In 2007 I proposed and achieved the reclassification of four (4) ICT helpdesk officers in ICT Central, SA Health, from ASO2 Helpdesk Officer up to ASO3 Senior Helpdesk Officer
This document discusses the codes and conventions of movie trailers. It covers the typical inclusion of cast and crew credits as well as the main characters that are often featured based on Vladimir Propp's character archetypes. It also summarizes that trailers strategically reveal parts of the plot and narrative to entice viewers without giving too much away, often ending on a cliffhanger. Additionally, it notes the importance of voiceovers, soundtracks, target audiences, company logos, props, and setting in establishing the genre and tone of the film for potential viewers.
The document discusses strategies for improving diabetes management programs to better serve racially and ethnically diverse patient populations. It emphasizes the importance of cultural competence and addressing health beliefs, alternative treatments, language barriers, and family roles that are specific to different ethnic groups. Effective programs elicit patients' cultural health beliefs, educate practitioners, provide language assistance, and address social factors like racism that can influence health outcomes.
The document discusses the rules for multiplying integers. It states that if two integers have the same sign, their product is positive, and if they have opposite signs, their product is negative. It also notes that if one or both integers being multiplied is 0, the product is 0. Examples are provided to illustrate multiplying integers with the same sign, opposite signs, and where one factor is 0. The rules are then generalized to multiplying more than two integers. An example problem demonstrates multiplying several integers together and determining the sign of the product based on the number of negative factors.
La posibilidad de presentar declaraci¨®n anticipada en todos los reg¨ªmenes aduaneros, la identificaci¨®n de los usuarios de comercio exterior confiables que permitir¨¢ concentrar el control en los operadores riesgosos y la obligaci¨®n de pagar los derechos e impuestos de importaci¨®n por medios electr¨®nicos, son, entre otros, los mecanismos que trae el nuevo Estatuto Aduanero y que se traducen en mayor facilitaci¨®n para las operaciones de comercio exterior.
La ministra de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, Cecilia ?lvarez-Correa, explic¨® que esta es una herramienta que permite armonizar las normas y los procedimientos de las operaciones de comercio exterior con est¨¢ndares internacionales y les permitir¨¢ a los empresarios reducir tiempos y costos en los procesos del comercio exterior, lo que contribuir¨¢ a mejorar la competitividad.
Los diferentes mecanismos que trae la nueva legislaci¨®n permitir¨¢n, por ejemplo, reducir sustancialmente el tiempo de nacionalizaci¨®n de una mercanc¨ªa al pasar de 270 horas a 48 horas.
Enviro Technology Services plc provides advanced air quality monitoring systems utilizing integrated digital technology. Their systems are compact, simple to operate, easy to maintain, and future-proof. They offer a wide range of continuous gas, particulate, and meteorological sensors. Data retrieval is redefined through integrated digital technology which allows for remote system operation and flexible calibration options.
El documento resume conceptos fundamentales sobre el universo, incluyendo que el universo contiene el espacio y tiempo, la materia y energ¨ªa que lo gobiernan. Describe el sistema solar, los planetas y sus movimientos de rotaci¨®n y traslaci¨®n, las estrellas como fuentes de luz, y otros objetos como galaxias, cinturones de asteroides, agujeros negros y sat¨¦lites artificiales y naturales.
This document summarizes the services provided by Pensionmark to help clients with retirement planning. Pensionmark believes retirement planning should be simple and puts clients at the center of everything. They provide fiduciary support, reliable experts, education programs, online tools and customized plans. The document outlines how they assess plans, providers and costs to help clients optimize their retirement strategies. Pensionmark is committed to challenging the traditional approaches and finding better solutions for clients.
This document discusses summary queries in SQL. It explains that summary queries are used to retrieve aggregate or summary information rather than details of individual records. It describes SQL column functions such as SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT that can be used to summarize data. It also discusses GROUP BY and HAVING clauses that allow grouping and filtering of aggregated data. Subqueries and the CASE statement for conditional logic in SQL queries are also briefly covered.
Este poema habla de un hombre enamorado de una mujer a la que describe como una "ni?a hechizera". El poema expresa que aunque otros pregunten sobre su amor, ¨¦l solo contar¨¢ parte de la historia y no revelar¨¢ todo para evitar despertar envidia. Resalta lo hermoso que es el amor que siente por ella y pide perd¨®n si al expresar su emoci¨®n rompe el silencio.
The document summarizes information for a KS4 information evening at Rednock School. It outlines three pathways for students to choose courses based on their interests and goals. The core curriculum requirements are described. Students can choose from a range of GCSE and BTEC courses as options. Important dates for the options process are also listed.
5 2 Mobile Veteran Facing Applications Design Pattern Signed 4Nov2015Nick Bogden
This document discusses establishing an enterprise direction for veteran-facing mobile applications. It outlines the current capabilities and limitations, which include inconsistent single sign-on, a limited user experience, lack of multi-platform availability, and limited scalability and analytics. The future vision includes a mobile strategy, improved user experience, a centralized application store, scalable infrastructure, and analytics to better serve veterans' mobile needs.
Phil Mechanisms for e-Gov, ICT Devt, Innovation and EntrepreneurshipAlejandro Melchor III
The document provides an overview of Philippine mechanisms for e-government services, ICT development, innovation and entrepreneurship. It discusses key initiatives like the i-BPLS project to streamline business permits, the E-Serbisyo portal for online government services, and the Philippine Digital Strategy to promote transparent governance. It also outlines the country's growing ICT infrastructure including expansions of broadband access and fiber optic networks, as well as programs to develop IT talent and leverage the labor force.
Presentation to the 1st year students in Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology in University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kampar Campus, Malaysia.
Main Content:
1. Statistics of ICT job market in Malaysia.
2. 10 commandments for success in ICT career
This document discusses ST's offline power supply products. It begins with an introduction to ST, including its market segments and major product lines. It then covers offline power supply configurations and topologies like SMPS. The document outlines ST's new VIPer+ family, including its roadmap and product details. It also discusses new products, magnetic components, and design tools and recommendations. The overall summary provides context about ST's offline power supply portfolio and upcoming products.
Regulator's role in ensuring successful MNP implementation and managementBSP Media Group
The document discusses the regulator's role in ensuring successful mobile number portability (MNP) implementation and management in Tanzania. It provides an overview of Tanzania's communications sector, including policies, regulations, licensing frameworks, market growth, and infrastructure development. It then examines available MNP approaches, noting Tanzania opted for direct routing using All Call Query and a centralized clearinghouse operated by an independent third party. The regulator's involvement in MNP includes establishing robust processes, managing numbering resources, ensuring quality of service, and facilitating dispute resolution. Stakeholder collaboration is also key to the success of MNP.
The document discusses Taiwan's progress in e-learning and ICT education. It provides an overview of key organizations and companies contributing to the e-learning sector in Taiwan. The Institute for Information Industry (III) has played a pivotal role in developing Taiwan's ICT industry and digital education. E-learning adoption is growing in both corporate training and K-12 education. The overall value of Taiwan's e-learning industry is also increasing, projected to reach NT$45 billion by 2012. Leading companies offer a variety of e-learning solutions including courseware, platforms, hardware, and consulting services.
The document summarizes Thailand Science Park and the National Science & Technology Development Agency (NSTDA). It discusses NSTDA's centers established in 1983, 1985, 1985, 2003, and 2006. It also provides NSTDA's budget and spending from 2003-2010. Finally, it outlines NSTDA Academy's flagship services which include executive education courses, green practices courses, and ICT professional standards and exams.
MSF ITC Strat Plan - Executive summary v11Joan Lluis
The document provides an executive summary of the ITC Strategic Plan for Barcelona dated December 13, 2007. It outlines the objectives of developing the strategic plan, which are to increase efficiency, transparency, and establish a learning organization. The strategic plan was developed jointly with various MSF departments and Accenture. It assesses the current ITC organization, systems, infrastructure, and identifies areas for improvement. The strategic plan also outlines a proposed new ITC organizational model and future system architecture to better support MSF. A roadmap for initiatives over the next three years is included to implement the changes according to organizational priorities.
The document discusses academia-industry collaboration in Denmark, specifically regarding technology transfer and university spin-outs. It provides statistics on invention disclosures, patent applications, licensing agreements, and spinouts from 2000-2010. It also details the goals, resources, and partner organizations of Copenhagen Spin-outs, a initiative to increase the number of sustainable biotech spinouts. The document highlights 5 key points about improving academia-industry collaboration, such as changing scientists' mindsets, securing technology transfer office resources, earlier industry involvement, properly structuring spinouts, and maintaining momentum while reducing bureaucracy.
El documento resume conceptos fundamentales sobre el universo, incluyendo que el universo contiene el espacio y tiempo, la materia y energ¨ªa que lo gobiernan. Describe el sistema solar, los planetas y sus movimientos de rotaci¨®n y traslaci¨®n, las estrellas como fuentes de luz, y otros objetos como galaxias, cinturones de asteroides, agujeros negros y sat¨¦lites artificiales y naturales.
This document summarizes the services provided by Pensionmark to help clients with retirement planning. Pensionmark believes retirement planning should be simple and puts clients at the center of everything. They provide fiduciary support, reliable experts, education programs, online tools and customized plans. The document outlines how they assess plans, providers and costs to help clients optimize their retirement strategies. Pensionmark is committed to challenging the traditional approaches and finding better solutions for clients.
This document discusses summary queries in SQL. It explains that summary queries are used to retrieve aggregate or summary information rather than details of individual records. It describes SQL column functions such as SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT that can be used to summarize data. It also discusses GROUP BY and HAVING clauses that allow grouping and filtering of aggregated data. Subqueries and the CASE statement for conditional logic in SQL queries are also briefly covered.
Este poema habla de un hombre enamorado de una mujer a la que describe como una "ni?a hechizera". El poema expresa que aunque otros pregunten sobre su amor, ¨¦l solo contar¨¢ parte de la historia y no revelar¨¢ todo para evitar despertar envidia. Resalta lo hermoso que es el amor que siente por ella y pide perd¨®n si al expresar su emoci¨®n rompe el silencio.
The document summarizes information for a KS4 information evening at Rednock School. It outlines three pathways for students to choose courses based on their interests and goals. The core curriculum requirements are described. Students can choose from a range of GCSE and BTEC courses as options. Important dates for the options process are also listed.
5 2 Mobile Veteran Facing Applications Design Pattern Signed 4Nov2015Nick Bogden
This document discusses establishing an enterprise direction for veteran-facing mobile applications. It outlines the current capabilities and limitations, which include inconsistent single sign-on, a limited user experience, lack of multi-platform availability, and limited scalability and analytics. The future vision includes a mobile strategy, improved user experience, a centralized application store, scalable infrastructure, and analytics to better serve veterans' mobile needs.
Phil Mechanisms for e-Gov, ICT Devt, Innovation and EntrepreneurshipAlejandro Melchor III
The document provides an overview of Philippine mechanisms for e-government services, ICT development, innovation and entrepreneurship. It discusses key initiatives like the i-BPLS project to streamline business permits, the E-Serbisyo portal for online government services, and the Philippine Digital Strategy to promote transparent governance. It also outlines the country's growing ICT infrastructure including expansions of broadband access and fiber optic networks, as well as programs to develop IT talent and leverage the labor force.
Presentation to the 1st year students in Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology in University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kampar Campus, Malaysia.
Main Content:
1. Statistics of ICT job market in Malaysia.
2. 10 commandments for success in ICT career
This document discusses ST's offline power supply products. It begins with an introduction to ST, including its market segments and major product lines. It then covers offline power supply configurations and topologies like SMPS. The document outlines ST's new VIPer+ family, including its roadmap and product details. It also discusses new products, magnetic components, and design tools and recommendations. The overall summary provides context about ST's offline power supply portfolio and upcoming products.
Regulator's role in ensuring successful MNP implementation and managementBSP Media Group
The document discusses the regulator's role in ensuring successful mobile number portability (MNP) implementation and management in Tanzania. It provides an overview of Tanzania's communications sector, including policies, regulations, licensing frameworks, market growth, and infrastructure development. It then examines available MNP approaches, noting Tanzania opted for direct routing using All Call Query and a centralized clearinghouse operated by an independent third party. The regulator's involvement in MNP includes establishing robust processes, managing numbering resources, ensuring quality of service, and facilitating dispute resolution. Stakeholder collaboration is also key to the success of MNP.
The document discusses Taiwan's progress in e-learning and ICT education. It provides an overview of key organizations and companies contributing to the e-learning sector in Taiwan. The Institute for Information Industry (III) has played a pivotal role in developing Taiwan's ICT industry and digital education. E-learning adoption is growing in both corporate training and K-12 education. The overall value of Taiwan's e-learning industry is also increasing, projected to reach NT$45 billion by 2012. Leading companies offer a variety of e-learning solutions including courseware, platforms, hardware, and consulting services.
The document summarizes Thailand Science Park and the National Science & Technology Development Agency (NSTDA). It discusses NSTDA's centers established in 1983, 1985, 1985, 2003, and 2006. It also provides NSTDA's budget and spending from 2003-2010. Finally, it outlines NSTDA Academy's flagship services which include executive education courses, green practices courses, and ICT professional standards and exams.
MSF ITC Strat Plan - Executive summary v11Joan Lluis
The document provides an executive summary of the ITC Strategic Plan for Barcelona dated December 13, 2007. It outlines the objectives of developing the strategic plan, which are to increase efficiency, transparency, and establish a learning organization. The strategic plan was developed jointly with various MSF departments and Accenture. It assesses the current ITC organization, systems, infrastructure, and identifies areas for improvement. The strategic plan also outlines a proposed new ITC organizational model and future system architecture to better support MSF. A roadmap for initiatives over the next three years is included to implement the changes according to organizational priorities.
The document discusses academia-industry collaboration in Denmark, specifically regarding technology transfer and university spin-outs. It provides statistics on invention disclosures, patent applications, licensing agreements, and spinouts from 2000-2010. It also details the goals, resources, and partner organizations of Copenhagen Spin-outs, a initiative to increase the number of sustainable biotech spinouts. The document highlights 5 key points about improving academia-industry collaboration, such as changing scientists' mindsets, securing technology transfer office resources, earlier industry involvement, properly structuring spinouts, and maintaining momentum while reducing bureaucracy.
2010-2013 Semiconductor Market Forecast Seizing the economic & political ...Stephan Cadene
The document discusses the 2010-2013 semiconductor market forecast from the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) and European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA). It notes that the latest WSTS forecast shows strong market growth and a positive outlook. However, it questions whether Europe will be able to capitalize on these opportunities. It also discusses the renewed political focus on key enabling technologies in Europe and how words need to turn into actions. Charts are included showing historical and forecasted growth in the worldwide and European semiconductor markets from 2009-2012.
The document summarizes key lessons learned from a visit to the IT operations center for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. It discusses 4 main lessons: 1) operational excellence comes before innovation for mission-critical systems, 2) partnership and trust between organizations is crucial, 3) awareness of project phases/milestones is important, and 4) thorough testing of systems, people and procedures is needed. The Olympics provides an example of successfully delivering large-scale, time-critical IT through meticulous planning, focus on quality over features/costs, and not cutting corners in testing or risk management. These lessons can help improve IT project management in higher education.
This document summarizes a research paper on an airport management system using face recognition. It discusses:
1) Developing a face recognition-based attendance tracking system to improve efficiency over previous systems.
2) Creating face databases to train the recognition algorithm to identify passengers during check-in.
3) The system automatically records attendance by identifying faces, displaying passenger IDs and names, and saving records.
Report On Human Resource Division And Customer Service Division Of Aktelrifat277
The document provides details about the human resource division and customer service division of Aktel, a mobile company in Bangladesh. It discusses Aktel's recruiting, selection, orientation, training and development processes.
The human resource division handles recruiting, selection, training, compensation and benefits. It recruits both internally and externally through various sources like advertising, agencies and colleges. The selection process involves written tests and interviews to identify the most qualified candidates.
The division also manages orientation, training and development programs to improve employees' skills. This includes various training plans and evaluations. The customer service division focuses on customer care through its 24/7 support helpline and customer touch points. It aims to prioritize customer needs through integrity, commitment
This document provides a report on a GPS-based bus management system software engineering project. It includes an introduction describing the purpose and scope of tracking buses using GPS. It outlines the software requirements specification including data flow diagrams and a data dictionary. It also discusses project management aspects like cost estimation, scheduling, and risk management. The design section includes architectural design and an entity relationship diagram. Finally, it proposes some test cases for the administrator module.
The document discusses the opportunity for innovation in information and communication technologies (ICT) for emerging regions. It notes that ICT adoption is rapidly increasing in emerging markets, creating a large potential market. Sri Lanka is well-positioned to develop ICT solutions for these regions due to its competitive advantages. The document proposes creating an ecosystem to encourage ICT research, entrepreneurship and awareness focused on emerging region opportunities through initiatives like hackathons, seed funding and incubation centers. The goal is for Sri Lanka to become a leader in ICT for emerging markets.
This document provides details about a project to develop a data and business process intelligence platform using the Alfresco ECM system and Pentaho tools. The project aims to extract data from Alfresco, transform it using Pentaho Data Integration, load it into a data warehouse, and generate reports using Pentaho Reporting. It will extract document, folder, user, and audit data from Alfresco and load it into dimensional tables. Transformations and reports will then be created using Pentaho tools to provide reporting functionality. The reports will be published to the Pentaho BI server and stored in Alfresco for end users.
The document provides an overview of the programs and activities of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) in 2011. It discusses ATI's mandate to provide extension support, capacity building initiatives, and training programs to various stakeholders including farmers, extension workers, and local governments. It also highlights ATI's efforts in areas such as organic agriculture, climate change adaptation, e-learning, scholarship programs, and partnerships with other organizations to strengthen agricultural extension services nationwide.
The document introduces the Digital Education Institute (DEI), which provides IT training and manpower development. It outlines DEI's mission to provide government and industry training, lists its business scope such as e-learning and certification programs, and details its training capacities, features, and honors. DEI has trained over 400,000 IT professionals over 30 years and its trainees come from various industries.
Dain Sanye was inducted into Worldwide Who's Who for his excellence in information technology consulting and management. He has over a decade of experience in the IT sector and currently works as a senior consultant for Infinite Technology Solutions, where he manages projects focusing on strategic business process improvement and risk management. Sanye has expertise in areas like risk management, business analysis, and database design. He holds certifications in ITILv3, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and PRINCE2 Practitioner and has a Bachelor's degree in biology and biochemistry from Griffith University.
I wrote this guide as a source for online help (html, chm), FAQs, user support services, and to assist with the development of marketing collateral for the specific target audience of training facilitators.
Learning management system design specification_previewDainSanye
I wrote this document to manage the project team, capture stakeholder requirements, and specify the design of the Learning Management System (LMS) solution.
This document certifies that an individual named has successfully demonstrated knowledge to meet the requirements for an ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management as of November 21, 2012, as issued by ALC Group and certified by David Clarke, the Chief Executive of BCS. The certificate was issued electronically and can be validated online or by phone.
I managed this project to increase efficiency and productivity of 56 staff with an upgrade of their standard operating environment to Windows 7 with Microsoft Office 2010. I concurrently upgraded the monitor configuration of 28 staff.
When you know what you¡¯re doing will achieve your goals, it¡¯s time to evaluate and continuously improve!
I wrote this evaluation guide to simplify and standardise the evaluation processes for team evaluation, strategic project evaluation, and learning program evaluations.
This is a survey I created to evaluate the upgrade of 56 team members to the Windows 7 operating system with MS Office 2010 (from Windows XP and Office 2003), both pre-project and post-project evaluation with conditions set on many questions to make them visible only for appropriate users at appropriate milestones through the project
The document provides information about a corporate self review survey for a business unit to evaluate its performance and operations. It details the criteria and principles the survey will assess, including focus on core business, think systemically, share leadership, attend to culture, listen and respond, make data count, set directions, and target resources. The survey uses a ratings scale and aims to provide anonymous data for collaborative discussion to identify improvement opportunities.
I created this knowledge base database for ICT Central to fill a gap in the retention and access of issue cause and resolution across the corporate SA Health department in 2008
How to use the HEAT helpdesk call-logging softwareDainSanye
This document outlines the procedures for logging ICT support requests. First level support takes initial queries and resolves issues if possible. Higher level support handles more complex problems. Service level agreements define responsibilities between the support team and customers. When logging a new request, all available details about the problem and troubleshooting steps already taken are recorded to aid second level support and track the customer's history.
How to use the HEAT helpdesk call-logging softwareDainSanye
Comparative analysis for J&PS ICT first level helpdesk
1. Page 1 of 5
Comparative Job & Person Specification Analysis
for First Level ICT Helpdesk Officers
throughout the South Australian Public Service
A total of 553 roles and responsibilities (Appendix 1) were examined from
eleven First Level ICT Helpdesk Job & Person Specifications (J&PS) for
seven State Government Departments and internal Health Agencies (see
Table 1 with remuneration levels from ASO2, ASO3 and ASO4).
Specific second level support roles and responsibilities examined from J&PS
from metropolitan (non-CBD) areas including Flinders Medical Centre and
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, were discounted from combined first level
helpdesk and second level support J&PS positions in Table 2 as column 7.
Department of Health second level ICT support J&PS defining specific roles
and responsibilities not performed by First Level ICT Central Helpdesk
Officers include:
? User Administration ASO3 Senior Helpdesk Officer
? PC Support ASO4 ICT Support Officer
The 533 roles and responsibilities are categorised under the following 15
1. Adaptability, Learning and Development, Undertaking Training
2. Communication with Customers, Team Members and External Affiliates
3. Computer Literacy (Applications, Hardware & Network Infrastructure)
4. Confidentiality, Privacy, Freedom of Information
5. Customer Service, Efficiency and Efficacy
6. Documentation (Preparation, Maintenance, Distribution)
7. Initiative, Responsibility, Pro-activity, Working without Supervision
8. Meeting Deadlines, Prioritisation, Working Under Pressure
9. OHW&S, EEO, Equity and Diversity
10. Other
11. Planning, Organisation and Management
12. Problem-solving, Analytical Ability, Investigation and Research
13. Project Work, Higher Duties
14. Teamwork, Contributing to the Whole
15. Training Users, Clients and Team Members
2. Page 2 of 5
Table 1
Job & Person Specifications examined include:
Department / Agency Branch / Section Remuneration J&PS Position Title
Department of Health ICT Central (ICTC) ASO2 Helpdesk Officer
Flinders Medical Centre ICT ASO2 ICT Support Officer
ASO3 Senior Support Officer
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital ASO3 Helpdesk Officer
Information Technology &
ASO4 Helpdesk Coordinator
DECS Technology & Knowledge ASO3 Customer Support Analyst
(Department of Education & Management Services
Children¡¯s Services) IT Customer Support Centre
ASO4 Senior Customer Support Analyst
DFEEST Service Desk ASO4 ICT Service Desk Officer
(Department of Further Education,
Employment, Science & Technology)
DTF ICT Services ASO3 Service Desk Officer
(Department of Treasury & Finance) Shared Services Reform Office
ASO4 ICT Support Officer
SAPOL Information Systems & ASO3 Helpdesk Officer
(South Australian Police) Technology Services
3. Page 3 of 5
Table 2
The following table quantifies the roles and responsibilities per category detailed in ICT Helpdesk Job & Person Specifications (ASO3,
ASO4) that are currently being performed by Department of Health ICT Central First Level Helpdesk Officers (ASO2).
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7
ICTC Comparing out of Comparing out of 2nd Level
J&PS ICTC to ASO3 Total ICTC to ASO4 Total Support
2 1 5 5 8 8 0
3 2 13 15 11 13 3
6 3 33 52 24 34 28
5 4 2 3 0 0 1
11 5 49 50 22 26 1
3 6 10 13 13 25 5
1 7 22 24 23 26 1
1 8 8 8 7 8 1
2 9 14 14 13 13 0
2 10 5 6 6 8 0
0 11 6 8 13 15 2
2 12 7 7 8 8 0
3 13 2 2 5 12 2
2 14 21 21 17 17 0
3 15 4 6 3 7 2
46 Total 201 234 173 220 46
For column Key see page 4
4. Page 4 of 5
Key to Table 2
Column 1 ¨C ICTC J&PS
This column quantifies the number of roles and responsibilities contained in the ICT Central ASO2 Helpdesk Officer J&PS for each
category (providing a category weighting of role importance for the ICTC Helpdesk Officer position).
Column 2 ¨C Category
This column lists the category number from page 2 representing the category of collated roles and responsibilities from all J&PS
examined in this comparative analysis.
Column 3 ¨C Comparing ICTC to ASO3
This column quantifies the number of ASO3 remunerated roles and responsibilities currently performed by First Level ICT Central
Helpdesk Officers examined in the 553 roles and responsibilities analysed.
Column 4 ¨C out of Total
This column quantifies the total number of ASO3 roles and responsibilities examined in the comparative analysis.
Column 5 ¨C Comparing ICTC to ASO4
This column quantifies the number of ASO4 remunerated roles and responsibilities currently performed by First Level ICT Central
Helpdesk Officers examined in the 553 roles and responsibilities analysed.
Column 6 - out of Total
This column quantifies the total number of ASO4 roles and responsibilities examined in the comparative analysis.
Column 7 ¨C 2nd Level Support
This column quantifies the number of specifically second level ICT support roles and responsibilities that have been discounted from the
resultant percentiles in the comparative analysis because they are currently performed by dedicated second level ICT Services units
within the Department of Health.
5. Page 5 of 5
Resultant Percentiles
First Level ICT Central Helpdesk Officers currently fulfil 98% (201/(234-29)) of
all the ASO3 duties, roles and responsibilities expected from all First Level
Helpdesk Officers across the seven examined Departments and Agencies.
First Level ICT Central Helpdesk Officers concurrently fulfil 85% (173/
(220-17)) of all the ASO4 duties, roles and responsibilities expected from First
Level Helpdesk Officers across the seven examined Departments and
10% (58/553) of duties, roles and responsibilities are specifically assigned to
specialized Second Level ICT Support Officers within the Department of
Health ICT Services branch and are deducted from the total roles and
responsibilities tallied (column 7 Table 1).
eg. 28 Computer Literacy (category 3) roles performed by J&PS at FMC and
TQEH are performed by specialized ICTS PC Support and are not included in
resultant percentiles above.
The four ASO3 duties, roles and responsibilities tallied as not currently
applied by First Level ICT Central Helpdesk Officers and not applied by ASO4
ICT Support Officers within the Department of Health include:
1. Minimum two years experience in the provision of IT Helpdesk or similarly
user oriented support function.
2. Assist in the identification, establishment and review of corporate and
departmental performance standards and outcomes.
3. Desirable - Supervisory experience to manage work of subordinates as
4. Desirable - Knowledge of change management and configuration
management processes.