CloudSeed is a Seeweb contest to get an investment of 30k in your cloud-based initiative. The contest is meant for startup and pre-startup ideas making an intense use of at least one of the cloud computing resources (memory, storage, Cpu, network).
Idaho Power Company has operated a cloud seeding program since 2003 to enhance snowpack and increase water supply. The program uses both ground-based generators and aircraft to seed winter storms when conditions are suitable. Trace chemical analyses and snowpack density measurements provide evidence that seeding increases snowpack amounts. Cloud physics data from instrumented aircraft also indicate that seeding stimulates ice crystal formation. The program aims to flexibly target a wide area and make use of both airborne and ground-based seeding to maximize effectiveness.
- Cloud seeding experiments have been conducted in India since the 1950s to enhance rainfall. The state of Andhra Pradesh has carried out extensive cloud seeding operations from 2003-2009.
- Over these years, cloud seeding was conducted across hundreds of mandals using aircraft to disperse silver iodide flares into rain-producing clouds. Post-seeding verification with local officials found rainfall increases in many seeded areas.
- Monitoring of the operations was done using radar stations and pilot logs to track seeded clouds and assess seeding impacts on precipitation. The results suggest that cloud seeding can effectively increase rainfall in drought-prone regions of Andhra Pradesh.
The document discusses cloud seeding, which is the process of introducing particles into clouds to alter precipitation processes. It provides background on future water stress and India's vulnerability. Cloud seeding can be used to induce rain or snow through static, dynamic, and hygroscopic seeding methods. Materials used include silver iodide and dry ice to seed cold clouds, and salts to seed warm clouds. The goal is to increase the number of ice crystals or water droplets through heterogeneous nucleation. India has conducted cloud seeding experiments with reported increases in rainfall. Applications include hail suppression and hurricane modification.
This document discusses artificial rain and cloud seeding techniques. It describes:
1) The objective of artificial rain is to help drought-stricken areas and meet water demands by enhancing agricultural yields.
2) There are two main types of cloud seeding - warm cloud seeding using salts and cold cloud seeding using silver iodide.
3) The methodology involves introducing hygroscopic materials into warm clouds above 0属C or glaciogenic materials below 0属C to encourage the formation of rain or snow.
Cloud seeding is a process of weather modification that uses scientific technology to improve cloud precipitation and rainfall by spraying clouds in the atmosphere from airplanes or other airborne sources, with the goal of increasing water availability globally.
Silver iodide is a yellowish chemical compound formed from silver and iodine. It is mainly used for cloud seeding, which involves dispersing silver iodide crystals into clouds to induce precipitation by serving as nuclei for water vapor to condense around. Silver iodide is also used as an antiseptic and in silver-based photography. However, the effectiveness of cloud seeding is uncertain and it may have detrimental environmental and health effects through consequences like rain suppression, flooding, toxicity, and pollution.
Seeding The Cloud: Broadcast Entities and Digital StorytellingMartin Franklin
This document discusses digital storytelling and broadcasting entities. It lists several projects including Pursued By A Bear, The Lamellar Project, and that are experimenting with digital performance and live streaming. The author, Martin Franklin, is interested in seeding new forms of digital storytelling and performance through emerging technologies.
The document discusses weather modification activities in Greece carried out by ELGA, the Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organization. ELGA's main activities are crop insurance programs and loss prevention programs. For loss prevention, ELGA uses operational projects like fog systems to prevent frost and airborne cloud seeding or hail cannons to suppress hail. ELGA also subsidizes protection methods like wind machines, frost nets, and hail nets. ELGA has conducted operational weather modification projects in several regions of Greece since 1984 to test hail suppression techniques. Statistical analysis of these projects found mostly positive results in reducing hail.
Warm air rises due to convection, cooling and condensing into water droplets that form clouds. Moist air forced to rise over hills and mountains also cools and condenses, forming relief rainfall. Frontal rainfall occurs when warm and cold air masses meet, with the warm air forced over cold air cooling and condensing. The main types of clouds are cirrus (high altitude wispy clouds), stratus (middle/low layered clouds), and cumulus (puffy clouds often leading to rain).
The document provides a history of weather modification, or cloud seeding, in Texas from the 1950s to present. It describes several cloud seeding experiments and programs that have taken place in the state. Statistical analysis of some programs found rainfall increases of 20-42% in seeded clouds compared to non-seeded clouds. The document also outlines how cloud seeding works and why weather modification programs are conducted in Texas.
DRI Cloud Seeding Forum - Science and Program HistoryDRIscience
This document provides an overview of the history and scientific basis of cloud seeding. It discusses the conceptual model of cloud seeding, including that seeding material must be transported to clouds containing supercooled liquid water. Past research is summarized, including studies of seeding materials, transport and dispersion modeling, measurements of supercooled liquid water, and measurements showing microphysical and precipitation responses to seeding. Current research projects aiming to further validate the effects of cloud seeding are also mentioned. Hydrologic modeling techniques used to assess the impact of cloud seeding on streamflow are briefly outlined.
The Bergeron process describes how precipitation forms in clouds. It involves the properties of supercooled water and ice crystals. Supercooled water droplets remain liquid below freezing temperatures until they contact an ice nucleus. Ice crystals grow more easily than liquid droplets because water vapor pressure is lower above ice. This causes ice crystals to grow at the expense of water droplets, producing snow or other forms of precipitation.
The document discusses Neogard roof coating systems. Key points:
- Neogard is a leading producer of elastomeric coating membranes and has 45 years of experience in polymeric coating technology.
- Their systems include bio-based options and are UL Class A fire rated, LEED friendly, and Energy Star rated.
- Neogard offers fluid-applied direct bond systems that are compatible with many roof types and provide a waterproof barrier before the topcoat is applied.
- Their polyurethane foam systems can be used over metal roofs to seal seams and screws without needing additional materials.
This document summarizes research on phase equilibria in the Ni-Co-Mn alloy system. The objectives were to determine the phase diagram experimentally and verify the Curie temperature of low-Mn Ni-Co-Mn alloys. 12 sample compositions across the ternary phase diagram were analyzed using SEM, XRD, DSC and optical microscopy. Preliminary results found the samples to be homogeneous single phases and DSC indicated some precipitation during cooling that requires further investigation. Applications of these shape memory alloys include industries like aerospace and medical devices.
The document discusses challenges and opportunities for developing scalable cloud applications. It outlines problems developers may face including latency, security constraints, and limited platform choices. The presenters describe how application architectures need to change, such as using asynchronous messaging and non-relational databases. Both infrastructure-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service development tools are presented. The document concludes by discussing needs for additional tools to help developers manage cloud services, applications at scale, and leverage the cloud as a development tool.
Cloud Forecast 2014 - Seeding Cloud CulturesChris Jackson
How do we manage the gap between expectations and reality in cloud? How do we ensure we implement business transformations learning from DevOps without making technology switches? Caution - also includes Gnomes.
Designed and delivered this presentation for a startup school, which i attended in the team of M. Nikiforakis and S. Apostolopoulos, who provided constructive comments for improving the presentation
Integrating Back Office Applications and Data With Salesforce.comSalesforce Developers
Join us to learn how to use Canvas to integrate custom applications and Oracle ERP into Saleforce. You'll learn how to integrate departmental and ERP applications into Salesforce quickly and effectively. Additionally, you'll see how these integrated applications can access data and applications in Salesforce to significantly increase your productivity.
These three sentences summarize a document describing various types of clouds photographed around the world:
Pilot Ron Engels photographed dangerous Cumulus and Cumulonimbus clouds over Brazil that contain violent air drafts. Philippe Villette captured a lenticular cloud over the French Pyrenees that resembled a bird of prey. Kamila Mazurkiewicz photographed rare Mammatus clouds beneath an anvil canopy in Pulawy, Poland that form in sinking air and are associated with storms.
This document discusses metallic foams, including their production methods, stages of formation, characteristics, and applications. There are several methods for producing metallic foams, including gas injection into melts and particle decomposition. Foam formation occurs in stages of nucleation, growth, and collapse. Metallic foams are lightweight porous materials made from metals like aluminum and titanium. They have properties like energy absorption, heat transfer, acoustic insulation, and strength at low density. Potential applications include automotive parts, heat exchangers, medical implants, and acoustic damping.
This document discusses different types of rainfall including artificial/cloud seeding rainfall, convective rainfall, orographic rainfall, frontal rainfall, and cyclonic rainfall. It provides details on the formation process for each type. Artificial rainfall involves using chemicals to stimulate condensation and seed clouds. Convective rainfall occurs from heating of the earth's surface and rapid changes in intensity. Orographic rainfall is caused when air is forced upwards over mountains, cooling and condensing. Frontal rainfall occurs when warm and cold air masses meet along a front. Cyclonic rainfall is associated with low pressure systems and occurs along fronts with the meeting of different air masses.
Metal foams are lightweight porous materials made from metals like aluminum, iron, copper, and alloys with gas-filled pores that provide high porosity between 75-95%. They have applications as lightweight structures, filters, heat exchangers, sound absorbers, and electrodes due to their properties of being stiff yet light, having a similar coefficient of thermal expansion as metals, and reduced thermal conductivity. Metal foams come in open-cell and closed-cell varieties and are manufactured by companies such as ERG Aerospace and Metal Foam Korea.
Ultraviolet Disinfection - Ummi Nuraihan Mohd RizalKhaleeda Karim
This document summarizes ultraviolet (UV) disinfection. It explains that UV disinfection uses UV light to instantly neutralize microorganisms as they pass by submerged UV lamps. The process adds no chemicals to water and has no impact on water chemistry. UV disinfection units consist of one or more UV lamps in a conduit through which water flows, separated from the lamps by a transparent material. The required UV dose depends on factors like temperature, pH, and number of microorganisms present. UV disinfection is effective against bacteria, viruses, and protozoa but more difficult for Ascaris eggs. Safety precautions are needed when operating UV disinfection units.
Descrizione del caso aziendale relativo ad ScriptLance
Corso di Economia dellInnovazione 2011/2012,
a cura del Professor Savino Santovito, del
Cdl in Informatica e Tecnologia per la Produzione del Software,
Facolt di Scienza Matematica Fisica Naturali,
Universit degli Studi di Bari
Gabriele Mittica, CEO @Corley Cloud Come creare unazienda nativa in clou...Associazione Digital Days
Verranno esaminati i metodi per creare unazienda nativa in cloud e sfruttare al massimo la scalabilit tecnologica per innovare. Si analizzeranno gli step tecnici e imprenditoriali per avviare una startup e integrare il cloud come elemento centrale del proprio prodotto. Si esplorer il ruolo del cloud come strumento di crescita e opportunit aziendale nel contesto attuale storico e tecnologico.
Warm air rises due to convection, cooling and condensing into water droplets that form clouds. Moist air forced to rise over hills and mountains also cools and condenses, forming relief rainfall. Frontal rainfall occurs when warm and cold air masses meet, with the warm air forced over cold air cooling and condensing. The main types of clouds are cirrus (high altitude wispy clouds), stratus (middle/low layered clouds), and cumulus (puffy clouds often leading to rain).
The document provides a history of weather modification, or cloud seeding, in Texas from the 1950s to present. It describes several cloud seeding experiments and programs that have taken place in the state. Statistical analysis of some programs found rainfall increases of 20-42% in seeded clouds compared to non-seeded clouds. The document also outlines how cloud seeding works and why weather modification programs are conducted in Texas.
DRI Cloud Seeding Forum - Science and Program HistoryDRIscience
This document provides an overview of the history and scientific basis of cloud seeding. It discusses the conceptual model of cloud seeding, including that seeding material must be transported to clouds containing supercooled liquid water. Past research is summarized, including studies of seeding materials, transport and dispersion modeling, measurements of supercooled liquid water, and measurements showing microphysical and precipitation responses to seeding. Current research projects aiming to further validate the effects of cloud seeding are also mentioned. Hydrologic modeling techniques used to assess the impact of cloud seeding on streamflow are briefly outlined.
The Bergeron process describes how precipitation forms in clouds. It involves the properties of supercooled water and ice crystals. Supercooled water droplets remain liquid below freezing temperatures until they contact an ice nucleus. Ice crystals grow more easily than liquid droplets because water vapor pressure is lower above ice. This causes ice crystals to grow at the expense of water droplets, producing snow or other forms of precipitation.
The document discusses Neogard roof coating systems. Key points:
- Neogard is a leading producer of elastomeric coating membranes and has 45 years of experience in polymeric coating technology.
- Their systems include bio-based options and are UL Class A fire rated, LEED friendly, and Energy Star rated.
- Neogard offers fluid-applied direct bond systems that are compatible with many roof types and provide a waterproof barrier before the topcoat is applied.
- Their polyurethane foam systems can be used over metal roofs to seal seams and screws without needing additional materials.
This document summarizes research on phase equilibria in the Ni-Co-Mn alloy system. The objectives were to determine the phase diagram experimentally and verify the Curie temperature of low-Mn Ni-Co-Mn alloys. 12 sample compositions across the ternary phase diagram were analyzed using SEM, XRD, DSC and optical microscopy. Preliminary results found the samples to be homogeneous single phases and DSC indicated some precipitation during cooling that requires further investigation. Applications of these shape memory alloys include industries like aerospace and medical devices.
The document discusses challenges and opportunities for developing scalable cloud applications. It outlines problems developers may face including latency, security constraints, and limited platform choices. The presenters describe how application architectures need to change, such as using asynchronous messaging and non-relational databases. Both infrastructure-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service development tools are presented. The document concludes by discussing needs for additional tools to help developers manage cloud services, applications at scale, and leverage the cloud as a development tool.
Cloud Forecast 2014 - Seeding Cloud CulturesChris Jackson
How do we manage the gap between expectations and reality in cloud? How do we ensure we implement business transformations learning from DevOps without making technology switches? Caution - also includes Gnomes.
Designed and delivered this presentation for a startup school, which i attended in the team of M. Nikiforakis and S. Apostolopoulos, who provided constructive comments for improving the presentation
Integrating Back Office Applications and Data With Salesforce.comSalesforce Developers
Join us to learn how to use Canvas to integrate custom applications and Oracle ERP into Saleforce. You'll learn how to integrate departmental and ERP applications into Salesforce quickly and effectively. Additionally, you'll see how these integrated applications can access data and applications in Salesforce to significantly increase your productivity.
These three sentences summarize a document describing various types of clouds photographed around the world:
Pilot Ron Engels photographed dangerous Cumulus and Cumulonimbus clouds over Brazil that contain violent air drafts. Philippe Villette captured a lenticular cloud over the French Pyrenees that resembled a bird of prey. Kamila Mazurkiewicz photographed rare Mammatus clouds beneath an anvil canopy in Pulawy, Poland that form in sinking air and are associated with storms.
This document discusses metallic foams, including their production methods, stages of formation, characteristics, and applications. There are several methods for producing metallic foams, including gas injection into melts and particle decomposition. Foam formation occurs in stages of nucleation, growth, and collapse. Metallic foams are lightweight porous materials made from metals like aluminum and titanium. They have properties like energy absorption, heat transfer, acoustic insulation, and strength at low density. Potential applications include automotive parts, heat exchangers, medical implants, and acoustic damping.
This document discusses different types of rainfall including artificial/cloud seeding rainfall, convective rainfall, orographic rainfall, frontal rainfall, and cyclonic rainfall. It provides details on the formation process for each type. Artificial rainfall involves using chemicals to stimulate condensation and seed clouds. Convective rainfall occurs from heating of the earth's surface and rapid changes in intensity. Orographic rainfall is caused when air is forced upwards over mountains, cooling and condensing. Frontal rainfall occurs when warm and cold air masses meet along a front. Cyclonic rainfall is associated with low pressure systems and occurs along fronts with the meeting of different air masses.
Metal foams are lightweight porous materials made from metals like aluminum, iron, copper, and alloys with gas-filled pores that provide high porosity between 75-95%. They have applications as lightweight structures, filters, heat exchangers, sound absorbers, and electrodes due to their properties of being stiff yet light, having a similar coefficient of thermal expansion as metals, and reduced thermal conductivity. Metal foams come in open-cell and closed-cell varieties and are manufactured by companies such as ERG Aerospace and Metal Foam Korea.
Ultraviolet Disinfection - Ummi Nuraihan Mohd RizalKhaleeda Karim
This document summarizes ultraviolet (UV) disinfection. It explains that UV disinfection uses UV light to instantly neutralize microorganisms as they pass by submerged UV lamps. The process adds no chemicals to water and has no impact on water chemistry. UV disinfection units consist of one or more UV lamps in a conduit through which water flows, separated from the lamps by a transparent material. The required UV dose depends on factors like temperature, pH, and number of microorganisms present. UV disinfection is effective against bacteria, viruses, and protozoa but more difficult for Ascaris eggs. Safety precautions are needed when operating UV disinfection units.
Descrizione del caso aziendale relativo ad ScriptLance
Corso di Economia dellInnovazione 2011/2012,
a cura del Professor Savino Santovito, del
Cdl in Informatica e Tecnologia per la Produzione del Software,
Facolt di Scienza Matematica Fisica Naturali,
Universit degli Studi di Bari
Gabriele Mittica, CEO @Corley Cloud Come creare unazienda nativa in clou...Associazione Digital Days
Verranno esaminati i metodi per creare unazienda nativa in cloud e sfruttare al massimo la scalabilit tecnologica per innovare. Si analizzeranno gli step tecnici e imprenditoriali per avviare una startup e integrare il cloud come elemento centrale del proprio prodotto. Si esplorer il ruolo del cloud come strumento di crescita e opportunit aziendale nel contesto attuale storico e tecnologico.
Altevie presenta l'offerta cloud di SAP.
Il Cloud pu嘆 rispondere ad esigenze di risparmio di tempi e costi, introducendo innovazione continua, per definizione.
Capire e implementare la tecnologia per l'Industria 4.0Marco Parenzan
Cosa significa applicare l'allegato A del Piano Nazione per l'Industria 4.0? Cosa posso operativamente realizzare/creare/chiedere per implementarla nella mia azienda? Vedremo un esempio pratico.
Vedotech nasce da un idea di un gruppo di manager con esperienze nella consulenza, nel marketing, nella vendita, nella progettazione e nella gestione di servizi e soluzioni ICT che hanno unito le proprie competenze e creato un'azienda specializzata in servizi e soluzioni ICT, in modalit Cloud, per PMI e Studi Professionali.
La Mission aziendale consiste nel promuovere l'adozione di servizi e soluzioni ICT in modalit Cloud per trasformare l'infrastruttura ICT nel volano della crescita dei nostri clienti mettendo al servizio di PMI e studi professionali le nostre competenze per:
- Progettare e gestire soluzioni ICT;
- Introdurre Servizi e Soluzioni innovative;
- Gestire il bisogno e la domanda di competenze avanzate;
- Ottimizzare i costi dell'ICT;
- Fornire Consulenza e Formazione
Open source e cloud per il non profit - settembre 2016 -Claudio Tancini
Molte realt NonProfit subiscono un forte gap nellutilizzo delle tecnologie informatiche. La combinazione Open Source Software e Infrastrutture in Cloud permette il recupero con maggiore velocit e minor rischio economico, la sessione ne condivide i vantaggi e i punti di attenzione.
Drupal Day 2011 - Drupal per la ricerca, il caso EAIDrupalDay
talk di Matteo Cevese & Eugenio Minardi | Drupal Day Roma 2011
"Il talk prender in esame la recente migrazione dei siti di collaborazione online dell'ecosistema EAI (European Alliance for Innovation) realizzati in Worpress/Open Atrium ad un'unica installazione Drupal.
Verranno illustrate l' uso di Drupal come content management framework ed il processo di sviluppo partito dai wireframe per studiare la user experience fino alla progettazione con l'uso di Features suddividendo lo sviluppo in pi湛 fasi per velocizzare la messa on-line e successive funzionalit. Verr mostrato come Drupal funzioni anche su sistemi non LAMP (Nginx e Postgresql)."
Torniamo ad essere essenziali, solo quello che serve alle Aziende, niente di pi湛! Netspin Lab presenta Gas Portal, il portale delle soluzioni per la PMI.
CRM, ERP, Sistemi Informativi, Gestione della qualit, Non Conformit e reclami, Offerte Commerciali, Gestione forza vendita, Cruscotto manageriale, Progetti, Gantt, Forum, Agende condivise.
Soluzioni custom
Open Makers Italy - L'importanza della prototipazione per la creazione di una...Andrea Paraggio
L'importanza della prototipazione per la creazione di una silicon valley campana
Talk per bottega delle mani fiera dell'artigianato 2.0
Authors: Andrea Paraggio, Francesco Paraggio
(In Italian) The Technological Revolution and the Jobs in our Future.
A Talk to schoolgirls and schoolboys in September 2022.
3Dprinting, AI, Metaverse, and a Discovery process to help updating ourselves.
Al di l del mito e della tecnologia, l'invenzione della stampa a caratteri mobili in Occidente fu un progetto imprenditoriale in un contesto d'innovazione tecnologica. Gutenberg fu startupper anche con capitali di ventura, codific嘆 processi innovativi e fu anche un maker, poich辿 gli fu necessario inventare nuove macchine (semplici e complesse) e nuovi materiali (la fusione a bassa temperatura e gli inchiostri grassi).
Gutenberg: Founder, Coder, Maker 竪 il mio romanzo storico a base tecnologica.
Crunching numbers on Scaleups, Fablabs, and CrowdfundingLeo Sorge
All main figures about Startups to Scaleups fundings, Maker/FabLab environment, and Crowdfunding hopes to finance a 100k$++ project, in plain italian.
A talk hosted by Startup Grind Veneto, held @Treviso on Oct. 20, 2014 (Last updated: Oct. 30, 2014).
A video of this presentation is on Youtube @
Motivational design is a new data-based approach to apps development for mobile, web, and desktop environment. It works in all fields, including entertainment, productivity, education, and back office.
Let's see how it happens and why it is mostly known as "gamification".
Four cloud-based start-ups have been awarded the Cloud Seed by Seeweb grants and prizes. All facts and figures of this first edition of our contest are in this presentation. (This content is in italian)
More information in italian language on
-Seeweb's Corporate blog []
-An interview to Seeweb's Ceo Antonio Baldassarra
-My introduction on
My take on the future we will see in technology in the next few years, and how to use it today in Italy.
A 15-minute video is at
This document provides definitions and examples of gamification. It defines gamification as using game mechanics and thinking to engage audiences and solve problems. Examples of gamified applications include Foursquare, Shopkick, and Farmville. The gamification market is estimated to grow to $2.8 billion by 2016. Game mechanics like points, levels, badges, and leaderboards can increase user engagement by appealing to human desires for competition, rewards, and status. Gamification can be applied to consumer apps, websites, education, and more. It works by motivating behavior using game mechanics linked to psychology.
The gamification process is a way to grab and retain digital customer's attention modifying any algorithmical approach. It is nowadays applied to any kind of software application: mobile, web, business.
N.B.: Two previous versions of this presentation got a total of 2,591 views and 118 downloads.
From two long posts by @TomHumbarger.
Any help or suggestion is the most welcome.
A ride through the true history of the microprocessor, the heart of the digital revolution. Untold stories, Myths and Tales since its beginning, up to the stars.
Introducing the new object printing possibilities given by 3D print in general. This presentation was prepared for the First Italian Rep Day, hold in Rome on September 15, 2011, hosted by Nanoforum at the beautiful cloister of Sapienza University @ S. Pietro in Vincoli.
A Nation-wide competition open to all high-school technical projects. The finalists will show their technology at the InvFactor Finals, in Rome; the best representatives will display at Light'10, on sept 24 in Rome (see Light '10 presentation at
Leo Sorge (Content consultant) introduces the 2010 edition of Light, the Rome-based event endorsed by the EC Researchers' Night. The 2009 edition has been held at the same time in 200 european cities. The Rome edition, located at Rome Planetarium, was visited by 7.000 people
Corporate blogs are the first door toeard social online reputation for corporations.
Social media break some importan walls: collaboration/communication, internal/esternal (communication), real time/delayed time. There are many reasons why all companies should know how to blog.
2. Seeweb: dal 1998 ad oggi...
Seeweb srl nasce nel maggio 1998. Storicamente ci siamo occupati di
servizi di Hosting ed Housing, Colocation e Content Delivery. Oggi
facciamo del Cloud il nostro principale modello di delivery.
Alla sede storica di Frosinone nel 2005 aggiungiamo quella di Milano,
che diventa sede del nostro pi湛 importante Data Center carrier class, uno
dei pi湛 apprezzati del nord Italia.
Dal 2007 investiamo nel green it management sul fronte dellefficienza
energetica dei datacenter ottenendo, unici nel nostro settore, la
certificazione ISO 14001 che si aggiunge alla ISO 9001.
Il 2009 竪 l'anno in cui seeweb propone la prima soluzione di Cloud
Computing esistente sul mercato italiano.
2011 prossima apertura del nostro datacenter europeo a Francoforte e
ampliamento della sede e data center di Frosinone sulla nuova area
coperta di 4.100 mq con circa 16.000 mq di parco e aree servizi.
Un costante impegno in ricerca ed investimenti in tecnologia e risorse
umane, ci pone (classifica Netcraft) tra le prime 10 Hosting Company a
livello mondiale per af鍖dabilit e qualit del servizio.
3. Who am I? @leosorge
NordEst Digitale, Scienti鍖c Member
Gami鍖, Italian Partner
RepRap/Maker Day, Organizer
seeweb CloudSeed, Organizer
4. Liniziativa
1. Cloud Seed 竪 un contest in cerca di idee
che sfruttino il cloud computing
2. Si rivolge sia a start-up appena formate,
sia a proposte ancora non formalizzate
3. Richiede una demo funzionante e una
descrizione tecnica di cloud intensity
4. Entro la fine di settembre 2012
individuer uno o pi湛 vincitori del contest
5. Seeweb offrir a chi vince una partnership
con investimento fino a 30 k
5. Lecosistema di riferimento
Start-up 竪 uno dei termini pi湛 inflazionati
degli ultimi anni, specialmente in Italia
Esistono moltissime iniziative
che se ne occupano
I principali interlocutori sono
business angel e venture capital
In alcuni casi le manifestazioni
sono organizzate a fini promozionali
I contest agiscono da business angel
6. Cosa chiedono i contest classici?
Descrizione dell'idea di impresa/startup
Descrizione del mercato di riferimento
(potenziali clienti e concorrenti)
Descrizione del modello di business
Presentazione/link delleventuale prototipo
Descrizione del team
Un'idea e un prototipo, ma anche
un team e un business plan
7. Quanto vale una start-up italiana?
Un'idea che si sta componendo
nella testa dell'ideatore
vale tra 0 e 400 k
Per calcoli interessanti:
8. Seeweb 竪 partner
Non cerca di vendere le quote in breve tempo,
Comprende il vostro business
Pu嘆 supportarvi tecnicamente
Ha gi mostrato di saper supportare startup
(Docebo, Heyware)
Un partner 竪 di grande aiuto
9. SeedCloud spinge la Cloud Intensity
Agisce prima che la start-up
sia pronta per gli altri contest
Propone un partner
Crede nel Cloud Computing
10. Cloud Intensity
cerca fin dall'inizio idee con:
Una demo funzionante
(proof of concept)
Uno sfruttamento intenso del Cloud
(evaluation grid)
11. La demo funzionante
Un sito dimostrativo gi on-line, o in
subordine altre soluzioni equivalenti
La descrizione dell'algoritmo
12. Cloud Intensity per noi
La griglia di valutazione:
Individua i tipi di utente
Ne ipotizza il consumo tipico di risorse Cloud
Ne estrapola la variazione all'aumentare degli
utenti del servizio (0,1-1-10-100-1000 k)
13. La giuria
- Antonio Baldassarra, Ceo Seeweb
- Giuseppe Di Battista, prof. Roma 3
- Claudio Erba, Ceo Docebo
- Antonio Leonforte, Ceo Fhoster
- Massimo Chiriatti, giornalista
- Leo Sorge, giornalista
14. Il progetto sociale
Mondo virtuale:
Seed Beer
Mondo reale: Premiazione: a Roma
fine ottobre inizio novembre
15. Le prossime Seed Beer
Roma fine aprile 2012
Luogo da destinarsi per fine maggio 2012
Proponete una SeedBeer nella vostra citt!