This document summarizes a discussion at St. Georges Church about how to build community and reconciliation. It discusses checking in with each other, grounding themselves in scripture, and principles of reconciliation communities from Natalie Finstad. Small groups generated ideas like accepting diversity, taking risks like advocating for others, remaining open to influence, seeing potential in each other, speaking truth, and accompanying one another through transformation. Shared spiritual practices could include learning about each other, supporting other faiths, sharing stories, and exploring spiritual questions together.
Humility and the Limitations of SuccessAlister Pate
Humility - it's a funny old concept in our culture. We juxtapose Jesus' purifying the temple with his suprising claim to be humble. What does that tell us about what humility really is, and what it means for success?
Cafechurch Presentation to Fresh Expressions Gathering ParticipantsAlister Pate
This is the presentation I gave to a group of people involved in the Fresh Expressions - Mission Shaped Ministry gathering in Melbourne on 30/1/14. It talks a little bit about the history of Cafechurch, and a lot more about teh things we are learning together.
An introduction to priinciples and doings at Cafechurch, an emerging church (or, perhaps a fresh expression of church) in Melbourne, Australia in 2015.
A workshop given by Anne Witton at the Bountiful women's conference in Sevenoaks in February 2018. It covers using our gifts in mission, evangelism and social action.
Under the influence: breathing life and spirit in/to a mediated worldRose Pacatte, D. Min.
The constant barrage of bad news in a 24 hour news cycle, coupled with opportunities for multi-platfrom entertainment 24/7 with its relentless gospel of consumerism, can be depressing and overwhelming. The demands this electronically mediated environment places on the human person, body and spirit, depending on age and circumstance, requires a response that is personal, social, and cultural. Sister Rose will lead us on a silence-prayer-conversation reflection on this reality using sight and sound samples from popular media to discover ways to breathe and grow joyfully while "under the influence."?I gave this presentation at Loyola University, Baltimore, Feb. 28, 2014, faculty retreat, Education Department.
While sacrifices today don't resemble those literally described in the Bible, the need to make offerings to God remains. Our modern offerings include prayer, meditation, devotion, and other services or resources of value given to God. As in ancient times, God expects us to come near, with what we can afford, whether as thanksgiving or freely given. God continues to call us forward to make offerings during times of need, just as God blessed ancient people and continues to bless people today with ways of coming near.
This document discusses the mission priorities and partnerships of the Chicago Presbytery. It highlights three key mission priority teams: Empower Ministry, Develop Congregations, and Advance Justice. Each team oversees various mission covenants that congregations and organizations can partner with to support causes like youth ministry, leadership development, church planting, affordable housing, and anti-trafficking efforts. The document encourages churches to financially support these mission efforts through shared mission giving to help accomplish more as a presbytery.
I gave this workshop at the Mid-Atlantic Conference for Catholic educators in Baltimore on February 27, 2014. The purpose of the workshop was to show the what, when, where, how, and why for using clips and topic appropriate YouTube videos within classroom teaching, especially for religious education and character education.
The document discusses the PEST analysis of Coca-Cola Company. It analyzes the political, economic, social, and technological factors affecting the company. Politically, government regulations impact Coca-Cola's operations. Economically, recessions can decrease sales while increased incomes can boost them. Socially, trends toward healthier lifestyles are increasing demand for products like diet drinks. Technologically, new production and advertising techniques help Coca-Cola increase output and sales.
The document describes the launch of a new sports nutrition brand called Real Nutrition Co. It will offer a range of high-protein powders and bars, with a focus on using premium, research-backed ingredients in transparent labeling and dosing. The first launch products will include single-serve protein powders and a variety of protein bars for different goals like dieting, snacking, muscle-building, and recovery. Ready-to-drink extensions and an energy/hydration brand will launch later in 2012. The brand aims to deliver effective, science-based products with equally good taste.
Shaping light2011 led architexture-picusled-2picusled
The typical architecture of an LED system includes a driver, control circuitry, and LEDs mounted to a MCPCB (Metal Core Printed Circuit Board). The LEDs generate heat that must be dissipated via a heat sink. Proper lens design is also important for applications like outdoor lighting. RGB LED systems require color measurement and control to maintain consistent color mixing over variations in temperature. Linear LED light sources have thermal challenges to dissipate heat uniformly across the system. LED binning is used to group components by parameters like luminous flux, forward voltage, and chromaticity.
O documento discute as diferentes formas alotr┏picas do carbono, incluindo diamante, grafite, fulerenos e nanotubos de carbono. Descreve as liga??es qu┴micas e estruturas cristalinas do diamante e da grafite, assim como suas propriedades distintas. Tamb└m apresenta breve hist┏rico sobre a descoberta dos fulerenos e nanotubos de carbono.
The document summarizes the events and activities at St. George's Episcopal Church in 2011. Key highlights include worship services, music programs, outreach initiatives including a food pantry and volunteer opportunities, mission work, educational programs, facility improvements and a balanced budget.
This document provides an overview of a catechist initial formation day. It begins with introductions and discusses the purpose of the day which is for catechists to discover their identity, understand their role, observe teaching methods, and continue their own faith formation. Various topics are then covered, including a catechist's call, their role as teacher, prayer leader, storyteller and witness for social justice. Guidance documents for catechesis are referenced. The day aims to equip catechists and remind them that the Spirit is working through their ministry.
Shalom began as a ministry of the chaplains to deepen engagement with students around themes of peace, justice, and love through community. It has since moved to the Spiritual Life Office and remains a primary chapel option. Shalom's purpose is to acquaint students with God's heart through discussion of peace and justice issues and personal encounters with God. Key aspects of Shalom include making and sharing bread to build community, sitting in a circle in a peaceful atmosphere, and including multiple traditions and learning styles through a variety of activities and experiences aimed at welcoming all and creating hospitable space for encounter with God.
What do you do when you find an amazing letter or article that is too long or too dense for your students? Learn how to modify and excerpt documents, allowing students to access the important ideas within them without losing the voice or intention of the original composition. See examples of modified documents and discuss strategies for introducing them to your students.
This document provides guidance for a campus ministry module focused on embracing the power of the Holy Spirit. It includes an introduction noting how the Holy Spirit creates fellowship with God and others. The module then outlines bible passages, studies on embracing God's wisdom and loving one another, and suggestions for outreach and online resources. The studies involve group discussions on what it means to be wise and who constitutes our brothers and sisters. The goal is to spark awareness of the Holy Spirit's work and inspire acting for God through overcoming selfishness.
A presentation I prepared for a workshop on inclusive spirituality, deepening your faith, and relating to people who have different traditions from yours. :)
This document outlines a strategy called "Finding the Hope" to conduct saturation evangelism by distributing gospel literature to every home in a community. The strategy involves mobilizing churches to work together through prayer, distributing booklets containing the gospel message, and following up digitally with those who respond to provide discipleship resources and connect them with local churches. The goal is to give every person an opportunity to hear the gospel message and experience the transforming life of Jesus Christ.
Elders' Development 5 Elders¨ Role in Worship in the URCDevelopmentAdmin
This document discusses the role of elders in leading worship. It identifies several key responsibilities for elders, including ensuring worship offers an encounter with God and involves the congregation. Typical elements of worship are listed, such as singing, prayer, Scripture reading, and communion. The document also discusses creating accessible and missional worship that inspires and equips attendees for service. Creating a flexible worship team and having alternative worship formats are suggested for achieving this.
This document discusses the unique values, theology, and environment of Grassroots church. It notes that Grassroots emphasizes exploration of Scripture, openness to new perspectives, and searching for a transformational faith. This leads to an environment that encourages deep study, humility, care for one another, a focus on families, and developing leaders. The community strives to foster radical support, welcome diversity, and share its love within Thunder Bay through outreach to marginalized groups.
Insights & Inspiration from the ServiceSpace Ecosystem - Aug 2018charityfocus
This document discusses insights and inspiration from the ServiceSpace ecosystem retreat in August 2018. It begins by sharing about a participant whose children were able to be involved in their first circles, carrying on a family tradition of participation that began 20 years prior. The document then outlines several principles for holding space, supporting journeys, nurturing ripples, and embracing an engagement spectrum. It provides examples of how these principles play out across various ServiceSpace initiatives like Awakin circles, retreats, online communities, and local volunteer groups. The inner conditions that enable nurturing ripples are discussed, such as openness, deep listening, and paying attention to attention. Overall, the document celebrates the intergenerational nature of the ServiceSpace
The Temple - Big Reveal - Engagement StrategyDan Medwin
This document summarizes the results of a listening campaign conducted by a temple to understand how to better engage its members. Over 250 members participated in house parties facilitated by 40 volunteers. The discussions revealed that members are seeking meaning, connections, and a sense of community. They expressed interest in discussion groups, arts/culture, spirituality, education, and social support. The temple aims to transition from being program-driven and staff-driven to being more relationship-driven and member-driven. Members expressed needing each other's support during life's challenges and that the temple plays an important role in their lives during good and bad times. Moving forward, members will work to support each other more and the temple will facilitate this engagement.
The document discusses the PEST analysis of Coca-Cola Company. It analyzes the political, economic, social, and technological factors affecting the company. Politically, government regulations impact Coca-Cola's operations. Economically, recessions can decrease sales while increased incomes can boost them. Socially, trends toward healthier lifestyles are increasing demand for products like diet drinks. Technologically, new production and advertising techniques help Coca-Cola increase output and sales.
The document describes the launch of a new sports nutrition brand called Real Nutrition Co. It will offer a range of high-protein powders and bars, with a focus on using premium, research-backed ingredients in transparent labeling and dosing. The first launch products will include single-serve protein powders and a variety of protein bars for different goals like dieting, snacking, muscle-building, and recovery. Ready-to-drink extensions and an energy/hydration brand will launch later in 2012. The brand aims to deliver effective, science-based products with equally good taste.
Shaping light2011 led architexture-picusled-2picusled
The typical architecture of an LED system includes a driver, control circuitry, and LEDs mounted to a MCPCB (Metal Core Printed Circuit Board). The LEDs generate heat that must be dissipated via a heat sink. Proper lens design is also important for applications like outdoor lighting. RGB LED systems require color measurement and control to maintain consistent color mixing over variations in temperature. Linear LED light sources have thermal challenges to dissipate heat uniformly across the system. LED binning is used to group components by parameters like luminous flux, forward voltage, and chromaticity.
O documento discute as diferentes formas alotr┏picas do carbono, incluindo diamante, grafite, fulerenos e nanotubos de carbono. Descreve as liga??es qu┴micas e estruturas cristalinas do diamante e da grafite, assim como suas propriedades distintas. Tamb└m apresenta breve hist┏rico sobre a descoberta dos fulerenos e nanotubos de carbono.
The document summarizes the events and activities at St. George's Episcopal Church in 2011. Key highlights include worship services, music programs, outreach initiatives including a food pantry and volunteer opportunities, mission work, educational programs, facility improvements and a balanced budget.
This document provides an overview of a catechist initial formation day. It begins with introductions and discusses the purpose of the day which is for catechists to discover their identity, understand their role, observe teaching methods, and continue their own faith formation. Various topics are then covered, including a catechist's call, their role as teacher, prayer leader, storyteller and witness for social justice. Guidance documents for catechesis are referenced. The day aims to equip catechists and remind them that the Spirit is working through their ministry.
Shalom began as a ministry of the chaplains to deepen engagement with students around themes of peace, justice, and love through community. It has since moved to the Spiritual Life Office and remains a primary chapel option. Shalom's purpose is to acquaint students with God's heart through discussion of peace and justice issues and personal encounters with God. Key aspects of Shalom include making and sharing bread to build community, sitting in a circle in a peaceful atmosphere, and including multiple traditions and learning styles through a variety of activities and experiences aimed at welcoming all and creating hospitable space for encounter with God.
What do you do when you find an amazing letter or article that is too long or too dense for your students? Learn how to modify and excerpt documents, allowing students to access the important ideas within them without losing the voice or intention of the original composition. See examples of modified documents and discuss strategies for introducing them to your students.
This document provides guidance for a campus ministry module focused on embracing the power of the Holy Spirit. It includes an introduction noting how the Holy Spirit creates fellowship with God and others. The module then outlines bible passages, studies on embracing God's wisdom and loving one another, and suggestions for outreach and online resources. The studies involve group discussions on what it means to be wise and who constitutes our brothers and sisters. The goal is to spark awareness of the Holy Spirit's work and inspire acting for God through overcoming selfishness.
A presentation I prepared for a workshop on inclusive spirituality, deepening your faith, and relating to people who have different traditions from yours. :)
This document outlines a strategy called "Finding the Hope" to conduct saturation evangelism by distributing gospel literature to every home in a community. The strategy involves mobilizing churches to work together through prayer, distributing booklets containing the gospel message, and following up digitally with those who respond to provide discipleship resources and connect them with local churches. The goal is to give every person an opportunity to hear the gospel message and experience the transforming life of Jesus Christ.
Elders' Development 5 Elders¨ Role in Worship in the URCDevelopmentAdmin
This document discusses the role of elders in leading worship. It identifies several key responsibilities for elders, including ensuring worship offers an encounter with God and involves the congregation. Typical elements of worship are listed, such as singing, prayer, Scripture reading, and communion. The document also discusses creating accessible and missional worship that inspires and equips attendees for service. Creating a flexible worship team and having alternative worship formats are suggested for achieving this.
This document discusses the unique values, theology, and environment of Grassroots church. It notes that Grassroots emphasizes exploration of Scripture, openness to new perspectives, and searching for a transformational faith. This leads to an environment that encourages deep study, humility, care for one another, a focus on families, and developing leaders. The community strives to foster radical support, welcome diversity, and share its love within Thunder Bay through outreach to marginalized groups.
Insights & Inspiration from the ServiceSpace Ecosystem - Aug 2018charityfocus
This document discusses insights and inspiration from the ServiceSpace ecosystem retreat in August 2018. It begins by sharing about a participant whose children were able to be involved in their first circles, carrying on a family tradition of participation that began 20 years prior. The document then outlines several principles for holding space, supporting journeys, nurturing ripples, and embracing an engagement spectrum. It provides examples of how these principles play out across various ServiceSpace initiatives like Awakin circles, retreats, online communities, and local volunteer groups. The inner conditions that enable nurturing ripples are discussed, such as openness, deep listening, and paying attention to attention. Overall, the document celebrates the intergenerational nature of the ServiceSpace
The Temple - Big Reveal - Engagement StrategyDan Medwin
This document summarizes the results of a listening campaign conducted by a temple to understand how to better engage its members. Over 250 members participated in house parties facilitated by 40 volunteers. The discussions revealed that members are seeking meaning, connections, and a sense of community. They expressed interest in discussion groups, arts/culture, spirituality, education, and social support. The temple aims to transition from being program-driven and staff-driven to being more relationship-driven and member-driven. Members expressed needing each other's support during life's challenges and that the temple plays an important role in their lives during good and bad times. Moving forward, members will work to support each other more and the temple will facilitate this engagement.
Liturgy Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2017辛
WSCF耽定脅ek弊順W伏畷\晩S匯屎塀括維耽定喇熏揖議M寄縄Yx呀脅嗤熏揖麼}。f定S哂SCM書定祥SWSCF-AP恂麼}SIdentity, Diversity & Dialogue (IDD): Affirming the Image of God and Reclaiming the Wholeness of Life for All。SCMHKS攀Y猟議翌登秘中議intercession prayerS厘仇議。
The document provides information on spirituality for family life ministers. It defines spirituality as a conscious relationship with God through practices that foster Christian discipleship. It emphasizes that spirituality involves being in community and realizing one's identity as a beloved child of God through baptism. It also discusses developing a personal rule of life through contemplative practices and devotions to guide one's spiritual growth in a balanced way. The document provides resources for family life ministers to cultivate their spirituality.
The document discusses the four C's of catechesis - context, content, communion, and conspiracy. It emphasizes that catechesis must engage the heart, head, hands, and feet. Effective catechesis requires understanding the current context, mastering the core content about Jesus Christ, fostering communion through collaboration, and conspiring or acting together to spread the Gospel message.
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhaiParas Parivaar
Sanatan Dharma, also known as the eternal religion, holds a significant place in Hindu culture. This presentation aims to explore the values and contributions of Paras Bhai and his role in fostering religious awareness. It also highlights the importance of Hindu Dharma and the unity promoted by Paras Parivaar
Voodoo death spells, black magic voodoo spells, spell to make someone sick and die, death spells that work fast, death spells that work overnight, spell to die in your sleep, black magic spells to harm someone, most powerful death spell, spells to curse someone, spell make someone die, revenge spells
Here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic to Kill Someone Overnight
Loose Memory
Paralyze the victim
Blocked income
Destroys someone¨s career
Bad luck
Bad dreams
Breaking a relationship or destroying someone¨s cause to separate or divorce.
Controlling someone¨s mind for sex
Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, violence and unhealthy sex.
Causing accidents
Making people sick
Anger and avarice; emotional imbalance fear
Not allowing the victim to sleep depression
Making the victim commit suicide
Blocking a woman¨s monthly periods
Blocking a woman¨s ability to conceive
Today¨s message completes the final third of Peter¨s sermon at Pentecost. We will discuss the meaning of repentance, take an important side journey into the `non-negotiables¨ of our Christian faith, talk about where and how baptism fits into our faith, and celebrate the inauguration of the Church Age as the Holy Spirit makes His grand entrance!
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 2 Samuel 23:3-4 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12
Sendero viviente -Autobiograf┴a de un iluminado- en INGLES.pdfRafael Reverte P└rez
Autobiograf┴a de un Iluminado
? Mi Retiro
? La Se?al del Hijo del Hombre
? Merkaba y La Era de Paz
- Se comenz┏ a transcribir en Abril 2002 (23 abril a 3 mayo alineaci┏n en conjunci┏n Saturno, J┣piter y Mercurio, Venus) -
M└xico 2002
N┣m. de Registro 03-2003-022413471400-01
Revisado por el autor en 2017
Shalom everyone , i will sharing the word of god with you all
This presentation focuses on the spiritual battles we face in life and how, through faith, prayer, and obedience to God, we can emerge victorious. Drawing from powerful biblical stories like Cain and Abel, and examples such as Esther, the presentation explores key Christian lessons on trusting in God¨s plan.
The core message revolves around three key actions:
Putting on the Armor of God daily, as described in Ephesians 6, to spiritually equip ourselves for life¨s challenges.
Trusting in God¨s plan, knowing that He works all things for our good.
Continuing in prayer as a means to maintain connection with God and seek His guidance.
With personal anecdotes, scripture references, and a powerful conclusion reminding the audience that the battle belongs to the Lord, the presentation emphasizes that victory is assured when we align ourselves with God¨s power.
The visuals guide the audience through the journey!starting from the spiritual warfare we face, through biblical examples of triumph, to the ultimate victory in Christ. Through these lessons, the audience is encouraged to strengthen their faith and trust in God to fight their battles.
What are the most effective spiritual healing techniques for reducing stress_...Worldfamouspsychicreader
Our fast-paced world has made stress an unavoidable part of life. From work pressure to personal responsibilities, the constant demands of daily life can take a toll on mental and physical well-being.
2. Checking in at tables
Share your name and the names of anyone with whom you share a
household currently.
Share a brief story about a time this past week when you received a
^gift. ̄
3. Grounding ourselves in the Word
? 2 Corinthians 5:17-20
? So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has
passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God,
who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the
ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the
world to himself,not counting their trespasses against them, and
entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. So we are
ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us;
we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
4. What does this passage tell us about God?
What does this passage tell us about our mission?
5. Communities of Reconciliation
4 principles from Natalie Finstad and the Katalasso movement
-We pattern our lives after Christ¨s radical love as an alternative way of
being in the world.
-We practice solidarity through sharing power, vulnerability, and
-We hunger for transformation and offer ourselves as living witnesses
that resist the powers that corrupt and destroy life.
-We commit to shared spiritual discipline that opens us to receiving
grace from unexpected sources.
6. Questions from the Compassionate Community Weekend C
based in John 4 The Story of Jesus and the woman at the well
How are we welcoming the ^messiness ̄ of relationships with each
other and with ^strangers, ̄ within and beyond our walls?
How are we being ^risky ̄ with how we share our love?
How do we remain open to the influence of others (insiders and
How are we seeing what is possible in one another and in those in the
wider community?
How could we be bolder about speaking truth?
How can we accompany one another through transformation (perhaps
instead of trying to change one another)?
7. Messiness (ideas suggested during small
group sessions in the workshop)
?Accepting of the Differences (Diversity)
?Wear Name Tags
?Call a Communicant by Name when LEM
?Music Camp for children
?Friday Night Dances
?Fredericksburg All Ages
?More Mission trip/Work
?Collaborate with other Churches
8. ? Stephens Ministry
? Reach out on a personal level, e.g. coffee hour
? Invitation to participate
? Use space but´..
? Increased Partnerships
? More interfaith dialog
? Increased visibility of availability
? Cultivate Outreach
? Instigate conversations: One on One and Community
? Partner as individuals
9. Taking risks (new ideas that were suggested in
our workshop small group sessions)
? Go to Different Liturgies
? Communication
? Encourage Interaction during the service
? Invite others to our church (i.e. volunteer community events as St Georges
? Continue to advocate for the homeless
? Write letters to editor
? go public with our message
? posters on the fence
? Continue visible support for Muslim Community and for Refugees
? Vulnerability with sharing ideas
? Small group discussions!not feeling pressure to share
? More connections with people outside of church (eg connecting interfaith families)
? Awareness and sensitivity to issues that people in the community face
? Let broader community know what we offer
10. Remaining Open to the influence of others
(ideas suggested)
? More Seminars/Opportunities outside regular worship
? Vulnerability
? Maintaining an Open, Loving Heart
? Open house
? Listen
? Invitation to Communion
? Sharing our space
? Integrity Service
? Increase the ways in which we welcome people
? Engage/Initiate conversation with visitors
? Be open: View ourselves as an open ciricle!we are not complete C there is other¨s to be
a part of us
11. Seeing what¨s possible in ourselves and
others and in wider community?
? Small Group opportunities e.g. Bible Study during lent ^Bring Them Back ̄
? Backyard Bible School
? Share stories
? Keep conversations open
? More intergenerational activities
? Be more attentive to environmental stewardship e.g. all of these disposable cups
? ^Shoot more arrows ̄ e.g. go to more community forms host city council meetings
? Can we offer use of this facility for other faith communities?
? Survey: Tell us your gifts, talents and skills C suggest/ask without pushing
? Don¨t keep people in their same ^box ̄
? Keep things open, fresh and changing
? Social Media C Extend our reach
? How can we be in solidarity with ^youth? ̄ C Ask that question.
? Go to other churches, celebrations, events
12. Speaking truth
? Keep asking questions
? Keep pushing through boundaries
? Be more truthful about our own lives CMaking ourselves more
? Ask our African American and Muslim churches how we can build
13. Accompanying one another through
? Better Promotion and Identification of Services offered
? Improved New Comers information
? Reach out to persons who refer to themselves as ^spiritual but not
religious ̄
? Address culture of Fear/Anxiety
? Provide Spiritual Solutions through Community Meetings/Interfaith
? Continuing to show up
? Inviting others to church
14. ? Letting go of pre conceived notions
? Recognizing we are all broken
? Learning one another¨s stories
? Remembering each other¨s brokenness
? Being present C walking with person in need
? Accept invitations/Listen for Invitations
? Step outside our comfort zone
? Be supportive
? Separate yourself C really listen C try to put yourself in the others shoes
15. Shared Spiritual Practice
Natalie Finstad reminded us of some wisdom adapted from Fr. Richard
Rohr in his book, Breathing under Water.
^To finally surrender ourselves to healing, we have to have three spaces
opened up within us Call at the same time: 1. Our opinionated head. 2.
Our closed down heart. 3. Our defensive and defended body. This is the
work of spirituality- and it is work! ̄
16. Topics for deeper exploration and potential shared spiritual
practices C topics and ideas were generated during the
weekend workshop
? Commitment to sharing through providing a venue/process to share
what¨s available C What we are, Our story (or maybe even who¨s
? Represent as individual members of the church to activities in the
community :
? Being Public (eg) wearing St Georges T Shirts to a walk for cancer
walking groups
? Identify causes that align with ours and show up to support
? Showing Up
? To all activities and events in T-Shirts:
? (eg) walks for breast cancer, walking in groups
? Clarifying our values through writing letters to the editor
? Listening to the community
? Secure commitment to attend events
? Bible study to help accomplish mission
? Discernment to determine common goal and length of time (short vs long term)
? Pilgrimage
? Retreats
? Trips to share with other congregations
? Optimum number of 12 people for small groups
? Seasonal: Lenten, Advent, Epiphany, etc
? Book Study
? Structure in place to institute or organize a group with clergy support
? Communication with invitation
? Attend alternative service at least once during Lent C shared discipline in Lent
? Extend your ^walk ̄ outside your own neighborhood
? Grab a fellow St. Georgian and accept an invitation to an event/worship service
? Engage in campus ministry/events
? Prayer partner program with Muslim community during Lent
? Interfaith service with food (Saturday Night Supper)
? Share worship space
? Faith Sharing Cards
? Meditation
? Comfortable sith silence
? Open meetings with a story sharing
? One on One meetings
? Prayer Partnership
? Comfort with Name Curiosity
? Course in Active Listening
? Parish Pen Pals
? Checking in at Meetings
? One on One Meetings
? Active Listening Class or coaching
? Checking in at Meetings (church, family, friends) C group committed to this discipline during Lent
? Create a space/time to explore questions/topics related to
beliefs/spiritual journey
? Create Holy Space
? Create an on-line discussion
? Physical small group sessions
? Individuals could explore topics to share with the group.