The document provides contact information for Ratman, a sales engineer at PT. Trimmitra Wisasa Abadi. It lists his phone number, email address, the company address in Tangerang, Indonesia, as well as the company's phone, fax numbers, and website.
The document is an email from Guy Broekmans, Managing Director of Volkswagen Finance Pvt. Ltd., thanking Rajarshi Sengupta for the excellent work done by his team in designing and developing a data warehouse and business intelligence solution for the company. Broekmans praises the Deloitte team led by Kausik Saha for their motivation, commitment to deliver a solution to improve reporting and analysis, and addressing data quality issues. Broekmans specifically calls out Kausik's leadership and core team members Mustak, Vishal, Ramya, Vishnu and Nikhil for their strong performance. This is Volkswagen's first engagement with Deloitte India and Broekmans
PetFunders Dog - DLE Flyer Portrait InhouseAWFiona Ashford
This veterinary clinic offers a payment plan option to spread out costs of over $1000 of pet treatment over 3, 6, or 9 months with no hidden costs and a simple application process to reduce the stress of large veterinary bills.
DVW Consulting - Smart profit in the short term, sustainable success in the l...Didier Van Weyenberge
DVW Consulting helps organizations within the hospitality and leisure industry to achieve smart profit in the short term and sustainable success in the long term by mapping out the links between employees, customers and financial drivers, optimizing the individual parts and thus making the whole organization stronger.
The document provides training objectives for customer service representatives. It outlines core expectations around timeliness, treating customers as the top priority, and utilizing available resources. It describes the services offered, which include technical support, phone support, and multimedia services. It presents a 3-step process for good customer service: engage, assess, and respond. Finally, it includes a flow chart mapping out how to determine and resolve problems or direct customers to the appropriate department.
The document discusses problems with static business descriptions and tools that are too complex. It introduces a clear method and easy-to-use modeling tool to map, analyze, and develop businesses. The method involves employees to share knowledge and continuously improve processes. The tool provides a visualized view of requirements, processes, and meetings. Customers report being able to identify problems, focus on core issues, and work on continuous improvements more effectively.
La empresa West Lubricantes ofrece descuentos del 5% para compras sobre $10.000 y del 10% para compras sobre $20.000. Adem叩s, particip坦 en la Feria Internacional de M叩quinas Herramienta FIMAQH junto a sus clientes Tecmahe y Bipress del 6 al 10 de mayo en Tecn坦polis.
Fr端herkennung von Ausbildungsabbr端chen und Pr辰ventionstraining f端r Lehr- und Ausbildungskr辰fte in der Berufsausbildung mit Schwerpunkt auf dualen Berufsausbildungssystemen
This summary provides the key points from the document in 3 sentences:
The document discusses the importance of cyber security as technology becomes integrated into daily life. It covers topics like cyber warfare, encryption, and the effects on e-commerce. Promoting cyber security is important as hackers can steal valuable information from corporations and use software to enable crimes like fraud.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre Challenge Consulting Group S. A., una firma de consultor鱈a internacional con sede en Panam叩. El documento describe la misi坦n de la compa単鱈a, sus servicios de consultor鱈a en mercados burs叩tiles, el sector financiero, banca de inversi坦n y m叩s. Tambi辿n presenta la experiencia de la compa単鱈a y su equipo de consultores, y proporciona informaci坦n de contacto.
Plan de Competitividad de Turismo Activo. Sierra de Gredos y Valle de Iruelas...Turismo de vila
Encuentro Profesional de Turismo Rural 2014:
Pedro Carrasco - Plan de Competitividad de Turismo Activo. Sierra de Gredos y Valle de Iruelas
Se presenta OpenSAMM como iniciativa para ayudar a las organizaciones a dise単ar e implementar una estrategia para la creaci坦n de software seguro. Los recursos facilitatos por OpenSAMM ayudan a evaluar las pr叩cticas de seguridad existentes, demostrar mejoras concretas, definir y medir actividades relacionadas con la seguridad, as鱈 como construir un programa que garantice la seguridad en el desarrollo de software.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre c坦mo realizar b炭squedas efectivas en PubMed y Medline. Explica el uso de operadores l坦gicos como AND, OR y NOT para limitar los resultados de la b炭squeda. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo utilizar l鱈mites como tipo de art鱈culo, grupo etario y fecha para acotar a炭n m叩s los resultados. Finalmente, brinda detalles sobre c坦mo buscar por autor, t鱈tulo de revista u otros campos espec鱈ficos.
This study analyzed clinical data from 108 children undergoing overnight orthokeratology treatment at a university clinic in Hong Kong. Significant reductions in spherical refractive error (58%) and improvements in unaided vision were found after just one night of lens wear. Over 80% of patients were advised to use eye drops to help remove the lenses, as corneal staining was a common complication. A patient survey found that over 90% reported good or better unaided vision after treatment and rated it as satisfactory or very good, though lens binding and eye discharge were commonly reported problems. The results suggest that overnight orthokeratology is effective and safe for reducing low to moderate myopia in children under close monitoring.
La empresa se dedica a la exportaci坦n de alimentos 辿tnicos peruanos a Estados Unidos, Europa y Jap坦n. Propone desarrollar nuevas presentaciones del choclo para exportar el 100% de la cosecha en lugar del 20% actual, reduciendo los precios en un 50% y triplicando la demanda. Para ello requiere de un socio inversionista que aporte capital para cultivar choclo durante todo el a単o en 120 hect叩reas y expandir las exportaciones.
El algod坦n enga単a. Nuestro algod坦n Fox Fibre Cologranic, no.FoxFibre Colorganic
El documento habla sobre los beneficios del algod坦n org叩nico Fox Fibre速 Colorganic速 comparado con el algod坦n convencional. Explica que el algod坦n convencional usa blanqueadores qu鱈micos da単inos mientras que el algod坦n org叩nico Fox Fibre速 Colorganic速 mantiene sus colores naturales sin productos qu鱈micos. Adem叩s, destaca que despu辿s de m叩s de 20 a単os de sostenibilidad en el sector textil espa単ol, su algod坦n org叩nico sigue siendo 炭nico y ha ganado mercados internacionales debido al cre
This document provides an overview of Elasticsearch including:
- Elasticsearch is a database server that is document-based and schema-free, built on Apache Lucene.
- It allows for full-text search across fields in documents and supports CRUD operations via a RESTful API.
- Common operations demonstrated include indexing, updating, retrieving, and deleting documents.
- Advanced search capabilities include filtering, phrase matching, and highlighting search terms.
- Analytics features like aggregations allow grouping and metrics like average age to be computed across document fields and buckets.
Codemotion Mad 2014 - Things I love seeing when I buy something online - Brai...Alberto L坦pez Mart鱈n
The document appears to be a presentation slide deck discussing payment processing and Braintree's platform. It covers topics like validating credit cards, formatting fields for expiration dates, limiting number of digits in fields based on card type, and integrating payments through a simple and secure client-side integration. It promotes features like a native checkout experience, additional payment methods through Braintree accounts, and supporting innovation through the platform.
Park Assist refuerza su posici坦n como l鱈der mundial
en tecnolog鱈as inteligentes urbanas con el lanzamiento
del primer Sistema de Rastreo de Veh鱈culos integral.
El M3 mejora de inmediato la experiencia del cliente,
la seguridad y la rentabilidad a trav辿s de una red
sofisticada de c叩maras digitales (patente en tr叩mite).
HoneySpider Network: a Java based system to hunt down malicious websitesNLJUG
This document discusses the HoneySpider Network (HSN), which is an early warning system that detects attacks on client applications like web browsers. It works by periodically scanning trusted websites and detecting any malicious content. If found, a report is generated. The system is open source and its architecture allows for flexible configuration and scalability. It utilizes various services, analyzers and honeypots to analyze suspicious content and activities. A demo was provided of how to develop a custom service for HSN using Java.
Global Hotel Alliance: Campaign Automation on a Global ScaleBlueHornet
In this presentation, discover how BlueHornet client Global Hotel Alliance streamlined their global sending while continuously catering to subscribers interests and preferencesdelivering relevant content to all corners of the globe and growing subscriber loyalty.
El documento es un contrato de arrendamiento entre Ricardo Manuel Abaro Calcina como arrendador y Galo V叩squez Rodr鱈guez como arrendatario. El arrendador da en alquiler al arrendatario una vivienda de 3 dormitorios, cocina, sala, ba単o y patio por un periodo de un a単o, del 1 de enero de 2013 al 1 de enero de 2014, por un monto mensual de S/. 1000. El arrendatario se compromete a no subarrendar ni ceder el uso de la propiedad y ser叩 responsable de los servicios de energ鱈a el
Alfresco DevCon 2011. Implementing eGov Portal. Powered by Alfresco and OrbeonOksana Kurysheva
This document outlines an approach to implementing an eGovernment portal powered by Alfresco and Orbeon. It discusses integrating Alfresco for document management and workflows with Orbeon for electronic form authoring and submission. Key aspects include using Orbeon Builder for non-technical users to create complex forms, integrating the systems using REST APIs, developing content models and workflows in Alfresco to automate form execution, and additional extensions like a custom file uploader and related workflows. The overall goal is to make government services available online by converting paper forms to electronic formats and establishing workflows to process submitted forms.
Primer revista del Instituto Superior Fundaci坦n Rayuela.
Prof. Melody Moro y alumnos de la carrera T辿cnico en Com. y Adm. de bibliotecas. Cohorte 2013.
EDE introduces their new SURFACE collection for unique lighting projects. The SURFACE system includes new light switch and surface lighting models, accessories like junction boxes, brass wiring, and braided cables - all in matching brass styles. The collection allows installations to be done on surfaces while preserving walls and ceilings. The innovative system provides elegant solutions for original projects.
Este documento presenta el resumen de la quinta edici坦n del evento CADE Emprendedores 2012, cuyo objetivo fue inspirar a los asistentes a "atreverse a dar el paso" para impulsar el crecimiento de sus empresas. Se expusieron casos exitosos de emprendedores peruanos y se presentaron las medidas del Estado para apoyar el desarrollo empresarial. El evento busc坦 motivar la automotivaci坦n, innovaci坦n y creatividad de los emprendedores, as鱈 como la necesidad de formalizar y profesionalizar sus negocios para ser competit
Este documento proporciona una descripci坦n detallada de la anatom鱈a y fisiolog鱈a del aparato urinario, incluyendo los ri単ones, ur辿teres, vejiga y uretra. Explica c坦mo los ri単ones filtran la sangre para formar orina a trav辿s de unidades funcionales llamadas nefronas, y los procesos de filtraci坦n, reabsorci坦n y secreci坦n que tienen lugar a lo largo del t炭bulo renal. Tambi辿n describe las hormonas involucradas en la regulaci坦n del volumen y composici坦n de la orina, como la AD
Selex ES at Le Bourget 2013 Cyber Security Seminar-Alessandro Menna Leonardo
1) The document discusses cyber defense and security solutions offered by Alessandro Menna Cyber Security & Information Assurance. It provides an overview of their customers, capabilities, and services.
2) Their mission is to be a leading provider of cyber defense and security solutions to governments like Italy and NATO as well as enterprises. They offer security operation centers, consulting, managed security services, and intelligence analysis.
3) Their approach involves comprehensive security assessments, monitoring networks and systems, analyzing threats, and developing remediation strategies to prevent future incidents. They utilize cyber intelligence and have a security operation center to quickly detect and respond to security issues.
This summary provides the key points from the document in 3 sentences:
The document discusses the importance of cyber security as technology becomes integrated into daily life. It covers topics like cyber warfare, encryption, and the effects on e-commerce. Promoting cyber security is important as hackers can steal valuable information from corporations and use software to enable crimes like fraud.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre Challenge Consulting Group S. A., una firma de consultor鱈a internacional con sede en Panam叩. El documento describe la misi坦n de la compa単鱈a, sus servicios de consultor鱈a en mercados burs叩tiles, el sector financiero, banca de inversi坦n y m叩s. Tambi辿n presenta la experiencia de la compa単鱈a y su equipo de consultores, y proporciona informaci坦n de contacto.
Plan de Competitividad de Turismo Activo. Sierra de Gredos y Valle de Iruelas...Turismo de vila
Encuentro Profesional de Turismo Rural 2014:
Pedro Carrasco - Plan de Competitividad de Turismo Activo. Sierra de Gredos y Valle de Iruelas
Se presenta OpenSAMM como iniciativa para ayudar a las organizaciones a dise単ar e implementar una estrategia para la creaci坦n de software seguro. Los recursos facilitatos por OpenSAMM ayudan a evaluar las pr叩cticas de seguridad existentes, demostrar mejoras concretas, definir y medir actividades relacionadas con la seguridad, as鱈 como construir un programa que garantice la seguridad en el desarrollo de software.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre c坦mo realizar b炭squedas efectivas en PubMed y Medline. Explica el uso de operadores l坦gicos como AND, OR y NOT para limitar los resultados de la b炭squeda. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo utilizar l鱈mites como tipo de art鱈culo, grupo etario y fecha para acotar a炭n m叩s los resultados. Finalmente, brinda detalles sobre c坦mo buscar por autor, t鱈tulo de revista u otros campos espec鱈ficos.
This study analyzed clinical data from 108 children undergoing overnight orthokeratology treatment at a university clinic in Hong Kong. Significant reductions in spherical refractive error (58%) and improvements in unaided vision were found after just one night of lens wear. Over 80% of patients were advised to use eye drops to help remove the lenses, as corneal staining was a common complication. A patient survey found that over 90% reported good or better unaided vision after treatment and rated it as satisfactory or very good, though lens binding and eye discharge were commonly reported problems. The results suggest that overnight orthokeratology is effective and safe for reducing low to moderate myopia in children under close monitoring.
La empresa se dedica a la exportaci坦n de alimentos 辿tnicos peruanos a Estados Unidos, Europa y Jap坦n. Propone desarrollar nuevas presentaciones del choclo para exportar el 100% de la cosecha en lugar del 20% actual, reduciendo los precios en un 50% y triplicando la demanda. Para ello requiere de un socio inversionista que aporte capital para cultivar choclo durante todo el a単o en 120 hect叩reas y expandir las exportaciones.
El algod坦n enga単a. Nuestro algod坦n Fox Fibre Cologranic, no.FoxFibre Colorganic
El documento habla sobre los beneficios del algod坦n org叩nico Fox Fibre速 Colorganic速 comparado con el algod坦n convencional. Explica que el algod坦n convencional usa blanqueadores qu鱈micos da単inos mientras que el algod坦n org叩nico Fox Fibre速 Colorganic速 mantiene sus colores naturales sin productos qu鱈micos. Adem叩s, destaca que despu辿s de m叩s de 20 a単os de sostenibilidad en el sector textil espa単ol, su algod坦n org叩nico sigue siendo 炭nico y ha ganado mercados internacionales debido al cre
This document provides an overview of Elasticsearch including:
- Elasticsearch is a database server that is document-based and schema-free, built on Apache Lucene.
- It allows for full-text search across fields in documents and supports CRUD operations via a RESTful API.
- Common operations demonstrated include indexing, updating, retrieving, and deleting documents.
- Advanced search capabilities include filtering, phrase matching, and highlighting search terms.
- Analytics features like aggregations allow grouping and metrics like average age to be computed across document fields and buckets.
Codemotion Mad 2014 - Things I love seeing when I buy something online - Brai...Alberto L坦pez Mart鱈n
The document appears to be a presentation slide deck discussing payment processing and Braintree's platform. It covers topics like validating credit cards, formatting fields for expiration dates, limiting number of digits in fields based on card type, and integrating payments through a simple and secure client-side integration. It promotes features like a native checkout experience, additional payment methods through Braintree accounts, and supporting innovation through the platform.
Park Assist refuerza su posici坦n como l鱈der mundial
en tecnolog鱈as inteligentes urbanas con el lanzamiento
del primer Sistema de Rastreo de Veh鱈culos integral.
El M3 mejora de inmediato la experiencia del cliente,
la seguridad y la rentabilidad a trav辿s de una red
sofisticada de c叩maras digitales (patente en tr叩mite).
HoneySpider Network: a Java based system to hunt down malicious websitesNLJUG
This document discusses the HoneySpider Network (HSN), which is an early warning system that detects attacks on client applications like web browsers. It works by periodically scanning trusted websites and detecting any malicious content. If found, a report is generated. The system is open source and its architecture allows for flexible configuration and scalability. It utilizes various services, analyzers and honeypots to analyze suspicious content and activities. A demo was provided of how to develop a custom service for HSN using Java.
Global Hotel Alliance: Campaign Automation on a Global ScaleBlueHornet
In this presentation, discover how BlueHornet client Global Hotel Alliance streamlined their global sending while continuously catering to subscribers interests and preferencesdelivering relevant content to all corners of the globe and growing subscriber loyalty.
El documento es un contrato de arrendamiento entre Ricardo Manuel Abaro Calcina como arrendador y Galo V叩squez Rodr鱈guez como arrendatario. El arrendador da en alquiler al arrendatario una vivienda de 3 dormitorios, cocina, sala, ba単o y patio por un periodo de un a単o, del 1 de enero de 2013 al 1 de enero de 2014, por un monto mensual de S/. 1000. El arrendatario se compromete a no subarrendar ni ceder el uso de la propiedad y ser叩 responsable de los servicios de energ鱈a el
Alfresco DevCon 2011. Implementing eGov Portal. Powered by Alfresco and OrbeonOksana Kurysheva
This document outlines an approach to implementing an eGovernment portal powered by Alfresco and Orbeon. It discusses integrating Alfresco for document management and workflows with Orbeon for electronic form authoring and submission. Key aspects include using Orbeon Builder for non-technical users to create complex forms, integrating the systems using REST APIs, developing content models and workflows in Alfresco to automate form execution, and additional extensions like a custom file uploader and related workflows. The overall goal is to make government services available online by converting paper forms to electronic formats and establishing workflows to process submitted forms.
Primer revista del Instituto Superior Fundaci坦n Rayuela.
Prof. Melody Moro y alumnos de la carrera T辿cnico en Com. y Adm. de bibliotecas. Cohorte 2013.
EDE introduces their new SURFACE collection for unique lighting projects. The SURFACE system includes new light switch and surface lighting models, accessories like junction boxes, brass wiring, and braided cables - all in matching brass styles. The collection allows installations to be done on surfaces while preserving walls and ceilings. The innovative system provides elegant solutions for original projects.
Este documento presenta el resumen de la quinta edici坦n del evento CADE Emprendedores 2012, cuyo objetivo fue inspirar a los asistentes a "atreverse a dar el paso" para impulsar el crecimiento de sus empresas. Se expusieron casos exitosos de emprendedores peruanos y se presentaron las medidas del Estado para apoyar el desarrollo empresarial. El evento busc坦 motivar la automotivaci坦n, innovaci坦n y creatividad de los emprendedores, as鱈 como la necesidad de formalizar y profesionalizar sus negocios para ser competit
Este documento proporciona una descripci坦n detallada de la anatom鱈a y fisiolog鱈a del aparato urinario, incluyendo los ri単ones, ur辿teres, vejiga y uretra. Explica c坦mo los ri単ones filtran la sangre para formar orina a trav辿s de unidades funcionales llamadas nefronas, y los procesos de filtraci坦n, reabsorci坦n y secreci坦n que tienen lugar a lo largo del t炭bulo renal. Tambi辿n describe las hormonas involucradas en la regulaci坦n del volumen y composici坦n de la orina, como la AD
Selex ES at Le Bourget 2013 Cyber Security Seminar-Alessandro Menna Leonardo
1) The document discusses cyber defense and security solutions offered by Alessandro Menna Cyber Security & Information Assurance. It provides an overview of their customers, capabilities, and services.
2) Their mission is to be a leading provider of cyber defense and security solutions to governments like Italy and NATO as well as enterprises. They offer security operation centers, consulting, managed security services, and intelligence analysis.
3) Their approach involves comprehensive security assessments, monitoring networks and systems, analyzing threats, and developing remediation strategies to prevent future incidents. They utilize cyber intelligence and have a security operation center to quickly detect and respond to security issues.
Welcome to the March 2025 issue of WIPAC Monthly the magazine brought to you by the LinkedIn Group WIPAC Monthly.
In this month's edition, on top of the month's news from the water industry we cover subjects from the intelligent use of wastewater networks, the use of machine learning in water quality as well as how, we as an industry, need to develop the skills base in developing areas such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Enjoy the latest edition
The Golden Gate Bridge a structural marvel inspired by mother nature.pptxAkankshaRawat75
The Golden Gate Bridge is a 6 lane suspension bridge spans the Golden Gate Strait, connecting the city of San Francisco to Marin County, California.
It provides a vital transportation link between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay.
Were excited to share our product profile, showcasing our expertise in Industrial Valves, Instrumentation, and Hydraulic & Pneumatic Solutions.
We also supply API-approved valves from globally trusted brands, ensuring top-notch quality and internationally certified solutions. Lets explore valuable business opportunities together!
We specialize in:
Industrial Valves (Gate, Globe, Ball, Butterfly, Check)
Instrumentation (Pressure Gauges, Transmitters, Flow Meters)
Pneumatic Products (Cylinders, Solenoid Valves, Fittings)
As authorized partners of trusted global brands, we deliver high-quality solutions tailored to meet your industrial needs with seamless support.