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Code simple, but not simpler

 Discuss ways to develop enterprise
  applications based on “POJOs in
     Action” by Chris Richardson
Who am I?

Viachaslau Churukanau

     Senior Software Engineer, Java world

                        Edmunds.com, room 404
You have to design enterprise
    applications at some moment

But how to develop this skill if:
• There are no appropriate trainings
• The Internet usually provides little,
  contradictory and out of date knowledge
• People tell you “lie”
• Etc.
Correct Solution

Read Books and Try
Чурюканов Вячеслав, “Code simple, but not simpler”
POJOs in Action (2006)
• shows how to address many common and
  complex design issues in back-end logic
  development of enterprise applications with
  fantastic real-world examples
• combines best practices and design wisdom to
  integrate domain-driven design and test-driven
  development for object-oriented applications
• carefully    explains   the     techniques   and
  technologies used at various levels, including
  Spring, JDO, Hibernate, EJB 3, and iBatis.
Key Messages
• Regardless of how the frameworks evolve,
  there are some key concepts that will not
• Every technology has both benefits and
• Make everything as simple as possible, but
  not simpler (Albert Einstein)
Design Decisions
Domain Model (object-oriented)
Money Transfer Example
Benefits and Drawbacks
+ Improved maintainability and extensibility
+ Persistence framework enables you to easily
map the domain model to the database
- You should have good OOD skills
Transaction Script (Procedural)
Benefits and Drawbacks
+ Easy to Use (no OOD skill required)
+ Can use full range of SQL features
- Code can be difficult to understand and
maintain (complex business logic, explicit load
and save all required data)
- Cost of maintaining handwritten SQL (e.g. add
a column – change multiple queries)
- Lack of portability of SQL
When to Use
• The application must use SQL directly or you
  cannot use a persistence framework
• The business logic is very simple
• The development team lacks the necessary
  OO design skills
EJB session / POJO facade
Benefits and Drawbacks
+ Business Logic is encapsulated and is free of
transaction management (including distributed
transactions), security, remote access, detaching
objects, etc.
- You must write extra code
- It is quite easy for the detachment code and
the presentation tier to get out of sync and for
the POJO façade to only return some of the
objects required by the presentation tier
Exposed Domain Model (Open Session
             in View)
Benefits and Drawbacks
+ Faster development (the business tier does not
contain façades or error-prone detachment logic)
- Less encapsulation (it is quite easy for business
logic to creep into the presentation tier; the
presentation tier has access to the domain objects;
business tier changes affect presentation tier)
- No support for remote access
- Tricky to configure interactions between
transactions, persistence framework, and the
servlet API
What’s wrong with using JDBC directly
• Developing and maintaining SQL is difficult
  and time consuming
• There is a lack of portability with SQL
• Writing JDBC code is time consuming and
What if I need SQL?
• You must use the full power of SQL, including
vendor-specific features, in order to get good
• Your DBA might demand complete control over
the SQL statements executed by your
• The corporate investment in its relational
databases is so massive that the applications
working with the databases can appear
relatively unimportant
• Insulates the application from connections
  and prepared statements, iBATIS maps
  JavaBeans to SQL statements using XML
  descriptor files or annotations
• Supports for database-generated primary
  keys,    automatic      loading    of related
  objects, caching, and lazy loading
Why you don’t want to persist objects
1. Lazy Loading (loading all of the objects that
   might be accessed might be extremely
2. Writing back to the database only those objects
   that have been modified (it would be extremely
   inefficient to save all objects regardless of
   whether they have changed)
3. The database access code must preserve object
   identity by ensuring that there is a single in-
   memory instance of a persistent object when
   processing a request

Use ORM Framework
Кey features of an ORM framework
• Declarative mapping between the object model
  and database schema
• An API for creating, reading, updating, and
  deleting objects
• A query language
• Support for transactions
• Lazy and eager loading
• Caching
• Detached objects
Benefits and Drawbacks
+ Improved productivity
+ Improved performance
+ Improved portability
+- Sometimes you must use SQL directly
   (performance, etc.)
- Challenging when you’re working with a legacy
   schema (e.g. denormalized)
- You might design a domain model that cannot be
   mapped to the desired database schema
Read Phenomena
Isolated Database Transactions
• The database ensures that the outcome of
  executing multiple serializable transactions is
  the same as executing them serially.
• Serializable transactions prevent such
  problems as lost updates and inconsistent
Benefits and Drawbacks
+ They are simple to use
+     They     prevent   many      concurrency
  problems, including lost updates and
  inconsistent reads
- They produce the high overhead, which can
  reduce performance and scalability
- Fully isolated transactions can fail more
  frequently than less isolated transactions
  because of deadlocks and other concurrency-
  related issues
When to Use
• Read consistency is essential
• The overhead of fully isolated transactions is
Pessimistic locking
Benefits and drawbacks
+ Unlike optimistic locking, pessimistic locking does not
   require any schema changes
+ It prevents a transaction from overwriting another
   transaction’s changes
+ It reduces the probability of deadlocks in databases that
   implement fully isolated transactions by locking rows
   when they read
- All potentially conflicting transactions have to use
   SELECT FOR UPDATE in order for pessimistic locking to
   work, which is potentially error-prone
- Some databases have limitations on how SELECT FOR
   UPDATE can be used
When to Use
• The database schema does not support
  optimistic locking because, for example, the
  tables do not have a version or timestamp
  column or contain values such as floats or
  blobs that cannot be compared
• The application requires some degree of read
• You don’t want to incur the overhead of
  serializable transactions
Optimistic locking
Benefits and Drawbacks
+ It is easy to implement and it is supported by
   many persistence frameworks
+ Unlike pessimistic locking, does not prevent an
   application from using certain SQL SELECT
   statement features
- All potentially conflicting transactions must use
   optimistic locking or errors will occur
- No guarantee that a transaction will be able to
   update the rows that it read
- Does not prevent inconsistent reads
When to Use
General recommendation is that an application
should use optimistic locking unless:
• The database schema does not support
  optimistic locking
• The application must be guaranteed to be
  able to update the rows that it read
• The application requires consistent reads
Edit-style Use Case
What’s wrong with using a single
        database transaction
• The database transaction would be long-
  running because it encompasses multiple web
  requests and user think time
• The transaction might last until the web
  session timed out if the user could simply walk
  away from the browser without completing
  the use case
• It reduce scalability and concurrency
Pessimistic Offline Lock
Benefits and Drawbacks
+ Ensures that a user can save changes
- Impacts the application globally (don’t forget
   to use it in a new code, etc.)
- Requires a mechanism to forcibly release locks
When to Use
• The probability of conflicts is high
• The consequences of conflicts are severe
• Users typically do not abandon their sessions
  or it’s feasible to implement a lock cleanup
Optimistic Offline Lock
Benefits and Drawbacks
+ It is relatively easy to implement
+ Unlike the Pessimistic Offline Lock pattern, there are no
   locks to clean up if the user abandons the session,
   which is not uncommon in a web application.
- Because the Optimistic Offline Lock pattern only detects
   changes when the user tries to save their changes, it
   only works well when starting over is not a burden on
   the user
- All transactions that update shared data must increment
   the version number whenever they update a row,
   including those that do not use the Optimistic Offline
   Lock pattern
When to Use
• The probability of conflicts is low and the
  consequences of redoing the changes are
• Users regularly abandon sessions and you
  don’t want to implement a lock cleanup

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Чурюканов Вячеслав, “Code simple, but not simpler”

  • 1. Code simple, but not simpler Discuss ways to develop enterprise applications based on “POJOs in Action” by Chris Richardson
  • 2. Who am I? Viachaslau Churukanau Senior Software Engineer, Java world Edmunds.com, room 404
  • 4. You have to design enterprise applications at some moment But how to develop this skill if: • There are no appropriate trainings • The Internet usually provides little, contradictory and out of date knowledge • People tell you “lie” • Etc. ?
  • 7. POJOs in Action (2006) • shows how to address many common and complex design issues in back-end logic development of enterprise applications with fantastic real-world examples • combines best practices and design wisdom to integrate domain-driven design and test-driven development for object-oriented applications • carefully explains the techniques and technologies used at various levels, including Spring, JDO, Hibernate, EJB 3, and iBatis.
  • 8. Key Messages • Regardless of how the frameworks evolve, there are some key concepts that will not change • Every technology has both benefits and drawbacks • Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler (Albert Einstein)
  • 13. Benefits and Drawbacks + Improved maintainability and extensibility + Persistence framework enables you to easily map the domain model to the database - You should have good OOD skills
  • 15. Benefits and Drawbacks + Easy to Use (no OOD skill required) + Can use full range of SQL features - Code can be difficult to understand and maintain (complex business logic, explicit load and save all required data) - Cost of maintaining handwritten SQL (e.g. add a column – change multiple queries) - Lack of portability of SQL
  • 16. When to Use • The application must use SQL directly or you cannot use a persistence framework • The business logic is very simple • The development team lacks the necessary OO design skills
  • 18. EJB session / POJO facade
  • 19. Benefits and Drawbacks + Business Logic is encapsulated and is free of transaction management (including distributed transactions), security, remote access, detaching objects, etc. - You must write extra code - It is quite easy for the detachment code and the presentation tier to get out of sync and for the POJO façade to only return some of the objects required by the presentation tier
  • 20. Exposed Domain Model (Open Session in View)
  • 21. Benefits and Drawbacks + Faster development (the business tier does not contain façades or error-prone detachment logic) - Less encapsulation (it is quite easy for business logic to creep into the presentation tier; the presentation tier has access to the domain objects; business tier changes affect presentation tier) - No support for remote access - Tricky to configure interactions between transactions, persistence framework, and the servlet API
  • 23. What’s wrong with using JDBC directly • Developing and maintaining SQL is difficult and time consuming • There is a lack of portability with SQL • Writing JDBC code is time consuming and error-prone
  • 24. What if I need SQL? • You must use the full power of SQL, including vendor-specific features, in order to get good performance • Your DBA might demand complete control over the SQL statements executed by your application • The corporate investment in its relational databases is so massive that the applications working with the databases can appear relatively unimportant
  • 25. iBatis • Insulates the application from connections and prepared statements, iBATIS maps JavaBeans to SQL statements using XML descriptor files or annotations • Supports for database-generated primary keys, automatic loading of related objects, caching, and lazy loading
  • 26. Why you don’t want to persist objects yourself 1. Lazy Loading (loading all of the objects that might be accessed might be extremely inefficient) 2. Writing back to the database only those objects that have been modified (it would be extremely inefficient to save all objects regardless of whether they have changed) 3. The database access code must preserve object identity by ensuring that there is a single in- memory instance of a persistent object when processing a request
  • 28. Кey features of an ORM framework • Declarative mapping between the object model and database schema • An API for creating, reading, updating, and deleting objects • A query language • Support for transactions • Lazy and eager loading • Caching • Detached objects
  • 29. Benefits and Drawbacks + Improved productivity + Improved performance + Improved portability +- Sometimes you must use SQL directly (performance, etc.) - Challenging when you’re working with a legacy schema (e.g. denormalized) - You might design a domain model that cannot be mapped to the desired database schema
  • 32. Isolated Database Transactions • The database ensures that the outcome of executing multiple serializable transactions is the same as executing them serially. • Serializable transactions prevent such problems as lost updates and inconsistent reads
  • 33. Benefits and Drawbacks + They are simple to use + They prevent many concurrency problems, including lost updates and inconsistent reads - They produce the high overhead, which can reduce performance and scalability - Fully isolated transactions can fail more frequently than less isolated transactions because of deadlocks and other concurrency- related issues
  • 34. When to Use • Read consistency is essential • The overhead of fully isolated transactions is acceptable
  • 36. Benefits and drawbacks + Unlike optimistic locking, pessimistic locking does not require any schema changes + It prevents a transaction from overwriting another transaction’s changes + It reduces the probability of deadlocks in databases that implement fully isolated transactions by locking rows when they read - All potentially conflicting transactions have to use SELECT FOR UPDATE in order for pessimistic locking to work, which is potentially error-prone - Some databases have limitations on how SELECT FOR UPDATE can be used
  • 37. When to Use • The database schema does not support optimistic locking because, for example, the tables do not have a version or timestamp column or contain values such as floats or blobs that cannot be compared • The application requires some degree of read consistency • You don’t want to incur the overhead of serializable transactions
  • 39. Benefits and Drawbacks + It is easy to implement and it is supported by many persistence frameworks + Unlike pessimistic locking, does not prevent an application from using certain SQL SELECT statement features - All potentially conflicting transactions must use optimistic locking or errors will occur - No guarantee that a transaction will be able to update the rows that it read - Does not prevent inconsistent reads
  • 40. When to Use General recommendation is that an application should use optimistic locking unless: • The database schema does not support optimistic locking • The application must be guaranteed to be able to update the rows that it read • The application requires consistent reads
  • 43. What’s wrong with using a single database transaction • The database transaction would be long- running because it encompasses multiple web requests and user think time • The transaction might last until the web session timed out if the user could simply walk away from the browser without completing the use case • It reduce scalability and concurrency
  • 45. Benefits and Drawbacks + Ensures that a user can save changes - Impacts the application globally (don’t forget to use it in a new code, etc.) - Requires a mechanism to forcibly release locks
  • 46. When to Use • The probability of conflicts is high • The consequences of conflicts are severe • Users typically do not abandon their sessions or it’s feasible to implement a lock cleanup mechanism
  • 48. Benefits and Drawbacks + It is relatively easy to implement + Unlike the Pessimistic Offline Lock pattern, there are no locks to clean up if the user abandons the session, which is not uncommon in a web application. - Because the Optimistic Offline Lock pattern only detects changes when the user tries to save their changes, it only works well when starting over is not a burden on the user - All transactions that update shared data must increment the version number whenever they update a row, including those that do not use the Optimistic Offline Lock pattern
  • 49. When to Use • The probability of conflicts is low and the consequences of redoing the changes are minimal • Users regularly abandon sessions and you don’t want to implement a lock cleanup mechanism

Editor's Notes

  • #21: No problems with detached objects.
  • #36: This mechanism assumes that concurrent updates will occur and so incurs an overhead regardless of whether they do.
  • #39: Optimistic locking derives its name from the fact it assumes that concurrent updates are rare and that instead of preventing them the application detects and recovers from them.