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Yo u r c i t i z e n i s k i n g , 
b u t y o u r e m p l o y e e i s y o u r s u p e r h e r o 
From #convgov to #socgov
H i ! I m S o f i e a k a @ l a m a z o n e
D i s c l a i m e r : I m a n o p t i m i s t
We l i v e i n a n e v e r- c h a n g i n g wo r l d
D i g i t a l i s c h a n g i n g u s
broadcasting networking 
S o c i a l i s c h a n g i n g u s
We e x p e c t 
2 4 / 7 - o p e n - t o g e t h e r - e q u a l
H o w c a n g o v e r n m e n t s k e e p u p ?
 We n e e d s ome o n e
2 4 /7 
t o g e t h e r 
o p e n 
e q u a l
E n t e r t h e c o n ve r s a t i o n m a n a g e r
H O O R AY ! # c o n vg o v
B u t  h es a l l a l o n e 
2 4 / 7 ? 
t o g e t h e r ? 
e q u a l ? 
o p e n ?
IT . 
B u t  s i l o s
B u t  h i e r a r c h y
H o w c a n g o v e r n m e n t s r e a l l y k e e p 
u p ?
E n t e r t h e c o n ve r s a t i o n t e a m !
H O O R AY ! # c o n vg o v # c o o p e r a t i o n
IT . 
B u t  n o t e v e r y o n e i s i n v o l v e d
B u t  h i e r a r c h y
H o w c a n g o v e r n m e n t s r e a l l y 
r e a l l y r e a l l y k e e p u p ?
To g e t h e r, w i t h e v e r y o n e
IT . 
H O O R AY ! # s o c g o v
# c o o p e r a t i o n # c r owd s o u r c i n g
# c o l l a b o r a t i o n
S o . . e v e r y o n e i s a h e r o
D o we n e e d a n o t h e r h e r o ?
ja, want wat zijn alle 
interne voordelen van 
#socgov en heroism: 
B e n e f i t s o f # s o c g o v
E v e r y o n e i s a n a m b a s s a d o r
E v e r y o n e h a s i m p a c t
E v e r y o n e i s s t u d e n t a n d t e a c h e r
E v e r y o n e w o r k s m o r e e f f i c i e n t l y
E v e r y o n e b e c o m e s m o re a g i l e
E=v eHraypopnye e ims pao hweerroe d e m p l o y e e s
= H a p p y o p e n g o ve r n m e n t
2 4 /7 
t o g e t h e r 
o p e n 
e q u a l 
= H a p py e m p owe r e d c i t i z e n s
F i n d t h e S u p e r m a n i n y o u r e m p l o ye e s
I t s n o t a b o u t i f
About a proper subject 
B u t w h e n
L i tt l e d u d e s & H e r o e s b y J D H a n c o c k
feel free to connect 
+32 478 208 411 
Staying in touch with Talking Heads? 
Your citizen is king, but your employee is superheroe by Sofie Verhalle

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Your citizen is king, but your employee is superheroe by Sofie Verhalle

  • 1. Yo u r c i t i z e n i s k i n g , b u t y o u r e m p l o y e e i s y o u r s u p e r h e r o From #convgov to #socgov
  • 2. H i ! I m S o f i e a k a @ l a m a z o n e
  • 3. D i s c l a i m e r : I m a n o p t i m i s t
  • 4. We l i v e i n a n e v e r- c h a n g i n g wo r l d
  • 5. D i g i t a l i s c h a n g i n g u s
  • 6. broadcasting networking S o c i a l i s c h a n g i n g u s
  • 7. We e x p e c t 2 4 / 7 - o p e n - t o g e t h e r - e q u a l
  • 8. :( H o w c a n g o v e r n m e n t s k e e p u p ?
  • 9. We n e e d s ome o n e
  • 10. 2 4 /7 t o g e t h e r o p e n e q u a l
  • 11. E n t e r t h e c o n ve r s a t i o n m a n a g e r
  • 12. CM CI T I Z ENS H O O R AY ! # c o n vg o v
  • 13. B u t h es a l l a l o n e 2 4 / 7 ? t o g e t h e r ? e q u a l ? o p e n ?
  • 14. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Corp Com Int Com Social Media Purchas ing Administ ration HR Innova-tion IT . B u t s i l o s
  • 15. B u t h i e r a r c h y
  • 16. :p H o w c a n g o v e r n m e n t s r e a l l y k e e p u p ?
  • 17. E n t e r t h e c o n ve r s a t i o n t e a m !
  • 18. CITIZENS CM TEAM H O O R AY ! # c o n vg o v # c o o p e r a t i o n
  • 19. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Corp Com Int Com Social Media Purchas ing Administ ration HR Innova-tion IT . B u t n o t e v e r y o n e i s i n v o l v e d
  • 20. B u t h i e r a r c h y
  • 21. :) H o w c a n g o v e r n m e n t s r e a l l y r e a l l y r e a l l y k e e p u p ?
  • 22. To g e t h e r, w i t h e v e r y o n e
  • 23. !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Corp Com Int Com Social Media Purchas ing Administ ration HR Innova-tion IT . H O O R AY ! # s o c g o v
  • 24. INT E RNAL IN & EX EXT E RNAL # c o o p e r a t i o n # c r owd s o u r c i n g
  • 25. # c o l l a b o r a t i o n
  • 26. S o . . e v e r y o n e i s a h e r o
  • 27. D o we n e e d a n o t h e r h e r o ?
  • 28. ja, want wat zijn alle interne voordelen van #socgov en heroism: B e n e f i t s o f # s o c g o v
  • 29. E v e r y o n e i s a n a m b a s s a d o r
  • 30. E v e r y o n e h a s i m p a c t
  • 31. E v e r y o n e i s s t u d e n t a n d t e a c h e r
  • 32. E v e r y o n e w o r k s m o r e e f f i c i e n t l y
  • 33. E v e r y o n e b e c o m e s m o re a g i l e
  • 34. E=v eHraypopnye e ims pao hweerroe d e m p l o y e e s
  • 35. Hooray! = H a p p y o p e n g o ve r n m e n t
  • 36. 2 4 /7 t o g e t h e r o p e n e q u a l = H a p py e m p owe r e d c i t i z e n s
  • 37. F i n d t h e S u p e r m a n i n y o u r e m p l o ye e s
  • 38. I t s n o t a b o u t i f
  • 39. A BIGG-ASS TITLE About a proper subject B u t w h e n
  • 40. GOOD LUCK! L i tt l e d u d e s & H e r o e s b y J D H a n c o c k
  • 41. feel free to connect twitter.com/lamazone sofie@talkingheads.be +32 478 208 411 www.talkingheads.be linkedin.com/in/sofieverhalle facebook.com/lamazone