該投影片介紹了利用CDH(Cloudera’s Cloudera Distribution Including Apache Hadoop)來架設Hadoop叢集時所需要準備的環境,其中包括硬體規格、系統環境與軟體版本。
Example & homework: https://github.com/Phate334/MapReduceExample
This slide show you how to deploy Hadoop cluster with Cloudera and set up your own development environment to easy to test your MapReduce app.
How to plan a hadoop cluster for testing and production environmentAnna Yen
Athemaster wants to share our experience to plan Hardware Spec, server initial and role deployment with new Hadoop Users. There are 2 testing environments and 3 production environments for case study.
Establish The Core of Cloud Computing Application by Using Hazelcast (Chinese)Joseph Kuo
The concept of cloud computing has been introduced for several years. Many of us may be able to roughly imagine what it is, some of us may know how to describe it, but only a few do know how to implement it. Does NoSQL, MapReduce or Big Data equal to cloud computing? Can a service be said that it is cloud-based if it is using any of those tools? Many companies and groups have declared that their online services are cloud-based or they are using cloud computing, but are those all true? Except for the questions above, where should we start if we would like to establish a cloud-based service which is distributed, flexible, reliable, available, scalable and stable? This session intends to lead you through the gate of mysteries and head to the beautiful realm of cloud computing by using powerful tools, like Hazelcast. Welcome to journey with us to the core of cloud computing application!
Learn why 451 Research believes Infochimps is well-positioned with an easy-to-consume managed service for those without Hadoop expertise, as well as a stack of technologically interesting projects for the 'devops' crowd.
Opening with a market positioning statement and ending with a competitive and SWOT analysis, Matt Aslett provides a comprehensive impact report.
Establish The Core of Cloud Computing Application by Using Hazelcast (Chinese)Joseph Kuo
The concept of cloud computing has been introduced for several years. Many of us may be able to roughly imagine what it is, some of us may know how to describe it, but only a few do know how to implement it. Does NoSQL, MapReduce or Big Data equal to cloud computing? Can a service be said that it is cloud-based if it is using any of those tools? Many companies and groups have declared that their online services are cloud-based or they are using cloud computing, but are those all true? Except for the questions above, where should we start if we would like to establish a cloud-based service which is distributed, flexible, reliable, available, scalable and stable? This session intends to lead you through the gate of mysteries and head to the beautiful realm of cloud computing by using powerful tools, like Hazelcast. Welcome to journey with us to the core of cloud computing application!
Learn why 451 Research believes Infochimps is well-positioned with an easy-to-consume managed service for those without Hadoop expertise, as well as a stack of technologically interesting projects for the 'devops' crowd.
Opening with a market positioning statement and ending with a competitive and SWOT analysis, Matt Aslett provides a comprehensive impact report.
In recent years a wide range of new technologies have disrupted traditional data management. We're now in the middle of a revolution in data processing methods. Choosing allegiances in revolution is risky. In this talk, Doug will present the underlying causes of the revolution and predict how the data world might look once we're through it.
The document introduces Cloudera Desktop, a new web-based platform for interacting with Hadoop clusters. It provides a desktop-like interface with features like a file browser, job designer, and cluster health monitoring. The goals are to improve the user experience of Hadoop, enable collaboration, and allow extensibility through an API. A public beta version is available for users to try out and provide feedback on.
This is a version of a talk I presented at Spark Summit East 2016 with Rachel Warren. In this version, I also discuss memory management on the JVM with pictures from Alexey Grishchenko, Sandy Ryza, and Mark Grover.
The new YARN framework promises to make Hadoop a general-purpose platform for Big Data and enterprise data hub applications. In this talk, you'll learn about writing and taking advantage of applications built on YARN.
The job throughput and Apache Hadoop cluster utilization benefits of YARN and MapReduce v2 are widely known. Who wouldn’t want job throughput increased by 2x? Most likely you’ve heard (repeatedly) about the key benefits that could be gained from migrating your Hadoop cluster from MapReduce v1 to YARN: namely around improved job throughput and cluster utilization, as well as around permitting different computational frameworks to run on Hadoop. What you probably haven’t heard about are the configuration tweaks needed to ensure your existing MR v1 jobs can run on your YARN cluster as well as YARN specific configuration settings. In this session we’ll start with a list of recommended YARN configurations, and then step through the most common use-cases we’ve seen in the field. Production migrations can quickly go awry without proper guidance. Learn from others’ misconfigurations to get your YARN cluster configured right the first time.
Unlock Hadoop Success with Cloudera Navigator OptimizerCloudera, Inc.
Cloudera Navigator Optimizer analyzes existing SQL workloads to provide instant insights into your workloads and turns that into an intelligent optimization strategy so you can unlock peak performance and efficiency with Hadoop.
In this document, we will present a very brief introduction to BigData (what is BigData?), Hadoop (how does Hadoop fits the picture?) and Cloudera Hadoop (what is the difference between Cloudera Hadoop and regular Hadoop?).
Please note that this document is for Hadoop beginners looking for a place to start.
Hadoop administration using cloudera student lab guidebookNiranjan Pandey
This document provides instructions for a student lab guidebook on Hadoop administration using Cloudera. It covers 16 labs on topics such as installing CDH5 using Cloudera Manager, configuring high availability, adding new nodes, installing and configuring services like Hue, Hive, HBase etc. The first lab provides step-by-step instructions on installing CDH5 on three Ubuntu instances using Cloudera Manager. It includes steps to download and run the Cloudera Manager installer, add host machines to the cluster and finalize the installation.
The document summarizes a presentation about the public beta release of Cloudera Desktop, a web-based platform for accessing and managing Hadoop clusters. Cloudera Desktop aims to improve the user experience of interacting with Hadoop by providing a desktop metaphor and allowing users to browse files, design and run jobs, and check cluster health directly from a web browser. The presentation demonstrates features of Cloudera Desktop and discusses the motivations for its web-based, desktop-inspired interface and extensible platform design. It encourages attendees to try the free public beta and provide feedback.
This document provides an architect's view of Hadoop I/O based on analysis using vProbes instrumentation. It summarizes the results of a controlled small-scale study on a single-node Hadoop cluster running TeraSort. The study found that mapper tasks generate multiple temporary spill files and the reducer performs a large volume of shuffle I/O. It also presents initial observations about the Hadoop I/O model, including that mapper spill files account for 75% of disk bandwidth and HDFS input/output accounts for 12% of total bandwidth.
Data Science at Scale Using Apache Spark and Apache HadoopCloudera, Inc.
This document provides information about a data science course taught using Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop. It introduces the instructors Sean Owen and Tom White and describes what data science is and the roles of data scientists. Data scientists have skills in engineering, statistics, and business domains. The document discusses why companies need data scientists due to the growth of data and its value. It presents the tools used in data science, including Apache Spark, and how Spark can be used for both investigative and operational analytics. The course teaches a complete data science problem process through hands-on examples using tools like Hadoop, Python, R, Hive, and Spark MLlib.
Hadoop Workshop using Cloudera on Amazon EC2IMC Institute
This document provides instructions for a hands-on workshop on installing and using Hadoop and Cloudera on Amazon EC2. It outlines the steps to launch an EC2 virtual server instance, install Cloudera Manager and Cloudera Express Edition, import and export data from HDFS, write MapReduce programs in Eclipse, and use various Hadoop tools like HDFS and Hue. The workshop is led by Dr. Thanachart Numnonda and aims to teach participants how to set up their own Hadoop cluster on EC2 and start using Hadoop for big data tasks.
.NET Conf Taiwan 2022 - Tauri -前端人員也能打造小巧快速的 Windows 應用程式升煌 黃
Web 技術要統治世界真的不是說說的,現在到哪裡都可以看得到 web 技術的影子,透過 web 技術打造 Windows 應用程式也早已行之有年,但過去許多工具產出來的應用程式大小都非常龐大,直到 Tauri 的出現提供了我們另外一種選擇,透過 Tauri 我們可以輕易的打造檔案更小、速度更快、也更安全的 Windows 應用程式,而你所要會的,依然還是那些本來就該會的前端開發知識而已!本次分享將帶大家實際看看使用 Tauri 來撰寫 Windows 應用程式是一個怎麼樣的體驗。
This talk is introduce by Junping Du, who is an Apache member and Hadoop PMC, at Apache Event at Tsinghua University in China.
Junping Du comes from Tencent and is the chairman of TOSA.
About the Event:
The open source ecosystem plays more and more important role in the world. Open source software is widely used in operating systems, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and industrial Internet. Many companies have gradually increased their participation in the open source community. Developers with open source experience are increasingly valued and favored by large enterprises. The Apache Software Foundation is one of the most important open source communities, contributing a large number of valuable open source software and communities to the world.
The invited guests of this lecture are all from ASF community, including the chairman of the Apache Software Foundation, three Apache members, Top 5 Apache code committers (according to Apache annual report), the first Committer in the Hadoop project in China, several Apache project mentors or VPs, and many Apache Committers. They will tell you what the open source culture is, how to join the Apache open source community, and the Apache Way.
6. Some Information
? Cloudera vs Hortonworks vs MapR: Comparing
Hadoop Distributions
? Products that include Apache Hadoop or
derivative works and Commercial Support
Download => http://goo.gl/MH8xS4 6
27. More information
? How-to: Select the Right Hardware for Your
New Hadoop Cluster
? The Truth About MapReduce Performance on
Download => http://goo.gl/MH8xS4 27