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Caroline Grace Ambrose
925 Dorset Drive
Brentwood, TN 37027
Brentwood Academy
Brentwood, Tennessee
Graduation: May 25, 2015
The Aerie Yearbook (10)
Secondary Package Editor (10)
Activities include attending yearbook class and participating in a student
generated yearbook.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program (11,12)
Serve as a mentor and a friend to a middle school student as the transition into
life at Brentwood Academy. Activities include getting to know my little sister
and having lunch with her.
Younglife (9,10,11,12)
A weekly bible study and fellowship with students and college leaders.
Activities include weekly club on Monday nights and Younglife camps on
weekends and summers.
Brentwood Academy School Play Stage Crew (10,11)
Participation included daily practice after school for 3-weeks prior to the
Prom Committee (11)
On prom committee I helped the school and parents create the prom theme
and helped them set up for prom.
Fall Tennis (10,11,12)
Participation included a one-hour practice every Monday-Thursday during the
first semester of my academic year.
Bowling (9)
Participation included a one-hour practice every Monday-Thursday during the
first semester of my academic year.
National Honor Society (11,12)
Honor Roll (9, 10)
Joe Campbell Service Day (9,10,11,12)
Participate in school-wide service venture where small groups of students and
faculty volunteer in the Nashville area. I have served at Edmondson
Elementary School, Fannie Battle Day Home, and St. Lukes Community
Home. At Edmondson Elementary we helped the teachers grade tests and
clean the classroom. At Fannie Battle we played with the children and at St.
Lukes we cleaned a house that they were renovating.
Mission Trips (9,10,11,12)
Chicago- Spent one week in the summer doing repairs on a church in Chicago
and VBS with children in the local parks. (9,10,11,12)
Dominican Republic- Spent over a week in the summer doing repairs on a
church in the Dominican and running a camp for the children there.
Heart Walk (9)
A 5k used to raise awareness and funds for heart disease.
Signcraft USA (9,10,11,12)
Sign Maker (Holidays and weekends; 8 hours/day)
Babysitting (9,10,11,12)
Babysitter (whenever needed; different hours)
Co-Chaired Friends Life Auction (9)
Help create a benefit/fundraiser auction for Friends Life nonprofit
organization. I worked a little over 240 hours on this project.
VBS Teacher (9)
Led a kindergarten Vacation Bible School class for a week during the
Bowling Manager (9)
Yearbook: Secondary Package Editor (10)
UNICEF Vice President (11)
Assistant to Stage Manager (11)
For the spring musical, The Wizard of Oz, I was the assistant to the stage
manager. I did everything that the stage manager did, but because I was
not a senior I could not be the actual Stage Manager.
Stage Manager (12)
For the fall play, Dearly Departed , as well as Annie, the spring musical. I
was the director of all things technical. I also was assistant director and
helped direct the whole production. I was at every rehearsal prior to the
final productions.
Life Groups (9, 10, 11, 12)
Every Wednesday night, Brentwood Baptist Church has a worship and
small group activity from 6:00-8:00.
SAP (10)
A high school sorority that helps to contribute to community service
around the Nashville area.
Senior Circle (12)
This was a group created by one of my good friends, Addie Patterson.
Everyone in my senior class at Brentwood Academy was invited to get
together once a month with one of our teachers and share with each other
about all topics.
Wildlife Surveys (9,10,11)
My family has a family plantation in Salado, TX and we have a wildlife
preserve. With that, my family and I survey the land for the kinds of
animals and how many are on the land.

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  • 1. Caroline Grace Ambrose 925 Dorset Drive Brentwood, TN 37027 ambrosec96@gmail.com EDUCATION: Brentwood Academy Brentwood, Tennessee Graduation: May 25, 2015 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: The Aerie Yearbook (10) Secondary Package Editor (10) Activities include attending yearbook class and participating in a student generated yearbook. Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program (11,12) Serve as a mentor and a friend to a middle school student as the transition into life at Brentwood Academy. Activities include getting to know my little sister and having lunch with her. Younglife (9,10,11,12) A weekly bible study and fellowship with students and college leaders. Activities include weekly club on Monday nights and Younglife camps on weekends and summers. Brentwood Academy School Play Stage Crew (10,11) Participation included daily practice after school for 3-weeks prior to the performances. Prom Committee (11) On prom committee I helped the school and parents create the prom theme and helped them set up for prom. ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION: Fall Tennis (10,11,12) Participation included a one-hour practice every Monday-Thursday during the first semester of my academic year. Bowling (9) Participation included a one-hour practice every Monday-Thursday during the first semester of my academic year. ACADEMIC HONORS/AWARDS: National Honor Society (11,12) Honor Roll (9, 10)
  • 2. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Joe Campbell Service Day (9,10,11,12) Participate in school-wide service venture where small groups of students and faculty volunteer in the Nashville area. I have served at Edmondson Elementary School, Fannie Battle Day Home, and St. Lukes Community Home. At Edmondson Elementary we helped the teachers grade tests and clean the classroom. At Fannie Battle we played with the children and at St. Lukes we cleaned a house that they were renovating. Mission Trips (9,10,11,12) Chicago- Spent one week in the summer doing repairs on a church in Chicago and VBS with children in the local parks. (9,10,11,12) Dominican Republic- Spent over a week in the summer doing repairs on a church in the Dominican and running a camp for the children there. (10,12) Heart Walk (9) A 5k used to raise awareness and funds for heart disease. WORK EXPERIENCE Signcraft USA (9,10,11,12) Sign Maker (Holidays and weekends; 8 hours/day) Babysitting (9,10,11,12) Babysitter (whenever needed; different hours) LEADERSHIP ROLES Co-Chaired Friends Life Auction (9) Help create a benefit/fundraiser auction for Friends Life nonprofit organization. I worked a little over 240 hours on this project. VBS Teacher (9) Led a kindergarten Vacation Bible School class for a week during the summer. Bowling Manager (9) Yearbook: Secondary Package Editor (10) UNICEF Vice President (11) Assistant to Stage Manager (11) For the spring musical, The Wizard of Oz, I was the assistant to the stage manager. I did everything that the stage manager did, but because I was not a senior I could not be the actual Stage Manager. Stage Manager (12) For the fall play, Dearly Departed , as well as Annie, the spring musical. I was the director of all things technical. I also was assistant director and helped direct the whole production. I was at every rehearsal prior to the final productions.
  • 3. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Life Groups (9, 10, 11, 12) Every Wednesday night, Brentwood Baptist Church has a worship and small group activity from 6:00-8:00. SAP (10) A high school sorority that helps to contribute to community service around the Nashville area. Senior Circle (12) This was a group created by one of my good friends, Addie Patterson. Everyone in my senior class at Brentwood Academy was invited to get together once a month with one of our teachers and share with each other about all topics. Wildlife Surveys (9,10,11) My family has a family plantation in Salado, TX and we have a wildlife preserve. With that, my family and I survey the land for the kinds of animals and how many are on the land.