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Ms. Kennedy
Recap on the visit to Rathfarnham Castle to the Ceramics Exhibition
Learning Intentions
Go through Health and Safety Procedures
Materials and Tools
Introduce first technique Pinch Pots
Field Trip to
Rathfarnham Castle
 Elizabethan fortified house
 Commissioned by
Archbishop Chancellor of
Ireland, Adam Loftus in
 4 angled corner towers for
defensive purposes
 Remodelling and
decorating took place in the
 In the 1980s it became
under the States care
Ceramic Exhibition at the Castle
Learning Intentions
Outline what ceramics
is and how we are
going to approach it
in class
Discuss the Health
and Safety
associated with
working with Clay
Agree upon a
cleaning procedure
Demonstrate a new
technique with hand
building Pinch Pots
Identified ceramic pieces
Applied the Health and Safety
Procedures when working with clay
Administered the cleaning procedure at
the end of class
Discovered a new technique called
Pinch Pots
Made use of this new skill to create pots
and vessels
Success Criteria
What is Ceramics?
 Comes from the Greek word Keramos meaning Potters clay
 Flexible art medium
 Can be both practical and decorative
 Made from: clay, water, earthy materials
 Once finished with the form the clay must be fired in a Kiln
 Ceramics can be seen in everyday life
Are these items made from Ceramics?
 Sink and toilet
 False Teeth
 Car Engine
Are these items made from Ceramics?
 Sink and toilet
 False Teeth
 Car Engine
All of them have
some Ceramics
in them!!
Are these items made from Ceramics?
 False Teeth: Porcelain a type of clay
 Magnets: Permanent magnet, in some speakers and used in a
 Car Engine: Spark Plugs, brake discs
 Airplane Jet Engines and Rockets: Engine Components need to
cope with High Temperatures
Ceramics is quite a
safe art form to work
with if you stick to
the correct safety
I will highlight things
you will need to
consider when
working with clay in
the classroom.
Important rules and
procedures to follow
General Rules working with clay
Wear PPE to
protect your clothes
Gloves if your
hands are sensitive
to clay
Do not eat
or drink
around clay
Remove jewellrey
so it wont get
caught or dirty in
the work area
Thoroughly wash
your hands to
remove the clay
Equipment in the classroom
Some tools can be
sharp to cut or mould
the clay
Careful not to cut
yourself or others when
using knifes or sharp
Slab rollers flatten out
clay. Be mindful to not
get clothing, hair or
even your hands
caught in the rollers.
Large wheel to rotate
the rollers, be mindful
when turning the wheel
or even walking around
the equipment.
Cleaning Procedure
After working with clay it is
important to clean the
workspace and any tools
that were used.
This is both good
practice and a safety
You must wipe down
tables with a damp
cloth as to not add dust
into the air which can
harm our lungs.
If any equipment was
broken during the
class, you need to tell
the teacher.
Pinch Pot Technique
Hand Building Technique for clay
Step by Step Instructions
Gentle pinch the clay
around the thumb hole
Rotating the ball as
you go to make it even
Form a ball with
the clay
Press into the
centre of the ball
with your thumb
Finished Pinch Pot
Can take this
technique further and
create unusual
shaped objects
Experimental Pinch Pots
the clay in
the clay in
Adding extra
pieces of
Add legs to
the pots so it
can stand
Carve into
the clays
Experimental Pinch Pots
Prompt Words to experiment with
Learning Intentions
Outline what ceramics
is and how we are
going to approach it
in class
Discuss the Health
and Safety
associated with
working with Clay
Agree upon a
cleaning procedure
Demonstrate a new
technique with hand
building Pinch Pots
Identified ceramic pieces
Applied the Health and Safety Procedures
when working with clay
Administered the cleaning procedure at
the end of class
Discovered a new technique called Pinch
Made use of this new skill to create pots
and vessels
Success Criteria
Ceramic Applications. (2025).
Editorial by Industrial Quick Search. (n.d.). Ceramic Magnets.
Sharma, K. (2024, March 27). Ceramics: Definition, Properties,
Types, Applications. Science Info.

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Class Powerpoint on ceramics for Creative Disciplines

  • 2. Introduction Recap on the visit to Rathfarnham Castle to the Ceramics Exhibition Learning Intentions Go through Health and Safety Procedures Materials and Tools Introduce first technique Pinch Pots
  • 4. Elizabethan fortified house Commissioned by Archbishop Chancellor of Ireland, Adam Loftus in 1583 4 angled corner towers for defensive purposes Remodelling and decorating took place in the 18th Century In the 1980s it became under the States care
  • 6. Learning Intentions Outline what ceramics is and how we are going to approach it in class 1 Discuss the Health and Safety Procedures associated with working with Clay 2 Agree upon a cleaning procedure 3 Demonstrate a new technique with hand building Pinch Pots 4
  • 7. Identified ceramic pieces Applied the Health and Safety Procedures when working with clay Administered the cleaning procedure at the end of class Discovered a new technique called Pinch Pots Made use of this new skill to create pots and vessels Success Criteria
  • 8. What is Ceramics? Comes from the Greek word Keramos meaning Potters clay Flexible art medium Can be both practical and decorative Made from: clay, water, earthy materials Once finished with the form the clay must be fired in a Kiln Ceramics can be seen in everyday life
  • 9. Are these items made from Ceramics? Pottery Sink and toilet Bricks False Teeth Magnets Car Engine Airplane Rocket X
  • 10. Are these items made from Ceramics? Pottery Sink and toilet Bricks False Teeth Magnets Car Engine Airplane Rocket X All of them have some Ceramics in them!!
  • 11. Are these items made from Ceramics? False Teeth: Porcelain a type of clay Magnets: Permanent magnet, in some speakers and used in a MRI Car Engine: Spark Plugs, brake discs Airplane Jet Engines and Rockets: Engine Components need to cope with High Temperatures
  • 12. Ceramics is quite a safe art form to work with if you stick to the correct safety procedures. I will highlight things you will need to consider when working with clay in the classroom. Important rules and procedures to follow
  • 13. General Rules working with clay Wear PPE to protect your clothes Gloves if your hands are sensitive to clay Do not eat or drink around clay Remove jewellrey so it wont get caught or dirty in the work area Thoroughly wash your hands to remove the clay
  • 14. Equipment in the classroom Some tools can be sharp to cut or mould the clay Careful not to cut yourself or others when using knifes or sharp tools. Slab rollers flatten out clay. Be mindful to not get clothing, hair or even your hands caught in the rollers. Large wheel to rotate the rollers, be mindful when turning the wheel or even walking around the equipment.
  • 15. Cleaning Procedure After working with clay it is important to clean the workspace and any tools that were used. This is both good practice and a safety procedure. You must wipe down tables with a damp cloth as to not add dust into the air which can harm our lungs. If any equipment was broken during the class, you need to tell the teacher.
  • 16. Pinch Pot Technique Hand Building Technique for clay
  • 17. Step by Step Instructions Gentle pinch the clay around the thumb hole Rotating the ball as you go to make it even Form a ball with the clay Press into the centre of the ball with your thumb Finished Pinch Pot Can take this technique further and create unusual shaped objects
  • 18. Experimental Pinch Pots Manipulate the clay in different ways Compress the clay in areas making irregular shapes Adding extra pieces of clay Add legs to the pots so it can stand Carve into the clays surface
  • 20. Prompt Words to experiment with Multiple Clustered Stretched Skinny Squished Dainty Fragile Bulky Natural Industrial
  • 21. Learning Intentions Outline what ceramics is and how we are going to approach it in class 1 Discuss the Health and Safety Procedures associated with working with Clay 2 Agree upon a cleaning procedure 3 Demonstrate a new technique with hand building Pinch Pots 4
  • 22. Identified ceramic pieces Applied the Health and Safety Procedures when working with clay Administered the cleaning procedure at the end of class Discovered a new technique called Pinch Pots Made use of this new skill to create pots and vessels Success Criteria
  • 23. References Ceramic Applications. (2025). https://www.ceramic-applications.com Editorial by Industrial Quick Search. (n.d.). Ceramic Magnets. https://www.iqsdirectory.com/articles/magnet/ceramic-magnets.ht ml Sharma, K. (2024, March 27). Ceramics: Definition, Properties, Types, Applications. Science Info. https://scienceinfo.com/ceramics-definition-properties-types-appli cations/