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Competency based interview
Some tips
What Interview Boards Looks for:
That you :
 Can do the job
 Have done something similar
 Will fit in - and can prove it by
 Have passed all of the
The interview board is looking for:
 The Behaviours
a person needs to be able to perform
effectively in the job
Have your examples ready and include
What I did
What I learned
What did I do differently
Have more than one example
for each competency
About you
 What do you know about the Organisation?
 What local knowledge/experience do you
 What do you know of the Department & this
 Have you experience of a similar job?
What are competencies?
 Interpersonal Skills and Understanding
 Decision Making and Judgment
 Organizational Awareness
 Customer service
 Planning & organising
 Communication skills
 People skills
 Technical knowledge etc
What the board will do.
 EXPLORE  your answer
 PROBE  get you to expand
 OUTCOME  what happened
 LEARNING  what did you do differently
This will determine who gets the job
Typical questions..
 Tell me about a time that 
 How do you plan your day
 What is the role of the 
 What specifically will you bring to this
 What changes have you made in the last
6 months
You and the interview
 Be prepared
 Arrive on time
 Speak up
 Listen to the question FULLY
 Think before you answer
 Deal with a difficult question (have a plan)
 Ok to say I dont know (once)
You and the interview.
 Your time to SHINE
 Show by your examples that you have the
necessary skills/competencies
Past performance is the only judge of future
  I think I am ..
 Speaking too fast or too slow
 Bluffing or taking a stab at the answer
 Dont interrupt the Interviewer
 Dont be over familiar (if you know one of
the Interview Board)
 Engage with the interviewers
 Be familiar with your CV
 Clarify a question if you are not sure of
 Be brief and concise with your answers
 Answer the question you were asked
 Listen carefully to the questions
To finish.
Dont dig a hole
At the end of the interview say thank you
and leave
Good luck

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Clerical Officer Competency Interview

  • 2. What Interview Boards Looks for: That you : Can do the job Have done something similar Will fit in - and can prove it by examples Have passed all of the competencies
  • 3. The interview board is looking for: The Behaviours Skills Knowledge Competence a person needs to be able to perform effectively in the job
  • 4. Have your examples ready and include What I did What I learned What did I do differently Have more than one example for each competency
  • 5. About you What do you know about the Organisation? What local knowledge/experience do you have? What do you know of the Department & this job? Have you experience of a similar job?
  • 6. What are competencies? Interpersonal Skills and Understanding Decision Making and Judgment Organizational Awareness Customer service Planning & organising Communication skills People skills Technical knowledge etc
  • 7. What the board will do. EXPLORE your answer PROBE get you to expand OUTCOME what happened LEARNING what did you do differently APPLICATION so what This will determine who gets the job
  • 8. Typical questions.. Tell me about a time that How do you plan your day What is the role of the What specifically will you bring to this position. What changes have you made in the last 6 months
  • 9. You and the interview Be prepared Arrive on time Speak up Listen to the question FULLY Think before you answer Deal with a difficult question (have a plan) Ok to say I dont know (once)
  • 10. You and the interview. Your time to SHINE Show by your examples that you have the necessary skills/competencies Remember: Past performance is the only judge of future practice
  • 11. Avoid I think I am .. Speaking too fast or too slow Bluffing or taking a stab at the answer Dont interrupt the Interviewer Dont be over familiar (if you know one of the Interview Board)
  • 12. Do Engage with the interviewers Be familiar with your CV Clarify a question if you are not sure of it Be brief and concise with your answers Answer the question you were asked Listen carefully to the questions
  • 13. To finish. Dont dig a hole At the end of the interview say thank you and leave