Z叩klady vyu転鱈v叩n鱈 s鱈t Tiktok a case study o spu邸tn鱈 profilu Universal Music v esku pedstavil Youtuber v d哲chodu Jon叩邸 um鱈k alias油Johny Machette.
Instameet 2020, M叩j 4. patro
A vitamin is an organic molecule that is an essential micronutrient that an organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of its metabolism.
Wie kann ein Digitaler Nomade Besteuerung vermeiden oder reduzieren?
Der Vortrag richtet sich an Digitale Nomaden und Unternehmer, die unregelm辰ig in Deutschland oder sterreich arbeiten und sich die Frage stellen, wo und wieviele steuern Sie zahlen m端ssen.
TSC - The Tax Saving Corporation zeigt hierbei auch, welce Alternativen sich bieten und welche Vorteile eine Firma im Ausland bietet.
From #convgov to #socgov: citizen is king, but your employees are your superh...Talking Heads
The world is changing at a steady pace. Digital disruption is making businesses adapt or die.
What about governments? Were already noticing social media and network thinking are influencing and changing the way governments connect with citizens. #convgov is just the first step in the way to #socialgov: an agile and flexible government where citizens and employees alike converse, communicate and collaborate. Employees? Why yes, the citizen might be king, but your employees are your superheroes!
Mentorship is what the old Greeks are famous for. With our own society growing more complex each day - it is time to re-invent mentorship. To rediscover the secrets that lie within. Find out more about mentorship and how to first approach your mentor with this informative slildeshare as made public by Dwillo.
Welches Problem soll die Kommunikation l旦sen?
Zielgruppe und Zielsetzung
Erw端nschte Verbraucherreaktion
Positionierung und Kernbotschaft
Markenwerte und Tonalit辰t
Timing und Budget
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan proses kerja bengkel yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu: 1) penerimaan pekerjaan dan penugasan, 2) pelaksanaan pekerjaan, 3) kontrol kualitas dan pembuatan tagihan, 4) penyerahan kendaraan dan hubungan pelanggan. Setiap tahapan meliputi beberapa aktivitas administratif, teknis, dan hubungan pelanggan.
A vitamin is an organic molecule that is an essential micronutrient that an organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of its metabolism.
Wie kann ein Digitaler Nomade Besteuerung vermeiden oder reduzieren?
Der Vortrag richtet sich an Digitale Nomaden und Unternehmer, die unregelm辰ig in Deutschland oder sterreich arbeiten und sich die Frage stellen, wo und wieviele steuern Sie zahlen m端ssen.
TSC - The Tax Saving Corporation zeigt hierbei auch, welce Alternativen sich bieten und welche Vorteile eine Firma im Ausland bietet.
From #convgov to #socgov: citizen is king, but your employees are your superh...Talking Heads
The world is changing at a steady pace. Digital disruption is making businesses adapt or die.
What about governments? Were already noticing social media and network thinking are influencing and changing the way governments connect with citizens. #convgov is just the first step in the way to #socialgov: an agile and flexible government where citizens and employees alike converse, communicate and collaborate. Employees? Why yes, the citizen might be king, but your employees are your superheroes!
Mentorship is what the old Greeks are famous for. With our own society growing more complex each day - it is time to re-invent mentorship. To rediscover the secrets that lie within. Find out more about mentorship and how to first approach your mentor with this informative slildeshare as made public by Dwillo.
Welches Problem soll die Kommunikation l旦sen?
Zielgruppe und Zielsetzung
Erw端nschte Verbraucherreaktion
Positionierung und Kernbotschaft
Markenwerte und Tonalit辰t
Timing und Budget
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan proses kerja bengkel yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu: 1) penerimaan pekerjaan dan penugasan, 2) pelaksanaan pekerjaan, 3) kontrol kualitas dan pembuatan tagihan, 4) penyerahan kendaraan dan hubungan pelanggan. Setiap tahapan meliputi beberapa aktivitas administratif, teknis, dan hubungan pelanggan.
- Medieval China had natural barriers like seas that protected it from invasion while also providing trade routes. Confucius was an influential philosopher from 551-479 BC whose teachings emphasized harmony. Zeng He was a Chinese explorer who led naval expeditions to Southeast Asia, India, Arabia and Africa in the 1400s. The junk was a type of Chinese sailing boat used for coastal trade, while inventions included the printing press, gunpowder, compass and movable type. The Mongols conquered China in 1279 under Kublai Khan but the Ming Dynasty expelled them in 1368 and established the Forbidden City in Beijing as their imperial palace. The Qing Dynasty was established by the Manchus in 1644 and ruled until 1912
2015 03 17 SBA Beauty Industry West- revisedMark Morales
This document summarizes an SBA presentation about SBA programs and international trade. It discusses that the SBA provides capital access through loan guarantee programs like the 7(a) loan for working capital and the 504 loan for real estate/equipment. It also discusses SBA counseling resources like SBDCs, SCORE, and WBCs. Finally, it encourages exporting and provides exporting resources from the SBA.
1) ALM solutions help accelerate innovation by enabling new mobile capabilities to arrive sooner and new business opportunities to be captured more quickly.
2) They reduce time-to-value by cutting project, business process, and maintenance times by up to 30%, 55%, and 45% respectively.
3) Ensuring continuity through stable systems, shorter downtimes, improved customer satisfaction, and seamless handoffs between business and IT.
This document discusses ASP.NET state management. It covers client-side state management options like view state, hidden fields, cookies, and query strings which store page information on the client without using server resources but have minimal security. Server-side state management stores information on the server and has better security but uses more server resources. View state stores control values in a hidden field between requests. Cookies can store small amounts of site data on the client file system or browser session. Client-side options have advantages like no server usage and reliability, but cookies have size limits and security risks.
This document contains the resume of Lydia E. Lotfy Tawfelos, an architect and graphic designer based in Egypt and UAE. She graduated from Alexandria University in 2012 with a degree in architecture. Her experience includes working as a design engineer and architect on projects such as a hospital and resort in Egypt. Her skills include AutoCAD, Revit, Photoshop and other design software. She is fluent in English and French and has certifications in AutoCAD and 3D modeling software.
The Byzantine Empire collapsed in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire led by Mehmed II. Letters from a resident of Constantinople and Mehmed himself describe the dire situation in the besieged city and Mehmed's determination to take the city. The Byzantine Empire had once been powerful but had declined as the Ottoman Empire grew stronger, cutting off supplies to Constantinople and weakening its defenses. Mehmed launched a successful final assault, conquering Constantinople and marking the end of the Byzantine Empire.
Sambutan hari kantin di sekolah bertujuan untuk menanam sifat bekerjasama dan keusahawanan pada pelajar, serta mencungkil kreativiti mereka dalam penyediaan makanan. Ia membantu pelajar memahami konsep pengurusan wang dan projek berkumpulan, serta memberi peluang untuk mengekspresikan bakat kulinari.
This document outlines the creation of a magazine cover and contents page for a magazine called City Life based on the Salford area. The author will use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create and edit images for the magazine cover. A survey will also be conducted using Survey Monkey to gather feedback on what content readers would like to see in the magazine. This feedback will be implemented in the magazine design. The magazine files will be saved in different formats including JPEG, PDF, and PSD to allow for sharing while maintaining quality and editing capabilities.
Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, and the London Eye are three notable places to visit in London that offer cultural, historical, and symbolic value to experience the city. The British Museum provides social recognition while Buckingham Palace and the London Eye are iconic landmarks with deep cultural significance and represent emblematic symbols of London.
Shashi Bhushan Chauhan has over 20 years of experience in automotive manufacturing operations. He is currently the Deputy General Manager of Manufacturing at Kach Motors, where he oversees production planning, quality assurance, maintenance, and team management. Previously, he held leadership roles at several automotive companies, including Unilink Engineering and Hero Motors. He has a proven track record of improving key metrics like on-time delivery, costs, and customer satisfaction through lean initiatives and process improvements. Chauhan has a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, an MBA in Operations, and training in manufacturing best practices from companies in India, Japan, and Austria.
This short document promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations on 際際滷Share and encourages the reader to get started making their own presentation. It provides a call to action to inspire readers to try making a Haiku Deck presentation.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang peralatan belajar, tipe-tipe belajar, dan pengalaman menghadapi ulangan siswa bernama Darqo. Dokumen ini menyatakan bahwa Darqo mempersiapkan diri dengan membawa kopie, buku banyak, dan jaket sebagai pengganti bantal untuk menghadapi ulangan. Tipe belajar yang diprioritaskan adalah belajar sendiri di depan umum karena dapat membahagiakan orang lain
Ana Maria Hernandez Garcia is a Spanish entrepreneur and geologist with experience developing e-learning and e-consultancy projects. She currently runs her own geological e-consultancy business and knowledge project platform. Her background includes roles as a research scientist, research assistant, environmental geologist, and production geologist in Norway, the UK, and Venezuela. She holds a Master's degree in Production Geology from the University of Tulsa and specialization in Intelligent Well Technology from Heriot Watt University.
This document outlines Knolwledge Management Interactive Learning Chain, an e-learning platform that delivers events, products, services, and tools through a virtual channel. The platform allows users to [1] deliver specialized e-events, sell e-products, and use interactive IT tools in one place. [2] Professionals can use the e-platform to deliver e-courses, e-events, and e-consultancy anywhere, anytime on mobile devices. [3] The e-platform provides the most productive way to transfer information and knowledge using up-to-date IT resources, a modern e-platform, and an online store.
Este curso de 3 dias sobre Geologia Ambiental aplicada a la industria petrolera en Colombia ense単ar叩 a los participantes sobre el impacto de las actividades petroleras en la tierra, agua y aire. El curso tambi辿n cubrir叩 estrategias ambientales y escenarios para proyectos petroleros en el pa鱈s. La instructora Ana Mar鱈a Hern叩ndez tiene 15 a単os de experiencia en geolog鱈a, perforaci坦n y producci坦n petrolera.
This document discusses using a production geology approach to evaluate reservoirs for applying intelligent well technology. It proposes an evaluation methodology involving screening reservoirs based on production geology scenarios and constraints of intelligent well systems. Key points include:
- The methodology aims to identify geological variables impacting intelligent well economics at different scales and production problems it could address.
- An initial screening uses criteria like oil rims with gas/water problems, complex IOR projects requiring fluid monitoring, and remote offshore areas where intervention costs are high.
- The document analyzes potential reservoir candidates in areas like the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico based on reservoir type, geology and technology applications.
A team at PDVSA assembled to develop multilateral well technology in Venezuela. They screened reservoirs to identify candidates where multilateral wells could increase production and economics. A key focus was incorporating real-time downhole sensor data into reservoir models to continuously update and improve characterization. This allows technical and economic decisions to be readily made regarding massive implementation of multilateral wells in Venezuela across a wide range of reservoir types.
This document discusses using a production geology approach to accelerate the implementation of advanced drilling technologies. It presents an intelligent well evaluation methodology using initial screening criteria based on production geology scenarios to identify suitable reservoir candidates for advanced technologies. The methodology examines how geological constraints impact the design and performance of intelligent well systems. It also discusses how integrating production geology knowledge with technological considerations and economic analysis can help optimize the application of technologies like multilateral wells.
(1) Reservoir architecture refers to the 3D morphology of reservoirs defined by geometry, dimensions, orientations, and lateral and vertical heterogeneities. Well architecture considers how wells are configured within reservoirs.
(2) Venezuelan reservoirs often have high lateral and vertical heterogeneity, requiring optimized recovery strategies using advanced well configurations like multilaterals.
(3) Candidate reservoirs for multilaterals in Venezuela include compartmentalized gas-condensate fields in Anaco and San Tome, water coning issues in traditional fields like Barinas, and developing new exploitation plans for enhanced recovery in heavy oil reservoirs in the Orinoco Belt.
This document discusses several projects related to optimizing shale production through oriented perforation based on rock type identification. It proposes analyzing drilling and completion data over time to identify pressure differential issues and potential production compartments. Other projects discussed include evaluating new technologies for offshore developments by analyzing how they may impact development plans and reservoir types, justifying investments in isolated control zones to address reservoir issues, and building physical models of reservoirs to aid in instrumentation and dynamic simulation. The document also discusses regional environmental authorities' visions and a proposed methodology for evaluating production technologies under different environmental regulations.
1. C o m m u n i t y M a n a g e m e n t
( F r o m M a r c h 2 0 1 4 t o M a r c h 2 0 1 5 )
1 6
6 4
2 5 6
1 0 2 4
4 0 9 6
C h a n n e l s
C o n n e c t i o n s
2. S k y p e M e e t i n g
P h o n e
S o c i a l N e t w o r k i n g
O n l i n e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
E x e c u t i v e b r i e f i n g s
W h a t t y p e o f
C o m m u n i c a t i o n h a v e b e e n
m o r e e f f e c t i v e w i t h m y
n e t w o r k s ?
3. W o r d c l o u d w i t h k e y
2 0 1 5 B u s i n e s s T r e n d s
4. W o r d C l o u d c o m p o s e d
b y t h e 2 0 1 5 t r e n d y
s e g m e n t s