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Travelling around
   the World
 through tales
Are you ready to create
 your own story???
1st Topic

How can we integrate
human body with our tales?
(Turkish tales)
Lets remember the
heros / characters
in Turkish tales?
Karag旦z & Hacivat
Nasreddin Hoca
Cin Ali
Cyclops (Tepeg旦z)
What about The Human Body?

Turkish tale       The Human
characters     +   Body
You should use
            at least 1
of the Turkish tale characters
            at least 7
    of the following idioms
(used with the parts of the body)

       in your tale/story.
Shoot off ones mouth
 Jim doesnt play tennis very well but
  hes always shooting off his mouth about
  how good he is. He talks as if he knew
  everything about the game.
Get in someones hair
 Clara: Children! Would you please stop making so
  much noise! And pick up your clothes and toys!
  Jack: Clara, I know that the children get in your hair
  but please calm down.
  Clara: Listen Jack. The children bother me and make
  me very angry when theyre so noisy and messy.
Give someone a hand
 Fiona: Will you give me a hand carrying
  this box. Its very heavy. I need help.
 Sam: Of course Ill help you.
Jump down someones throat
Dad: Harper, you should study for your exams and get good grades
this year.
Harper: I know, dad. You dont have to jump down my throat! I told
you that all my grades will be more than 85 this year.
Dad: Well, youve said that before and you failed, so you cant blame
me for getting angry and scolding you.
Pull someones leg
Carlos: Im the winner of the writing competition.
 Julia: Oh, really? Come on, youre pulling my leg!
Carlos: No, honestly. Do you really think that Im
trying to fool you.
Stick out ones neck
 Theyre asking me to guide them through the
  jungle, but this jungle is very dangerous full
  of wild animals. Why should I stick my neck
  out for them? Its taking a great risk and I
  can get hurt.
Play it by ear
Lina: Lets go to the cinema!
Jack: Sure. And what will we do after that?
Lina: Oh, I dont know. Lets play it by ear.
Lets decide what to do as we go along.
All thumbs
Mum: Can you help me carrying these glasses?
Daniel: Lets see if I can do it for you. Im all thumbs because Im so
nervous as I have a match at school tonight.
Mum: Well, I think being so nervous makes you clumsy. But dont
worry, Im sure youll win the match.
Shake a leg
Mike: Mary, you always take such a long time to
put on your make up. Come on, shake a leg! You should
hurry, or well miss the plane.
Mary: OK. Im ready. Lets go.
Get off someones back
Sue: Hey, John. Im bored. Lets go out and do something.
John: I cant. Get off my back! I cant go anywhere.
Sue: OK. Ill stop bothering you only if you promise to let
me know the minute youre finished.
Not have a leg to stand on
Tim claims that he didnt cheat in the exam, but
he doesnt have a leg to stand on. The teacher
saw him. Thats why without a good defense to
support his position, he will fail the exam.
Scratch someones back
Sally: Frank, will you help me tidying the house?
Sam: OK. If you scratch my back, Ill scratch
yours. Ill help you with the housework if you
promise to return the favor.
Dressed to the teeth
George: Did you see Hilda at the party last night?
Adam: Yes, I did. She was really dressed to the
teeth! She had on her finest, most elegant clothing.
On ones last legs
Poor Steve. He was one of the greatest
musicians, but when I saw him yesterday he
looked like he was on his last legs. I think hes
been sick and failing in his career.
Eyes are bigger than ones stomach
Jacob: Why dont you eat your hamburger?
Jessica: Its huge. I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach
when I ordered it.
Jacob: Next time, you shouldnt order more food than you can
possibly eat.
Put ones money where ones mouth is
 Jill: Dad, you promised to take us to Disneyland. Were
 on holiday for two weeks. How about putting your money
 where your mouth is?
 Dad: Youre right. Ill do exactly what I said. Lets make
 a detailed plan.
Pay through the nose
Stella liked the red dress she saw in the shop but
she didnt buy it, because when she asked the
price she found out that she would pay through
the nose for the dress. As she didnt want to pay
such a high price, she left the shop.
Learn something by heart
Clark is trying to learn the poem by heart.
Hes reading it again and again. Hes trying
to memorise it.
to be an old hand
Mrs. Winston is an old hand in teaching . Shes
very experienced. She has been a teacher for
20 years.
to be all ears
Samuel: Listen to me, please. This is very important.
Jack: OK. Im all ears. Im listening to you very
have a big mouth
I don't like talking to Jenny.油She has油a
big mouth油and can't keep any secrets.
cost an arm and a leg
Everything in that new boutique costs油an
arm and a leg. I don't think I can afford
to buy anything there. Theyre very
have a sweet tooth
I have油a sweet tooth. I like chocolate, ice
cream, and almost all kinds of desserts.
Please dont forget that;
 You should bring your story and your
  booklet on Monday. (22.10.2012)
 You should use at least 1 of the
  presented Turkish tale characters.
 You should use at least 7 of the given
  idioms and sayings in your booklet.
 You should do the pre-writing activities.
If youre the winner
 Your story / tale will be acted out.


 You will win a prize.
Comenius writing competition
Comenius writing competition

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Comenius writing competition

  • 1. Travelling around the World through tales
  • 2. Are you ready to create your own story???
  • 3. 1st Topic HUMAN BODY How can we integrate human body with our tales? (Turkish tales)
  • 4. Lets remember the heros / characters in Turkish tales?
  • 10. What about The Human Body? Turkish tale The Human characters + Body
  • 11. You should use at least 1 of the Turkish tale characters and at least 7 of the following idioms (used with the parts of the body) in your tale/story.
  • 12. Shoot off ones mouth Jim doesnt play tennis very well but hes always shooting off his mouth about how good he is. He talks as if he knew everything about the game.
  • 13. Get in someones hair Clara: Children! Would you please stop making so much noise! And pick up your clothes and toys! Jack: Clara, I know that the children get in your hair but please calm down. Clara: Listen Jack. The children bother me and make me very angry when theyre so noisy and messy.
  • 14. Give someone a hand Fiona: Will you give me a hand carrying this box. Its very heavy. I need help. Sam: Of course Ill help you.
  • 15. Jump down someones throat Dad: Harper, you should study for your exams and get good grades this year. Harper: I know, dad. You dont have to jump down my throat! I told you that all my grades will be more than 85 this year. Dad: Well, youve said that before and you failed, so you cant blame me for getting angry and scolding you.
  • 16. Pull someones leg Carlos: Im the winner of the writing competition. Julia: Oh, really? Come on, youre pulling my leg! Carlos: No, honestly. Do you really think that Im trying to fool you.
  • 17. Stick out ones neck Theyre asking me to guide them through the jungle, but this jungle is very dangerous full of wild animals. Why should I stick my neck out for them? Its taking a great risk and I can get hurt.
  • 18. Play it by ear Lina: Lets go to the cinema! Jack: Sure. And what will we do after that? Lina: Oh, I dont know. Lets play it by ear. Lets decide what to do as we go along.
  • 19. All thumbs Mum: Can you help me carrying these glasses? Daniel: Lets see if I can do it for you. Im all thumbs because Im so nervous as I have a match at school tonight. Mum: Well, I think being so nervous makes you clumsy. But dont worry, Im sure youll win the match.
  • 20. Shake a leg Mike: Mary, you always take such a long time to put on your make up. Come on, shake a leg! You should hurry, or well miss the plane. Mary: OK. Im ready. Lets go.
  • 21. Get off someones back Sue: Hey, John. Im bored. Lets go out and do something. John: I cant. Get off my back! I cant go anywhere. Sue: OK. Ill stop bothering you only if you promise to let me know the minute youre finished.
  • 22. Not have a leg to stand on Tim claims that he didnt cheat in the exam, but he doesnt have a leg to stand on. The teacher saw him. Thats why without a good defense to support his position, he will fail the exam.
  • 23. Scratch someones back Sally: Frank, will you help me tidying the house? Sam: OK. If you scratch my back, Ill scratch yours. Ill help you with the housework if you promise to return the favor.
  • 24. Dressed to the teeth George: Did you see Hilda at the party last night? Adam: Yes, I did. She was really dressed to the teeth! She had on her finest, most elegant clothing.
  • 25. On ones last legs Poor Steve. He was one of the greatest musicians, but when I saw him yesterday he looked like he was on his last legs. I think hes been sick and failing in his career.
  • 26. Eyes are bigger than ones stomach Jacob: Why dont you eat your hamburger? Jessica: Its huge. I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach when I ordered it. Jacob: Next time, you shouldnt order more food than you can possibly eat.
  • 27. Put ones money where ones mouth is Jill: Dad, you promised to take us to Disneyland. Were on holiday for two weeks. How about putting your money where your mouth is? Dad: Youre right. Ill do exactly what I said. Lets make a detailed plan.
  • 28. Pay through the nose Stella liked the red dress she saw in the shop but she didnt buy it, because when she asked the price she found out that she would pay through the nose for the dress. As she didnt want to pay such a high price, she left the shop.
  • 29. Learn something by heart Clark is trying to learn the poem by heart. Hes reading it again and again. Hes trying to memorise it.
  • 30. to be an old hand Mrs. Winston is an old hand in teaching . Shes very experienced. She has been a teacher for 20 years.
  • 31. to be all ears Samuel: Listen to me, please. This is very important. Jack: OK. Im all ears. Im listening to you very carefully.
  • 32. have a big mouth I don't like talking to Jenny.油She has油a big mouth油and can't keep any secrets.
  • 33. cost an arm and a leg Everything in that new boutique costs油an arm and a leg. I don't think I can afford to buy anything there. Theyre very expensive.
  • 34. have a sweet tooth I have油a sweet tooth. I like chocolate, ice cream, and almost all kinds of desserts.
  • 38. RULES Please dont forget that; You should bring your story and your booklet on Monday. (22.10.2012) You should use at least 1 of the presented Turkish tale characters. You should use at least 7 of the given idioms and sayings in your booklet. You should do the pre-writing activities.
  • 39. If youre the winner Your story / tale will be acted out. And You will win a prize.