions. Now, lets go make some multimedia history.