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Examination of Nervous System
 (1) Examination for higher functions
 (2) Examination of cranial nerves
 (3) Examination of sensory system
 (4) Examination of motor system
 (5) Examination of reflexes
 (6) Examination of gait
 (7) Examination of spine and cranium
 (8) Examination for special signs (such as cerebellar signs)
Examination of Motor System
 Motor system is examined under following headings.
 These points are very useful in examine the patient of Hemiplegia.
 (1) Nutrition
 (2) Tone
 (3) Power
 (4) coordination
 (5) Involuntary movements
Examination of Nutrition of Muscle
 Nutrition is tested by measuring circumference of muscle, at its bulk
and comparing circumference of left and right side
 e.g. Circumference of calf muscle can be measured by fixing the
distance from bony prominence.
 e.g. 6 inches below Tibial tuberosity. Measure the circumference of
right and left calf muscle at a same distance.
 Similarly circumference of thigh muscle, from a fixed bony
prominence like Tibial Tuberosity or ASIS (Anterior Superior Iliac
Spine) can be compared.
Nutrition or Bulk of Muscle
 In right sided person circumference of right sided muscle can be
slightly more. This is physiological.
Hypertrophy of Muscle
 Muscle hypertrophy is an increase in the size of a
 Hypertrophy is an increase in mass of a muscle that can
be induced by a number of stimuli. The most familiar of
these is exercise.
 Pathologically in Acromegaly disease there is
pathological muscle hypertrophy affecting mainly the
type (1) skeletal fibers
Atrophy of Muscle
 Muscle atrophy is defined as a decrease in
the mass of the muscle
 Physiologically: Muscle mass, muscle
strength, and bone density decrease in the
 Disuse atrophy of muscles can occur after
prolonged immobility such as extended bed-
rest,or having a body part in a cast. - This
type of atrophy can usually be reversed with
Tone Of Muscles
 Tone of a muscle is a partial state of contraction. It is maintained by stretch
 Tone of the muscle is tested by 2 ways
 (a) By examining feel of the muscle
 (b) Tone can be seen by Resistance offered to passive Movements.
 Doctor can feel muscle at its bulk and he can compare the feel on right and left
 e.g. doctor can observe the feel of calf muscles, thigh and muscles of bicep and
Tone of Muscle
Tone of Leg Muscle Tone of thigh Muscle
Tone of Biceps Muscle Tone of Forearm
Tone of Muscle
 Normal feel is Elastic.
 Second method of examination of Tone is to see resistance offered to passive
 Patient is not moving his extremities but the doctor is carrying out passive
 Doctor can do passive movements at knee joint to test the tone of flexors and
extensors of knee.
 When doctor is doing flexion of knee, he is testing tone in extensors. When
doctor is doing extension at knee he is testing Tone of flexors.
Tone Of Muscle
 For testing upper extremities, same movements can be done at elbow
 Doctor can test Tone of biceps and triceps and he can compare the Tone at
other side. When doctor is carrying flexion at elbow he is testing Tone in
triceps. When doctor is carrying extension in elbow he is testing tone in
Tone Of Muscle with passive movement
Passive Movement of Leg
Passive movement of Elbow
Hypertonia and hypotonia
Power of muscle
 Power is graded under fine grades as follows
 Grade O - No movements at all.
 Grade 1 - Only flicking movement are visible but no
 movements possible
 Grade 2 - If movement is occurring horizontally but not able to lift against gravity.
 Grade 3 - If subject is able to lift up leg or hand, against gravity (compare the right and left
 Grade 4 - Patient is able to move his extremities against resistance
 Grade 5 - Patient is able to lift the extremities against the good resistance applied by
the doctor.
Power of muscle
Grade 3 Power Grade 3 Power
Grade 4 Power Grade 4 Power
Power of muscle
Garde 5 Power Grade 5 Power
Power Of Muscle
 In the same manner, power of extensors of hip, flexors of knee (Ask the patient to
bend the knee ) extensors of knee (Extend leg by making knee straight ) can be
 Even planter flexors, dorsi flexors of foot can be compared.
 In upper extremity, flexors and extensors of elbow can be compared, flexors and
extensors of wrist can be compared.
 Movements at shoulder such as flexion, extension, abduction, adduction can be
tested for power.
Power of Muscles
 For testing power in the neck muscle, patient is asked to lift his neck up in lying down position.
 Ask the patient to lift the neck, put down the head Then ask patient to lift the neck, when doctor
is pressing on forehead.
 For testing power in the neck muscle, patient is asked to lift his neck up in lying down position.
 Ask the patient to lift the neck, put down the head Then ask patient to lift the neck, when doctor
is pressing on forehead .
 Complete loss of power is called as 'paralysis' which is typical feature of LMN lesion like polio
 Partial loss of power is called as "paresis" which is typically seen in Hemiplegia orParaplegia.
Power of Muscle
Grade 4 Power Grade 4 Power
Grading Of Muscle Strength
Coordination of Muscles
 (A) Coordination of muscles in upper extremity is tested by following tests
 (1) Finger - Nose - finger test
 (2) Rapid pronation and supination of palm(Dysdiadochokinesia)
 (B) for lower extremity, following tests
 (1) Knee - heel test
 (2) Walking in straight line  All tests of co-ordination should be done with
open eyes first and then with closed eyes, to differentiate between sensory
Ataxia and cerebellar Ataxia (Motor ataxia)
Finger nose finger test
 Ask the patient ,by closing the eyes he should try to touch Index finger of
the left hand by his index finger of right hand & then same right hand finger
should touch to his nose tip
 Same procedure is repeated with Left hand Index finger
 This is Finger - Nose - Finger Test
Rapid pronation and supination of palm
 Ask the patient to perform Pronation & Supination activity of both
hands ,speedily (diadochokinesia) .
 Check ,whether patient can do it for both the hands
Kneel Heel Test
 Ask the patient to sit on table or lie down on bed.
 First keep right heel on left knee & take the heel down along with shin of
tibia ,till left foot.
 Perform Same procedure by keeping left heel on right knee & taking
down heel along with the shin of tibia ,up to right foot
Rhomberg's Test
 Ask the patient to stand straight ,by keeping both feet near to each other -
First stand with eyes open & then stand with close eyes.
 Doctor has to see, whether patient can maintain balance of his body.
 If patient cannot stand straight, and he swings with closed eyes - It is called
as, "positive Rhomberg's sign", which is typical sign of Dorsal column tract
Straight line walking Test
 Ask the patient to stand at one end of the 8 feet straight line.
 Then ask him to walk on this line to & fro -First with open eyes & then with
close eyes.
Walk on Straight line Return back on straight line
 If patient walks correctly with open eyes, but looses balance with
closed eyes - It indicates damage lies in dorsal column tract (which is
called as sensory ataxia)
 If patient is not able to walk with open or closed eyes - damage is in
cerebellum (it is cerebellar or Motor ataxia).
Involuntary Movements
 3 types
 (1) Fine Tremors -
 In Thyrotoxicosis Tachycardia, weight loss, Intolerance to heat
atmosphere ,Feeling excessive heat all the time
 (2) Pin rolling tremors at rest 
 In Parkinsonism - This disease develops due to deficiency of Dopamin
neutrotransmitter in Basal Ganglia.
 3) Action tremor 
 In cerebellar diseases
1) Fine Tremors  2)Pin rolling tremors 3) Action tremor
Advantage of Motor System Examination
 Advantage of motor system examination, over sensory system
examination is that ---
 (1) Even if patients cooperation is not there we can draw few
conclusions like - UMN lesion, LMN lesion, Parkinsonism,
Cerebellar,ataxia, Sensory ataxia.
 (2) In sensory system examination, if patient is non-co-operative then
he can not answer the doctor's questions and then examination is ofno
 However, sensory system examination is important to detect the level
of damage in spinal cord.
 In superficial reflexes --- receptors are in skin or mucous membrane
 In deep reflexes ---- receptors are in muscles or tendons.
Superficial Reflex - Conjunctival Reflex
 Doctor will touch wisp of the cotton wool to the white portion of eye
i.e. Bulbar conjunctiva
 Response is closer of both eye.
Superficial Reflex -Corneal Reflex
 Doctor will touch the wisp of cotton wool to black portion of eye i.e.
cornea closer of both eyes is normal response.
 NOTE: Conjunctival and corneal reflexes have already been tested in
examination of trigeminal and facial nerve. If these nerves are
damaged reflexes are lost
Palatal & Pharyngeal Reflex
 Doctor will touch soft palate or post pharyngeal wall with tongue
 Doctor will expect a response in the form of coughing.
 If the patient is getting coughing sensation - It means 9th, 10th, 11th
cranial nerves involving in this reflex are normal.
Abdominal Reflexes
 Imp precaution to be carried out is that - abdomen should be relaxed,
by flexing knee.
 Ask the patient to lie down his back & flex the knees & relax
abdominal muscles.
 Now, blunt end of hammer is moved , radiating away from umbilicus
in all directions.
 While testing this reflex abdominal muscle will show a movement, in
the form of the response.
 Abdominal reflexes are classified into upper abdominal, mid
abdominal and lower abdominal reflexes.
Abdominal Reflexes
Abdominal reflexes
Mid Abdominal Reflex Away From Umbilicus
Abdominal Reflexes
 In obese patients, abdominal reflexes may not be elucidated. In such
cases, unilateral absence of abdominal reflex is important finding.
 Abdominal reflexes are lost in UMN lesion like hemiplegia or
Superficial Reflex - Plantar Reflex
 Root value of the plantar reflex is L5, $1, S2.
 Scratch sole of the foot from heel to toes, along lateral border and then
medially. This scratching is done with blunt portion of hammer.
 Perform it on both sides & compare
Babinskis Sign
Left Planter Reflex Right Planter Reflex
Deep Reflex
 For testing deep reflexes, special method is adopted which is called as the
Jendrassik maneuver .
 Which is a medical maneuver wherein the patient clenches the teeth, flexes both
sets of fingers into a hook-like form and interlocks those sets of fingers together.
 By this manual, gamma motor neuron discharge is decreased and reflex is obtained
Bicep jerk
 Doctor will tap bicep tendon - contraction of biceps muscle is important,
rather than flexion of forearm.
 We compare the reflex on both sides. Root value of this reflex is C5, C6.
Deep Reflex - Triceps Reflex
 Doctor will give a tap just above Olecranon process, which is Tricep
 Do Jendrassik maneuver.
 Contraction of the muscle is more important than extension of forearm.
 Compare the reflex on other side. Root value of this reflex is C 7, C 8.
Deep Reflex - Triceps Reflex
Tap above Olecranon Process Contraction of Muscle
Deep Reflex
 Supinator Reflex or wrist Jerk Reflex
 Tap is given just above the head of radius. Doctor can see the contraction
of brachioradialis muscle
 Compare the reflex on another side
 Root value is C5, C6.
Deep Reflex - Knee Jerk
 For testing this reflex, exposer of Quadriceps muscle is important, so that
the doctor can see the contraction of this muscle.
 Doctor keeps his hand below the knee, patient is asked to relax. Divert
the patients attention by Jendrassik maneuver.
 Ask the patient to clench the teeth.
 Give a tap on patellar tendon i.e. between patella and Tibial Tuberosity.
 Contraction of Quadriceps muscle is Important response.
 Root value is - L2, L3, L4
Deep Reflex  Knee Jerk
Right Knee Reflex Left Knee Reflex
Deep Reflex - Ankle Jerk
 For this reflex gastrocnemius muscle should be exposed. Tapping of the
gastrocnemius tendon, just above the heel is stimulus.
 Doctor will make forceful dorsiflexion of foot and give a tap on tendon.
Contraction of gastrocnemius is the response. Compare the reflex on other
 Root value is L5, $1, S2
Deep Reflex - Ankle Jerk
Right Ankle Jerk Left Ankle Jerk
Importance of Testing Reflexes
 Examination of the reflexes is most imp part in examination of the nervous system.
 Advantage of this examination than motor and sensory examination is that - "It does
not requirepatient's co-operation.
 Various diseases, specially UMN lesion and LMN lesion can be differentiated by
examination of deep reflexes.
 Even if patient is unconscious, non-cooperative -These reflexes will give important
 In UMN lesions - Deep reflexes are exaggerated (Jerks will be very much prominent).
 Even clonus can be seen at knee and ankle (where muscle jerk oscillates for longer
 Clonus is always pathological. It is seen in UMN lesion.
Examination of Spine & Cranium
 Spine is to be inspected from cervical to sacral region for noticeing
 With knuckles of fingers, doctor can give deep pressure on spine and ask the
patient whether he gets pain sensation.
 For testing cranium deep pressure is to be given on skull, from all angles and
patient is asked, "Whether he gets pain sensation" ?
 If there are abnormalities of the spine, if there are conditions like
hydrocephalus. This test will give intense pain.
Examination of Spine & Cranium
Cervical To Sacral With Knuckles
Deep Pressure from All Angles
Examination of Gait
Circumduction Gait
Festinating Gait
Ataxic gait/ drunk men's gait
Spastic Gait
Scissor Gait
Flaccid Gait

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  • 2. Examination of Nervous System (1) Examination for higher functions (2) Examination of cranial nerves (3) Examination of sensory system (4) Examination of motor system (5) Examination of reflexes (6) Examination of gait (7) Examination of spine and cranium (8) Examination for special signs (such as cerebellar signs)
  • 3. Examination of Motor System Motor system is examined under following headings. These points are very useful in examine the patient of Hemiplegia. (1) Nutrition (2) Tone (3) Power (4) coordination (5) Involuntary movements
  • 4. Examination of Nutrition of Muscle Nutrition is tested by measuring circumference of muscle, at its bulk and comparing circumference of left and right side e.g. Circumference of calf muscle can be measured by fixing the distance from bony prominence. e.g. 6 inches below Tibial tuberosity. Measure the circumference of right and left calf muscle at a same distance. Similarly circumference of thigh muscle, from a fixed bony prominence like Tibial Tuberosity or ASIS (Anterior Superior Iliac Spine) can be compared.
  • 5. Nutrition or Bulk of Muscle In right sided person circumference of right sided muscle can be slightly more. This is physiological.
  • 6. Hypertrophy of Muscle Muscle hypertrophy is an increase in the size of a muscle Hypertrophy is an increase in mass of a muscle that can be induced by a number of stimuli. The most familiar of these is exercise. Pathologically in Acromegaly disease there is pathological muscle hypertrophy affecting mainly the type (1) skeletal fibers
  • 7. Atrophy of Muscle Muscle atrophy is defined as a decrease in the mass of the muscle Physiologically: Muscle mass, muscle strength, and bone density decrease in the elderly Disuse atrophy of muscles can occur after prolonged immobility such as extended bed- rest,or having a body part in a cast. - This type of atrophy can usually be reversed with exercise.
  • 8. Tone Of Muscles Tone of a muscle is a partial state of contraction. It is maintained by stretch reflex. Tone of the muscle is tested by 2 ways (a) By examining feel of the muscle (b) Tone can be seen by Resistance offered to passive Movements. Doctor can feel muscle at its bulk and he can compare the feel on right and left side e.g. doctor can observe the feel of calf muscles, thigh and muscles of bicep and triceps
  • 9. Tone of Muscle Tone of Leg Muscle Tone of thigh Muscle Tone of Biceps Muscle Tone of Forearm Muscle
  • 10. Tone of Muscle Normal feel is Elastic. Second method of examination of Tone is to see resistance offered to passive Movements. Patient is not moving his extremities but the doctor is carrying out passive movements Doctor can do passive movements at knee joint to test the tone of flexors and extensors of knee. When doctor is doing flexion of knee, he is testing tone in extensors. When doctor is doing extension at knee he is testing Tone of flexors.
  • 11. Tone Of Muscle For testing upper extremities, same movements can be done at elbow Doctor can test Tone of biceps and triceps and he can compare the Tone at other side. When doctor is carrying flexion at elbow he is testing Tone in triceps. When doctor is carrying extension in elbow he is testing tone in biceps.
  • 12. Tone Of Muscle with passive movement Passive Movement of Leg Passive movement of Elbow
  • 13. Hypertonia and hypotonia A. HYPOTONIA B. HYPERTONIA
  • 14. Power of muscle Power is graded under fine grades as follows Grade O - No movements at all. Grade 1 - Only flicking movement are visible but no movements possible Grade 2 - If movement is occurring horizontally but not able to lift against gravity. Grade 3 - If subject is able to lift up leg or hand, against gravity (compare the right and left side) Grade 4 - Patient is able to move his extremities against resistance Grade 5 - Patient is able to lift the extremities against the good resistance applied by the doctor.
  • 15. Power of muscle Grade 3 Power Grade 3 Power Grade 4 Power Grade 4 Power
  • 16. Power of muscle Garde 5 Power Grade 5 Power
  • 17. Power Of Muscle In the same manner, power of extensors of hip, flexors of knee (Ask the patient to bend the knee ) extensors of knee (Extend leg by making knee straight ) can be compared. Even planter flexors, dorsi flexors of foot can be compared. In upper extremity, flexors and extensors of elbow can be compared, flexors and extensors of wrist can be compared. Movements at shoulder such as flexion, extension, abduction, adduction can be tested for power.
  • 18. Power of Muscles For testing power in the neck muscle, patient is asked to lift his neck up in lying down position. Ask the patient to lift the neck, put down the head Then ask patient to lift the neck, when doctor is pressing on forehead. For testing power in the neck muscle, patient is asked to lift his neck up in lying down position. Ask the patient to lift the neck, put down the head Then ask patient to lift the neck, when doctor is pressing on forehead . Complete loss of power is called as 'paralysis' which is typical feature of LMN lesion like polio myelitis. Partial loss of power is called as "paresis" which is typically seen in Hemiplegia orParaplegia.
  • 19. Power of Muscle Grade 4 Power Grade 4 Power
  • 20. Grading Of Muscle Strength
  • 21. Coordination of Muscles (A) Coordination of muscles in upper extremity is tested by following tests (1) Finger - Nose - finger test (2) Rapid pronation and supination of palm(Dysdiadochokinesia) (B) for lower extremity, following tests (1) Knee - heel test (2) Walking in straight line All tests of co-ordination should be done with open eyes first and then with closed eyes, to differentiate between sensory Ataxia and cerebellar Ataxia (Motor ataxia)
  • 22. Finger nose finger test Ask the patient ,by closing the eyes he should try to touch Index finger of the left hand by his index finger of right hand & then same right hand finger should touch to his nose tip Same procedure is repeated with Left hand Index finger This is Finger - Nose - Finger Test
  • 23. Rapid pronation and supination of palm Ask the patient to perform Pronation & Supination activity of both hands ,speedily (diadochokinesia) . Check ,whether patient can do it for both the hands
  • 24. Kneel Heel Test Ask the patient to sit on table or lie down on bed. First keep right heel on left knee & take the heel down along with shin of tibia ,till left foot. Perform Same procedure by keeping left heel on right knee & taking down heel along with the shin of tibia ,up to right foot
  • 25. Rhomberg's Test Ask the patient to stand straight ,by keeping both feet near to each other - First stand with eyes open & then stand with close eyes. Doctor has to see, whether patient can maintain balance of his body. If patient cannot stand straight, and he swings with closed eyes - It is called as, "positive Rhomberg's sign", which is typical sign of Dorsal column tract damage.
  • 26. Straight line walking Test Ask the patient to stand at one end of the 8 feet straight line. Then ask him to walk on this line to & fro -First with open eyes & then with close eyes. Walk on Straight line Return back on straight line
  • 27. If patient walks correctly with open eyes, but looses balance with closed eyes - It indicates damage lies in dorsal column tract (which is called as sensory ataxia) If patient is not able to walk with open or closed eyes - damage is in cerebellum (it is cerebellar or Motor ataxia).
  • 28. Involuntary Movements 3 types (1) Fine Tremors - In Thyrotoxicosis Tachycardia, weight loss, Intolerance to heat atmosphere ,Feeling excessive heat all the time (2) Pin rolling tremors at rest In Parkinsonism - This disease develops due to deficiency of Dopamin neutrotransmitter in Basal Ganglia. 3) Action tremor In cerebellar diseases
  • 29. 1) Fine Tremors 2)Pin rolling tremors 3) Action tremor
  • 30. Advantage of Motor System Examination Advantage of motor system examination, over sensory system examination is that --- (1) Even if patients cooperation is not there we can draw few conclusions like - UMN lesion, LMN lesion, Parkinsonism, Cerebellar,ataxia, Sensory ataxia. (2) In sensory system examination, if patient is non-co-operative then he can not answer the doctor's questions and then examination is ofno value. However, sensory system examination is important to detect the level of damage in spinal cord.
  • 31. Reflex In superficial reflexes --- receptors are in skin or mucous membrane In deep reflexes ---- receptors are in muscles or tendons.
  • 34. Superficial Reflex - Conjunctival Reflex Doctor will touch wisp of the cotton wool to the white portion of eye i.e. Bulbar conjunctiva Response is closer of both eye.
  • 35. Superficial Reflex -Corneal Reflex Doctor will touch the wisp of cotton wool to black portion of eye i.e. cornea closer of both eyes is normal response. NOTE: Conjunctival and corneal reflexes have already been tested in examination of trigeminal and facial nerve. If these nerves are damaged reflexes are lost
  • 36. Palatal & Pharyngeal Reflex Doctor will touch soft palate or post pharyngeal wall with tongue depressor. Doctor will expect a response in the form of coughing. If the patient is getting coughing sensation - It means 9th, 10th, 11th cranial nerves involving in this reflex are normal.
  • 37. Abdominal Reflexes Imp precaution to be carried out is that - abdomen should be relaxed, by flexing knee. Ask the patient to lie down his back & flex the knees & relax abdominal muscles. Now, blunt end of hammer is moved , radiating away from umbilicus in all directions. While testing this reflex abdominal muscle will show a movement, in the form of the response. Abdominal reflexes are classified into upper abdominal, mid abdominal and lower abdominal reflexes.
  • 39. Abdominal reflexes Mid Abdominal Reflex Away From Umbilicus
  • 40. Abdominal Reflexes In obese patients, abdominal reflexes may not be elucidated. In such cases, unilateral absence of abdominal reflex is important finding. Abdominal reflexes are lost in UMN lesion like hemiplegia or paraplegia.
  • 41. Superficial Reflex - Plantar Reflex Root value of the plantar reflex is L5, $1, S2. Scratch sole of the foot from heel to toes, along lateral border and then medially. This scratching is done with blunt portion of hammer. Perform it on both sides & compare
  • 42. Babinskis Sign Left Planter Reflex Right Planter Reflex
  • 43. Deep Reflex For testing deep reflexes, special method is adopted which is called as the Jendrassik maneuver . Which is a medical maneuver wherein the patient clenches the teeth, flexes both sets of fingers into a hook-like form and interlocks those sets of fingers together. By this manual, gamma motor neuron discharge is decreased and reflex is obtained properly.
  • 44. Bicep jerk Doctor will tap bicep tendon - contraction of biceps muscle is important, rather than flexion of forearm. We compare the reflex on both sides. Root value of this reflex is C5, C6.
  • 45. Deep Reflex - Triceps Reflex Doctor will give a tap just above Olecranon process, which is Tricep tendon. Do Jendrassik maneuver. Contraction of the muscle is more important than extension of forearm. Compare the reflex on other side. Root value of this reflex is C 7, C 8.
  • 46. Deep Reflex - Triceps Reflex Tap above Olecranon Process Contraction of Muscle
  • 47. Deep Reflex Supinator Reflex or wrist Jerk Reflex Tap is given just above the head of radius. Doctor can see the contraction of brachioradialis muscle Compare the reflex on another side Root value is C5, C6.
  • 48. Deep Reflex - Knee Jerk For testing this reflex, exposer of Quadriceps muscle is important, so that the doctor can see the contraction of this muscle. Doctor keeps his hand below the knee, patient is asked to relax. Divert the patients attention by Jendrassik maneuver. Ask the patient to clench the teeth. Give a tap on patellar tendon i.e. between patella and Tibial Tuberosity. Contraction of Quadriceps muscle is Important response. Root value is - L2, L3, L4
  • 49. Deep Reflex Knee Jerk Right Knee Reflex Left Knee Reflex
  • 50. Deep Reflex - Ankle Jerk For this reflex gastrocnemius muscle should be exposed. Tapping of the gastrocnemius tendon, just above the heel is stimulus. Doctor will make forceful dorsiflexion of foot and give a tap on tendon. Contraction of gastrocnemius is the response. Compare the reflex on other side Root value is L5, $1, S2
  • 51. Deep Reflex - Ankle Jerk Right Ankle Jerk Left Ankle Jerk
  • 52. Importance of Testing Reflexes Examination of the reflexes is most imp part in examination of the nervous system. Advantage of this examination than motor and sensory examination is that - "It does not requirepatient's co-operation. Various diseases, specially UMN lesion and LMN lesion can be differentiated by examination of deep reflexes. Even if patient is unconscious, non-cooperative -These reflexes will give important clues. In UMN lesions - Deep reflexes are exaggerated (Jerks will be very much prominent). Even clonus can be seen at knee and ankle (where muscle jerk oscillates for longer time). Clonus is always pathological. It is seen in UMN lesion.
  • 53. Examination of Spine & Cranium Spine is to be inspected from cervical to sacral region for noticeing abnormality. With knuckles of fingers, doctor can give deep pressure on spine and ask the patient whether he gets pain sensation. For testing cranium deep pressure is to be given on skull, from all angles and patient is asked, "Whether he gets pain sensation" ? If there are abnormalities of the spine, if there are conditions like hydrocephalus. This test will give intense pain.
  • 54. Examination of Spine & Cranium Cervical To Sacral With Knuckles Deep Pressure from All Angles
  • 58. Ataxic gait/ drunk men's gait