Hard Times PpKaire This document provides a summary of the setting and characters of Charles Dickens' novel "Hard Times". The summary states that the story takes place in mid-19th century Coketown, a manufacturing town in England. It introduces the main characters including Thomas Gradgrind, Josiah Bounderby, Louisa Bounderby, Cecilia Jupe, and Thomas Gradgrind Junior. It also mentions some of the main themes of the novel including the conflict between fact and fancy, the mechanization of human beings, and how present actions can directly impact the future.
fielding.pptShahidaRiaz2Henry Fielding was an 18th century English novelist and playwright who is considered one of the founders of the realistic novel. Some of his major works include Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones, and Amelia. Joseph Andrews was his first novel, published in 1741, and was a parody of Samuel Richardson's popular novel Pamela. It follows the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend Parson Adams as they travel across England. Through his novels, Fielding sought to expose social ills through satire while also providing instruction and entertainment to readers. He is seen as pioneering the realistic novel form by basing his fiction firmly on observations of real life and characters.
Jack londonunknown_fellowJack London was born in San Francisco in 1876. He had a difficult childhood and worked various labor jobs as a teenager. He was interested in socialism and traveled extensively, including sailing in the Pacific and going to the Klondike Gold Rush in Alaska in 1897. London wrote over 50 books in his lifetime, including novels, short stories, and essays. Some of his most famous works that explored themes of survival in the wilderness were The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and To Build a Fire. He died in 1916 at the age of 40.
Parent Children Relationship in A Play King Lear by William ShakespeareAna Nur HikmawatiKing Lear analyzes the parent-child relationship in William Shakespeare's play King Lear. It focuses on the conflict between King Lear and his daughters, where he prefers his dishonest daughters, Goneril and Regan, over his honest daughter Cordelia. This leads to betrayal and unhappiness as his preferred daughters drive him from their homes while the daughter he rejected, Cordelia, is the only one who truly loves him. The analysis concludes that King Lear's poor judgment in trusting the wrong children ultimately destroys his life.
THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER written by Edgar Allan PoeJimy GutiérrezThe story is about the superstition Roderick Usher and the narrator feel while in the house.The narrator describes that Roderick is sick and the features of the house.He also describes horror feeling and a series of events that happens in the house.
Introduction to Thomas HardyBibi HalimaThomas Hardy (1840-1928) was an English novelist and poet who is regarded as one of the greatest writers of Victorian era England. While he wrote poetry throughout his life, he first gained fame as the author of novels in the 1870s-1890s period. In later life, he abandoned novels and focused on poetry. Some of his most famous works include novels like Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure as well as poetry collections like Wessex Poems. Hardy was deeply interested in nature and the lives of ordinary people. His works often portrayed a pessimistic view of life influenced by the philosophical ideas of fate and coincidence.
Jane Austen - Biography + Style + NovelsAlejandro De GreefJane Austen was born in 1775 in Hampshire, England. She came from a large family and was educated briefly at a school in Oxford until age 10. She enjoyed writing plays and novels from a young age. Some of her major works included Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Emma. Although her novels were published anonymously, she gained popularity among readers such as the Prince Regent. Austen drew from her own experiences in rural England and settings such as Bath in her novels of manners that satirized society and courtship conventions of the time. She sadly passed away in 1817 at the age of 41.
Plot of the novel Hard TimesClaudia CantaluppiA short presentation in English and Italian on the plot of Dickens's Hard Times, inspired by reading the novel. The students who worked on it are in their second year of high school (2L1 - ISIS Carcano - Como)
Strange Meeting OlympiansSam RichardWilfred Owen's poem "Strange Meeting" describes a meeting between a soldier and the spirit of an enemy soldier he killed in World War I. The two soldiers recognize each other in hell and realize they were once enemies who killed one another. The dead soldier laments over the hopelessness and pity of war, which stole his courage, wisdom, and humanity. He tells the living soldier that they should now sleep, ending the poem on a note of peaceful hopelessness.
Modern.dallowaysuhair hajoThe document discusses the characteristics of the modern novel and provides an analysis of Virginia Woolf's novel Mrs. Dalloway. Some key aspects of the modern novel discussed include breaking from conventions, being more psychological and subjective, and using stream-of-consciousness techniques. Mrs. Dalloway reflects the time period by acknowledging the impact of World War I and using stream-of-consciousness to follow Clarissa and Septimus's thoughts in post-war London. Through these characters and techniques, Woolf explores themes of identity, the horrors of war, and the relationship between self and society.
Absurdist theatre and existentialismBP Arts,SMA Sci,KKC Com.College Chalisgaon Dist.Jalgaon,Maharashtra State, IndiaThe document discusses the Theatre of the Absurd genre coined by Martin Esslin to describe plays conveying anxiety, confusion and hopelessness in reaction to an unpredictable and absurd universe. Key factors influencing this genre were the atrocities of WWII and existentialist questions about the meaning of life. Major playwrights of this genre include Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, Tom Stoppard, Harold Pinter, and Edward Albee, whose plays commonly explore themes of meaningless human actions, communication failure, and feelings of alienation.
Prideand prejudicebyjaneaustennovelpresentationpowerpointSazina KhanThis document provides an overview and analysis of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice. It summarizes that the novel was first written in 1796-97 and published in 1813. It was originally titled First Impressions. The perspective is third person omniscient narration. Key elements include the social restrictions faced by women, epistolary sections in the form of letters, and 61 chapters over 281 pages. Elizabeth Bennet is introduced as the protagonist who must overcome her own prejudices.
Henry david thoreauTshen TashiThis document provides a biography and overview of the works of American author Henry David Thoreau. It notes that he was born in 1817 in Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard in 1837. Thoreau is known for moving into a small cabin at Walden Pond in 1845, where he lived a self-sufficient lifestyle for over two years. While at Walden Pond, he wrote his most famous work Walden, published in 1854, which detailed his experiences and promoted living simply and self-sufficiently in nature. The document provides synopses of the chapters of Walden and discusses its major themes of transcendentalism, individualism, and self-reliance.
MRS DALLOWAY by Virginia WoolfecrosbieThe document provides an in-depth summary of Virginia Woolf's 1925 novel Mrs. Dalloway. It discusses the novel's main characters Clarissa Dalloway and Septimus Warren Smith, both of whom struggle with their mental health in post-World War 1 London. Clarissa questions her decisions in life as she plans a party, while Septimus suffers from PTSD. The summary also analyzes Woolf's modernist stream-of-consciousness style, the themes of trauma from the war and gender roles, and how the characters illuminate post-war English society through their perspectives.
She stoops to conquer as an anti sentimental comedyKinjal PatelThis document is a paper analyzing Oliver Goldsmith's play She Stoops to Conquer as an anti-sentimental comedy. It was submitted by Patel Kinjal to the English department at Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University in Gujarat, India in 2013. The paper discusses how Goldsmith attempted to revive the restoration comedy of manners without its coarseness through wit, laughter, irony and disguises. It provides characteristics of anti-sentimental comedy and analyzes characters like Mr. Hardcastle, Mrs. Hardcastle, Tony, Miss Neville, Marlow, and Miss Hardcastle in the play.
Of Marriage and Single Life by Francis BaconSyed Imran HaiderFrancis Bacon's essay "Of Marriage and Single Life" compares the traits of married and unmarried people. Bacon notes that married men have "given hostages to fortune" by having wives and children. However, some rich men remain unmarried so they can be perceived as richer. A single life is well-suited for churchmen since they do not have to support a family. Overall, Bacon argues that single men make better friends and servants than married men, while marriage disciplines humanity.
The Rime of the Ancient MarinerSimonetta CollatinaThe poem describes how sailors sometimes capture albatrosses for amusement. The majestic birds that once freely flew over the sea are now clumsy and struggle to walk on the ship's decks with their large wings dragging behind them. The poem compares the once graceful albatross to a poet, who is also out of place on land among hostile people, with his giant wings hindering his path, like the bird with its wings now useless.
The use of epiphany by james joyceDayamani SuryaA sudden feeling of knowledge that brings to light what was so far hidden and changes one’s life is called epiphany. It is a term used by James Joyce in his works : Portrait of the artist as a youngman, Dubliners.
Mrs. dallowayAbhyuditaGautamMrs. Dalloway follows Clarissa Dalloway, a wealthy English socialite, and Septimus Warren Smith, a shell-shocked World War I veteran, as they both prepare for a party Clarissa is holding that evening in post-World War I London. The story jumps back and forth between the two characters, with Clarissa arranging flowers and running errands around London for her party, and Septimus struggling with his mental illness. As Clarissa socializes with old friends and acquaintances, Septimus continues to deteriorate, eventually committing suicide after being diagnosed with a lack of moral sense by his doctor. At Clarissa's party that evening, one of the guests shares that a patient of his doctor committed suicide
James ThomsonaviewintomysoulJames Thomson was an 18th century Scottish poet known for his work The Seasons, a long poem divided into sections depicting spring, summer, autumn and winter. He spent over 20 years revising and expanding The Seasons. While praised for its descriptions of nature, some critics argue the lengthy revision process led to weaknesses in the later versions. The Seasons was influential as one of the first works to use nature and the seasons as themes to explore ideas about poetry, humanity's place in the natural world, and ethics.
Tess of the d’urbervillesCicilSandraAn overall analysis of Tess of the D'urbervilles,consisting of context,summary,character analysis and theme analysis.
Role of society in Tom JonesgondasmitaThis document is a paper about the role of society in Henry Fielding's novel "Tom Jones". It discusses several aspects of the urban society portrayed in the novel, including the characters, lifestyles, institutions, female roles, and politics. The paper examines how these elements of 18th century English society influenced the life of the protagonist Tom Jones and helped shape his destiny.
Gender roles in As You Like ItAlexandra Averitt1) As You Like It explores gender roles through the relationship between Rosalind and Orlando, which challenges Elizabethan stereotypes.
2) Rosalind acts aggressively in pursuing Orlando, while Orlando allows himself to become subservient, taking on typically feminine and masculine roles respectively.
3) Both characters exhibit traits of the opposite gender - Rosalind maintains reason while Orlando is overcome with emotion, poking fun at stereotypes in the process.
James joycefrancescodnJames Joyce was an Irish novelist born in 1882 who is considered one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Some of his most famous works include Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses. Ulysses, published in 1922, depicts the wanderings of Leopold Bloom through Dublin in a single day and is influenced structurally by Homer's Odyssey. Joyce is noted for using experimental literary techniques like stream-of-consciousness and interior monologue to provide subjective perspectives on ordinary life and events in Dublin. He lived in exile for much of his life due to criticism of his works' depiction of sexuality and the Catholic Church.
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW.Adela Perez del VisoGeorge Bernard Shaw. Life and Work. Includes a VIDEO. Debate on Eugenics. Eugenics. Criticism on George Bernard Shaw.Debate with Chesterton.
Madame Bovary essayIrfan iftekharThis is an argumentative Essay, this was written by me for a client who told me that some one already has submitted a paper on this topic. So it is here for you.
Tom jonesSima RathodThe History of Tom Jones, A Foundling is an 18th century novel by Henry Fielding divided into 18 books. It follows the story of Tom Jones, who was left by his mother at Squire Allworthy's home. His rival is Master Blifil, the son of Bridget Allworthy. Tom falls in love with Sophia Western, but their romance is opposed by her father Squire Western and others. The story chronicles their adventures and misfortunes as they struggle to be together against the obstacles around them.
Proyecto de espanol1GL13-14Tamara y Pepa se encontraron en el parque y decidieron ir a comer a un restaurante. Cuando salían del restaurante, un chico robó la bolsa de Pepa. Ellas fueron a la comisaría a reportar el robo y al día siguiente la policía localizó y arrestó al ladrón en su casa.
Strange Meeting OlympiansSam RichardWilfred Owen's poem "Strange Meeting" describes a meeting between a soldier and the spirit of an enemy soldier he killed in World War I. The two soldiers recognize each other in hell and realize they were once enemies who killed one another. The dead soldier laments over the hopelessness and pity of war, which stole his courage, wisdom, and humanity. He tells the living soldier that they should now sleep, ending the poem on a note of peaceful hopelessness.
Modern.dallowaysuhair hajoThe document discusses the characteristics of the modern novel and provides an analysis of Virginia Woolf's novel Mrs. Dalloway. Some key aspects of the modern novel discussed include breaking from conventions, being more psychological and subjective, and using stream-of-consciousness techniques. Mrs. Dalloway reflects the time period by acknowledging the impact of World War I and using stream-of-consciousness to follow Clarissa and Septimus's thoughts in post-war London. Through these characters and techniques, Woolf explores themes of identity, the horrors of war, and the relationship between self and society.
Absurdist theatre and existentialismBP Arts,SMA Sci,KKC Com.College Chalisgaon Dist.Jalgaon,Maharashtra State, IndiaThe document discusses the Theatre of the Absurd genre coined by Martin Esslin to describe plays conveying anxiety, confusion and hopelessness in reaction to an unpredictable and absurd universe. Key factors influencing this genre were the atrocities of WWII and existentialist questions about the meaning of life. Major playwrights of this genre include Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, Tom Stoppard, Harold Pinter, and Edward Albee, whose plays commonly explore themes of meaningless human actions, communication failure, and feelings of alienation.
Prideand prejudicebyjaneaustennovelpresentationpowerpointSazina KhanThis document provides an overview and analysis of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice. It summarizes that the novel was first written in 1796-97 and published in 1813. It was originally titled First Impressions. The perspective is third person omniscient narration. Key elements include the social restrictions faced by women, epistolary sections in the form of letters, and 61 chapters over 281 pages. Elizabeth Bennet is introduced as the protagonist who must overcome her own prejudices.
Henry david thoreauTshen TashiThis document provides a biography and overview of the works of American author Henry David Thoreau. It notes that he was born in 1817 in Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard in 1837. Thoreau is known for moving into a small cabin at Walden Pond in 1845, where he lived a self-sufficient lifestyle for over two years. While at Walden Pond, he wrote his most famous work Walden, published in 1854, which detailed his experiences and promoted living simply and self-sufficiently in nature. The document provides synopses of the chapters of Walden and discusses its major themes of transcendentalism, individualism, and self-reliance.
MRS DALLOWAY by Virginia WoolfecrosbieThe document provides an in-depth summary of Virginia Woolf's 1925 novel Mrs. Dalloway. It discusses the novel's main characters Clarissa Dalloway and Septimus Warren Smith, both of whom struggle with their mental health in post-World War 1 London. Clarissa questions her decisions in life as she plans a party, while Septimus suffers from PTSD. The summary also analyzes Woolf's modernist stream-of-consciousness style, the themes of trauma from the war and gender roles, and how the characters illuminate post-war English society through their perspectives.
She stoops to conquer as an anti sentimental comedyKinjal PatelThis document is a paper analyzing Oliver Goldsmith's play She Stoops to Conquer as an anti-sentimental comedy. It was submitted by Patel Kinjal to the English department at Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University in Gujarat, India in 2013. The paper discusses how Goldsmith attempted to revive the restoration comedy of manners without its coarseness through wit, laughter, irony and disguises. It provides characteristics of anti-sentimental comedy and analyzes characters like Mr. Hardcastle, Mrs. Hardcastle, Tony, Miss Neville, Marlow, and Miss Hardcastle in the play.
Of Marriage and Single Life by Francis BaconSyed Imran HaiderFrancis Bacon's essay "Of Marriage and Single Life" compares the traits of married and unmarried people. Bacon notes that married men have "given hostages to fortune" by having wives and children. However, some rich men remain unmarried so they can be perceived as richer. A single life is well-suited for churchmen since they do not have to support a family. Overall, Bacon argues that single men make better friends and servants than married men, while marriage disciplines humanity.
The Rime of the Ancient MarinerSimonetta CollatinaThe poem describes how sailors sometimes capture albatrosses for amusement. The majestic birds that once freely flew over the sea are now clumsy and struggle to walk on the ship's decks with their large wings dragging behind them. The poem compares the once graceful albatross to a poet, who is also out of place on land among hostile people, with his giant wings hindering his path, like the bird with its wings now useless.
The use of epiphany by james joyceDayamani SuryaA sudden feeling of knowledge that brings to light what was so far hidden and changes one’s life is called epiphany. It is a term used by James Joyce in his works : Portrait of the artist as a youngman, Dubliners.
Mrs. dallowayAbhyuditaGautamMrs. Dalloway follows Clarissa Dalloway, a wealthy English socialite, and Septimus Warren Smith, a shell-shocked World War I veteran, as they both prepare for a party Clarissa is holding that evening in post-World War I London. The story jumps back and forth between the two characters, with Clarissa arranging flowers and running errands around London for her party, and Septimus struggling with his mental illness. As Clarissa socializes with old friends and acquaintances, Septimus continues to deteriorate, eventually committing suicide after being diagnosed with a lack of moral sense by his doctor. At Clarissa's party that evening, one of the guests shares that a patient of his doctor committed suicide
James ThomsonaviewintomysoulJames Thomson was an 18th century Scottish poet known for his work The Seasons, a long poem divided into sections depicting spring, summer, autumn and winter. He spent over 20 years revising and expanding The Seasons. While praised for its descriptions of nature, some critics argue the lengthy revision process led to weaknesses in the later versions. The Seasons was influential as one of the first works to use nature and the seasons as themes to explore ideas about poetry, humanity's place in the natural world, and ethics.
Tess of the d’urbervillesCicilSandraAn overall analysis of Tess of the D'urbervilles,consisting of context,summary,character analysis and theme analysis.
Role of society in Tom JonesgondasmitaThis document is a paper about the role of society in Henry Fielding's novel "Tom Jones". It discusses several aspects of the urban society portrayed in the novel, including the characters, lifestyles, institutions, female roles, and politics. The paper examines how these elements of 18th century English society influenced the life of the protagonist Tom Jones and helped shape his destiny.
Gender roles in As You Like ItAlexandra Averitt1) As You Like It explores gender roles through the relationship between Rosalind and Orlando, which challenges Elizabethan stereotypes.
2) Rosalind acts aggressively in pursuing Orlando, while Orlando allows himself to become subservient, taking on typically feminine and masculine roles respectively.
3) Both characters exhibit traits of the opposite gender - Rosalind maintains reason while Orlando is overcome with emotion, poking fun at stereotypes in the process.
James joycefrancescodnJames Joyce was an Irish novelist born in 1882 who is considered one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Some of his most famous works include Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses. Ulysses, published in 1922, depicts the wanderings of Leopold Bloom through Dublin in a single day and is influenced structurally by Homer's Odyssey. Joyce is noted for using experimental literary techniques like stream-of-consciousness and interior monologue to provide subjective perspectives on ordinary life and events in Dublin. He lived in exile for much of his life due to criticism of his works' depiction of sexuality and the Catholic Church.
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW.Adela Perez del VisoGeorge Bernard Shaw. Life and Work. Includes a VIDEO. Debate on Eugenics. Eugenics. Criticism on George Bernard Shaw.Debate with Chesterton.
Madame Bovary essayIrfan iftekharThis is an argumentative Essay, this was written by me for a client who told me that some one already has submitted a paper on this topic. So it is here for you.
Tom jonesSima RathodThe History of Tom Jones, A Foundling is an 18th century novel by Henry Fielding divided into 18 books. It follows the story of Tom Jones, who was left by his mother at Squire Allworthy's home. His rival is Master Blifil, the son of Bridget Allworthy. Tom falls in love with Sophia Western, but their romance is opposed by her father Squire Western and others. The story chronicles their adventures and misfortunes as they struggle to be together against the obstacles around them.
Proyecto de espanol1GL13-14Tamara y Pepa se encontraron en el parque y decidieron ir a comer a un restaurante. Cuando salían del restaurante, un chico robó la bolsa de Pepa. Ellas fueron a la comisaría a reportar el robo y al día siguiente la policía localizó y arrestó al ladrón en su casa.
English1GL13-14For their birthday, Jenna and Bonnie received tickets to London from their parents. Upon arriving, they settled into their hotel and began touring the city. During a picnic in Hyde Park, Jenna spotted the Queen's lost dog running around. They chased after the dog through the park and subway before Jenna caught it. Pleased to be reunited with her dog, the Queen invited Jenna and Bonnie to dinner at Buckingham Palace to thank them for their efforts.
Fumetto inglese 1GL13-14For their birthday, Jenna and Bonnie received tickets to London from their parents. Upon arriving, they settled into their hotel and began touring the city. During a picnic in Hyde Park, Jenna spotted the Queen's lost dog running around. They chased after the dog through the park and subway before Jenna caught it. Pleased to be reunited with her dog, the Queen invited Jenna and Bonnie to dinner at Buckingham Palace to thank them for their efforts.
Aggettivi superlativi relativi e aggettivi superlativi assoluti 1GL13-14Power point di francese sugli aggettivi superlativi di grado relativo e assoluto.
A story of the jogger's wallet 1GL13-14Paul was running in Central Park when a large man named Jack bumped into him, causing Paul to fall and hurt his shoulder. Paul believed he lost his wallet in the collision so he chased after Jack and demanded his wallet back. Jack returned the wallet, but when Paul returned home, he discovered his own wallet was there all along, realizing he may have accidentally stolen Jack's instead.
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2. Tempi difficili è un romanzo di critica sociale scritto da
Charles Dickens, scrittore inglese vissuto tra il 1812 e il 1870 .
Apparso a puntate su una rivista di proprietà dello stesso
Dickens, il romanzo racconta alcuni aspetti della realtà
socioeconomica che si poteva osservare nella seconda parte
dell’800 nelle aree industriali dell’Inghilterra.
Il romanzo viene pubblicato nel 1854. Fino a quel momento
Dickens aveva osservato diverse piccole città industriali nella
zona di Manchester ed era rimasto sconvolto dalle dure
condizioni di vita degli operai.
3. Sceglie però di ambientare il suo romanzo in una città
immaginaria. Lo fa per due ragioni:
-per non citare direttamente una realtà specifica.
-per rendere la sua città immaginaria un emblema della
situazione generale, cioè un esempio, una raffigurazione
rappresentativa del mondo reale.
4. La mentalità generale dell’Inghilterra del XIX secolo si basa,
secondo Dickens, sui concetti di materialismo e utilitarismo. Questi
principi dicono che ciò che conta nell’organizzazione della società e
nell’educazione delle nuove generazioni sono i “fatti”: si lavora per
produrre, bisogna produrre sempre di più, se la fabbrica produce
saranno felici sia i proprietari che gli operai. In base a questa
visione del mondo i fatti valgono più dei valori morali e spirituali, e
anche delle emozioni. Sono i fatti concreti, le statistiche, i piani
industriali, e non i fatti del pensiero, l’immaginazione e la creatività,
a reggere le strutture della società e a promuovere il benessere
5. L’allontanamento dai valori morali e spirituali, dalle emozioni e
dall’immaginazione in favore di una visione della realtà basata sui crudi fatti dà
impulso al disprezzo tra le persone: i proprietari di industrie disprezzano i
lavoratori e i lavoratori disprezzano i proprietari delle industrie.
Un episodio tratto dal romanzo che racconta di come i valori abbiano ormai un
valore relativo è questo:
Il maestro di Coketown chiede a una giovane studente, una ragazza che proviene
dal mondo del circo, quale sia il primo principio dell’economia politica. Lei
inaspettatamente gli risponde: fai agli altri ciò che vorresti fosse fatto a te. Il
maestro interpreta questa visione del mondo come un esempio di egoismo.
6. Dickens ha un’opinione negativa di un certo tipo di
capitalisti industriali. Il proprietario della fabbrica è un
industriale, un banchiere e un commerciante dal carattere
presuntuoso, che non esprime mai sentimenti profondi,
nemmeno verso il suo unico amico e la sua famiglia. Ripete
spesso di essere un uomo sorto dai bassifondi, che è diventato
ricco con le sue sole forze, ma questa versione verrà
contraddetta dalla madre ricca alla fine del libro, in cui egli è
pubblicamente umiliato.
7. Dickens critica anche i sindacati, perché secondo le vicende
che egli ha conosciuto può succedere che gli operai che non
aderiscono al sindacato siano emarginati all’interno della
fabbrica. Ad esempio uno dei protagonisti del romanzo è un
operaio che viene accusato di aver rubato nella banca di
Coketown. Nessuno pensa che sia colpevole, ma siccome la sua
è una voce fuori dal coro durante le assemblee sindacali,
nessuno dei colleghi si schiera dalla sua parte.