1. The document discusses various techniques for testing functions in Go that depend on the time.Now() function, including overriding time.Now(), using a fake clock interface, and monkey patching.
2. It provides examples of overriding time.Now() directly, using a fakeclock.FakeClock type from the clock package to inject a test clock, and monkey patching time.Now() using the monkey package.
3. The techniques allow isolating tests by faking the system time so time-dependent code returns predictable outputs for different test cases.
Spring Batch is a framework for batch processing in Java. It allows developers to process large volumes of records by dividing the work into small chunks called steps. The framework includes components like job launcher, job repository, step, item reader, item processor and item writer to process a batch job. Jobs are composed of steps, and steps use readers, processors and writers to read, process and write data.
Spring Batch is a framework for batch processing in Java. It allows developers to process large volumes of records by dividing the work into small chunks called steps. The framework includes components like job launcher, job repository, step, item reader, item processor and item writer to process a batch job. Jobs are composed of steps, and steps use readers, processors and writers to read, process and write data.
The document compares the directory structures and MVC implementation between CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4. Some key differences include CodeIgniter 4 using namespaces for classes, updating the directory structure of application and system folders, and implementing an ORM for models to work with databases rather than using the query builder as in CodeIgniter 3. The index.php file is also updated to bootstrap the framework differently in CodeIgniter 4.
The document summarizes a presentation about CodeIgniter 4 given by Takako Miyakawa. It outlines the three phases of CodeIgniter 4 development, with Phase 1 completed, Phase 2 currently in progress, and Phase 3 not yet started. It provides code examples from CodeIgniter 4 tutorials that demonstrate differences from previous versions, such as using namespaces and updating routing. The presentation emphasizes that CodeIgniter 4 aims to maintain the framework's simplicity while modernizing features for PHP today.
5. キュー(Queue)
? 先入れ先出し: First In First Out: FIFO
? 対義語はスタック(Last In First Out)
? ここテストに出ます(※基本情報技術者試験)