This document provides a summary of Jennifer Bowers Collins' education and professional experience. It outlines her educational background, including a Ph.D. from Florida Atlantic University. It also details her professional experience as an Associate Professor at Florida A&M University since 2012, where she teaches various management courses. The document lists her publications, presentations, grants, and professional activities and service.
Detris Crane and Reginald Leon Green - Published by NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS, ...William Kritsonis
This document summarizes research on principal leadership behaviors and how they influence teacher job satisfaction. It explores 13 core competencies of effective school leaders identified in prior research, including visionary leadership, unity of purpose, and instructional leadership. The literature review finds teacher job satisfaction is enhanced when principals exhibit behaviors from these competencies, such as supporting teacher development, fostering collaboration, and involving teachers in decision-making. Specifically, principal behaviors that create supportive working conditions, opportunities for input, and collegial relationships can increase teacher motivation and job satisfaction.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the professional experience and qualifications of Jason R. Pierce. It lists his academic appointments as a visiting scholar at Kellogg School of Management from 2014 to present and as an assistant professor at Universidad Adolfo Ib叩単ez from 2012 to present. It also provides details of his research interests, publications, presentations, teaching experience, awards, and areas of professional experience outside of academia.
State credentialing agencies are beginning to recognize and respond to the contemporary professional development needs of principals in three key ways:
1) Most states require principals to renew their credentials through ongoing professional development activities like workshops or coursework.
2) About half of states provide mentoring for new principals, but most professional development is embedded with teacher training rather than being tailored specifically for principals.
3) State principal performance standards acknowledge the dual roles of management and instructional leadership, but agencies do not generally prescribe customized professional development to address the plurality of the principal's role.
NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS (Founded 1982 ( is a group of national and international refereed journals. NFJ publishes articles on colleges, universities and schools; management, business and administration; academic scholarship, multicultural issues; schooling; special education; teaching and learning; counseling and addiction; alcohol and drugs; crime and criminology; disparities in health; risk behaviors; international issues; education; organizational theory and behavior; educational leadership and supervision; action and applied research; teacher education; race, gender, society; public school law; philosophy and history; psychology, sociology, and much more. Dr. William Allan Kritsonis, Editor-in-Chief.
Influence of Inspirational Motivation on Teachers Job Commitment in Public P...inventionjournals
The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of inspirational motivation on teachers job commitment in public primary schools in Matinyani Sub County, Kitui County, Kenya. One research objective guided the study. The study employed descriptive survey design. The sample for the study was 25 head teachers and 169 teachers. Data was collected by use of questionnaires. Pearson product correlation coefficient was used to analyze the data. Findings revealed that there was a significant and positive relationship between inspirational motivation and teachers job commitment (r = .774, N = 160). Based on the findings, the study concluded that inspirational motivation increased teachers job commitment and thus head teachers should increase inspirational motivation which is a key to increasing teachers job commitment. The study suggested that comparable studies in other public primary schools should be carried out in other parts of the county to find out whether the findings can be generalized to the entire county. Secondly, since the study focused on one element of transformative leadership style, a study should be conducted to establish how other elements of transformational leadership styles influence teachers job commitment.
This document provides an overview of a research proposal that aims to identify leadership styles and challenges faced by social enterprises in developing countries. It begins with an introduction on the background and problem statement. The literature review covers definitions of social entrepreneurship and enterprises, previous related studies conducted in both developed and developing countries, and identifies gaps in the existing research. The research aims to identify leadership styles using a leadership questionnaire and explore challenges faced by social enterprise leaders. It will focus on four developing countries and use a mixed methods approach.
Mapping the E Mindset AABAA Poster v 52PeterHackbert
The document summarizes a study conducted at Berea College that mapped students' entrepreneurial mindset using Gallup's BP10 assessment. Key findings include:
1) The top 3 most prevalent talent themes among student cohorts were Relationship, Determination, and Independence, suggesting students are motivated, tenacious, and able to build relationships.
2) Differences existed between males and females, with males reporting higher confidence and profitability talents.
3) Mapping talents provides insights to help students strengthen abilities like innovative thinking and understanding business models.
4) The BP10 assessment can help develop activities to move students from novice to expert entrepreneurial mindsets tailored for liberal arts graduates.
Harry Joo is an assistant professor at the University of Dayton. He received his PhD in organizational behavior and human resource management from Indiana University in 2016. His research interests include star performers, research methods, and reducing the science-practice divide. He has published several articles in top journals and received multiple awards for his research.
This document provides an overview of Dr. Seung Hoon Jang's academic background and activities. It lists his degrees, recent courses taught, research interests, publications including refereed journal articles and book chapters, conference proceedings and presentations. It also provides information on his honors, fellowships and previous professional experience as a research analyst. Overall, the document profiles Dr. Jang's qualifications and accomplishments as an assistant professor of management specializing in strategic innovation, knowledge management, and emerging market practices.
The Impact of Employee-Sponsored Leadership Development Programming on Colleg...atalbot_21
This document discusses a study on the impact of employment-sponsored leadership programming on college student success. It defines leadership as an individual's ability to make decisions and engage in socially responsible activities to accomplish a goal. The study aims to examine how professional development programs impact student success in school and commitment to their institution, as there is little research on this topic. It also reviews different leadership programs at various universities and relevant literature on leadership development programs and their effects. The proposed methodology is a mixed-methods approach using surveys and focus groups to understand the impacts and reasons for certain education and work habits.
Morehead State University established the President's Leadership Academy (PLA) in 2006 to provide professional development for nominated faculty and staff with leadership potential. The PLA aims to increase awareness of higher education issues and challenges and expand understanding of decision making. Participants commit to reading assignments, seminars, internships and a field trip over an academic year. Though rigorous, the PLA has benefited both participants and the university by developing new leaders like the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assistant to the Provost.
Joseph Narusis is a PhD candidate in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Southern Illinois University. He received his BA in Psychology from the University of South Florida and his MA in Applied Psychology from Southern Illinois University. His CV outlines his education, professional experience in research and teaching, research interests, current projects, publications and presentations, technical reports, honors and awards, and references.
Entrepreneurial leadership thoery supported in business accelerator programsGreg Price
Entrepreneurial Leadership Theory. Can entrepreneurs learn to not fail so much? Possibly. Business Accelerator programs support entrepreneurial businesses taking them to the next level of business success.
Unit III PowerPoint Presentation In 1970, Milton Friedman wrote .docxmarilucorr
Unit III PowerPoint Presentation
In 1970, Milton Friedman wrote an article titled "The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits that sparked a debate about corporate responsibility that remains heated to this day. Read the Schwartz and Saiia article, "Should Firms Go 'Beyond Profits'? Milton Friedman versus broad CSR1," pages 1-10, in order to gain a perspective on Mr. Friedman's views on corporate responsibility.
In addition to the Schwartz and Saiia article, read Archie Carroll's The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders.
Both articles are available in the Business Source Complete database in the CSU Online Library.
These articles will help you develop an understanding of their business and ethical principles. You are encouraged to conduct additional research about Friedman and Carroll using outside sources.
Compare the theories of Freidman and Carroll, and create a PowerPoint presentation on your comparative study. Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following elements:
際際滷 1: Title page
際際滷 2: Table of content or objective slide
際際滷 3: A summary of Milton Friedman's main points
際際滷 4: A summary of Archie Carroll's main points
際際滷 5: The principles you would like implemented at your current place of work (or where you wish to work in the future), and why you would include them
際際滷s 6-7: Two detailed examples of organizations where Friedman's theories are applied
際際滷s 8-9: Two detailed examples of organizations where Carroll's theories are applied
際際滷 10: Conclusion
際際滷 11: References in proper APA format
Journal of Leadership Education Summer 2014
Academic Administrator Leadership Styles and the Impact
on Faculty Job Satisfaction
Justin Bateh, D.B.A
Assistant Professor of Business
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Wilton Heyliger, Ph.D.
Faculty, Business Administration
Walden University
This article examines the impact of three leadership styles as a predictor of job satisfaction in a
state university system. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was used to identify the
leadership style of an administrator as perceived by faculty members. Spectors Job Satisfaction
Survey was used to assess a faculty members level of job satisfaction. The population consisted
of 567 full-time faculty members, and 104 participants completed the survey. The results of
logistic regression analysis revealed that (a) faculty members who identified transformational
leadership as dominant had increased job satisfaction, (b) faculty members who identified
transactional leadership as dominant had increased job satisfaction, and (c) faculty members who
identified passive/avoidant leadership as dominant had decreased job satisfaction.
Demographics did not appear to predict satisfaction. Using this model, aca ...
Dr. Osako Marie Djemo has over 15 years of experience in international business, marketing, data analysis, and teaching. She currently serves as President and CEO of her own business marketing firm. She holds a DBA in International Business and has published several research papers. Her career has included positions in marketing, sales, business coordination, and research analysis.
Gregory Malcolm Warren Curriculum Vita and Bio 2016 v. 2.0geemuu
Gregory M. Warren is a Senior Administrative Analyst and Administrative Manager for the City of Orange. He has over 16 years of experience managing budgets and programs for the Public Works and Community Services departments. Warren holds a PhD in Leadership Studies from Chapman University, as well as an MA in Organizational Leadership and a BS in Business Administration. He has presented on leadership topics at numerous conferences and universities. In his spare time, Warren lives in Long Beach with his wife and two daughters.
CDAA ECU Career Development Research TopicsBarry Horne
The document summarizes a Graduate Certificate in Career Development program. It includes information on entry requirements, the career development model used, the program structure which consists of 4 units, potential research project topics in different education and employment settings, guidelines for selecting research topics, and examples of past student projects.
2010 NCRCRD Webinar: Competencies for extension professionalsGraham Cochran
際際滷s from A Webinar from the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development in Cooperation with eXtension
November 16th, 2010
Graham Cochran, The Ohio State University
Scott Scheer, The Ohio State University
Amy Harder, University of Florida
Webinar Description
The 21st century is a time of change for Extension organizations; a time when more than ever, success depends on the knowledge and capabilities of employees. In this changing environment, authors in human resource management and specifically Extension organizations recommend competencies as a powerful tool that can provide focus on individual behaviors that contribute the most to organizational success. Through a webinar presentation and interactive discussion participants: (1) reviewed key concepts related to competencies and how competencies can be used in selection, orientation, professional development, and other HR practices; (2) learned about methodologies used and results from recent research in the Cooperative Extension System; and (3) had an opportunity to discuss implications from the research and applications for their Extension work.
For a recording of the Webinar held on November 16, 2010, go to
Please cite as follows:
Cheney-Steen, L., Johnson, L., & Yarrow, D. (2014). Spheres of instruction: The changing faculty role. WCET Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA.
This document outlines Damon Ware's leadership journey through the CSU-Global curriculum. It discusses key concepts in leadership including definitions of leadership, common leadership styles, the importance of ethics and trust, and factors that influence leadership development like organizational culture and stakeholder engagement. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of consistently evaluating and learning from experiences to improve as a leader.
Leadership Development Program Impact on Employee RetentionShawn C. Petty
(OSTICON 2015 Presentation by Dr. Tunde Ogidan, Brownsville ISD) ~ This session will provide an understanding of how leadership development programs aid with reducing the turnover rate to help employers retain good employees and sustain their programs.
Assessment At AACSB Schools A Survey Of DeansRichard Hogue
The survey of 91 deans from AACSB-accredited business schools found the following:
1) The most common purposes of assessment were to meet accreditation requirements, guide planning and improvement efforts, and monitor program effectiveness.
2) The most frequently assessed competency was communication skills.
3) The most common change made in response to assessment results was mandating increased coverage of specific skills or topics across the curriculum.
No more gaps: Getting from employable to employedJason Brown
1) The document discusses employability from three perspectives: competence-based employability which focuses on skills and attributes, perceived employability which is how individuals view their chances of getting a job, and dispositional employability which captures characteristics like adaptability that lead to positive employment outcomes.
2) It argues that focusing only on skills gaps between what employers want and what graduates have is too narrow, and that broader attributes like networking and career management skills are also important for getting employed.
3) An integrated framework is proposed that sees employability as involving developing adaptive career behaviors through interventions targeting characteristics like self-efficacy, supported by career management in university programs.
Exploration of how academic librarians can help enhance workplace information literacy, encourage lifelong learning and meet corporate demands for graduates with "21st Century Skills".
Leavitt information literacy in the workplaceleavitt9
This document summarizes a presentation about information literacy in the workplace. It discusses how the skills taught in information literacy instruction may not fully align with the skills needed by employers. Recent studies show that many high school and college graduates lack skills in areas like critical thinking, collaboration, and accessing and analyzing information. The presentation describes a library course that aimed to help students improve these skills through research assignments, tutorials, and feedback. Students showed improved skills, but more work is still needed to fully meet employer expectations. Future directions may include online tutorials, evolving teaching methods, and increased collaboration with faculty and employers.
Peer mentoring and peer learning programs have been shown to be effective for undergraduate students in several ways. They help students transition to university life and develop a sense of identity as part of the academic community. Mentoring also helps students cope with academic demands and supports their career, leadership, and academic development. Peer-led sessions create opportunities for collaborative learning and building confidence. Universities have increasingly diverse students with a variety of learning challenges, and peer-to-peer approaches can help address these challenges through engagement and multiple learning strategies. The effectiveness of peer mentoring stems from enhancing social and contextual learning relationships, providing feedback, and occupying a supportive third space for dialogue.
Harry Joo is an assistant professor at the University of Dayton. He received his PhD in organizational behavior and human resource management from Indiana University in 2016. His research interests include star performers, research methods, and reducing the science-practice divide. He has published several articles in top journals and received multiple awards for his research.
This document provides an overview of Dr. Seung Hoon Jang's academic background and activities. It lists his degrees, recent courses taught, research interests, publications including refereed journal articles and book chapters, conference proceedings and presentations. It also provides information on his honors, fellowships and previous professional experience as a research analyst. Overall, the document profiles Dr. Jang's qualifications and accomplishments as an assistant professor of management specializing in strategic innovation, knowledge management, and emerging market practices.
The Impact of Employee-Sponsored Leadership Development Programming on Colleg...atalbot_21
This document discusses a study on the impact of employment-sponsored leadership programming on college student success. It defines leadership as an individual's ability to make decisions and engage in socially responsible activities to accomplish a goal. The study aims to examine how professional development programs impact student success in school and commitment to their institution, as there is little research on this topic. It also reviews different leadership programs at various universities and relevant literature on leadership development programs and their effects. The proposed methodology is a mixed-methods approach using surveys and focus groups to understand the impacts and reasons for certain education and work habits.
Morehead State University established the President's Leadership Academy (PLA) in 2006 to provide professional development for nominated faculty and staff with leadership potential. The PLA aims to increase awareness of higher education issues and challenges and expand understanding of decision making. Participants commit to reading assignments, seminars, internships and a field trip over an academic year. Though rigorous, the PLA has benefited both participants and the university by developing new leaders like the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assistant to the Provost.
Joseph Narusis is a PhD candidate in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Southern Illinois University. He received his BA in Psychology from the University of South Florida and his MA in Applied Psychology from Southern Illinois University. His CV outlines his education, professional experience in research and teaching, research interests, current projects, publications and presentations, technical reports, honors and awards, and references.
Entrepreneurial leadership thoery supported in business accelerator programsGreg Price
Entrepreneurial Leadership Theory. Can entrepreneurs learn to not fail so much? Possibly. Business Accelerator programs support entrepreneurial businesses taking them to the next level of business success.
Unit III PowerPoint Presentation In 1970, Milton Friedman wrote .docxmarilucorr
Unit III PowerPoint Presentation
In 1970, Milton Friedman wrote an article titled "The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits that sparked a debate about corporate responsibility that remains heated to this day. Read the Schwartz and Saiia article, "Should Firms Go 'Beyond Profits'? Milton Friedman versus broad CSR1," pages 1-10, in order to gain a perspective on Mr. Friedman's views on corporate responsibility.
In addition to the Schwartz and Saiia article, read Archie Carroll's The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders.
Both articles are available in the Business Source Complete database in the CSU Online Library.
These articles will help you develop an understanding of their business and ethical principles. You are encouraged to conduct additional research about Friedman and Carroll using outside sources.
Compare the theories of Freidman and Carroll, and create a PowerPoint presentation on your comparative study. Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following elements:
際際滷 1: Title page
際際滷 2: Table of content or objective slide
際際滷 3: A summary of Milton Friedman's main points
際際滷 4: A summary of Archie Carroll's main points
際際滷 5: The principles you would like implemented at your current place of work (or where you wish to work in the future), and why you would include them
際際滷s 6-7: Two detailed examples of organizations where Friedman's theories are applied
際際滷s 8-9: Two detailed examples of organizations where Carroll's theories are applied
際際滷 10: Conclusion
際際滷 11: References in proper APA format
Journal of Leadership Education Summer 2014
Academic Administrator Leadership Styles and the Impact
on Faculty Job Satisfaction
Justin Bateh, D.B.A
Assistant Professor of Business
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Wilton Heyliger, Ph.D.
Faculty, Business Administration
Walden University
This article examines the impact of three leadership styles as a predictor of job satisfaction in a
state university system. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was used to identify the
leadership style of an administrator as perceived by faculty members. Spectors Job Satisfaction
Survey was used to assess a faculty members level of job satisfaction. The population consisted
of 567 full-time faculty members, and 104 participants completed the survey. The results of
logistic regression analysis revealed that (a) faculty members who identified transformational
leadership as dominant had increased job satisfaction, (b) faculty members who identified
transactional leadership as dominant had increased job satisfaction, and (c) faculty members who
identified passive/avoidant leadership as dominant had decreased job satisfaction.
Demographics did not appear to predict satisfaction. Using this model, aca ...
Dr. Osako Marie Djemo has over 15 years of experience in international business, marketing, data analysis, and teaching. She currently serves as President and CEO of her own business marketing firm. She holds a DBA in International Business and has published several research papers. Her career has included positions in marketing, sales, business coordination, and research analysis.
Gregory Malcolm Warren Curriculum Vita and Bio 2016 v. 2.0geemuu
Gregory M. Warren is a Senior Administrative Analyst and Administrative Manager for the City of Orange. He has over 16 years of experience managing budgets and programs for the Public Works and Community Services departments. Warren holds a PhD in Leadership Studies from Chapman University, as well as an MA in Organizational Leadership and a BS in Business Administration. He has presented on leadership topics at numerous conferences and universities. In his spare time, Warren lives in Long Beach with his wife and two daughters.
CDAA ECU Career Development Research TopicsBarry Horne
The document summarizes a Graduate Certificate in Career Development program. It includes information on entry requirements, the career development model used, the program structure which consists of 4 units, potential research project topics in different education and employment settings, guidelines for selecting research topics, and examples of past student projects.
2010 NCRCRD Webinar: Competencies for extension professionalsGraham Cochran
際際滷s from A Webinar from the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development in Cooperation with eXtension
November 16th, 2010
Graham Cochran, The Ohio State University
Scott Scheer, The Ohio State University
Amy Harder, University of Florida
Webinar Description
The 21st century is a time of change for Extension organizations; a time when more than ever, success depends on the knowledge and capabilities of employees. In this changing environment, authors in human resource management and specifically Extension organizations recommend competencies as a powerful tool that can provide focus on individual behaviors that contribute the most to organizational success. Through a webinar presentation and interactive discussion participants: (1) reviewed key concepts related to competencies and how competencies can be used in selection, orientation, professional development, and other HR practices; (2) learned about methodologies used and results from recent research in the Cooperative Extension System; and (3) had an opportunity to discuss implications from the research and applications for their Extension work.
For a recording of the Webinar held on November 16, 2010, go to
Please cite as follows:
Cheney-Steen, L., Johnson, L., & Yarrow, D. (2014). Spheres of instruction: The changing faculty role. WCET Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA.
This document outlines Damon Ware's leadership journey through the CSU-Global curriculum. It discusses key concepts in leadership including definitions of leadership, common leadership styles, the importance of ethics and trust, and factors that influence leadership development like organizational culture and stakeholder engagement. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of consistently evaluating and learning from experiences to improve as a leader.
Leadership Development Program Impact on Employee RetentionShawn C. Petty
(OSTICON 2015 Presentation by Dr. Tunde Ogidan, Brownsville ISD) ~ This session will provide an understanding of how leadership development programs aid with reducing the turnover rate to help employers retain good employees and sustain their programs.
Assessment At AACSB Schools A Survey Of DeansRichard Hogue
The survey of 91 deans from AACSB-accredited business schools found the following:
1) The most common purposes of assessment were to meet accreditation requirements, guide planning and improvement efforts, and monitor program effectiveness.
2) The most frequently assessed competency was communication skills.
3) The most common change made in response to assessment results was mandating increased coverage of specific skills or topics across the curriculum.
No more gaps: Getting from employable to employedJason Brown
1) The document discusses employability from three perspectives: competence-based employability which focuses on skills and attributes, perceived employability which is how individuals view their chances of getting a job, and dispositional employability which captures characteristics like adaptability that lead to positive employment outcomes.
2) It argues that focusing only on skills gaps between what employers want and what graduates have is too narrow, and that broader attributes like networking and career management skills are also important for getting employed.
3) An integrated framework is proposed that sees employability as involving developing adaptive career behaviors through interventions targeting characteristics like self-efficacy, supported by career management in university programs.
Exploration of how academic librarians can help enhance workplace information literacy, encourage lifelong learning and meet corporate demands for graduates with "21st Century Skills".
Leavitt information literacy in the workplaceleavitt9
This document summarizes a presentation about information literacy in the workplace. It discusses how the skills taught in information literacy instruction may not fully align with the skills needed by employers. Recent studies show that many high school and college graduates lack skills in areas like critical thinking, collaboration, and accessing and analyzing information. The presentation describes a library course that aimed to help students improve these skills through research assignments, tutorials, and feedback. Students showed improved skills, but more work is still needed to fully meet employer expectations. Future directions may include online tutorials, evolving teaching methods, and increased collaboration with faculty and employers.
Peer mentoring and peer learning programs have been shown to be effective for undergraduate students in several ways. They help students transition to university life and develop a sense of identity as part of the academic community. Mentoring also helps students cope with academic demands and supports their career, leadership, and academic development. Peer-led sessions create opportunities for collaborative learning and building confidence. Universities have increasingly diverse students with a variety of learning challenges, and peer-to-peer approaches can help address these challenges through engagement and multiple learning strategies. The effectiveness of peer mentoring stems from enhancing social and contextual learning relationships, providing feedback, and occupying a supportive third space for dialogue.
Associate Professor
School of Business and Industry, 418 EW
Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, Florida 32307
(850) 599-8347
Ph.D. Florida Atlantic University, August 2008
Major Concentration: Management
Minor Concentration: Research Methods
M.B.A. Florida State University, December 1991
Major Concentration: Management
B.S. Florida State University, August 1988
Major: Finance
August 2012 Present Associate Professor of Management
School of Business & Industry, Florida A & M University
Current courses: Organizational Behavior (MAN 3240),
Principles of Management (MAN 3025), Personnel
Management (MAN 4301), Human Resource Management
Research (MAN 5715), Business Policy (MAN 4720), and
Strategic Management and Business Policy (MAN 5721).
Duties: Responsible for preparing and teaching courses to
undergraduate and graduate students
August 2008 August 2012 Assistant Professor of Management
School of Business & Industry, Florida A & M University
Current courses: Organizational Behavior (MAN 3240),
Principles of Management (MAN 3025), Personnel
Management (MAN 4301), Human Resource Management
Research (MAN 5715), Business Policy (MAN 4720), and
Strategic Management and Business Policy (MAN 5721).
Duties: Responsible for preparing and teaching courses to
undergraduate and graduate students
August 2007 August 2008 Visiting Assistant Professor of Management
School of Business & Industry, Florida A & M University
2. Courses taught: Organizational Behavior (MAN 3240),
Principles of Management (MAN 3025), Personnel
Management (MAN 4301), and Human Resource
Management Research (MAN 5715)
Duties: Prepared and taught courses to undergraduate and
graduate students
August 2006-August 2007 Visiting Assistant in Management
Department of Management
College of Business, Florida State University
Courses taught: Organizational Behavior (MAN 3240),
Introduction to Management (MAN 3025), Training and
Development (MAN 4350)
Duties: Prepared and taught Organizational Behavior,
Introduction to Management and Training and Development
to students
Ridley, D. & Collins, J.M. (2015). A Suggested Evaluation Metric Instrument For Faculty
Members At Colleges And Universities, International Journal of Educational Research
Murphy, A. J. & Collins, J. M. (2015). The Relevance of Diversity Preferences of College
Students College Students Journal, Volume 49 (2):199-216.
Holloman, D., Kleib, L. & Collins, J. (2013). Corporate Spin-offs: Exploring the Knowledge
Inherited from the Entrepreneurial Orientation of the Parent Company, International Journal of
Business, Accounting and Finance.
Collins, J.M., & Cooke, D. (2012). Creative Role Models, Personality and Performance.
Journal of Management Development, Vol. 32 (4): 336-350(15).
Collins, J., Tidwell-Lewis, A., & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2011). Assessing Student Critical
Thinking using Structured vs. Unstructured Case Analysis. Journal of Business, Industry, and
Economics, Vol.16: 17-30.
Collins, J., Friday-Stroud, S.S., & Ashley, C. (2010). Using systems approach to create and
sustain a culture of assessment. International Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 5(2):152-
Collins, J., James, M., Friday-Stroud, S., Golden, P., and Sermon, J. (2013). Flipping the
Management Classroom Upside Down. Presented at the Southern Management Association
Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
3. Bernardin, J., Thomason, S., Collins, J. (2013). Effects Of A Forced Distribution Rating
System On Employee Trust, Fairness, Organizational Citizenship Behavior And Intentions To
Stay. Presented at the Southern Management Association Conference, New Orleans,
Collins, J. (2013). Using Employability Skills and Climate Surveys to Create a Win-Win in
Talent Recruitment, Selection and Retention. Presented at the International Business and
Applied Management Conference in San Diego, California.
Nelson, M., Miles, A., Stewart, A., James, M., VanLandingham, V., Sledge, S., Adams, G.,
Morrell, D., Coppedge, K., and Collins, J. (2013). To be presented at the Academy of
Management Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Collins, J. (2013). Thinking outside of the box: Teaching differently with computer-based
simulations. Presented at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Asheville, North
Collins, J. Rosier, K., Sermon, J., White, L. (2013). Exploration Of The Role Of Active
Learning In Facilitating Improved Student Performance. Presented at the International
Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Orlando Conference, Orlando,
Finley-Hervey, J., Collins, J. & Murphy, A. (2010). Assessing ethical understanding via the
F.A.M.O.U.S. framework and case methodology. Presented at the Southern Management
Association Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Bradford, A. & Collins, J. (2010). An Examination of the Relationship Between Student
Procrastination and Academic Performance. Presented at the Society of Business, Industry,
and Economics Annual Conference, Destin, Florida.
Ashley, C., Collins, J., & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2010). Using systems approach to create and
sustain a culture of assessment: A case study. Presented at the Society of Business, Industry,
and Economics, Destin, Florida.
Collins, J. & Lewis, A. (2010). Assessing Student Critical Thinking using Structured vs.
Unstructured Case Analysis. Presented at the Society of Business, Industry, and Economics
Annual Conference, Destin, Florida.
Bernardin, H.J., Richey, B., Collins, J.M. (2010). The Effects of a Binding and Mandatory
Arbitration Program on Employee Attitudes, Performance and Turnover. Presented at the
Southwest Academy of Management, Dallas, Texas.
Collins, J., Harper, V., & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2009). Dress for Success: Understanding the
relationship Among Student Attire, Interviewer Unconscious Biases and the Selection Process
and Organizational Hiring Decisions. Paper presented at the International Academy of
Business and Public Administration Orlando Conference, Orlando, Florida.
4. Collins, J. (2009). Does Mentoring Matter? The influence of mentoring relationships on the
transference and creation of organizational knowledge. Paper presented at the International
Academy of Business and Publication Administration Orlando Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Collins, J. & Friday-Stroud, S.S. (2008). A Stakeholder Perspective for Management
Education: How do we meet student, faculty, and employer expectations. Paper presented at
the International Academy of Business and Publication Administration Orlando Conference,
Orlando, Florida.
Bowers, J. (2008). How Do Supervisor Develop Employee Creativity? Paper presented at
Annual Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, California.
James, M., Miles, A. & Bowers, J. (2008). Ups and Downs of the Organizational Cynicism--Job
Strain Relationship. Paper presented at the Annual American Psychological Association
Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Bowers, J. (2005). A Model of Individual Creative Potential. Paper presented at the Southern
Management Association Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina.
Proposal submitted to Thurgood Marshall College Fund (with Dr. Michael Campbell and Dean
Research on the Impact of and Need for SBA Products in Rural Areas
Awarded 2009 - $20,000
Proposal submitted to Procter & Gamble (with Dr. Roscoe Hightower)
Sybil C. Mobley Leadership Institute
Awarded 2010 - $10,000
Proposal submitted to Procter & Gamble (with Dr. Tiki Suarez-Brown)
E-STEM Summer Institute
Awarded 2012 - $8,000
Proposal submitted to Social Security Administration and United States Department of
Education (with Dr. Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Dr. Yolanda Bogan, Dr. Huijun Li, Dr. Gwendolyn
Singleton, and Dr. Michael Campbell)
Research on the Impact of and Need for SBA Products in Rural Areas
Awarded 2013 - $400,000
Enhancing Student Financial Education: FAMU Student Financial Education (SFE) Program
Co-P.I. Dr. Verian D. Thomas; Co-P.I. Dr. Shawnta Friday-Stroud and the on-campus Program
Partners: Dr. Michael Campbell and Dr. Jennifer Collins, The School of Business and
Industry; Dr. Yolanda Bogan, Department of Counseling Education; Dr. Huijun Li, Department
of Psychology; Mr. Keith Bowers, The FAMU Small Business Development Center; Mrs. Lisa
5. Stewart, The FAMU Office of Financial Aid; Dr. Brenda Spencer, The Office of Retention; and
Dr. Genyne Boston, FAMU Quality Enhancement Program.
Awarded 2013 - $40,000
Bethel Empowerment Foundation board member (2012 present)
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church Homeless Ministry member (2005 present)
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church Haiti Mission Ministry co-chair (2007 present)
MED Week Teen Summit facilitator (2009 2012)
Leon County School Best and Brightest judge (2008)
Volunteer, Steele Collins Charter Middle School (2012-2014)
School of Business and Industry
Assessment Coordinator/Chair: School of Business & Industry, Learning Assurance
sub-committee (August 2008 present)
Committee Member: Accreditation Steering Committee (2009 present)
Marketing and Management Department Faculty Search committee (2011)
InnovationMatters (student-run company) Faculty Head (2009 present)
National Black MBA case competition team, Faculty advisor (2009, 2012, and 2013)
OFC Venture Challenge Business Plan Competition team, Faculty advisor (2010
Black Executive Exchange Program Case Competition team, Faculty advisor (2010
Alpha Kappa Psi Principled Business Leadership Institute case competition teach,
Faculty advisor (2011 -2012)
Committee Member: Florida A & M University, Institutional Level Assessment
Committee (August 2008 present)
Committee Member: Florida A & M University, General Education Assessment
Committee (August 2012 present)
Committee Member: Institutional Level Assessment Committee, Budget Sub-committee
(March 2010 present)
Co-chair: Academy of Management Mentoring Best Practices Award committee (August
2008 2010)
QEP Faculty Learning Community, Summer 2011, Summer 2012
QEP Freshman Critical Thinking Series (Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2013,
Spring 2014)
Assessment Roundtable presenter (Spring 2010)
Program committee for the Inauguration of James H. Ammons (Fall 2008)
Key Executive Council Strategic Planning session facilitator (Spring 2009)
CEO-to-CEO forum facilitator (February 2010)
Reviewer, Academy of Management Conference (2007-2009, 2013, 2014)
Reviewer, Southern Management Association (2008 2010, 2014)
National Medical Association/COBB Institute Electronic Healthcare Records summit
(April 2011)
Academy of Management (2000 present)
Southern Management Association (2006 present)
Society of Human Resource Management (2007-2008)