This document discusses innovation and disruption in higher education. It notes that technological change is exponential, and trends like mobile devices, cloud computing, and big data will impact higher education. MOOCs represent a disruptive innovation that could challenge traditional universities by offering a leaner choice for students. Key challenges include developing sustainable business models, addressing demographic shifts in lifelong learning, and dealing with issues around big data and privacy. The document also examines potential new careers that may emerge and skills shortages in Europe. It discusses different types of MOOC learners and platforms. Finally, it argues that universities should control disruptive innovations like MOOCs through strategic partnerships and developing a technological lead in areas like adaptive learning and authentication.
The document summarizes a presentation done by five students on the mousedeer. It discusses the mousedeer's physical characteristics and behaviors, as well as three science aspects: physics, chemistry, and biology. It also covers the values and national education aspects. The presentation included questions and answers at the end, as well as a group reflection on what they learned from doing the project.
Sayed Taha Ahmed Mohamed is seeking a position as an accountant. He has a bachelor's degree in commerce with a major in accounting from Cairo University. He is currently studying for a diploma in audit and accounting from Cairo University. He has work experience as a customer service representative and has completed internships in several banks. He also has extensive training and certifications in areas such as business English, Microsoft Excel, accounting software, and more. His career objective is to utilize his skills and qualifications in an accounting role.
This document provides an overview of construction risk management and insurance solutions. It discusses risk management definitions and processes, commercial insurance types like workers' compensation and general liability, and key considerations for construction contracts. Commercial insurance helps contractors transfer risks like property damage, injuries, and legal liabilities. Construction contracts specify legal obligations and address important insurance issues to protect all parties involved in a project.
The document describes setting up the layout for a basic calculator app in Android Studio. It involves dragging buttons to represent arithmetic symbols into the activity_main.xml file and editing the properties of each button such as the text and ID. A TextView is added to display the answer and two EditText fields are added to take numeric input from the user. The layout is further customized using a relative layout and adjusting positioning of the elements.
This document provides instructions for using Git for version control and collaboration. It begins with downloading and installing Git, then configuring basic user settings. It describes initializing and cloning repositories, checking the status of files, and viewing commit logs. The document outlines the basic Git workflow including making changes to files, staging files, and committing changes to the local repository. It also covers pushing and pulling changes to and from remote repositories. Finally, it discusses resolving merge conflicts that can occur when merging branches.
Ray Kirby: Lectures are STILL AppropriateChris Evans
The document argues against replacing face-to-face lectures with digital lectures in three main points:
1. Pedagogically, face-to-face lectures allow for more interaction between the lecturer and students, enabling discussions, questions, and active learning. Digital lectures encourage passive consumption and remove this interactivity.
2. Culturally, prospective students and parents expect the university experience to include attending lectures as part of being a student. Removing face-to-face lectures could harm recruitment.
3. Practically, replacing lectures could make the university's key statistics look worse and increase student attrition rates if students do not engage with the digital replacements.
The document provides tips for various aspects of writing a research paper, including developing a thesis, incorporating sources, crafting an introduction and conclusion, and choosing an appropriate structure. It recommends framing the topic in a way that establishes relevance for readers. When including sources, it advises blending quotes into your own writing and citing borrowed material. The document stresses allowing room for surprises from research and focusing on the research question.
The document outlines the patient safety plan for Silver Crescent Dispensary in Khobar, Saudi Arabia. It describes the scope of the safety program, the emphasis on a non-punitive culture, and how safety elements have been integrated across departments. The plan also details procedures for responding to errors, conducting root cause analyses of sentinel events, assessing variations, and measuring high-risk processes. Resources are allocated for patient safety activities, including adequate staff.
Arterial Hypertension is a devastating illness, against which we better get ready to control it - Patient and family awareness needs more effort from providers. A companion is Respiratory Distress to recognize and manage in ER
Productia de hainute pentru copii constituie preocuparea noastra de peste 20 de ani.
Rochite,fuste,sarafane,compleuri,pardesie ,paltoane,bluze pentru fetite puteti gasi aici printre multe alte articole de imbracaminte pentru copii.
Bineinteles ca nici baietii nu sunt uitati.Sacouri,pantaloni,veste sunt produse de calitate minutios realizate de membrii echipei noastre.
Si pentru ca alaturi de noi au crescut multi copii ne-am diversificat productia realizand si hainute pentru botez,rochite botez,compleuri botez ,paltonase botez pentru fetite daR si costume botez pentru baieti si bineinteles trusouri de botez atat pentru fetite cat si pentru baieti.
Bebelusii dvs vor arata minunat in hainutele JOHNNY iar timpul dvs pretios va fi salvat prin elementele ce le contin trusourile complete.
Flexibilitatea este una din caracteristicile unei companii mici de aceea si noi ne dorim sa ne adaptam intentiilor si necesitatilor fiecarui copil si sa ne orientam produsele astfel incat evenimentele din familia dumneavoastra sa prinda culoare.
Realizate din materiale naturale,precum poplin bumbac,catifea bumbac,in,stofe de lana sau viscoza produsele noastre fac deliciul unui eveniment precum botezul
Pardesiu,palton pentru copii produse minunate ce va stau la dispozitie in colectia noastra.
Materialele folosite sunt stofe din lana in combinatie cu polyester sau tesaturi tip lana.
Intodeuna veti gasi si produsele asortate la acestea pentru a nu pierde timpul.
Fie ca e vorba de o palariuta,sarafan sau rochita acestea sunt perfect asortate
This document discusses outsourcing, including what it is, why companies do it, and how to implement an outsourcing strategy. Outsourcing involves transferring some internal work to external suppliers. It can help companies reduce costs, streamline resources, and gain expertise in non-core functions. The document provides tips for defining outsourcing needs, selecting partners, and maintaining clear communication during the outsourcing process. India is one of the most popular locations for outsourcing, particularly in the IT and business process outsourcing sectors. Choosing the right partner is essential and requires validating claims, checking reputation, and ensuring experience in the needed areas.
The document discusses potential health issues with dairy consumption. It claims that dairy has been linked to diseases like cancer and osteoporosis, and countries with low dairy intake have lower rates of these diseases. Several studies are cited showing connections between dairy and increased cancer risks. Alternatives to dairy are suggested, along with other good sources of calcium. Reducing or eliminating dairy could provide benefits like improved digestion, energy levels, and weight.
This document proposes an innovative model for pharmacy education with 3 key aspects: 1) Increased use of technology like laptops and simulation centers to enhance learning; 2) A revamped curriculum with pass/fail grading, hybrid lectures, and clearer preparation for residencies; 3) A multidisciplinary approach integrating classes with other health programs and community partnerships. The goals are to improve retention, engagement, and prepare students for a changing field through curriculum changes, technology, and collaboration across institutions.
Tran Quoc Bao: Championing Vietnam as Southeast Asia's Emerging Healthcare an...Ignite Capital
Forbes: Dr. Tran Quoc Bao, Chief Planning and Marketing Officer of City International Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, is leading the charge in promoting Vietnam as an emerging hub for healthcare and medical tourism. At the Southeast Asian Hospital Expansion Summit 2019, he shared insights on Vietnams healthcare growth and its rising prominence in Southeast Asias medical tourism sector. With an annual growth rate of 18-20%, Vietnam's medical sector attracts over 80,000 foreign patients, generating more than $1 billion in income.
Vietnams strategic location in Southeast Asia, coupled with its political stability, makes it an attractive and safe destination for medical tourists. As Dr. Bao emphasized, the country offers high-quality, affordable healthcare services that stand out in comparison to neighboring countries. However, he acknowledged that there are challenges in increasing awareness of Vietnam's healthcare offerings among foreign patients, especially given the low number of internationally-accredited hospitals.
To overcome these hurdles, Dr. Bao proposed several strategies. He advocates for a nationwide campaign targeting foreign medical tourists and leveraging digital innovation and social media to increase visibility. Additionally, he stressed the importance of Vietnamese hospitals achieving international accreditation, such as Joint Commission International (JCI), to build trust and credibility.
Dr. Bao also calls for increased regional cooperation through events and networking with healthcare associations in Southeast Asia, fostering stronger relationships and collaboration across borders. His vision includes a regional co-patient management system that can facilitate cross-border transfers for patients seeking treatments in multiple countries.
Vietnam is rapidly becoming one of the most attractive destinations in Southeast Asia for medical tourism, joining other established hubs like Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Southeast Asia Hospital Expansion Summit served as a unique platform for financers to invest in the healthcare sector, focusing on smart hospitals, digitalization, and technological advancements that promise to improve access to quality healthcare.
As a leading international hospital in Vietnam, City International Hospital stands at the forefront of this healthcare revolution. With Dr. Tran Quoc Baos leadership, the hospital continues to pave the way for Vietnams growing presence on the global medical tourism map, providing top-notch care and establishing the country as a key player in the global healthcare arena.
How Your Income Sources Affect Your Tax Bill - Raines & Fischer, LLPRaines & Fischer, LLP
Understanding how your retirement income is taxed can help you avoid unexpected tax bills and maximize your savings. How Your Income Sources Affect Your Tax Bill by Raines & Fischer, LLP explains how Social Security, pensions, and withdrawals from retirement accounts are taxed at both the federal and state level. It covers which states offer tax-friendly retirement benefits, why strategic withdrawals matter, and how to minimize taxes while maintaining financial security. Whether you're planning for retirement or already retired, this guide helps you make informed decisions to keep more of your money.
WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886
Email @
Website link:
I was recently at the AMC Georgetown Theater, standing in line for popcorn, when I struck up a conversation with a girl sitting next to me. We started talking about investments, and I shared my experience of being scammed. I had invested $157,000 into a cryptocurrency platform that seemed promising at first. The platform looked legitimate, and after doing my research, I felt confident about the decision. But after a few months, things started to unravel. Withdrawals were delayed, and the responses from the platform grew increasingly vague. Eventually, the platform disappeared completely, taking my entire investment with it. The shock and disbelief I felt were overwhelming. The money was gone, and I was left not only financially drained but emotionally exhausted. I couldn't believe how quickly everything had fallen apart, despite doing what I thought was thorough research. As I explained my situation to the girl at the theater, she seemed genuinely concerned and shared that she had been in a similar situation. She, too, had been scammed in the past, but she was able to recover her lost funds with the help of a company called DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY. She immediately recommended them to me, saying that they had the expertise to handle cases like mine. At that moment, I was desperate and open to trying anything, so I decided to reach out to them. From the first contact, it was clear I had made the right decision. The team at DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY was professional, empathetic, and knowledgeable about handling cases like mine. They took the time to walk me through the entire recovery process and assured me that they had the tools and experience to help me get my money back. Their clear communication and confidence gave me hope that recovery was possible. Thanks to their diligent efforts, DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY was able to recover the full $157,000 I had lost. The process took a few weeks, but the feeling of relief when I saw my funds returned was indescribable. I felt a massive weight lifted off my shoulders. Im incredibly grateful for their support and expertise, and Ill always be thankful for the chance encounter that led me to them.
Ray Kirby: Lectures are STILL AppropriateChris Evans
The document argues against replacing face-to-face lectures with digital lectures in three main points:
1. Pedagogically, face-to-face lectures allow for more interaction between the lecturer and students, enabling discussions, questions, and active learning. Digital lectures encourage passive consumption and remove this interactivity.
2. Culturally, prospective students and parents expect the university experience to include attending lectures as part of being a student. Removing face-to-face lectures could harm recruitment.
3. Practically, replacing lectures could make the university's key statistics look worse and increase student attrition rates if students do not engage with the digital replacements.
The document provides tips for various aspects of writing a research paper, including developing a thesis, incorporating sources, crafting an introduction and conclusion, and choosing an appropriate structure. It recommends framing the topic in a way that establishes relevance for readers. When including sources, it advises blending quotes into your own writing and citing borrowed material. The document stresses allowing room for surprises from research and focusing on the research question.
The document outlines the patient safety plan for Silver Crescent Dispensary in Khobar, Saudi Arabia. It describes the scope of the safety program, the emphasis on a non-punitive culture, and how safety elements have been integrated across departments. The plan also details procedures for responding to errors, conducting root cause analyses of sentinel events, assessing variations, and measuring high-risk processes. Resources are allocated for patient safety activities, including adequate staff.
Arterial Hypertension is a devastating illness, against which we better get ready to control it - Patient and family awareness needs more effort from providers. A companion is Respiratory Distress to recognize and manage in ER
Productia de hainute pentru copii constituie preocuparea noastra de peste 20 de ani.
Rochite,fuste,sarafane,compleuri,pardesie ,paltoane,bluze pentru fetite puteti gasi aici printre multe alte articole de imbracaminte pentru copii.
Bineinteles ca nici baietii nu sunt uitati.Sacouri,pantaloni,veste sunt produse de calitate minutios realizate de membrii echipei noastre.
Si pentru ca alaturi de noi au crescut multi copii ne-am diversificat productia realizand si hainute pentru botez,rochite botez,compleuri botez ,paltonase botez pentru fetite daR si costume botez pentru baieti si bineinteles trusouri de botez atat pentru fetite cat si pentru baieti.
Bebelusii dvs vor arata minunat in hainutele JOHNNY iar timpul dvs pretios va fi salvat prin elementele ce le contin trusourile complete.
Flexibilitatea este una din caracteristicile unei companii mici de aceea si noi ne dorim sa ne adaptam intentiilor si necesitatilor fiecarui copil si sa ne orientam produsele astfel incat evenimentele din familia dumneavoastra sa prinda culoare.
Realizate din materiale naturale,precum poplin bumbac,catifea bumbac,in,stofe de lana sau viscoza produsele noastre fac deliciul unui eveniment precum botezul
Pardesiu,palton pentru copii produse minunate ce va stau la dispozitie in colectia noastra.
Materialele folosite sunt stofe din lana in combinatie cu polyester sau tesaturi tip lana.
Intodeuna veti gasi si produsele asortate la acestea pentru a nu pierde timpul.
Fie ca e vorba de o palariuta,sarafan sau rochita acestea sunt perfect asortate
This document discusses outsourcing, including what it is, why companies do it, and how to implement an outsourcing strategy. Outsourcing involves transferring some internal work to external suppliers. It can help companies reduce costs, streamline resources, and gain expertise in non-core functions. The document provides tips for defining outsourcing needs, selecting partners, and maintaining clear communication during the outsourcing process. India is one of the most popular locations for outsourcing, particularly in the IT and business process outsourcing sectors. Choosing the right partner is essential and requires validating claims, checking reputation, and ensuring experience in the needed areas.
The document discusses potential health issues with dairy consumption. It claims that dairy has been linked to diseases like cancer and osteoporosis, and countries with low dairy intake have lower rates of these diseases. Several studies are cited showing connections between dairy and increased cancer risks. Alternatives to dairy are suggested, along with other good sources of calcium. Reducing or eliminating dairy could provide benefits like improved digestion, energy levels, and weight.
This document proposes an innovative model for pharmacy education with 3 key aspects: 1) Increased use of technology like laptops and simulation centers to enhance learning; 2) A revamped curriculum with pass/fail grading, hybrid lectures, and clearer preparation for residencies; 3) A multidisciplinary approach integrating classes with other health programs and community partnerships. The goals are to improve retention, engagement, and prepare students for a changing field through curriculum changes, technology, and collaboration across institutions.
Tran Quoc Bao: Championing Vietnam as Southeast Asia's Emerging Healthcare an...Ignite Capital
Forbes: Dr. Tran Quoc Bao, Chief Planning and Marketing Officer of City International Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, is leading the charge in promoting Vietnam as an emerging hub for healthcare and medical tourism. At the Southeast Asian Hospital Expansion Summit 2019, he shared insights on Vietnams healthcare growth and its rising prominence in Southeast Asias medical tourism sector. With an annual growth rate of 18-20%, Vietnam's medical sector attracts over 80,000 foreign patients, generating more than $1 billion in income.
Vietnams strategic location in Southeast Asia, coupled with its political stability, makes it an attractive and safe destination for medical tourists. As Dr. Bao emphasized, the country offers high-quality, affordable healthcare services that stand out in comparison to neighboring countries. However, he acknowledged that there are challenges in increasing awareness of Vietnam's healthcare offerings among foreign patients, especially given the low number of internationally-accredited hospitals.
To overcome these hurdles, Dr. Bao proposed several strategies. He advocates for a nationwide campaign targeting foreign medical tourists and leveraging digital innovation and social media to increase visibility. Additionally, he stressed the importance of Vietnamese hospitals achieving international accreditation, such as Joint Commission International (JCI), to build trust and credibility.
Dr. Bao also calls for increased regional cooperation through events and networking with healthcare associations in Southeast Asia, fostering stronger relationships and collaboration across borders. His vision includes a regional co-patient management system that can facilitate cross-border transfers for patients seeking treatments in multiple countries.
Vietnam is rapidly becoming one of the most attractive destinations in Southeast Asia for medical tourism, joining other established hubs like Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Southeast Asia Hospital Expansion Summit served as a unique platform for financers to invest in the healthcare sector, focusing on smart hospitals, digitalization, and technological advancements that promise to improve access to quality healthcare.
As a leading international hospital in Vietnam, City International Hospital stands at the forefront of this healthcare revolution. With Dr. Tran Quoc Baos leadership, the hospital continues to pave the way for Vietnams growing presence on the global medical tourism map, providing top-notch care and establishing the country as a key player in the global healthcare arena.
How Your Income Sources Affect Your Tax Bill - Raines & Fischer, LLPRaines & Fischer, LLP
Understanding how your retirement income is taxed can help you avoid unexpected tax bills and maximize your savings. How Your Income Sources Affect Your Tax Bill by Raines & Fischer, LLP explains how Social Security, pensions, and withdrawals from retirement accounts are taxed at both the federal and state level. It covers which states offer tax-friendly retirement benefits, why strategic withdrawals matter, and how to minimize taxes while maintaining financial security. Whether you're planning for retirement or already retired, this guide helps you make informed decisions to keep more of your money.
WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 - 2886
Email @
Website link:
I was recently at the AMC Georgetown Theater, standing in line for popcorn, when I struck up a conversation with a girl sitting next to me. We started talking about investments, and I shared my experience of being scammed. I had invested $157,000 into a cryptocurrency platform that seemed promising at first. The platform looked legitimate, and after doing my research, I felt confident about the decision. But after a few months, things started to unravel. Withdrawals were delayed, and the responses from the platform grew increasingly vague. Eventually, the platform disappeared completely, taking my entire investment with it. The shock and disbelief I felt were overwhelming. The money was gone, and I was left not only financially drained but emotionally exhausted. I couldn't believe how quickly everything had fallen apart, despite doing what I thought was thorough research. As I explained my situation to the girl at the theater, she seemed genuinely concerned and shared that she had been in a similar situation. She, too, had been scammed in the past, but she was able to recover her lost funds with the help of a company called DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY. She immediately recommended them to me, saying that they had the expertise to handle cases like mine. At that moment, I was desperate and open to trying anything, so I decided to reach out to them. From the first contact, it was clear I had made the right decision. The team at DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY was professional, empathetic, and knowledgeable about handling cases like mine. They took the time to walk me through the entire recovery process and assured me that they had the tools and experience to help me get my money back. Their clear communication and confidence gave me hope that recovery was possible. Thanks to their diligent efforts, DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY was able to recover the full $157,000 I had lost. The process took a few weeks, but the feeling of relief when I saw my funds returned was indescribable. I felt a massive weight lifted off my shoulders. Im incredibly grateful for their support and expertise, and Ill always be thankful for the chance encounter that led me to them.
It's is about the teaching me some of my research gap statement each of us to EPP you so sorry for women to EPP you so I can get some space muna para May Kasama di ko makita Wala pa yun sending it comprehensive the teaching me some space for a while and I will send it comprehensive in one of my pain
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Report Date: February 25, 2025
Tran Quoc Bao: First Vietnamese Leader on the Advisory Panel of Asian Hospita...Ignite Capital
Tran Quoc Bao: Shaping Vietnams Healthcare Future with Visionary Leadership and Financial Expertise
Tran Quoc Bao, CEO of Prima Saigon, stands at the forefront of transforming healthcare in Vietnam and beyond. As the leader of Prima Saigon, the countrys premier international daycare and ambulatory hospital, Bao has set new benchmarks for medical excellence and innovation. His strategic vision has propelled Prima Saigon into becoming a beacon of quality healthcare, positioning the institution at the forefront of global healthcare trends.
Beyond his success in leading Prima Saigon, Bao serves as an Advisor Member for Asian Healthcare & Hospital Management, a prominent publication that shapes healthcare policy worldwide. His work is not limited to just local impact but extends to global healthcare trends, influencing policy and operational standards across the sector.
With nearly two decades of experience, Bao has carved out a unique space where healthcare administration meets investment strategy. His career spans key positions at some of Vietnams leading healthcare institutions, including City International Hospital, FV Hospital, TMMC Healthcare, and Cao Tang Hospital, along with international expertise at The Alfred Hospital in Australia. A pioneer in internationalizing Vietnams healthcare sector, Bao led the transformation of Cao Tang Hospital into the countrys first Joint Commission International (JCI)-accredited facility, marking a milestone for Vietnams healthcare system on the global stage.
Baos expertise goes beyond healthcare management. Armed with prestigious credentialsincluding CFA速, CMT速, CPWA速, and FMVA速he has driven over $2 billion in healthcare mergers and acquisitions, reshaping Vietnams healthcare investment landscape. His ability to combine healthcare innovation with financial strategy has earned him recognition as a thought leader in the sector.
A prolific contributor to global discussions on healthcare investment, Bao has written for major publications like Bloomberg, Forbes, US News, and Voice of America, further cementing his status as a respected authority. His numerous accolades include Healthcare Executive of the Year by the Malaysia Health Tourism Council in 2021 and recognition as a Doing Business 2022 leader by the World Bank Group.
Additionally, Baos expertise is in demand by consulting powerhouses like BCG, Bain, and McKinsey, where he has advised on some of the most strategic healthcare investments and partnerships in Asia. With his unparalleled leadership and forward-thinking vision, Bao continues to shape the future of healthcare across the globe, ensuring that Vietnams healthcare system remains competitive and internationally recognized.
One night, deep within one of those YouTube rabbit holes-you know, the ones where you progress from video to video until you already can't remember what you were searching for-well, I found myself stuck in crypto horror stories. I have watched people share how they lost access to their Bitcoin wallets, be it through hacks, forgotten passwords, glitches in software, or mislaid seed phrases. Some of the stupid mistakes made me laugh; others were devastating losses. At no point did I think I would be the next story. Literally the next morning, I tried to get to my wallet like usual, but found myself shut out. First, I assumed it was some sort of minor typo, but after multiple attempts-anything I could possibly do with the password-I realized that something had gone very wrong. $400,000 in Bitcoin was inside that wallet. I tried not to panic. Instead, I went back over my steps, checked my saved credentials, even restarted my device. Nothing worked. The laughter from last night's videos felt like a cruel joke now. This wasn't funny anymore. It was then that I remembered: One of the videos on YouTube spoke about Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven. It was some dude who lost his crypto in pretty similar circumstances. He swore on their expertise; I was out of options and reached out to them. From the very moment I contacted them, their staff was professional, patient, and very knowledgeable indeed. I told them my case, and then they just went ahead and introduced me to the plan. They reassured me that they have dealt with cases similar to this-and that I wasn't doomed as I felt. Over the course of a few days, they worked on meticulously analyzing all security layers around my wallet, checking for probable failure points, and reconstructing lost credentials with accuracy and expertise. Then came the call that changed everything: Your funds are safe. Youre back in. I cant even put into words the relief I felt at that moment. Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven didnt just restore my walletthey restored my sanity. I walked away from this experience with two important lessons:
1. Never, ever neglect a wallet backup.
2. If disaster strikes, Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven is the only name you need to remember.
If you're reading this and thinking, "That would never happen to me," I used to think the same thing.油Until油it油did.
EMAIL: cranixethicalsolutionshaven at post dot com
WHATSAPP: +44 (7460) (622730)
TELEGRAM: @ cranixethicalsolutionshaven
Certainties that are changing.Feb25.AM.ENG.docx.pdfAndrea Mennillo
Nothings sure about tomorrow, wrote Lorenzo de Medici more than five centuries ago, in an attempt to stop time and harness the energy of youth. Energy that seems more valuable than ever today. Not necessarily or not only due to the demographic shift, but because of the demands of enterprises, the economy and our own lives.
We study the effects of gender board diversity on firm performance. We use novel and rich firm-level data covering over seven million private and public firms spanning the years 1995-2020 in Europe. We augment a standard TFP estimation with a shift-share instrument for gender board diversity. We find that increasing the share of women in the boardroom is conducive to better economic performance. The results prove robust in a variety of subsamples, and to a variety of sensitivity analyses. This outcome is driven primarily by firms from the service sector. The positive impact was stronger during the more recent years of our sample that is a period with relatively more board diversity.
Paper: The World Game (s) Great Redesign.pdfSteven McGee
Paper: The Great Redesign of The World Game (s): Equitable, Ethical, Eco Economic Epochs for programmable money, economy, big data, artificial intelligence , quantum computing.. federation, federated liquidity e.g., the "JP Morgan - Knickerbocker protocol" / global unified value unit
Learn essential accounting strategies to keep your small business financially healthy. From bookkeeping to payroll services, this guide covers key tips for better financial management. For more information contact now!