.NET Conf Taiwan 2022 - Tauri -前端人員也能打造小巧快速的 Windows 應用程式升煌 黃
Web 技術要統治世界真的不是說說的,現在到哪裡都可以看得到 web 技術的影子,透過 web 技術打造 Windows 應用程式也早已行之有年,但過去許多工具產出來的應用程式大小都非常龐大,直到 Tauri 的出現提供了我們另外一種選擇,透過 Tauri 我們可以輕易的打造檔案更小、速度更快、也更安全的 Windows 應用程式,而你所要會的,依然還是那些本來就該會的前端開發知識而已!本次分享將帶大家實際看看使用 Tauri 來撰寫 Windows 應用程式是一個怎麼樣的體驗。
Example & homework: https://github.com/Phate334/MapReduceExample
This slide show you how to deploy Hadoop cluster with Cloudera and set up your own development environment to easy to test your MapReduce app.
.NET Conf Taiwan 2022 - Tauri -前端人員也能打造小巧快速的 Windows 應用程式升煌 黃
Web 技術要統治世界真的不是說說的,現在到哪裡都可以看得到 web 技術的影子,透過 web 技術打造 Windows 應用程式也早已行之有年,但過去許多工具產出來的應用程式大小都非常龐大,直到 Tauri 的出現提供了我們另外一種選擇,透過 Tauri 我們可以輕易的打造檔案更小、速度更快、也更安全的 Windows 應用程式,而你所要會的,依然還是那些本來就該會的前端開發知識而已!本次分享將帶大家實際看看使用 Tauri 來撰寫 Windows 應用程式是一個怎麼樣的體驗。
Example & homework: https://github.com/Phate334/MapReduceExample
This slide show you how to deploy Hadoop cluster with Cloudera and set up your own development environment to easy to test your MapReduce app.
DevSecOps applies security checks and controls into the DevOps pipeline automatically and transparently, without slowing the development & release process. It relies on continuous learning instead of security gates and takes a "shift-left" strategy where security issues are discovered and dealt with earlier in the build and release cycles. Some DevSecOps best practices include training developers on secure coding, checking code dependencies, encrypting data in motion, using secrets management tools, and implementing role-based access control.
Awwvision: Cloud Vision API from a Kubernetes Cluster
Classify Images of Clouds in the Cloud with AutoML Vision
Implementing an AI Chatbot with Dialogflow
Classify Text into Categories with the Natural Language API
Detect Labels, Faces, and Landmarks in Images with the Cloud Vision API
Detect Labels, Faces, and Landmarks in Images with the Cloud Vision API
This document introduces .NET as a free, cross-platform, and open-source software development platform that can be used to build all types of applications. It highlights that .NET supports popular programming languages like C#, F#, and Visual Basic and can be used across desktop, web, cloud, mobile, gaming, IoT, and AI development. The document also provides testimonials from various companies on how .NET has helped them build applications and notes its growing adoption and active developer community.
Microsoft recommendation solution on azureDuran Hsieh
It is a big-data and AI workshop in National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. I have two sessions this workshop:
1. SEO (2hours)
2. Microsoft recommendation solution on Azure (3hours)
I introduce what is data mining, recommendation system, and Azure. I also show:
1. Participant how to deploy recommendation solution to azure
2. How to use azure storage
3. How to use recommendation solution
this is 3 hours speech for non IT related students.
I briefly introduce chat bot application, learning path, restful api, and Microsoft bot framework. Finally I run my skype bot project and explain how it works.