Users, Prototyping, Etc. (Lean Startup Machine Toronto)Satish Kanwar
I ran a workshop at Lean Startup Machine in Toronto on Day 2 of the customer development focused startup competition. This was class 5 on January 28, 2012 on Users, Prototyping, Etc.
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Larry Siedlick, CEO of Sunrise Medical Laboratories, gave a presentation on creating a high performance laboratory. He discussed the importance of passion and purpose in driving organizational culture and performance. He emphasized that leadership matters and outlined basic leadership competencies like self-awareness, empathy, and developing others. Siedlick also presented Sunrise's customer-focused culture and metrics showing its high performance in productivity, financial benchmarks, and growth compared to major national labs.
"Connecting the Dots for Success" - 2007 American Association of Bi...Lsiedlick
Sunrise Medical Laboratories is a regional clinical laboratory located near New York City that has grown from a small community lab founded in 1972 to serving over 1.4 million patients in 2007 with $72 million in projected revenue. The presentation outlines Sunrise's growth strategies including strong financial controls, a service-oriented culture, an emphasis on sales, and early adoption of information technology. Key metrics are presented showing Sunrise achieves productivity and revenue per employee on par with major national laboratories despite its smaller size.
Tech Days Paris Intoduction F# and Collective IntelligenceRobert Pickering
This document provides an overview of a presentation on the F# programming language. It discusses why F# was created, provides a taste of the F# language features like functional programming and object-oriented programming. It also demonstrates a complete F# application for classifying bloggers using a "Collective Intelligence" algorithm. The application uses hierarchical clustering to group similar blogs based on the frequency of words. The document discusses the architecture of the application and how it was implemented efficiently in F#.
"Capturing Your Market" - 2006 Washington G2Lsiedlick
Sunrise Medical Laboratories is a regional clinical laboratory located outside New York City that has experienced significant growth since being founded in 1972. The laboratory has 285 employees, projects serving 1.2 million patients in 2006, and expects $55 million in revenue that year. The presentation outlines Sunrise's strategies for continued growth, including financial discipline, a service-oriented culture, marketing, sales programs, and information technology connectivity.
"Leadership in the Modern Pathology Environment" - 2009 Siemens Aca...Lsiedlick
This document summarizes a presentation about leadership challenges in pathology laboratories. It discusses the need for laboratory leaders to define a clear purpose and inspire passion to motivate staff. Specifically, it emphasizes that great leadership is needed to build a strong customer service culture and attract and retain the right people. Leaders are encouraged to lead by example and focus on their internal customers to develop staff and drive high performance.
6. Conclusioni La luce solare e l’acqua sono indispensabili alla vita delle piante. La luce solare viene catturata dalla clorofilla, presente sulla foglia delle piante. L’acqua viene assorbita dalle radici insieme ad altre sostanze nutrienti presenti nel terreno.