A Brief History of UniRx/UniTask, IUniTaskSource in DepthYoshifumi Kawai
The document discusses the architecture of UniTask in C#, including the IUniTaskSource interface and AsyncUniTask class. IUniTaskSource defines methods for getting task results and status and handling completions. AsyncUniTask implements IUniTaskSource and manages a state machine and task pool for asynchronous operations. It retrieves tasks from the pool if available or creates new ones, and returns tasks to the pool after completion.
The document compares the directory structures and MVC implementation between CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4. Some key differences include CodeIgniter 4 using namespaces for classes, updating the directory structure of application and system folders, and implementing an ORM for models to work with databases rather than using the query builder as in CodeIgniter 3. The index.php file is also updated to bootstrap the framework differently in CodeIgniter 4.
A Brief History of UniRx/UniTask, IUniTaskSource in DepthYoshifumi Kawai
The document discusses the architecture of UniTask in C#, including the IUniTaskSource interface and AsyncUniTask class. IUniTaskSource defines methods for getting task results and status and handling completions. AsyncUniTask implements IUniTaskSource and manages a state machine and task pool for asynchronous operations. It retrieves tasks from the pool if available or creates new ones, and returns tasks to the pool after completion.
The document compares the directory structures and MVC implementation between CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4. Some key differences include CodeIgniter 4 using namespaces for classes, updating the directory structure of application and system folders, and implementing an ORM for models to work with databases rather than using the query builder as in CodeIgniter 3. The index.php file is also updated to bootstrap the framework differently in CodeIgniter 4.
RESTful API Design & Implementation with CodeIgniter PHP FrameworkBo-Yi Wu
This document provides an overview and summary of Bo-Yi Wu's presentation on implementing a RESTful API with CodeIgniter. The presentation covers RESTful API basics like HTTP methods, JSON response format, API design best practices, and using the CodeIgniter REST Server and REST Client libraries to implement and test APIs within the CodeIgniter framework. Examples are provided for creating, updating, deleting and reading data via API requests and responses. Folder structure and routing configurations for organizing API controllers are also discussed.
Este documento describe los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje (activo, reflexivo, teórico y pragmático) y ofrece sugerencias para la planificación de cursos y unidades didácticas que se ajusten a cada estilo. Recomienda incluir objetivos generales y específicos, estrategias pedagógicas, contenidos, actividades apropiadas para cada estilo de aprendizaje, recursos, y criterios de evaluación formativa y final.
Este documento discute la desigualdad de género y la vulnerabilidad en Chile ante desastres naturales. Se?ala que las mujeres enfrentan mayores tasas de pobreza y desempleo, y que los desastres tienden a profundizar estas desigualdades. Propone integrar una perspectiva de género en la reducción de riesgos de desastres para construir sociedades más resilientes y equitativas.
Revue de presse IoT / Data du 04/03/2017Romain Bochet
Bonjour, Voici la revue de presse IoT/data/energie du?4 mars 2017. Cette semaine au programme :
- The Disruption And Global Transformation Of The Energy Industry
- How ENEL is using IoT to embrace the ‘energy revolution’
- IBM, VELCO join forces to create smart energy solutions firm Utopus
- How IIoT is revolutionizing utilities
- How energy-data-as-a-service is enabling innovation
- Renewable energy IoT to hit $5.3 billion annually by 2030
A lire le court article sur ENEL.
Je suis preneur d'autres artices / sources !
Bonne lecture !
1. The syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate.
2. This document consists of 17 printed pages and 3 blank pages.
3. The document is for the Cambridge International Examinations Chemistry 0620/11 paper from October/November 2015.
Webinar: 5 Things to Prepare Your Company for Growth - 2-time CEO, Matt PetersonMatt Peterson
Growth doesn’t happen by accident. It takes strategic planning and focused execution to make it a reality. Learn the basics on how to prepare your company for growth. Ideal for CEO’s, CFO’s, VP’s of Marketing. VP’s of Sales, and VP’s of Customer Experience.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, and was responsible for 8.8 million deaths in 2015. Globally, nearly 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer.