Nationally recognized investigative journalist and talk radio veteran Devvy Kidd speaks to "The Perils of NAU and the NAFTA Superhighway" at the Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series in Big Spring, Texas.
The document discusses arguments against building a wall along the US-Mexico border. It argues that past fences have not successfully reduced illegal immigration as immigration has continued along fenced areas. It also claims that a wall would harm the US economy since immigrants start businesses and pay taxes, and that reform like the DREAM Act could reduce the deficit. Overall, the document asserts that building a border wall would be a major mistake since it would be expensive and past barriers have not worked to curb immigration as intended.
12/19/19 Letter To Chickasaw Nation/Christopher ShieldsVogelDenise
17 USC 則 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights FAIR USE
This is a letter in follow up to the 12/19/19 Telephone Conference between Christopher Shields (with the Chickasaw Nation) and Utica International Embassys Interim Prime Minister Vogel Denise Newsome regarding Request for Treaty Information!
The UIE is LEADING THE WAY in bringing the United States of Americas DESPOTISM Corporate Empires Heads of State, Congressional Members, Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz Attorneys and their CO-Conspirators for JUSTICE for WAR Crimes and other Atrocities being carried out across the World by this Terrorist Despots NAZIS/ZIONISTS in their quest for GLOBAL White SUPREMACY!
Are You A Racist? This is a document to inform and educate the public/world on WHAT a Racist is. There are MANY Blacks/African-Americans/Negroes/People-Of-Color who believe that they CANNOT be Racist; however, MANY of them are and their BRAINS Conditioned through LIFE-LONG EXPERIMENTS by the Ku Klux Klan and Zionists to ACCEPT being an INFERIOR Race!
This is a document that has been prepared to also EXPOSE the TRUTH to the Public/World so they can SEE for themselves the EVIDENCE supporting the WORK of Community Activist Vogel Denise Newsome and HOW ACTION has CHANGED the COURSE of History and the PLANS that the KU KLUX KLAN and ZIONISTS have for Blacks/African-Americans/Negroes/People-of-Color as well as provide FOREIGN Governments/Leaders/Citizens with information to provide them with the TRUTH regarding the IMPACT that People-Of-Color (as Vogel Denise Newsome) bring that will AID and ASSIST them in REBUILDING their Nation/Countries and QUIT believing the LIES of the WHITE MAN that is SMILING IN THEIR FACES but have an EVIL HEART to DESTROY their LIVELIHOOD!
This document discusses Mexican immigration to the United States and how immigrants have been used as scapegoats. After September 11th, politicians called for increased border security and the Department of Homeland Security was established to regulate immigration, focusing these efforts on the southern border. The militarization of the border increased under President Bush, with a goal of removing all undocumented immigrants. Private prison companies profit from immigrant detention. Anti-immigration laws like Arizona's SB1070 have costly economic impacts without addressing the underlying issues.
033118 USA Despotism Government... vs Utica International EmbassyVogelDenise
17 USC 則 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights FAIR USE
The Utica International Embassy is presently serving as an EMERGENCY Government entity in the building of NEW Governments for Natives, Native Americans and Blacks/Negroes/African-Americans/People-Of-Color within the Lands/Territories now known as the United States of America for Citizens who seek their FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE and SEPARATION from the United States of America and the United States DESPOTISM Government Regime that has HIJACKED and INFILTRATED that Government.
Through the UTICA INTERNATIONAL EMBASSY (UIE), etc., we look forward to such HISTORICAL undertakings in providing other ALTERNATIVES and SOLUTIONS to the United States of America and its DESPOTISM Empire in addressing the concerns of the Citizens of the Legal/Lawful NEW Government of the Utica International Embassy being built and established in accordance with National and/or International Laws within the Lands/Territories NOW known as the United States of America.
The 1990s in the US saw the Persian Gulf War which resulted in Iraq being forced out of Kuwait by US-led forces. The Americans with Disabilities Act was also passed, protecting disabled people from discrimination. Additionally, the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed, eliminating tariffs between the US, Mexico, and Canada. The 2000 presidential election between Bush and Gore came down to Florida, where Bush won by a narrow margin of 300 votes despite Gore winning the nationwide popular vote. Affirmative action was also rolled back by the Supreme Court during this time.
President Richard Nixon took office in 1969 with the goal of ending the Vietnam War. However, the Watergate Scandal erupted in 1972 and involved a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and Nixon's subsequent cover-up. This led to Nixon's resignation in 1974, making him the first U.S. president to resign from office. His successor, Gerald Ford, granted Nixon a full pardon but saw his approval ratings drop as a result. Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976 but struggled with economic issues and crises like the Iran hostage crisis, where 52 Americans were held for over a year, weakening his presidency.
The document discusses various facts and statistics related to human trafficking globally and in the United States. It notes that an estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked worldwide each year, and that approximately 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficked into the US annually. Additionally, it provides information on the connections between domestic violence and human trafficking, and warns that human trafficking is one of the largest and fastest growing criminal industries in the world.
051917 ROBERT MUELLER & The United States' DESPOT'S FALLVogelDenise
The document appears to make allegations about coverups related to 9/11, the killing of Osama bin Laden, and Barack Obama's birth certificate. It references various deaths of individuals and provides links to additional slides on each topic. The document also questions whether Donald Trump's cabinet picks were actually selected by the law firm Baker Donelson and suggests the firm has long controlled the US government. It implies a covert transfer of power to Russia was masked as alleged election hacking.
17 USC 則 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights FAIR USE
This is PRIMA FACIE information supporting the CONSPIRACIES that the United States of Americas DESPOTISM Corporation Empires Nazis/Zionists and their ELITE European Allies, etc. have launched in the RELEASE of the Coronavirus for purposes of DEPOPULATION, Implementation of the USA/UN Agenda 21, KING ALFRED PLAN, EUGENICS Program, GENOCIDE, WAR Crimes and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, etc.!
Through such processes, we look forward to monitoring the NUMBER of VICTIMS of such WAR Crimes that have been perpetrated in the United States of America and across the WORLD in their alleged PANDEMIC! Furthermore, the Utica International Embassy is interested in the NUMBER of MASS Murder Victims that participating Nations may have agreed to. This information may be used for purposes of PROSECUTION! Such BIOCHEMICAL Warfare on the Civilian Population is WORSE than the ATROCITIES that Nazi Leader Adolf Hitler was accused of!
Presidents of the United States Part 5a of 8Monika Somogyi
President George H.W. Bush held the presidency from 1989 to 1993. During his term, he oversaw the end of the Cold War and led a multinational coalition in the Gulf War. Domestically, he signed major legislation including the Clean Air Act Amendments and Americans with Disabilities Act. However, a faltering economy and rising discontent at home weakened his reelection bid. Overall, Bush demonstrated strong leadership abroad but faced challenges in satisfying domestic priorities.
This document provides biographical and historical information about several US presidents from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama. It discusses their backgrounds, major accomplishments, challenges faced, and key events that occurred during their administrations, such as the Iran hostage crisis, Reaganomics, the 9/11 attacks, and the Affordable Care Act. Presidential elections from 1980 to 2012 are also summarized.
The document discusses key human rights concerns of people of African descent, including that "Black has no standing at law" and that people of African descent are not accepted as indigenous peoples with rights to their lands. It provides examples of how the At-sik-hata Nation of Yamassee Moors addresses these issues through various public events, communications, and submissions to UN bodies. It expresses concerns that the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent did not adequately address these issues during their fact-finding mission to the US.
Anti-Drone Warfare Coalition
I will describe the newly formed Pittsburgh Anti-Drone-Warfare Coalition and the actions that we have taken and are planning to take to end drone warfare.
Shakalaka - Mad Marketing - Artevelde 2013 (no video)Peter Monbailleu
This document is a presentation by Mad Marketing that outlines their approach and services. They emphasize passion, talent, creativity, design, and respect as their core values. They want to blow clients' minds with creative events and campaigns that are different and rock. They listen to clients and take an unconventional approach to create memorable work. They provide services in promotion, production, and marketing.
Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series ACLU: Dr. Steven Schafersmanvoxo
(streaming link to audio recording of lecture below) Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series "Why West Texas Really Needs The ACLU"
Dr. Steven Schafersman Monday October 15, 2007
The audio recording of the lecture can be streamed via the following link. The introduction begins after about thirty seconds of background noise.
The document provides sample case study questions about climate, the environment, and people from past exam papers. The questions cover a range of topics including weather events caused by high and low pressure systems, the effects of people on ecosystems, different climate types and their impacts, unsustainable use of ecosystems, and a specific weather event caused by a low pressure system. Students are asked to choose locations and examples to write practice answers addressing how the various systems impact the environment and human activities.
The IPTC is the global standards body of the news media. We provide the technical foundation for the news ecosystem. At the Stockholm meeting we're talking sports, photo, video, rights and news metadata.
The document appears to be a presentation about marketing from the company Rock Marketing, which has 27 years of experience. It discusses various marketing topics such as what marketing is, the importance of passion, creativity, problem-solving, coming up with ideas, design, trends, branding, and experience marketing. It provides tips and encouragement for those working in marketing.
This document provides a list of case study questions about water, landforms, and how people interact with them. The questions cover topics like a river landform created by erosion or deposition, an area affected by flooding or drought, a coastal landform made by the sea, and a coastal management scheme. Learners are asked to name and describe locations for each topic and explain how the landforms were created and how people have used or managed the environments.
IPTC EXTRA Open Source Classification WorkshopStuart Myles
In June 2016, members of the IPTC met in person to accelerate the progress of the "EXTRA" project, to build an open source classification engine. The main topics discussed were licensing of the open source software and more restrictive licensing for example news corpora; figuring out the broad plan for developing the system and outlining the requirements for developing the example rules.
The document is a concept plan for downtown Big Spring, Texas that was prepared by an urban planning firm. The plan aims to guide development, preservation, and reuse in the downtown area to match economic development goals. It provides design strategies and suggestions for improvements but is not a regulatory document. The plan includes illustrations of potential private and public projects. Successful implementation would require coordination between private and public sectors.
051917 ROBERT MUELLER & The United States' DESPOT'S FALLVogelDenise
The document appears to make allegations about coverups related to 9/11, the killing of Osama bin Laden, and Barack Obama's birth certificate. It references various deaths of individuals and provides links to additional slides on each topic. The document also questions whether Donald Trump's cabinet picks were actually selected by the law firm Baker Donelson and suggests the firm has long controlled the US government. It implies a covert transfer of power to Russia was masked as alleged election hacking.
17 USC 則 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights FAIR USE
This is PRIMA FACIE information supporting the CONSPIRACIES that the United States of Americas DESPOTISM Corporation Empires Nazis/Zionists and their ELITE European Allies, etc. have launched in the RELEASE of the Coronavirus for purposes of DEPOPULATION, Implementation of the USA/UN Agenda 21, KING ALFRED PLAN, EUGENICS Program, GENOCIDE, WAR Crimes and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, etc.!
Through such processes, we look forward to monitoring the NUMBER of VICTIMS of such WAR Crimes that have been perpetrated in the United States of America and across the WORLD in their alleged PANDEMIC! Furthermore, the Utica International Embassy is interested in the NUMBER of MASS Murder Victims that participating Nations may have agreed to. This information may be used for purposes of PROSECUTION! Such BIOCHEMICAL Warfare on the Civilian Population is WORSE than the ATROCITIES that Nazi Leader Adolf Hitler was accused of!
Presidents of the United States Part 5a of 8Monika Somogyi
President George H.W. Bush held the presidency from 1989 to 1993. During his term, he oversaw the end of the Cold War and led a multinational coalition in the Gulf War. Domestically, he signed major legislation including the Clean Air Act Amendments and Americans with Disabilities Act. However, a faltering economy and rising discontent at home weakened his reelection bid. Overall, Bush demonstrated strong leadership abroad but faced challenges in satisfying domestic priorities.
This document provides biographical and historical information about several US presidents from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama. It discusses their backgrounds, major accomplishments, challenges faced, and key events that occurred during their administrations, such as the Iran hostage crisis, Reaganomics, the 9/11 attacks, and the Affordable Care Act. Presidential elections from 1980 to 2012 are also summarized.
The document discusses key human rights concerns of people of African descent, including that "Black has no standing at law" and that people of African descent are not accepted as indigenous peoples with rights to their lands. It provides examples of how the At-sik-hata Nation of Yamassee Moors addresses these issues through various public events, communications, and submissions to UN bodies. It expresses concerns that the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent did not adequately address these issues during their fact-finding mission to the US.
Anti-Drone Warfare Coalition
I will describe the newly formed Pittsburgh Anti-Drone-Warfare Coalition and the actions that we have taken and are planning to take to end drone warfare.
Shakalaka - Mad Marketing - Artevelde 2013 (no video)Peter Monbailleu
This document is a presentation by Mad Marketing that outlines their approach and services. They emphasize passion, talent, creativity, design, and respect as their core values. They want to blow clients' minds with creative events and campaigns that are different and rock. They listen to clients and take an unconventional approach to create memorable work. They provide services in promotion, production, and marketing.
Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series ACLU: Dr. Steven Schafersmanvoxo
(streaming link to audio recording of lecture below) Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series "Why West Texas Really Needs The ACLU"
Dr. Steven Schafersman Monday October 15, 2007
The audio recording of the lecture can be streamed via the following link. The introduction begins after about thirty seconds of background noise.
The document provides sample case study questions about climate, the environment, and people from past exam papers. The questions cover a range of topics including weather events caused by high and low pressure systems, the effects of people on ecosystems, different climate types and their impacts, unsustainable use of ecosystems, and a specific weather event caused by a low pressure system. Students are asked to choose locations and examples to write practice answers addressing how the various systems impact the environment and human activities.
The IPTC is the global standards body of the news media. We provide the technical foundation for the news ecosystem. At the Stockholm meeting we're talking sports, photo, video, rights and news metadata.
The document appears to be a presentation about marketing from the company Rock Marketing, which has 27 years of experience. It discusses various marketing topics such as what marketing is, the importance of passion, creativity, problem-solving, coming up with ideas, design, trends, branding, and experience marketing. It provides tips and encouragement for those working in marketing.
This document provides a list of case study questions about water, landforms, and how people interact with them. The questions cover topics like a river landform created by erosion or deposition, an area affected by flooding or drought, a coastal landform made by the sea, and a coastal management scheme. Learners are asked to name and describe locations for each topic and explain how the landforms were created and how people have used or managed the environments.
IPTC EXTRA Open Source Classification WorkshopStuart Myles
In June 2016, members of the IPTC met in person to accelerate the progress of the "EXTRA" project, to build an open source classification engine. The main topics discussed were licensing of the open source software and more restrictive licensing for example news corpora; figuring out the broad plan for developing the system and outlining the requirements for developing the example rules.
The document is a concept plan for downtown Big Spring, Texas that was prepared by an urban planning firm. The plan aims to guide development, preservation, and reuse in the downtown area to match economic development goals. It provides design strategies and suggestions for improvements but is not a regulatory document. The plan includes illustrations of potential private and public projects. Successful implementation would require coordination between private and public sectors.
The document outlines a concept plan to revitalize downtown Big Spring, Texas. The goals are to preserve historic resources, implement a cohesive design theme, and provide safe pedestrian connections, parking, and links to surrounding development. Currently, downtown lacks pedestrian amenities and walkability. The plan recommends constructing new public spaces, improving sidewalks and streetscapes, upgrading utilities, and enhancing a coordinated parking system to create a vibrant downtown that attracts people and businesses. Redeveloping the historic Settles Hotel is seen as a key project.
Shakalaka! presentatie voor VOKA - Lerend Netwerk Marketing - September 2013Peter Monbailleu
This document outlines the mission and values of an organization called Shakalaka. Their mission is to create events and campaigns that blow people's minds through creativity, passion, talent, and respect. They strive to take a different look at problems and share their work. Key values mentioned include passion, talent, creativity, design, and respect. The document emphasizes the importance of these concepts and includes links to related videos. It concludes by thanking the reader and providing contact information for Shakalaka.
This document discusses several cases of corruption involving organized crime and its impact on judicial independence:
- Several hearing aid companies and individuals agreed to relinquish assets and pay fines for commercial dishonesty.
- Transcripts and documents relate to cases involving kidnapping, harassment, mortgage fraud, and breach of hospital conduct resulting in death.
- RCMP entered indigenous land without a warrant looking for the matriarch and nearly kidnapped the chief, showing intent to murder.
- The chief was forcibly evaluated in a mental facility against international law in 2008, 2009, and 2010, amounting to kidnapping and forced assimilation.
This document is a complaint filed in United States District Court by several non-profit organizations against the National Security Agency and other government defendants. The complaint challenges the NSA's practice of conducting mass, suspicionless surveillance ("Upstream surveillance") of internet communications on U.S. soil under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act. The plaintiffs allege that this surveillance violates the First and Fourth Amendments and exceeds the scope of congressional authorization. They are seeking declaratory and injunctive relief to stop the Upstream surveillance and purge related communications from government databases.
This document summarizes a CNN news segment that covered two topics: 1) The 2015 Iran nuclear deal and recent controversy over it, with Israel providing evidence that Iran lied about suspending its nuclear program. The US must decide by May 12th whether to continue lifting sanctions on Iran. 2) The issue of immigration in the US and a caravan of 100 Central American migrants seeking asylum at the US-Mexico border, which faces opposition from some. The document provides background on both of these complex and long-debated issues.
This document invites the recipient to attend a discussion hosted by the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Federalist Society on the implications of the Alien Tort Act. The panel will feature Judge Robert Bork, Christopher Homner from CEI, Bill Reinsch from the National Foreign Trade Council, and Daniel Price from Sidley Austin Brown & Wood law firm. They will discuss the legal risks the ATA creates for businesses operating abroad and potential reforms. The event is on June 25, 2003 at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce building in Washington D.C. RSVPs should be sent to Megan McLaughlin at CEI.
This document summarizes major domestic issues and events in 20th century America, including the civil rights movement, women's rights movement, and impact of new technologies. It discusses key civil rights legislation and events like Brown v. Board of Education, the Montgomery bus boycott, and the March on Washington. It also outlines the establishment of organizations like NOW and NAACP to advocate for racial and gender equality. The rise of new industries related to technologies like jets, computers and the internet are noted. Individual citizens who influenced science, culture, academia and economics are highlighted. Emerging issues at the end of the 20th century like terrorism, immigration and environmental policies are briefly mentioned.
This document provides an overview of the U.S. immigration reform movement. It discusses the debate around immigration and reasons some support/oppose immigration reform. Key points covered include increasing border security, reforming worksite enforcement policies, improving existing immigration programs, and creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants currently in the country. The document examines perspectives from both sides of the issue and outlines the Obama Administration's stance on comprehensive immigration reform.
This document summarizes an article from the hacker magazine 2600 that discusses hacking the security program Fortres. It describes how Fortres is difficult to hack if properly configured but easy if poorly configured. It notes that inconspicuously hacking Fortres on any machine is tricky. The article then provides advice on how to understand how Fortres works rather than just breaking it.
This document summarizes a Wikileaks press conference regarding Edward Snowden's exit from Hong Kong on June 23rd, 2013. The speakers discuss the legal issues surrounding Snowden's application for asylum, including his protections as a whistleblower under international law. They condemn U.S. government attempts to interfere with Snowden's asylum application and calls to extradite him. The speakers argue the more important issue is the massive global surveillance programs revealed by Snowden, and see his and Bradley Manning's cases as part of a pattern of retaliation against whistleblowers by the Obama administration.
The document discusses arguments around whether the Patriot Act should be repealed. It outlines perspectives from both sides of the debate. Proponents of the Patriot Act argue that it has helped fight terrorism and prosecute hundreds of terrorists, while maintaining civil liberties. Critics argue it infringes on constitutional rights like freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and unfairly targets immigrants. Both sides cite examples to support their positions in this complex debate around national security, civil rights, and counterterrorism.
This document provides a summary and analysis of recent events from the summer of 2000, including the DeCSS trial and growing activism. It discusses how the DeCSS trial highlighted issues of control over digital media but failed to consider technical issues or freedom of speech. As a result of these events, communities like hackers and open source developers are uniting against perceived threats to freedoms from corporations and new laws like the DMCA. The document argues that continued activism and civic participation are needed to educate people and influence politicians to prevent further erosion of rights.
The document is a meeting agenda for the Southwest California Legislative Council on March 15, 2021. The agenda includes a call to order, roll call, chair report, approval of minutes, and consideration of 14 legislative items. The council will also receive announcements and adjourn, with the next meeting scheduled for April 19, 2021. The document provides details on the agenda items to be discussed at the upcoming meeting of the Southwest California Legislative Council.
Here are my thoughts on the USA Patriot Act:
- I believe national security is important, but government surveillance powers must be balanced with civil liberties protections. Some provisions of the Patriot Act gave security agencies broad authority with little oversight.
- If certain provisions were affecting my personal privacy or constitutional rights, I would want to see if legal challenges could limit the scope of those authorities or add more transparency and accountability.
- In the future, I think Congress should have an open debate on any reauthorization that weighs both sides of this issue carefully. Blanket extensions without addressing legitimate concerns about privacy and due process do not seem like the best approach. National security and civil liberties do not always have to be at odds.
Here are my thoughts on the USA Patriot Act:
- I believe national security is important, but government surveillance powers must be balanced with civil liberties protections. Some provisions of the Patriot Act gave security agencies broad authority with little oversight.
- If certain provisions were affecting my personal privacy or constitutional rights, I would want to see if legal challenges could limit the scope of those authorities or add more transparency and accountability.
- In the future, I think Congress should have an open debate on any extensions and consider input from experts on both sides. Narrowly tailored reforms may be needed to uphold security while also protecting civil liberties. A wholesale renewal or expansion without review may go too far.
Overall it's a complex issue
The document discusses globalization and its effects on Dubai. It summarizes that Dubai has experienced rapid economic growth and development over the last decade due to foreign investment and its embrace of globalization. However, this growth has relied heavily on migrant workers who often face exploitation, abuse, and human rights violations. While Dubai has become very wealthy, the millions of migrant workers that power its economy frequently suffer discrimination, unpaid wages, confinement, and physical assault.
A look at current politics and the battle against the great reset, social credit scores, digital currencies and vax mandates so as to reverse the current enormous loss of freedoms
A look at the current political situation and the war against the great reset - from vax mandates, to social credit scores, to infringement on freedoms and why opponent's to the great reset are winning.
The document is a letter describing harassment via computer hacking that is obstructing a 160-page criminal report about money laundering and improprieties related to the nomination of Jonathan Lippman as NYS Chief Justice. It provides links to documentation of millions of dollars in homeland security grants from Serial Killer Boyden Gray to entities involved in the judicial selection process, intended to ensure Lippman's nomination. It warns that innocent newborn blood is being targeted and requests action be taken to withdraw Lippman's nomination until issues are addressed.
The annual report of the ACLU of Washington summarizes its work in 2006 to defend civil liberties that were threatened in the name of national security. It fought secret military tribunals, government surveillance without warrants, and other executive overreaches that violated laws and the constitution. The ACLU pursued legislation, lawsuits and public education to rein in the government and restore checks and balances. Key issues included reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act, the NSA warrantless wiretapping program, and surveillance of peaceful groups. The ACLU worked to address these threats at both the state and national levels through litigation, lobbying and raising public awareness.
Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series: Devvy Kidd
1. The Perils of NAU and the NAFTA Superhighway Guest Speaker: Devvy Kidd January 14, 2008 Hall Center for the Arts at Howard College Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series
2. Devvy Kidd has been active in restoring America to true constitutional government and educating Americans on how government programs work as written into law for the past eighteen years. Devvy has made guest appearances more than 2,300 times on talk radio shows and has made hundreds of guest speaking appearances across the country. Devvy authored and sold more than 1,653,000 copies of Why A Bankrupt America which deals with the the privately owned Federal Reserve System. She also authored and sold more than 700,000 copies of Blind Loyalty which deals with vote fraud. Devvy writes a column twice weekly for Here columns and other valuable information can be found on her website www.NewsWithViews
8. List of Research Sources Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd The North American Union / The Security and Prosperity Partnership Superb slide presentation and narration on the North American Union; why it is so dangerous to our constitutional republic: Best, free video on the Internet: Stop the North American Union by Dr. Jerome Corsi (no www prefix) New York Times Best Selling Book on North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership The Late Great USA by Dr. Jerome Corsi Key website on the North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership (no www prefix) Free Internet Video: A Case for Repealing NAFTA and Blocking the NAU
9. List of Research Sources Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd (Continued) The National ID Millions of us will refuse to accept the new Nazi-style National ID card. This tool will not stop terrorists or illegal aliens from slipping across the border. Its all about controlling every move you make and continuing to harvest all of our personal information. National ID Cards Wont Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration Articles by Devvy Kidd Main website: Archived columns for www.newswithviews.comDevvy/kiddA2.htm Archived colums for
11. List of Research Sources Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd The North American Union / The Security and Prosperity Partnership Superb slide presentation and narration on the North American Union; why it is so dangerous to our constitutional republic: Best, free video on the Internet: Stop the North American Union by Dr. Jerome Corsi (no www prefix) New York Times Best Selling Book on North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership The Late Great USA by Dr. Jerome Corsi Key website on the North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership (no www prefix) Free Internet Video: A Case for Repealing NAFTA and Blocking the NAU
12. List of Research Sources Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd (Continued) The National ID Millions of us will refuse to accept the new Nazi-style National ID card. This tool will not stop terrorists or illegal aliens from slipping across the border. Its all about controlling every move you make and continuing to harvest all of our personal information. National ID Cards Wont Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration Articles by Devvy Kidd Main website: Archived columns for www.newswithviews.comDevvy/kiddA2.htm Archived colums for
13. The Perils of NAU and the NAFTA Superhighway Guest Speaker: Devvy Kidd January 14, 2008 Hall Center for the Arts at Howard College Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series