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Datastream can be thought of as an archive of interlinked SCAP
Type of datastream
 Source datastream (SDS)
 Result datastream (ARF)
>> The scanner takes a SDS, evaluates and gives results in the ARF
format back.
Source Datastream
 Has a root element called data-stream-collection.
 data-stream-collection contains 1 or more elements called data-
>>> each SDS has 1 or more modes in which it can be evaluated.
National Checklist Program (NCP)
 See NIST Special Publication 800-70 Rev.2
 Frequently Asked Questions: General Information
>> http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/ncp/information
Security Configuration Checklist
 Also called lockdown, hardening guide, benchmark, security technical
implementation guide (STIG).
 Series of instruction for configuring a product to particular
operational environment.
 Can comprise templates, automated scripts, patches or patch
descriptions, XML files, and other procedures.
NIST maintains the National Checklist
Selecting checklists?
 Checklist users should carefully consider the degree of automation
and the source of each checklist.
 NIST defined 4 tiers of checklists to assist users.
 Tier1 checklists: are prose-based with narrative descriptions of how a
person can manually alter a products configuration.
 Tier4 checklists: have all security settings documented in machine-
readable, standardized Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)
formats,.. (see SP 800-70 Rev2).
Concept scap

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Concept scap

  • 1. Datastream http://martin.preisler.me/category/scap/page/2 Datastream can be thought of as an archive of interlinked SCAP content(XCCDF,OVAL,CPE,)
  • 2. Type of datastream Source datastream (SDS) Result datastream (ARF) >> The scanner takes a SDS, evaluates and gives results in the ARF format back.
  • 3. Source Datastream Has a root element called data-stream-collection. data-stream-collection contains 1 or more elements called data- stream. >>> each SDS has 1 or more modes in which it can be evaluated.
  • 4. National Checklist Program (NCP) See NIST Special Publication 800-70 Rev.2 Frequently Asked Questions: General Information >> http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/ncp/information
  • 5. Security Configuration Checklist Also called lockdown, hardening guide, benchmark, security technical implementation guide (STIG). Series of instruction for configuring a product to particular operational environment. Can comprise templates, automated scripts, patches or patch descriptions, XML files, and other procedures.
  • 6. NIST maintains the National Checklist Repository. http://checklists.nist.gov/
  • 7. Selecting checklists? Checklist users should carefully consider the degree of automation and the source of each checklist. NIST defined 4 tiers of checklists to assist users. Tier1 checklists: are prose-based with narrative descriptions of how a person can manually alter a products configuration. Tier4 checklists: have all security settings documented in machine- readable, standardized Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) formats,.. (see SP 800-70 Rev2).