SXSW is a large technology conference held annually in Austin, Texas that attracts tens of thousands of attendees from various industries including brand managers, engineers, Hollywood agents, developers, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. A leading theme at SXSW 2011 was connection and collaboration rather than competition. Many new apps and technologies were introduced focused on areas like mobile messaging, photos, games, location-based check-ins and APIs/platforms. Companies spent heavily on promotions and branding activities at SXSW to connect with influential attendees.
"Media Temporalities: Genre, Queer Space, and Digital Archives in Transition"
Media in Transition 6 - MIT
April 25, 2009
A part of the above panel. I moderated; this is not my own presentation!
Surveillance and Self-Presentation: Foucaults Arts of Existence in the Digital Archive
Anne Kustritz
Anne Kustritz is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department at Macalester College where she teaches media anthropology, sexual citizenship, and queer and feminist theory. Her research centers on cyberethnography, queer citizenship, the public sphere, and slash fan fiction and other fan creative practices. Her essays appear in the Journal of American Culture, Refractory, Transformative Works and Cultures, and Flow, and her book manuscript is titled "Multiplying Sex, Sociability, and Civics: Slash Fan Fiction's Publics."
This document is a message for a special person expressing how much they appreciate and care for them. It says that the recipient's positive light and behavior makes others feel appreciated. It thanks them for the emails that have brought smiles and good moods. It acknowledges that the recipient is important and appreciated. It offers a flower and says their friendship makes them a better person. It hopes this message makes the recipient smile and that they will share smiles with other friends who love them.
My talk at Voip2day 2016 in Madrid (organised by Avanzada 7 in Malaga).
This talks cover recent trends in realtime communication, from VoIP to WebRTC and Internet of Things
In 2005, Tate Britain saw declining visitor numbers as it had become overshadowed by Tate Modern. Fallon was tasked with increasing visitors and changing perceptions of Tate Britain. Through research, they realized art conveys universal human emotions that are timeless. They created "Collections" tours grouping art by emotion to guide visitors on an emotional journey. This reframed the permanent collection as contemporary and increased visitors by 20%. Outdoor ads, leaflets, and a website promoted the Collections.
Presentation to GIBBS MBA class on Disruption and InnovationBrian Pinnock
This is a talk I did a few weeks back to a GIBBS MBA class. It covers a nice wide range on digital disruption and how to try and innovate in a disruptive world. It does acknowledge sources in the slides but I would specifically like to acknowledge:
- Mary Meeker - KPCB (multiple presentations)
- Brynjolfsson & McAfee 2012 (Race against the machine)
- Govindarajan & Trimble 2010 (The other side of Innovation)
- Hobcraft 2012 (navigating-the-three-horizon-framework)
A brief summary from the project "Mexican Design System" developed at the Universidad Aut坦noma Metropolitana and with the support of the Universidad Polit辿cnica de Catalu単a. There is a memory of the project avalaible (spanish version). Contact me for a copy.
Presentation I originally put together in 2007 to introduce agile (scrum) to my team and suggest ways for us to adapt to this increasingly used methodology.
Connecting through Design: designers role bridging R&D and businessesMarco Ferruzca
This paper presents an exploratory study carried out in Catalonia from autumn 2007 until spring 2008, with the aim
of bringing the local design and research and innovation systems together. This research work has revealed that the
design sector can serve as a vehicle to transfer technology and knowledge produced by the research and innovation
system (R&D) to businesses. Designers who follow up activities in research centres, mainly developed at
universities or public technology centres, may be eventually interested in adding value to their proposals by taking
advantage of the scientific-technical knowledge produced in the R&D system. The field work in this research
consisted of organizing a set of focus-group sessions among designers and researchers who shared similar activity
Gramma enjoys celebrating Christmas by wearing dungarees and being the first in line to cut and enjoy the Christmas cheese, which produces such a strong smell that it clears rooms and sets off smoke alarms, much to the dismay of others enjoying the holidays.
From Military to Marriage: Principles of 21st Century MarketingSimon Young
The 21st century consumer is completely different, but our marketing mindsets are still trapped in the 20th century military mindset. Before you "launch" your next "campaign" at your "target", take a look at this.
The document lists 5 things that CPD coordinators might want to know about resources from CPDScotland including: 1) CPDFind to search for CPD opportunities, 2) CPD Update with recent news and updates, 3) CPDReflect for recording reflections, 4) opportunities to do CPD online and connect with professional communities, and 5) the CPDScotland website for additional information and resources.
The document discusses problems with traditional business plans, such as being lengthy and difficult to collaborate on. It then introduces the business model canvas as a better way to plan businesses that is visual, dynamic, quick to prepare and understand, and surfaces key issues. Several exercises are presented to ideate new business models around the concept of genetically modified "Hero Rats" that detect explosives, demonstrating how the business model canvas approach can spur innovation.
Portent Interactive is a full-service internet marketing agency that has been in business for 13 years. They use research, creative strategies, development and analytics to help clients achieve marketing goals across design, social media, search and more. Portent has helped many clients significantly grow their businesses through effective internet marketing campaigns.
Fuelling Ontarios Greenhouse Industry with Biomass, a presentation by Dean Tiessen, Pyramid Farms Ltd., at the Growing the Margins Conference held April 2-5, 2008
The document summarizes a clinical assessment of chronic pelvic pain (CPP) in females of reproductive age. It includes an introduction on CPP, objectives to assess CPP and compare health seeking behavior in government and private sectors. The methodology section describes the study design, sampling, inclusion/exclusion criteria and data collection. The results section presents demographic data, presenting complaints, comparisons of symptoms between government and private sectors, associated complaints, pain intensity, and abortion history. It concludes with recommendations.
This document appears to be a presentation from Nokia about mobile gaming. It discusses creating mobile content for the next generation, showcasing technology and inspiring users. It talks about the N-Gage experience and connecting people through play. It discusses how mobile devices have become powerful multimedia computers and how technology can mobilize web2.0 and social networking. It presents ideas for casual mobile minigames and what the next steps may be, focusing on technology, context, personal development and utilizing technology to innovate, take risks and listen to customers. It provides examples of Google launching Google Gears and a fishing game being the number one title on N-Gage.
The document provides details about Aliesa George and Ford Saeks' upcoming wedding in Wichita, Kansas. It includes information about two hotel options for guests, with one closer to the wedding ceremony location and one nearer to the couple's home. Details are also provided about the ceremony at Riverside Central Park Gazebo on November 11, 2011 and the evening reception at The Abode. The document invites guests to the couple's home from Thursday to Sunday and recommends local attractions and places to shop and dine in Wichita.
We are in danger of hell as a consequence of sin inherited from Adam. God created humans with free will but they disobeyed and ate from the forbidden tree, bringing sin into the world. As a result, all humans inherit Adam's sin nature and the penalty of death. However, Jesus provides a way to be saved from this fate. The document encourages attendance at a future discussion to address misunderstandings about salvation.
How nonprofits can build more community engagement by using a social media strategy based on Nonprofit Marketing Guide's Three Gs: Be Genuine, Generous, and Grateful.
This version was presented at the Philanthropy Midw
Introduction to Transliteracy for LibrariesBobbi Newman
Accompanying notes and links can be found at
A webinar for the Georgia Public Library Service
This document summarizes the present continuous tense in English. It provides the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms using the verbs "to be" and a main verb with "-ing". Examples are given for regular and irregular verbs. The uses of the present continuous include actions happening now or temporarily in contrast to the present simple which is used for habitual or repeated actions. A phonetic chart and song link are also included.
Anxa Limited is a French well-being company founded in 2003 with a team of 90 people. It operates the female community portal with 1.5 million monthly visitors and has developed a proprietary technology platform. Anxa focuses on publishing original well-being content, managing online communities, and distributing content and services through multi-channel partnerships and sales. Key areas include nutrition/weight loss, brain training, and online coaching programs developed from best-selling books and videos. Anxa aims to become the preferred well-being brand online and sees growth opportunities in search engine optimization, newsletters, social networks, and e-commerce.
The document summarizes the history and goals of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). It describes the three components of the PYP curriculum - the written, taught, and assessed curriculum. The written curriculum focuses on six transdisciplinary themes of global significance. The taught curriculum involves in-depth inquiries into these themes. Assessment enhances learning and reflection. The PYP aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring students through its learner profile and focus on international-mindedness.
A brief summary from the project "Mexican Design System" developed at the Universidad Aut坦noma Metropolitana and with the support of the Universidad Polit辿cnica de Catalu単a. There is a memory of the project avalaible (spanish version). Contact me for a copy.
Presentation I originally put together in 2007 to introduce agile (scrum) to my team and suggest ways for us to adapt to this increasingly used methodology.
Connecting through Design: designers role bridging R&D and businessesMarco Ferruzca
This paper presents an exploratory study carried out in Catalonia from autumn 2007 until spring 2008, with the aim
of bringing the local design and research and innovation systems together. This research work has revealed that the
design sector can serve as a vehicle to transfer technology and knowledge produced by the research and innovation
system (R&D) to businesses. Designers who follow up activities in research centres, mainly developed at
universities or public technology centres, may be eventually interested in adding value to their proposals by taking
advantage of the scientific-technical knowledge produced in the R&D system. The field work in this research
consisted of organizing a set of focus-group sessions among designers and researchers who shared similar activity
Gramma enjoys celebrating Christmas by wearing dungarees and being the first in line to cut and enjoy the Christmas cheese, which produces such a strong smell that it clears rooms and sets off smoke alarms, much to the dismay of others enjoying the holidays.
From Military to Marriage: Principles of 21st Century MarketingSimon Young
The 21st century consumer is completely different, but our marketing mindsets are still trapped in the 20th century military mindset. Before you "launch" your next "campaign" at your "target", take a look at this.
The document lists 5 things that CPD coordinators might want to know about resources from CPDScotland including: 1) CPDFind to search for CPD opportunities, 2) CPD Update with recent news and updates, 3) CPDReflect for recording reflections, 4) opportunities to do CPD online and connect with professional communities, and 5) the CPDScotland website for additional information and resources.
The document discusses problems with traditional business plans, such as being lengthy and difficult to collaborate on. It then introduces the business model canvas as a better way to plan businesses that is visual, dynamic, quick to prepare and understand, and surfaces key issues. Several exercises are presented to ideate new business models around the concept of genetically modified "Hero Rats" that detect explosives, demonstrating how the business model canvas approach can spur innovation.
Portent Interactive is a full-service internet marketing agency that has been in business for 13 years. They use research, creative strategies, development and analytics to help clients achieve marketing goals across design, social media, search and more. Portent has helped many clients significantly grow their businesses through effective internet marketing campaigns.
Fuelling Ontarios Greenhouse Industry with Biomass, a presentation by Dean Tiessen, Pyramid Farms Ltd., at the Growing the Margins Conference held April 2-5, 2008
The document summarizes a clinical assessment of chronic pelvic pain (CPP) in females of reproductive age. It includes an introduction on CPP, objectives to assess CPP and compare health seeking behavior in government and private sectors. The methodology section describes the study design, sampling, inclusion/exclusion criteria and data collection. The results section presents demographic data, presenting complaints, comparisons of symptoms between government and private sectors, associated complaints, pain intensity, and abortion history. It concludes with recommendations.
This document appears to be a presentation from Nokia about mobile gaming. It discusses creating mobile content for the next generation, showcasing technology and inspiring users. It talks about the N-Gage experience and connecting people through play. It discusses how mobile devices have become powerful multimedia computers and how technology can mobilize web2.0 and social networking. It presents ideas for casual mobile minigames and what the next steps may be, focusing on technology, context, personal development and utilizing technology to innovate, take risks and listen to customers. It provides examples of Google launching Google Gears and a fishing game being the number one title on N-Gage.
The document provides details about Aliesa George and Ford Saeks' upcoming wedding in Wichita, Kansas. It includes information about two hotel options for guests, with one closer to the wedding ceremony location and one nearer to the couple's home. Details are also provided about the ceremony at Riverside Central Park Gazebo on November 11, 2011 and the evening reception at The Abode. The document invites guests to the couple's home from Thursday to Sunday and recommends local attractions and places to shop and dine in Wichita.
We are in danger of hell as a consequence of sin inherited from Adam. God created humans with free will but they disobeyed and ate from the forbidden tree, bringing sin into the world. As a result, all humans inherit Adam's sin nature and the penalty of death. However, Jesus provides a way to be saved from this fate. The document encourages attendance at a future discussion to address misunderstandings about salvation.
How nonprofits can build more community engagement by using a social media strategy based on Nonprofit Marketing Guide's Three Gs: Be Genuine, Generous, and Grateful.
This version was presented at the Philanthropy Midw
Introduction to Transliteracy for LibrariesBobbi Newman
Accompanying notes and links can be found at
A webinar for the Georgia Public Library Service
This document summarizes the present continuous tense in English. It provides the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms using the verbs "to be" and a main verb with "-ing". Examples are given for regular and irregular verbs. The uses of the present continuous include actions happening now or temporarily in contrast to the present simple which is used for habitual or repeated actions. A phonetic chart and song link are also included.
Anxa Limited is a French well-being company founded in 2003 with a team of 90 people. It operates the female community portal with 1.5 million monthly visitors and has developed a proprietary technology platform. Anxa focuses on publishing original well-being content, managing online communities, and distributing content and services through multi-channel partnerships and sales. Key areas include nutrition/weight loss, brain training, and online coaching programs developed from best-selling books and videos. Anxa aims to become the preferred well-being brand online and sees growth opportunities in search engine optimization, newsletters, social networks, and e-commerce.
The document summarizes the history and goals of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). It describes the three components of the PYP curriculum - the written, taught, and assessed curriculum. The written curriculum focuses on six transdisciplinary themes of global significance. The taught curriculum involves in-depth inquiries into these themes. Assessment enhances learning and reflection. The PYP aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring students through its learner profile and focus on international-mindedness.
Con il progetto Bes delle Province Upi, Cuspi e Istat collaborano allo sviluppo di un sistema informativo di misure di Benessere equo e sostenibile a livello territoriale e ne promuovono lapplicazione a supporto dei processi decisionali a livello locale.
La citt Metropolitana - Il caso di Milanoispoclick
Sondaggio a livello provinciale svolto tra la popolazione maggiorenne residente in provincia di Milano per conto di UPI - Unione delle Province Italiane.
Auto e mobilit del futuro: opinioni e attese dei cittadini e delle imprese b...INTWIG Srl
La ricerca, commissionata dal Gruppo Bonaldi (Eurocar Italia) curata da Aldo Cristadoro INTWIG Srl, 竪 stata condotta attraverso un sondaggio tra bergamaschi di citt e provincia (un campione rappresentativo di 1.000 casi a cui sono state somministrate interviste telefoniche e on line con metodologia CATI e CAWI) e una survey online condotta dallUfficio Studi di Confindustria Bergamo, tra le imprese associate (1.182) con flotta aziendale (62 quelle che hanno risposto allindagine).
Lobiettivo di ricerca 竪 stato quello di scattare unistantanea della Provincia di Bergamo per comprendere quali fossero le opinioni, le esigenze e le attese di cittadini e imprese, in uno scenario in profonda e radicale trasformazione come il mercato automobilistico.
Io Partecipo: un percorso di partecipazione sulla sostenibilit ambientale Io Partecipo
Presentazione del percorso partecipativo "Noi Ambiente: ora puoi dire la tua", attivato su Io Partecipo, il portale della Regione Emilia-Romagna dedicato alla partecipazione
Come coinvolgere cittadini e stakeholder: strumenti ed esperienze della Regio...Io Partecipo
Presentazione effettuata durante un seminario a Ravenna, I PROCESSI DI PARTECIPAZIONE NELLA PIANIFICAZIONE DEI COMUNI" 5 febbraio 2015 nell'ambito del progetto europeo BUMP
Come coinvolgere cittadini e stakeholder: strumenti ed esperienze della Regio...Sabrina Franceschini
Presentazione di progetti della Regione Emilia-Romagna nell'ambito del convegno promosso dal progetto europeo BUMP "I processi di partecipazione nella pianificazione dei
comuni" Ravenna, 5 febbraio 2015
Evento territoriale La Statistica per il governo del territorio
Napoli, Palazzo San Giacomo, patrocinato dalla Citt metropolitana di Napoli, dellAnci, dellUPI, organizzato dall' Ufficio Territoriale Istat per la Campania e la Basilicata e dal Comune di Napoli con l'obiettivo di valorizzare il ruolo della statistica per una corretta programmazione delle politiche territoriali
Reti e servizi contro la povert: il possibile contributo dei CPIAlessandro Chiozza
Il materiale qui pubblicato 竪 stato presentato alla Conferenza ESPAnet di Urbino (settembre 2019) e fa riferimento ai risultati dell'indagine "Profilo degli utenti e customer satisfaction dei CPI" realizzata dall'Anpal, IV Struttura di ricerca - Analisi del contesto occupazionale
Programma amministrativo 2014-2019 del candidato sindaco Giancarlo Luciani Castiglia e delle liste collegate Partito Democratico, Ascoli Cambia Verso, Sinistra Aperta, Articolo 1.
2. In conformit alla Direttiva del Ministro della Funzione Pubblica sulla rilevazione della qualit percepita dai cittadini, 辿 stata realizzata una ricerca presso i cittadini del Comune di Casier , volta ad analizzare nello specifico i seguenti punti: verifica dei problemi nel Comune che dovrebbero essere affrontati al pi湛 presto; percezione della qualit della vita allinterno del Comune; verifica della soddisfazione per i principali servizi comunali. LAmministrazione Comunale ha voluto questa indagine per: - dare voce ai cittadini, ascoltando le loro esigenze e valutando i loro giudizi; - sviluppare e migliorare le modalit di dialogo con la cittadinanza; - intraprendere azioni di miglioramento permanenti; - promuovere forme di cittadinanza attiva.
3. Chi 竪 stato intervistato? Campione rappresentativo delluniverso di riferimento pari a 400 cittadini maggiorenni estratti casualmente Il campione 竪 stato successivamente stratificato per sesso e classi di et Titolo di studio % Nessuno/elementare 29,0 Media inferiore 23,9 Media superiore 37,0 Laurea 10,1 Anni di residenza % Meno di 5 anni 12,1 Da 5 a 10 anni 20,7 Da 11 a 20 anni 13,6 Oltre 20 anni 53,6
4. Vengono analizzati in questa pagina gli aspetti di prioritario intervento a parere dei cittadini. In prima battuta si rileva la bassa percentuale di cittadini che si astengono dal non rispondere (6,3%), segnale dellattiva partecipazione allindagine. Dallosservazione delle priorit emergono in particolare due aspetti: lesigenza di una migliore gestione del traffico, viabilit e parcheggi (16,1%) e, a seguire, la necessit di disporre di maggiori servizi dedicati allinfanzia come asili e strutture adeguate (10,9%). Inoltre gli intervistati ritengono importante la realizzazione di opere pubbliche (7,9%).
5. Voto medio: 7,38 (scala 1-10) Il giudizio dei cittadini sulla qualit di vita nel Comune risulta positivo. La quasi totalit degli intervistati lo ritiene vivibile (99,3%) e unalta percentuale lo giudica pulito (96,5%); inoltre unalto numero di cittadini lo ritiene dotato di servizi efficienti (90,1%). Si rilevano come aree di contenuta criticit la presenza di rumore nel territorio comunale (17,0%), correlata con la segnalazione dei problemi del traffico al primo posto nellagenda dei cittadini, e la sensazione di insicurezza (17,7%); la sensibilit dei cittadini si dimostra elevata per questi due aspetti, con indici chiaramente superiori agli altri item. Assenza di rumore
6. Quanto 竪 soddisfatto/a dei seguenti servizi di cui usufruisce nel suo comune? (DOMANDA POSTA A QUANTI HANNO USUFRUITO/CONOSCONO IL SERVIZIO) (Percentuali al netto dei non rispondenti)
7. Quanto si ritiene in accordo con le seguenti affermazioni? SI MAI RECATO PRESSO GLI UFFICI DEL COMUNE? poco+per niente in accordo La frequenza agli uffici del comune per pratiche e informazioni 竪 del 79,3% tra il campione intervistato. Sulla base dellesperienza del servizio l83,3% dei cittadini ha trovato personale disponibile e gentile ma le procedure sono considerate ancora troppo burocratizzate dal 47,0% degli intervistati.
8. GRADO DI CONOSCENZA DEI PROGETTI IN CORSO Liniziativa comunale pi湛 conosciuta 竪 il progetto per la viabilit territoriale (44,3%). Le tre iniziative comunali sottoposte allattenzione degli intervistati registrano un livello di notoriet tra i cittadini inferiore al 45%. Tra i progetti conosciuti il livello di gradimento risulta essere maggiore per i progetti sociali attivati (88,1 molto soddisfatto+soddisfatto) e per la progettazione partecipata della piazza Marconi a Dosson (75,7 molto soddisfatto+soddisfatto).
9. GRADO DI SODDISFAZIONE PER I PROGETTI IN CORSO PERCENTUALE DI RISPONDENTI CHE AFFERMANO DI ESSERE A CONOSCENZA DEI PROGETTI NOMINATI 75,7 51,0 88,1 24,3 49,0 11,9 Progettazione Partecipata piazza Marconi Dosson Progetto per la viabilit territoriale Progetti Sociali molto soddisfatto+soddisfatto poco+per nulla soddisfatto
10. SCALA DEI VALORI DA 1 A 10 CONFRONTO TRA LE MEDIE DI GRADIMENTO DEGLI INTERVENTI REALIZZATI/IN CORSO DI REALIZZAZIONE 7,70 7,65 7,31 7,19 Sistemazione delle piazze Costituzione del parco Pista ciclabile sulla strada provinciale Edilizia scolastica (ampliamento scuola elementare/media di casier nido dosson)
11. LE ELENCHER ORA UNA SERIE DI OPERE PUBBLICHE CHE POSSONO ESSERE REALIZZATE NEL COMUNE. DI QUALE TRA QUESTE RITIENE PI URGENTE LA REALIZZAZIONE? IN PROSSIMITA DELLE CASERME SERENA VERR DISMESSA DAL DEMANIO MILITARE A PRIVATI UNAMPIA AREA AI CONFINI CON TREVISO. LEI RITIENE CHE IL COMUNE DEBBA ESERCITARE UN RUOLO FORTE NELLA PIANIFICAZIONE DI QUESTA AREA? In vista della realizzazione di nuove opere pubbliche 竪 stato richiesto ai cittadini quali ritengono le pi湛 urgenti. E emerso dallanalisi dei dati che linteresse 竪 rivolgo in prevalenza verso lampliamento della rete di piste ciclabili (74,6%). Per quanto riguarda la realizzazione della biblioteca e dellAuditorium le preferenze si distribuiscono quasi omogeneamente, con lieve preferenza per lAuditorium. Il 79,8% degli intervistati ritiene che il Comune debba esercitare un ruolo forte nella pianificazione dellarea coperta dalle ex caserme Serena, la quale verr dismessa dal demanio militare a privati. Solo il 4% degli intervistati non ritiene utile un coinvolgimento forte del Comune nella gestione del progetto di riqualificazione dellarea.
13. Il bollettino informativo edito dallamministrazione comunale e distribuito periodicamente sul territorio comunale 竪 considerato positivamente dalla cittadinanza, la quale gli assegna un voto pari a 7,48 su una scala di giudizio da 1 a 10. Agli intervistati 竪 stato chiesto di esprimersi riguardo le tematiche che vorrebbero vedere approfondite allinterno del periodico. Gli argomenti di maggiore interesse per la popolazione intervistata risultano essere ledilizia scolastica con il 70,6% delle preferenze e a seguire servizi sociali e cura della qualit urbana. SU QUALI ARGOMENTI/TEMATICHE VORREBBE ESSERE MAGGIORMENTE INFORMATO RISPETTO ALLATTIVIT DELLAMMINISTRAZIONE COMUNALE DI CASIER? 70,6 26,3 23,4 0,0 63,2 62,1 29,4 10,5 14,5 ADEGUAMNENTO EDILIZIA SCOLASTICA SERVIZI SOCIALI CURA DELLA QUALITA URBANA Moltissimo+molto Abbastanza Poco+per nulla
15. Voto medio percentuale su scala di valutazione da1 a 10 I problemi urgenti: al primo posto traffico, viabilit, parcheggi La qualit di vita Burocrazia e servizi al cittadino Fonte dato nazionale: Rapporto Italia 2007 - ANCI GAP 1%
17. Analisi della qualit di vita 1 Dato riferito ai Comuni <10.000 abitanti Percentuale di risposte affermative Il comune di Casier risulta vincente nel confronto con il dato provinciale 2005. La pulizia del territorio comunale, la presenza di servizi efficienti offerti ai cittadini, il livello di sicurezza sul territorio fanno di Casier un comune considerato vivibile oltre la media provinciale. Dato comunale Casier % Dato provinciale 1 2005 % Si No Si No Rumoroso 17,0 83,0 16,9 83,1 Dotato di servizi efficienti 90,1 9,9 87,6 12,4 Pulito 96,5 3,5 73,8 26,2 Sicuro 82,3 17,7 79,6 20,4 Vivibile 99,3 0,7 90,3 9,7