The document appears to be a reading comprehension activity for matching animals to their habitats and behaviors. It includes questions about where common animals like lions, cows, pandas live and what they eat. The answers are multiple choice options of living in forests, oceans, farms or Africa. It also asks what animals can do and lists behaviors like climbing, jumping, scratching. The purpose is to teach children to understand animals and their characteristics.
The document describes items that can be purchased at a food market, including milk, cheese, bread, butter, chocolate, chicken, eggs, juice, cookies, and ketchup. It provides examples of asking a seller for specific items using phrases like "I'd like...", and paying for the items using costs ranging from one to one thousand dollars. It includes matching exercises to practice asking for a loaf of bread, a carton of milk, a box of cookies, a bottle of ketchup, or a kilo of cheese. Sample conversations at the market are provided to choose items and complete the purchase.
The document lists various items of clothing and colors that could be used to describe what someone is wearing. It then provides prompts for a roleplay conversation in a store where a customer is looking to purchase an item and the clerk helps them. Sample conversations are written out using placeholders for the customer to look for and the item's price. The reader is prompted to act out the conversation by filling in the missing words.
This document provides information about weather conditions during fall months and prompts the reader to ask questions about typical fall weather. It asks the reader to name 3 fall months and describe common weather patterns such as sunny, windy, rainy, cloudy, chilly, and warm. The document then instructs readers to ask each other yes or no questions about weather conditions in specific fall months and to name vegetables that are harvested during fall.
This document provides questions and prompts about spring weather and activities. It asks the reader to identify weather characteristics of different spring months, ask and answer weather-related questions, suggest appropriate clothing for different weather conditions, discuss springtime activities enjoyed by themselves and their parents, match senses to things commonly experienced in spring, and watch a video about spring.
This document provides information about winter and the winter season. It asks questions about typical winter weather in months like January and February. It discusses common winter activities like building snowmen, sledding, and staying inside by the fire. Pictures show examples of a girl describing her favorite winter activities and why winter is her favorite season.
The document lists various articles of clothing and asks what different people are wearing. It includes items like shirts, trousers, dresses, skirts, shorts and shoes in different colors. The purpose seems to be identifying and describing clothing for language learning by asking and answering questions about what various people have on.
This document contains questions, answers, and prompts for conversation practice. It asks basic questions like name, age, where one is from. It also asks about family members, their names, ages, likes and abilities. There are matching exercises about activities and jobs. The document prompts describing family, favorite animals, what they eat, where they live, and their features. The overall purpose is to provide sample dialogues and questions to help with English conversation skills.
This document discusses different animals and asks the reader to identify their favorite animal and provide details about it. It lists animals like giraffes, lions, foxes, and pandas. It then prompts the reader to match animals with descriptions of physical traits. Finally, it asks the reader to fill in blanks about their favorite animal, including where it lives, what it eats, behaviors, physical traits, and an overall description.
The document provides tips for keeping fit, including getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, avoiding junk food, and thinking positively. It recommends matching pictures of physical activities like running, skipping rope, and star jumps to those activities. It also discusses healthy eating habits, sleep needs for different age groups, and identifying junk foods.
The document appears to be a reading comprehension activity for matching animals to their habitats and behaviors. It includes questions about where common animals like lions, cows, pandas live and what they eat. The answers are multiple choice options of living in forests, oceans, farms or Africa. It also asks what animals can do and lists behaviors like climbing, jumping, scratching. The purpose is to teach children to understand animals and their characteristics.
Webilang English class for Adults (intermediate) Thanksgiving 2015Konstantin Shestakov
The document provides details about Sarah's Thanksgiving plans in 2015. She will drive 6 hours with her mom and dad to her aunt and uncle's house in Kansas where she will see her 90-year old grandmother. Sarah will help make cranberry sauce and assist with other foods while the men watch football. She will watch the Macy's parade but not football and will help set the table by folding napkins nicely. After changing clothes, the family will have dinner, say a blessing, converse, and eat all the food except for peas. Sarah will help with dishes before returning home the next day.
The document provides biographical information about several famous people: Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Angelina Jolie, J.K. Rowling, Sergey Brin, and Maria Sharapova. It describes their backgrounds, education levels, careers, achievements, hobbies and philanthropic activities. For example, it notes that Marie Curie won two Nobel Prizes for her discoveries around radioactivity, Bill Gates focuses his wealth on his charitable foundation, and Maria Sharapova designs her own tennis outfits and created a candy line.
The document introduces different occupations including teacher, policeman, cook, artist, driver, and doctor. It provides descriptions of individuals including their name, location, age, occupation, and what they do. The occupations and descriptions are used to teach reading comprehension and matching occupations with what individuals do.
2. 2
About this presentation
Hello our dear Russian student!
If youre learning Russian, it means that one day
you will go to visit Russia. There is a chance that
you will be in Russia around March 8th when
Russians celebrate the International Womens
day. On this day, its a custom to give flowers to all
women you know.
This lesson will help you learn the names of colors
and flowers in Russian to help you in a situation
when you would need to give flowers to someone.
At the end of this lesson, you will complete an
interactive task of buying flowers for the women in
your host family.
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Some slides
include audio
files and links
to online
March 8th
6. 6
亟亳仂于舒仆亳亠: 舒从仂亶 于亠 于 仂亶 仗亠仆亠? . 1-4
仂仍舒亶亠 仍仂于舒 亳亰 仗亠仆亳 亳 于弍亠亳亠 于亠, 仂 从仂仂仂仄 仗仂 于 仗亠仆亠
In this task, click on the audio
icon to play a song. Then select a
color that was mentioned in this
If your response is correct, the
other colors will fade. If your
answer is incorrect, you will leave
this page. To return here, simply
click this button.
Show instructions
10. 10
舒从仂亞仂 于亠舒 于亠 ?
Click on the picture with the flower to hear and see its name and color.
仂亰舒 仂亰仂于舒. 亠亰舒弍亟从亳
弍亠仍亠 亳 亢仍亠.
12. 12
丼仂 仗仂亟舒亳 弌于亠仍舒仆亠?
Show instructions
In this task, first listen
to the audio file to find
out what flower to
select. Then, select on
the picture of the
If your answer is
correct, the flower will
move to the person. If
incorrect, the pictures
just teeter.
! 仂亳 仍ミ頴弧仄亠
弍亠仍亠 仂亰!
弌仗舒亳弍仂 弍仂仍仂亠!
亅仂 舒仄!
8仄 仄舒舒!