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Jason Deans Community art Portfolio
St. Kevins School
Lead Artist
At risk Children
The programme with St. Kevins ran
throughout the school year, the aim
being to encourage the children aging
between 10-12, to engage with the
school and each other by using creative
practices and techniques.
This programme aimed to encourage socially acceptable behaviour, with this in mind
we created projects that involved working together for large scale pieces such as this
cityscape, with each child creating several props that were combined to create a
larger piece. This made the children co-operate in order to not produce the same prop
or to fill a gap in the scene along with using shared materials.
This group involving 8 teens
suffering from autism aging from
12-20, the aim of the project was
to give them a creative outlet
while also helping them engage
socially. The programme was
based away from the school, as to
expand upon their social
Col叩ste Eoin
Special Needs Adolescence
Lead Artist
We ran several projects with them from
creating a group book of images about
their social world to individual projects
such as a fossil, teaching them the
techniques and processes involved.
While trying to engage them with as many
artistic processes as possible we had to be
aware that some of their needs revolved
around aversions to some tack tile
sensations, so we had tailor some projects
to avoid unwanted reactions.
Art classesTeen
Lead Artist
This afterschool programme was run for
Teens aging from 12-16; the aim was to
encourage and expand upon their artistic
talent, helping them explore the media of
art in a fuller way. As the class was self-
motivated the group were encouraged to
help in the planning of projects and to
create a more finished product.
Summer Camp
Lead Artist
This creative summer camp ran for two
weeks and was a full time programme for
the children involved (7-12 years old).
There were two themes used for the
project, those of adventure and natural
wonders, with several pieces being made
over the course of the weeks.
While it was difficult to keep a level of
interest and the long days created issues
with fatigue, the quality available in
running a day long project can be seen.
The camp allowed the children to use
materials they would not generally get to
use such as plaster of Paris, canvas and
Summer Camp,
The Den
Project Co-ordinator
This project ran for four afternoons, with the aim that the group (10-
14 years old) would exhibit the work at the end of the week, at an
event being held in the local youth centre. The Den centre is used by
underprivileged children, with the aim of creating a stable
environment where the Adolescents can feel secure.
Using this as a starting point, I created a project that would explore the self through creating pieces
that while programmed, would allow for the individual to express themselves.
Easter Island heads were the launch point for this, creating a basic sculptural representation of the
monuments and then allowing them to alter and add to the original piece creating a unique creation.
This idea of the self was then culminated in the creation of a self-portrait, which was eventually
displayed on the windows of the youth centre looking out onto a busy road. This gave the youths
involved a sense of self-respect and accomplishment in their work.
 Workshops and
classes ran in several
different settings and
skill levels.
 Ranging from
elective enrolment to
more structured
 Several techniques
and processes
demonstrated and
Adult Drawing
and Painting
Old Age Pensioner
 Projects had to be made using
materials that were soft and easy
to use, due to participants having
strength and hand use issues.
 Projects focused more on the
finished product with the idea of
being given as presents or used
as decoration.
Photograpy Workshops
 Deamonstrations in a variety of
both practical and theoretical
 Basic photography understanding,
composition, colour use, exposure
 Workshops in film processing,
pinhole cameras, digital
processing and manipulation

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Community art portfolio

  • 1. Jason Deans Community art Portfolio jasondeans1@gmail.com jasondeansart.com
  • 2. St. Kevins School Lead Artist At risk Children 2010-2011 The programme with St. Kevins ran throughout the school year, the aim being to encourage the children aging between 10-12, to engage with the school and each other by using creative practices and techniques.
  • 3. This programme aimed to encourage socially acceptable behaviour, with this in mind we created projects that involved working together for large scale pieces such as this cityscape, with each child creating several props that were combined to create a larger piece. This made the children co-operate in order to not produce the same prop or to fill a gap in the scene along with using shared materials.
  • 4. This group involving 8 teens suffering from autism aging from 12-20, the aim of the project was to give them a creative outlet while also helping them engage socially. The programme was based away from the school, as to expand upon their social engagement. Col叩ste Eoin Special Needs Adolescence Lead Artist 2011
  • 5. We ran several projects with them from creating a group book of images about their social world to individual projects such as a fossil, teaching them the techniques and processes involved. While trying to engage them with as many artistic processes as possible we had to be aware that some of their needs revolved around aversions to some tack tile sensations, so we had tailor some projects to avoid unwanted reactions.
  • 6. Art classesTeen Lead Artist 2010-2011 This afterschool programme was run for Teens aging from 12-16; the aim was to encourage and expand upon their artistic talent, helping them explore the media of art in a fuller way. As the class was self- motivated the group were encouraged to help in the planning of projects and to create a more finished product.
  • 7. Childrens Summer Camp Lead Artist 2011 This creative summer camp ran for two weeks and was a full time programme for the children involved (7-12 years old). There were two themes used for the project, those of adventure and natural wonders, with several pieces being made over the course of the weeks.
  • 8. While it was difficult to keep a level of interest and the long days created issues with fatigue, the quality available in running a day long project can be seen. The camp allowed the children to use materials they would not generally get to use such as plaster of Paris, canvas and plasticine.
  • 9. Summer Camp, Preteens The Den 2011 Project Co-ordinator This project ran for four afternoons, with the aim that the group (10- 14 years old) would exhibit the work at the end of the week, at an event being held in the local youth centre. The Den centre is used by underprivileged children, with the aim of creating a stable environment where the Adolescents can feel secure.
  • 10. Using this as a starting point, I created a project that would explore the self through creating pieces that while programmed, would allow for the individual to express themselves. Easter Island heads were the launch point for this, creating a basic sculptural representation of the monuments and then allowing them to alter and add to the original piece creating a unique creation. This idea of the self was then culminated in the creation of a self-portrait, which was eventually displayed on the windows of the youth centre looking out onto a busy road. This gave the youths involved a sense of self-respect and accomplishment in their work.
  • 11. Workshops and classes ran in several different settings and skill levels. Ranging from elective enrolment to more structured classes. Several techniques and processes demonstrated and practiced. Adult Drawing and Painting Classes
  • 12. Old Age Pensioner Workshops. Projects had to be made using materials that were soft and easy to use, due to participants having strength and hand use issues. Projects focused more on the finished product with the idea of being given as presents or used as decoration.
  • 13. Photograpy Workshops Deamonstrations in a variety of both practical and theoretical skills. Basic photography understanding, composition, colour use, exposure etc. Workshops in film processing, pinhole cameras, digital processing and manipulation