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 The Perils of NAU and the NAFTA Superhighway Guest Speaker:  Devvy Kidd January 14, 2008  Hall Center for the Arts at Howard College Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series www.BigSpringFreedom.com
Devvy Kidd has been active in restoring America to true constitutional government and educating Americans on how government programs work as written into law for the past eighteen years. Devvy has made guest appearances more than 2,300 times on talk radio shows and has made hundreds of guest speaking appearances across the country.  Devvy authored and sold more than 1,653,000 copies of  Why A Bankrupt America which deals with the the privately owned Federal Reserve System. She also authored and sold more than 700,000 copies of Blind Loyalty which deals with vote fraud. Devvy writes a column twice weekly for  www.NewsWithViews.com  Here columns and other valuable information can be found on her website www.Devvy.com www.NewsWithViews  www.Devvy.com
List of Research Sources   Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd   www.devvy.com The North American Union / The Security and Prosperity Partnership Superb slide presentation and narration on the North American Union; why it is so dangerous to our constitutional republic: www.freedom.org/naugreen2/player.html Best, free video on the Internet: Stop the North American Union by Dr. Jerome Corsi (no www prefix) video.aol.com/video-detail/the-dangers-of-the-north-american-union-13/2002716549 New York Times Best Selling Book on North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership The Late Great USA by Dr. Jerome Corsi Key website on the North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership stopthenau.org/index.html  (no www prefix) Free Internet Video: A Case for Repealing NAFTA and Blocking the NAU www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=9AA70CB93F5B547B
List of Research Sources   Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd  www.devvy.com (Continued) The National ID   Millions of us will refuse to accept the new Nazi-style National ID card. This tool will not stop terrorists or illegal aliens from slipping across the border. Its all about controlling every move you make and  continuing to harvest all of our personal information. National ID Cards Wont Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2005/tst050905.htm   Articles by Devvy Kidd   Main website:   www.devvy.com Archived columns for NewsWithViews.com:   www.newswithviews.comDevvy/kiddA2.htm Archived colums for WorldNetDaily.com:   www.worldnetdaily.com/news/archives.asp?AUTHOR_ID=247
List of Research Sources   Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd   www.devvy.com The North American Union / The Security and Prosperity Partnership Superb slide presentation and narration on the North American Union; why it is so dangerous to our constitutional republic: www.freedom.org/naugreen2/player.html Best, free video on the Internet: Stop the North American Union by Dr. Jerome Corsi (no www prefix) video.aol.com/video-detail/the-dangers-of-the-north-american-union-13/2002716549 New York Times Best Selling Book on North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership The Late Great USA by Dr. Jerome Corsi Key website on the North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership stopthenau.org/index.html  (no www prefix) Free Internet Video: A Case for Repealing NAFTA and Blocking the NAU www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=9AA70CB93F5B547B
List of Research Sources   Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd  www.devvy.com (Continued) The National ID   Millions of us will refuse to accept the new Nazi-style National ID card. This tool will not stop terrorists or illegal aliens from slipping across the border. Its all about controlling every move you make and  continuing to harvest all of our personal information. National ID Cards Wont Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2005/tst050905.htm   Articles by Devvy Kidd   Main website:   www.devvy.com Archived columns for NewsWithViews.com:   www.newswithviews.comDevvy/kiddA2.htm Archived colums for WorldNetDaily.com:   www.worldnetdaily.com/news/archives.asp?AUTHOR_ID=247
 The Perils of NAU and the NAFTA Superhighway Guest Speaker:  Devvy Kidd January 14, 2008  Hall Center for the Arts at Howard College Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series www.BigSpringFreedom.com

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Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series: Devvy Kidd

  • 1. The Perils of NAU and the NAFTA Superhighway Guest Speaker: Devvy Kidd January 14, 2008 Hall Center for the Arts at Howard College Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series www.BigSpringFreedom.com
  • 2. Devvy Kidd has been active in restoring America to true constitutional government and educating Americans on how government programs work as written into law for the past eighteen years. Devvy has made guest appearances more than 2,300 times on talk radio shows and has made hundreds of guest speaking appearances across the country. Devvy authored and sold more than 1,653,000 copies of Why A Bankrupt America which deals with the the privately owned Federal Reserve System. She also authored and sold more than 700,000 copies of Blind Loyalty which deals with vote fraud. Devvy writes a column twice weekly for www.NewsWithViews.com Here columns and other valuable information can be found on her website www.Devvy.com www.NewsWithViews www.Devvy.com
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. List of Research Sources Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd www.devvy.com The North American Union / The Security and Prosperity Partnership Superb slide presentation and narration on the North American Union; why it is so dangerous to our constitutional republic: www.freedom.org/naugreen2/player.html Best, free video on the Internet: Stop the North American Union by Dr. Jerome Corsi (no www prefix) video.aol.com/video-detail/the-dangers-of-the-north-american-union-13/2002716549 New York Times Best Selling Book on North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership The Late Great USA by Dr. Jerome Corsi Key website on the North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership stopthenau.org/index.html (no www prefix) Free Internet Video: A Case for Repealing NAFTA and Blocking the NAU www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=9AA70CB93F5B547B
  • 9. List of Research Sources Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd www.devvy.com (Continued) The National ID Millions of us will refuse to accept the new Nazi-style National ID card. This tool will not stop terrorists or illegal aliens from slipping across the border. Its all about controlling every move you make and continuing to harvest all of our personal information. National ID Cards Wont Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2005/tst050905.htm Articles by Devvy Kidd Main website: www.devvy.com Archived columns for NewsWithViews.com: www.newswithviews.comDevvy/kiddA2.htm Archived colums for WorldNetDaily.com: www.worldnetdaily.com/news/archives.asp?AUTHOR_ID=247
  • 10.
  • 11. List of Research Sources Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd www.devvy.com The North American Union / The Security and Prosperity Partnership Superb slide presentation and narration on the North American Union; why it is so dangerous to our constitutional republic: www.freedom.org/naugreen2/player.html Best, free video on the Internet: Stop the North American Union by Dr. Jerome Corsi (no www prefix) video.aol.com/video-detail/the-dangers-of-the-north-american-union-13/2002716549 New York Times Best Selling Book on North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership The Late Great USA by Dr. Jerome Corsi Key website on the North American Union / Security and Prosperity Partnership stopthenau.org/index.html (no www prefix) Free Internet Video: A Case for Repealing NAFTA and Blocking the NAU www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=9AA70CB93F5B547B
  • 12. List of Research Sources Handout Compliments of Devvy Kidd www.devvy.com (Continued) The National ID Millions of us will refuse to accept the new Nazi-style National ID card. This tool will not stop terrorists or illegal aliens from slipping across the border. Its all about controlling every move you make and continuing to harvest all of our personal information. National ID Cards Wont Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2005/tst050905.htm Articles by Devvy Kidd Main website: www.devvy.com Archived columns for NewsWithViews.com: www.newswithviews.comDevvy/kiddA2.htm Archived colums for WorldNetDaily.com: www.worldnetdaily.com/news/archives.asp?AUTHOR_ID=247
  • 13. The Perils of NAU and the NAFTA Superhighway Guest Speaker: Devvy Kidd January 14, 2008 Hall Center for the Arts at Howard College Concerned Citizens Council Lecture Series www.BigSpringFreedom.com