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State Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Program
 State funds provide approximately $700,000 annually in
grants to train existing workforces and keep them competitive.
 Training grants, covering up to 50% of company training project,
for programs that increase basic skills of employees, training
in written or oral communication, mathematics or science,
and training in technical skills.
 Focus is high-growth industries, such as Advanced Manufacturing,
Healthcare, Finance, Bioscience.
Contact Information:
(Bridgeport) 203.455.2601 (New Haven) 203.859.3303
(Hartford) 860.256.3699 (Waterbury) 203.437.3274 	
(New London) 860.412.7021 	
Manufacturing Innovation Fund 
Incumbent Worker Training Program
 $7M training program in partnership with the Department
of Economic and Community Development; offers
matching funds ranging from $5,000 to $100,000 to
keep companies competitive.
 Companies can employ no more than 2,000 workers and
are required to match training grants dollar for dollar.
 Eligible industries include advanced manufacturing in aerospace,
medical devices, composite materials, and digital manufacturing.
Contact Information:
Bernice Zampano  860.263.6732 or bernice.zampano@ct.gov
Info/application: www.ctdol.state.ct.us/IWTmanufappform.htm
American Apprenticeship Initiative
 $5M federal grant to create apprenticeship pathways in
Healthcare, Business Services and Manufacturing.
 Provides training scholarships for registered apprentices and
pre-apprentices seeking careers in high-demand industries.
 Goal is to raise the technical skills of 1,000 registered
apprentices and pre-apprentices statewide.
Contact Information:
Mark Stankiewicz  860.263.6012 or mark.stankiewicz@ct.gov
Manufacturing Innovation Fund 
Apprenticeship Program
 $7.8M workforce development program in partnership with
the Department of Economic and Community Development
to promote on-the-job training and classroom instruction
to apprentices.
 Provides wage subsidies/tuition reimbursements to employers
to increase number of apprentices/worker skills.
 Employer grants per apprentice: up to $13,000 for wages;
$3,750 for tuition; $2,000 for credentialing costs.
Contact Information:
Keri Lamontagne  860.263.6129 or keri.lamontagne@ct.gov
Application: www.ctdol.state.ct.us/appmifapp.htm
Subsidized Employment and Training Program
(Step Up)
 Provides wage subsidies or training grants up to $12,500 for
first six months to companies with less than 100 employees
hiring an unemployed jobseeker; veterans program open
to companies of any size.
 Step Up also includes the Apprenticeship Subsidized Training
and Employment Program (open to companies classified as a
manufacturer and hiring an apprentice) and the Unemployed
Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment
(Step Up for Vets) Program.
 Incentive has resulted in more than 3,800 new hires hired by
over 1,271 companies.
Contact Information:
Info/Regional Step Up representatives: www.StepCT.com
Are you a manufacturer looking to benefit your business? The following programs are already helping hundreds of
Connecticut companies and their employees  see how the Labor Department can assist with your specific needs.
For information about other Connecticut Manufacturing Innovation Fund programs:

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Competitive Edge flyer

  • 1. State Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Program State funds provide approximately $700,000 annually in grants to train existing workforces and keep them competitive. Training grants, covering up to 50% of company training project, for programs that increase basic skills of employees, training in written or oral communication, mathematics or science, and training in technical skills. Focus is high-growth industries, such as Advanced Manufacturing, Healthcare, Finance, Bioscience. Contact Information: (Bridgeport) 203.455.2601 (New Haven) 203.859.3303 (Hartford) 860.256.3699 (Waterbury) 203.437.3274 (New London) 860.412.7021 Manufacturing Innovation Fund Incumbent Worker Training Program $7M training program in partnership with the Department of Economic and Community Development; offers matching funds ranging from $5,000 to $100,000 to keep companies competitive. Companies can employ no more than 2,000 workers and are required to match training grants dollar for dollar. Eligible industries include advanced manufacturing in aerospace, medical devices, composite materials, and digital manufacturing. Contact Information: Bernice Zampano 860.263.6732 or bernice.zampano@ct.gov Info/application: www.ctdol.state.ct.us/IWTmanufappform.htm American Apprenticeship Initiative $5M federal grant to create apprenticeship pathways in Healthcare, Business Services and Manufacturing. Provides training scholarships for registered apprentices and pre-apprentices seeking careers in high-demand industries. Goal is to raise the technical skills of 1,000 registered apprentices and pre-apprentices statewide. Contact Information: Mark Stankiewicz 860.263.6012 or mark.stankiewicz@ct.gov Manufacturing Innovation Fund Apprenticeship Program $7.8M workforce development program in partnership with the Department of Economic and Community Development to promote on-the-job training and classroom instruction to apprentices. Provides wage subsidies/tuition reimbursements to employers to increase number of apprentices/worker skills. Employer grants per apprentice: up to $13,000 for wages; $3,750 for tuition; $2,000 for credentialing costs. Contact Information: Keri Lamontagne 860.263.6129 or keri.lamontagne@ct.gov Application: www.ctdol.state.ct.us/appmifapp.htm Subsidized Employment and Training Program (Step Up) Provides wage subsidies or training grants up to $12,500 for first six months to companies with less than 100 employees hiring an unemployed jobseeker; veterans program open to companies of any size. Step Up also includes the Apprenticeship Subsidized Training and Employment Program (open to companies classified as a manufacturer and hiring an apprentice) and the Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment (Step Up for Vets) Program. Incentive has resulted in more than 3,800 new hires hired by over 1,271 companies. Contact Information: Info/Regional Step Up representatives: www.StepCT.com Are you a manufacturer looking to benefit your business? The following programs are already helping hundreds of Connecticut companies and their employees see how the Labor Department can assist with your specific needs. HELPING MANUFACTURERS GAIN A COMPETITIVE EDGE For information about other Connecticut Manufacturing Innovation Fund programs: www.ct.gov/ecd/cwp/view.asp?a=4669&q=551472