The document discusses how rising CO2 levels from global warming are causing ocean acidification and harming sea creatures. Excess CO2 in the oceans converts to corrosive carbonic acid, dissolving calcium carbonate shells of crustaceans and other species. This changes ecosystems by killing off species as shells dissolve. Links are provided for further research on these topics.
The document discusses how ocean acidification due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is negatively impacting sea creatures. Rising CO2 levels cause the ocean to become more acidic as CO2 converts to corrosive carbonic acid, which dissolves the calcium carbonate shells of crustaceans and kills off some species by changing ecosystems. Several links are provided about how ocean acidification specifically affects lobsters and their shells.
The document appears to be notes from Dianne Fallucca on the topic of computer graphics. It includes information on various tools in graphics software like Photoshop including cropping, layers, and effects. It also documents her process for designing a logo for a fictional organization called SeaBrita focused on ocean conservation, going from sketching logo concepts to adding color and text.
Dianne Fallucca posted about the effects of ocean acidification caused by increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. She discussed how excess CO2 converts to carbonic acid in the ocean, which dissolves the shells of crustaceans and other sea creatures. Fallucca included several links to research articles about topics like how rising CO2 levels change ecosystems and threaten species survival. She documented her research on the social effects of global warming in her Diigo online library.
Who AM I
A dreamer, learner, life-enthusiast and a油believer in self.油 What began as油an escapade from a stressed nine-to-five corporate油life,油eventually became a prime interest and油then,油an inspiration油and finally, a passion油in my life. After spending a decade in the corporate jungles of India & the Middle East, I am now conducting Holistic Wellness Programs for schools and corporates in India.
I am a 200油+油hours Hatha Yoga Teacher, a Certified Laughter Yoga Trainer from the Laughter University, Bengaluru and hold a Masters in Marketing. I have developed the Yoga Curriculum at Kunskapsskolan Eduventures (Grades 2-12) and now enjoying my stint as a Mentor Wellness Blogger@
Meanwhile, my journey to learn and spread wellness continues unabated..
The document provides an overview of the induction training process at Universal M/C's Limited. It describes the anodizing and powder coating processes, including bath chemistry, temperatures, immersion times and functions. It also discusses jigging, inspection of anodized materials, defects, standards, dye and spot testing. Other sections cover fabrication processes like cutting, milling, drilling and piercing. The importance of dies for piercing solar frames is explained. Finally, it describes how aluminum extrusion can be used to create frameworks to support solar panels.
The document lists various computer graphics techniques taught by Dianne Fallucca including cropping, use of layers, contrast and density changes, color balance, image rotation, dodging and burning, hue and saturation adjustments, text tools, vignetting, gradients, cutout tools, transposing images, spot healing tool, magnetic lasso, magic wand, cloning, and masking tools.
Criticism comes in many forms and can negatively impact people if not constructive. Praise also has different types and is generally more effective than criticism at encouraging positive behaviors when it is sincere, specific and focuses on effort rather than ability.
Faheem is a senior consultant with over 6 years of experience in Microsoft technologies including .NET frameworks and CMS platforms like Episerver, Sitecore, and Ektron. He has strong skills in C#, ASP.NET, web services, and content management systems. His background includes several projects for banking, financial, and other clients building and maintaining websites using tools like Visual Studio, TFS, and various CMS platforms.
The document summarizes key infrastructure at the Port of Kolkata, including recirculation pumps that maintain water levels, lock gates that control water flow, a dry dock for ship maintenance, swing and bascule bridges for ship passage, tug boats for ship movement, a grab dredger for silt removal, berths for cargo loading/unloading, cranes for lifting heavy loads, and a workshop for ship and machinery repair. The port, located 203 km from the sea, is the oldest operating port in India and was constructed by the British East India Company in the 19th century.
This document discusses SCAP datastreams, which can contain linked security checklist content like XCCDF and OVAL files. It describes source datastreams that define how a system should be configured and result datastreams that provide scan results. It also discusses the National Checklist Program and Repository maintained by NIST, which provides security configuration checklists at different tiers of structure and automation to help users select the appropriate checklist for their needs.
The document discusses several topics related to retirement planning and pensions, including:
1) The upcoming changes to the lifetime pension allowance, which will be reduced from 贈1.25 million to 贈1 million starting in April 2016. This could result in additional tax charges for those with pension savings above the new allowance.
2) Options for taking advantage of the current higher lifetime allowance amount, such as starting to take pension withdrawals before April 2016.
3) Ways to potentially avoid tax charges on pension savings exceeding the lifetime allowance, such as using the "small pot rule" to withdraw small pension pots tax-free or contributing to a SIPP for more flexible tax treatment.
4) The importance of seeking
This document provides a retrospective of the artist Aimee Gonthier's work from 2012 to 2015 during her BFA and MFA studies. It includes images and brief descriptions of 20 pieces created during this time period. The artist's style evolved from ink drawings in her undergraduate work to incorporating printmaking techniques like aquatint in her graduate work. Throughout her education, she was inspired by the imagination of childhood and how time can diminish magic but also influence exploration of place and space. Her current work integrates narratives with line work and negative space, inspired by illustrators from the Golden Age of Illustration.
El documento especifica los requisitos t辿cnicos para la construcci坦n de un pergolado de acceso al edificio de la municipalidad de Fram, incluyendo los materiales, m辿todos de construcci坦n, especificaciones para uniones soldadas y atornilladas, y procedimientos de montaje.
Bolton NHS Foundation Trust implemented a long-term strategy focused on improving staff engagement to help achieve their vision of being one of the top integrated care organizations internationally for quality and efficiency. A key part of their strategy was conducting in-depth research on staff engagement and implementing programs like their "Engaging Manager Program" to improve leadership skills. Through these engagement efforts, the Trust saw higher staff survey results, lower sickness absence and turnover, and increased productivity, demonstrating the positive impact improved staff engagement can have on organizational outcomes.
Throughout the project, the student used various digital technologies for construction, research, planning, and evaluation. For construction, they used Blogger to share their work and link to their YouTube music video. For research, they used Prezi to display audience research and profiles. In planning, Prezi was used to share a storyboard. Evaluation questions were shared on Blogger, YouTube, Prezi, and PowerPoint. Photoshop and Illustrator were used for designs. Cameras, Final Cut Express, and YouTube were also important technologies used at different stages.
Wicked Problems: Global Warming and Crustaceans diannemarie420
The document discusses the effects of global warming on crustaceans. It notes that crustaceans are sensitive to pH levels in water and that rising carbon dioxide levels cause the water to become more acidic, dissolving their calcium carbonate shells. Additional links are provided exploring how ocean acidification from increased carbon dioxide threatens crustaceans by damaging shells and risking the loss of species.
trabajo de informatica muy importante para nosotros porque podemos aprender mucho de ello y porque nos sirvfe mas adelante para cualquier pro lema tecnico que tengamos
Who Am I
A dreamer, learner, life-enthusiast and a油believer in self.油 What began as油an escapade from a stressed nine-to-five corporate油life,油eventually became a prime interest and油then,油an inspiration油and finally, a passion油in my life. After spending a decade in the corporate jungles of India & the Middle East, I am now conducting Holistic Wellness Programs for schools and corporates in India.
I am a 200油+油hours Hatha Yoga Teacher, a Certified Laughter Yoga Trainer from the Laughter University, Bengaluru and hold a Masters in Marketing. I have developed the Yoga Curriculum at Kunskapsskolan Eduventures (Grades 2-12) and now enjoying my stint as a Mentor Wellness Blogger@
Meanwhile, my journey to learn and spread wellness continues unabated..
Brand focus is critical for building a brand by directing customers to the product range and services. It is valuable for Aspen to have brand focus. A company provides clients with brand focus services including ensuring product compliance with hygiene and proper representation, correct product facings and expiration dates, promotional activity reporting, proper product information labels, merchandising compliance, monthly scorecards and summaries, and photographs.
The document discusses various computer graphics techniques including cropping, layers, contrast and density changes, color balance, image rotation, dodging and burning, hue and saturation adjustments, text tools, vignetting, gradients, cutout tools, transposing images, spot tools, magnetic lasso, magic wand, cloning, and masking tools. It appears to be a guide or tutorial covering the basics of photo editing and manipulation.
Chad Danner took an assessment to understand his natural strengths. The document provides an overview of his results, including a chart showing where his strengths lie in terms of problem solving, processing information, managing change, and facing risk. It also gives general characteristics and advice on communicating effectively with Chad based on his strengths profile. The document aims to help Chad understand himself better and how he can best work with others based on his unique strengths.
Un buscador usa robots para recorrer la web, un motor de indexaci坦n analiza y condensa la informaci坦n recopilada, y un motor de b炭squeda procesa las consultas de los usuarios. Los metabuscadores realizan b炭squedas en los 鱈ndices de m炭ltiples buscadores. Los directorios organizan la informaci坦n por categor鱈as y subcategor鱈as, registrando direcciones web y descripciones breves de sitios indexados de forma manual.
The Intersection of Content Strategy and Instructional DesignAnn Fandrey
This document discusses the intersection between instructional design and content strategy. Both fields aim for learner experiences that are useful, usable, findable, effective and engaging. Content strategy focuses on providing the right content to the right person at the right time through the right device and context. Instructional design follows a process of evaluating needs, creating a needs-based plan, executing the plan, and assessing results. There are multiple overlaps between the two fields in their goals of creating optimal learner experiences through organized and effective content.
1. A acupuntura na medicina veterin叩ria complementar tradicional chinesa (MVCTC) oferece um cuidado integral ao paciente felino buscando manter o equil鱈brio entre a sa炭de do indiv鱈duo e o meio ambiente. 2. A sensibilidade psicossom叩tica dos felinos s altera巽探es ambientais 辿 interpretada pela MVCTC, tornando essa abordagem indicada para esses pacientes. 3. O artigo descreve os princ鱈pios da acupuntura na MVCTC e sua aplica巽達o na medicina felina.
Robert Hooke first observed cells in 1656 when examining slices of cork under a microscope. He saw small boxes or compartments separated by walls, which he named "cells". Cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms. They can be unicellular, consisting of a single cell, or multicellular, made of many cells. Cells come in various shapes and sizes, from bacteria only a few micrometers in size to ostrich egg cells over a centimeter long. The main parts of a cell are the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. Plant and animal cells are similar but plant cells have a cell wall and typically larger vacuoles, while animal cells lack a cell wall and have smaller vacuoles
The document discusses the effects of ocean acidification from increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Crustaceans and other sea creatures are sensitive to changes in pH levels in oceans as calcium carbonate shells can dissolve. Rising CO2 levels convert to carbonic acid in oceans, changing ecosystems by dissolving shells and killing off some species. Research links and websites are provided on topics like the impacts on lobsters and illustrations of ocean acidification.
The document discusses how increased carbon dioxide levels from global warming are causing ocean acidification and harming sea creatures with calcium carbonate shells like crustaceans. Higher acidity dissolves their shells, changes ecosystems, and kills off some species. Several links are provided about related research on topics like the effect on lobsters and illustrations of ocean acidification.
The document lists various computer graphics techniques taught by Dianne Fallucca including cropping, use of layers, contrast and density changes, color balance, image rotation, dodging and burning, hue and saturation adjustments, text tools, vignetting, gradients, cutout tools, transposing images, spot healing tool, magnetic lasso, magic wand, cloning, masking tool, and combining images.
The document discusses the effects of ocean acidification from increased carbon dioxide levels on sea creatures. Crustaceans are sensitive to pH levels and their calcium carbonate shells can dissolve in more acidic waters. Excess carbon dioxide in the oceans converts to carbonic acid, making the water more corrosive and threatening marine ecosystems by dissolving shells and killing species. Several links are provided for further research on topics like how ocean acidification affects lobster shell disease.
The document summarizes key infrastructure at the Port of Kolkata, including recirculation pumps that maintain water levels, lock gates that control water flow, a dry dock for ship maintenance, swing and bascule bridges for ship passage, tug boats for ship movement, a grab dredger for silt removal, berths for cargo loading/unloading, cranes for lifting heavy loads, and a workshop for ship and machinery repair. The port, located 203 km from the sea, is the oldest operating port in India and was constructed by the British East India Company in the 19th century.
This document discusses SCAP datastreams, which can contain linked security checklist content like XCCDF and OVAL files. It describes source datastreams that define how a system should be configured and result datastreams that provide scan results. It also discusses the National Checklist Program and Repository maintained by NIST, which provides security configuration checklists at different tiers of structure and automation to help users select the appropriate checklist for their needs.
The document discusses several topics related to retirement planning and pensions, including:
1) The upcoming changes to the lifetime pension allowance, which will be reduced from 贈1.25 million to 贈1 million starting in April 2016. This could result in additional tax charges for those with pension savings above the new allowance.
2) Options for taking advantage of the current higher lifetime allowance amount, such as starting to take pension withdrawals before April 2016.
3) Ways to potentially avoid tax charges on pension savings exceeding the lifetime allowance, such as using the "small pot rule" to withdraw small pension pots tax-free or contributing to a SIPP for more flexible tax treatment.
4) The importance of seeking
This document provides a retrospective of the artist Aimee Gonthier's work from 2012 to 2015 during her BFA and MFA studies. It includes images and brief descriptions of 20 pieces created during this time period. The artist's style evolved from ink drawings in her undergraduate work to incorporating printmaking techniques like aquatint in her graduate work. Throughout her education, she was inspired by the imagination of childhood and how time can diminish magic but also influence exploration of place and space. Her current work integrates narratives with line work and negative space, inspired by illustrators from the Golden Age of Illustration.
El documento especifica los requisitos t辿cnicos para la construcci坦n de un pergolado de acceso al edificio de la municipalidad de Fram, incluyendo los materiales, m辿todos de construcci坦n, especificaciones para uniones soldadas y atornilladas, y procedimientos de montaje.
Bolton NHS Foundation Trust implemented a long-term strategy focused on improving staff engagement to help achieve their vision of being one of the top integrated care organizations internationally for quality and efficiency. A key part of their strategy was conducting in-depth research on staff engagement and implementing programs like their "Engaging Manager Program" to improve leadership skills. Through these engagement efforts, the Trust saw higher staff survey results, lower sickness absence and turnover, and increased productivity, demonstrating the positive impact improved staff engagement can have on organizational outcomes.
Throughout the project, the student used various digital technologies for construction, research, planning, and evaluation. For construction, they used Blogger to share their work and link to their YouTube music video. For research, they used Prezi to display audience research and profiles. In planning, Prezi was used to share a storyboard. Evaluation questions were shared on Blogger, YouTube, Prezi, and PowerPoint. Photoshop and Illustrator were used for designs. Cameras, Final Cut Express, and YouTube were also important technologies used at different stages.
Wicked Problems: Global Warming and Crustaceans diannemarie420
The document discusses the effects of global warming on crustaceans. It notes that crustaceans are sensitive to pH levels in water and that rising carbon dioxide levels cause the water to become more acidic, dissolving their calcium carbonate shells. Additional links are provided exploring how ocean acidification from increased carbon dioxide threatens crustaceans by damaging shells and risking the loss of species.
trabajo de informatica muy importante para nosotros porque podemos aprender mucho de ello y porque nos sirvfe mas adelante para cualquier pro lema tecnico que tengamos
Who Am I
A dreamer, learner, life-enthusiast and a油believer in self.油 What began as油an escapade from a stressed nine-to-five corporate油life,油eventually became a prime interest and油then,油an inspiration油and finally, a passion油in my life. After spending a decade in the corporate jungles of India & the Middle East, I am now conducting Holistic Wellness Programs for schools and corporates in India.
I am a 200油+油hours Hatha Yoga Teacher, a Certified Laughter Yoga Trainer from the Laughter University, Bengaluru and hold a Masters in Marketing. I have developed the Yoga Curriculum at Kunskapsskolan Eduventures (Grades 2-12) and now enjoying my stint as a Mentor Wellness Blogger@
Meanwhile, my journey to learn and spread wellness continues unabated..
Brand focus is critical for building a brand by directing customers to the product range and services. It is valuable for Aspen to have brand focus. A company provides clients with brand focus services including ensuring product compliance with hygiene and proper representation, correct product facings and expiration dates, promotional activity reporting, proper product information labels, merchandising compliance, monthly scorecards and summaries, and photographs.
The document discusses various computer graphics techniques including cropping, layers, contrast and density changes, color balance, image rotation, dodging and burning, hue and saturation adjustments, text tools, vignetting, gradients, cutout tools, transposing images, spot tools, magnetic lasso, magic wand, cloning, and masking tools. It appears to be a guide or tutorial covering the basics of photo editing and manipulation.
Chad Danner took an assessment to understand his natural strengths. The document provides an overview of his results, including a chart showing where his strengths lie in terms of problem solving, processing information, managing change, and facing risk. It also gives general characteristics and advice on communicating effectively with Chad based on his strengths profile. The document aims to help Chad understand himself better and how he can best work with others based on his unique strengths.
Un buscador usa robots para recorrer la web, un motor de indexaci坦n analiza y condensa la informaci坦n recopilada, y un motor de b炭squeda procesa las consultas de los usuarios. Los metabuscadores realizan b炭squedas en los 鱈ndices de m炭ltiples buscadores. Los directorios organizan la informaci坦n por categor鱈as y subcategor鱈as, registrando direcciones web y descripciones breves de sitios indexados de forma manual.
The Intersection of Content Strategy and Instructional DesignAnn Fandrey
This document discusses the intersection between instructional design and content strategy. Both fields aim for learner experiences that are useful, usable, findable, effective and engaging. Content strategy focuses on providing the right content to the right person at the right time through the right device and context. Instructional design follows a process of evaluating needs, creating a needs-based plan, executing the plan, and assessing results. There are multiple overlaps between the two fields in their goals of creating optimal learner experiences through organized and effective content.
1. A acupuntura na medicina veterin叩ria complementar tradicional chinesa (MVCTC) oferece um cuidado integral ao paciente felino buscando manter o equil鱈brio entre a sa炭de do indiv鱈duo e o meio ambiente. 2. A sensibilidade psicossom叩tica dos felinos s altera巽探es ambientais 辿 interpretada pela MVCTC, tornando essa abordagem indicada para esses pacientes. 3. O artigo descreve os princ鱈pios da acupuntura na MVCTC e sua aplica巽達o na medicina felina.
Robert Hooke first observed cells in 1656 when examining slices of cork under a microscope. He saw small boxes or compartments separated by walls, which he named "cells". Cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms. They can be unicellular, consisting of a single cell, or multicellular, made of many cells. Cells come in various shapes and sizes, from bacteria only a few micrometers in size to ostrich egg cells over a centimeter long. The main parts of a cell are the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. Plant and animal cells are similar but plant cells have a cell wall and typically larger vacuoles, while animal cells lack a cell wall and have smaller vacuoles
The document discusses the effects of ocean acidification from increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Crustaceans and other sea creatures are sensitive to changes in pH levels in oceans as calcium carbonate shells can dissolve. Rising CO2 levels convert to carbonic acid in oceans, changing ecosystems by dissolving shells and killing off some species. Research links and websites are provided on topics like the impacts on lobsters and illustrations of ocean acidification.
The document discusses how increased carbon dioxide levels from global warming are causing ocean acidification and harming sea creatures with calcium carbonate shells like crustaceans. Higher acidity dissolves their shells, changes ecosystems, and kills off some species. Several links are provided about related research on topics like the effect on lobsters and illustrations of ocean acidification.
The document lists various computer graphics techniques taught by Dianne Fallucca including cropping, use of layers, contrast and density changes, color balance, image rotation, dodging and burning, hue and saturation adjustments, text tools, vignetting, gradients, cutout tools, transposing images, spot healing tool, magnetic lasso, magic wand, cloning, masking tool, and combining images.
The document discusses the effects of ocean acidification from increased carbon dioxide levels on sea creatures. Crustaceans are sensitive to pH levels and their calcium carbonate shells can dissolve in more acidic waters. Excess carbon dioxide in the oceans converts to carbonic acid, making the water more corrosive and threatening marine ecosystems by dissolving shells and killing species. Several links are provided for further research on topics like how ocean acidification affects lobster shell disease.
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2. Dianne Fallucca Computer Graphics
Global Warming and its
effects on sea creatures.
3. Dianne Fallucca Computer Graphics
Crustaceans are
sensitive to pH levels
- Calcium carbonate shells
4. Dianne Fallucca Computer Graphics
Ocean Acidification
- Excess CO2 converts to
corrosive carbonic acid
5. Dianne Fallucca Computer Graphics
CO2 Increases
- changes ecosystem, dissolves
shells, and kills off species.
81. Dianne Fallucca Computer Graphics
Words to Create Organizational Name
82. Dianne Fallucca Computer Graphics
Created Organizational Name
Sea + Brita =
New name combines the troubled habitat
(ocean) with Brita, the pitcher invented
to filter water.