Adopt Adapt or Abandon? Instructors' Decisions to Use Research-Based MaterialsStephanie Chasteen
This is from my talk at AAPT 2011
Physics education researchers often develop materials for classroom use. Instructors then choose which of those materials they would like to implement. We present a case study of University of Colorados transformed junior E&M course. After the transformation work in Sp/Fa 2008, 4 subsequent instructors of this course decided which materials such as tutorials, clicker questions, or use of documented student difficulties to use. Based on detailed interviews of those instructors, we examine what was and was not sustained, and discuss aspects of the course materials that enabled sustainability across instructors. We also present examples of less successful implementation that provide useful feedback on the use of PER-based resources both for educational researchers and for the instructors making use of these instructional techniques.
Green 101: Understanding Industry StandardsCleanEdison
Interested in joining the new green economy? This is a high-level overview of the prevailing green standards. These slides are a portion of the CleanEdison Green 101 Course - if you're interested in viewing the entire 3-hour course, visit our website.
Hq Sr. Francisco E Sr. Eduardo Prof捉 F叩Tima Abril 2009guest97ef234
Sr. Francisco comprou um terreno para plantar milho, mas ap坦s alguns anos a produ巽達o diminuiu devido a pragas e degrada巽達o do solo. Ele procurou seu vizinho Sr. Eduardo, que havia transformado sua propriedade em produ巽達o org但nica de sucesso utilizando t辿cnicas sustent叩veis como rota巽達o de culturas e aduba巽達o verde. Sr. Eduardo ofereceu ajuda para Sr. Francisco tamb辿m converter sua propriedade para a agricultura org但nica.
El documento resume c坦mo los estudiantes pasan su tiempo en diferentes asignaturas. En algunas clases los estudiantes prestan atenci坦n y completan sus tareas, mientras que en otras juegan o socializan en lugar de concentrarse en el aprendizaje. Los maestros tienen diferentes grados de 辿xito en el uso del tiempo de clase de manera productiva.
1. This document contains the results of the first midterm exam in Chemistry I for 2009, listing student identification numbers, exam numbers, and scores.
2. The students' scores ranged from 2.4 to 5.3 out of 6 possible points.
3. Some students were absent and had pending scores.
published by Data investment consult lebanon CEO - Mr Maan Barazy thjis paper looks at ilamic finance adaptability to Basel 3 0 - In the aftermath of the global financial crisis and the financial stability forum of the IMF and the Basel III regime, effective liquidity risk management is denoted in this paper as a multiple equilibria between the challenge for compliance and the quest for Shariaah debt driven instruments is seen crucial for the sustainability of risk islamic banking. This paper looks towards the profitability of Islamic instruments and where their core risks. It also argues that the issue of sukuks and the compliance effort towards Basel laws are not helping islamic finance
The document discusses the concept of a "business hug", which involves hearing customers, understanding their needs, and giving back incredible value to build relationships. A business hug creates engagement and social bonding with customers through personalization and fun. It encourages trust and loyalty so that customers will buy more, buy more often, and bring their friends. The key is to make customers feel understood, meet their needs, and engage with them in a way that delights them. A business hug is a new way of doing business that focuses on the customer experience to drive sales and word-of-mouth marketing.
Este documento presenta el programa de una conferencia m辿dica de varios d鱈as que abarca temas de ginecolog鱈a, obstetricia, pediatr鱈a, patolog鱈a, anestesiolog鱈a, reanimaci坦n, medicina interna y cirug鱈a general. El programa incluye ponentes, temas y horarios para cada sesi坦n de la conferencia los d鱈as jueves, viernes y s叩bado.
- Gross billings increased 1.7% year-over-year to $536.6 million driven by a 6.4% increase in loyalty units sold, partially offset by the loss of the Qantas program. On a constant currency basis, gross billings increased 1.2%.
- Adjusted EBITDA increased 22.5% year-over-year to $88.9 million due to improved margins and cost containment. On a constant currency basis, adjusted EBITDA growth was also 22.5%.
- Free cash flow was $18.3 million compared to negative $21.2 million in the prior year due to higher earnings and working capital improvements.
This document discusses repositories in Moodle 2 and beyond. It covers the repository concept and why repositories are used, different sources of files in Moodle versions 1.9.x and 2.0.x, file system hashing and pooling to reduce storage space, reusability through links versus copying, examples of repository types including Mooch which is a repository of open courses, and developing new repository types from providers like Equella, Dspace, and Google. It also provides contact information for Lambda Solutions, a company that assists with Moodle repositories.
El documento es una oraci坦n breve que pide perd坦n a Jes炭s por los errores cometidos y expresa amor hacia 辿l. Sugiere pasar la oraci坦n a 7 personas para recibir un milagro al d鱈a siguiente y protecci坦n divina para la familia, el hogar y otros aspectos de la vida.
La capacitaci坦n cubri坦 temas como el rol de los censistas, trabajo en grupo, uso de dispositivos m坦viles y din叩micas para comprometerse con el censo de manera honesta y ayudar a cambiar la historia del pa鱈s. El coronel Bogado agradeci坦 a los censistas y les dese坦 辿xito en su importante labor.
La tecnolog鱈a se refiere al conjunto de habilidades y conocimientos que permiten construir objetos y m叩quinas para adaptar el medio ambiente y satisfacer las necesidades humanas. La tecnolog鱈a es una palabra de origen griego que se usa en singular para referirse a una tecnolog鱈a en particular o al conjunto de todas las tecnolog鱈as. Cuando se escribe con may炭scula, la tecnolog鱈a tambi辿n puede referirse a la disciplina te坦rica que estudia los conocimientos comunes a todas las tecnolog鱈as o a la educaci坦n tecnol坦gica
Este documento presenta una breve biograf鱈a de Yessica Espinoza Ch叩vez. Naci坦 el 6 de febrero de 1999 en San Pedrito, M辿xico. Sus padres son Mar鱈a Guadalupe Ch叩vez Gonz叩lez y Arturo Espinoza Vel叩zquez, y su hermana se llama Klivia Espinoza Ch叩vez. A Yessica le gustan las pel鱈culas de princesas, las mu単ecas y las Barbies, y disfruta jugar y vestirse a la moda.
published by Data investment consult lebanon CEO - Mr Maan Barazy thjis paper looks at ilamic finance adaptability to Basel 3 0 - In the aftermath of the global financial crisis and the financial stability forum of the IMF and the Basel III regime, effective liquidity risk management is denoted in this paper as a multiple equilibria between the challenge for compliance and the quest for Shariaah debt driven instruments is seen crucial for the sustainability of risk islamic banking. This paper looks towards the profitability of Islamic instruments and where their core risks. It also argues that the issue of sukuks and the compliance effort towards Basel laws are not helping islamic finance
The document discusses the concept of a "business hug", which involves hearing customers, understanding their needs, and giving back incredible value to build relationships. A business hug creates engagement and social bonding with customers through personalization and fun. It encourages trust and loyalty so that customers will buy more, buy more often, and bring their friends. The key is to make customers feel understood, meet their needs, and engage with them in a way that delights them. A business hug is a new way of doing business that focuses on the customer experience to drive sales and word-of-mouth marketing.
Este documento presenta el programa de una conferencia m辿dica de varios d鱈as que abarca temas de ginecolog鱈a, obstetricia, pediatr鱈a, patolog鱈a, anestesiolog鱈a, reanimaci坦n, medicina interna y cirug鱈a general. El programa incluye ponentes, temas y horarios para cada sesi坦n de la conferencia los d鱈as jueves, viernes y s叩bado.
- Gross billings increased 1.7% year-over-year to $536.6 million driven by a 6.4% increase in loyalty units sold, partially offset by the loss of the Qantas program. On a constant currency basis, gross billings increased 1.2%.
- Adjusted EBITDA increased 22.5% year-over-year to $88.9 million due to improved margins and cost containment. On a constant currency basis, adjusted EBITDA growth was also 22.5%.
- Free cash flow was $18.3 million compared to negative $21.2 million in the prior year due to higher earnings and working capital improvements.
This document discusses repositories in Moodle 2 and beyond. It covers the repository concept and why repositories are used, different sources of files in Moodle versions 1.9.x and 2.0.x, file system hashing and pooling to reduce storage space, reusability through links versus copying, examples of repository types including Mooch which is a repository of open courses, and developing new repository types from providers like Equella, Dspace, and Google. It also provides contact information for Lambda Solutions, a company that assists with Moodle repositories.
El documento es una oraci坦n breve que pide perd坦n a Jes炭s por los errores cometidos y expresa amor hacia 辿l. Sugiere pasar la oraci坦n a 7 personas para recibir un milagro al d鱈a siguiente y protecci坦n divina para la familia, el hogar y otros aspectos de la vida.
La capacitaci坦n cubri坦 temas como el rol de los censistas, trabajo en grupo, uso de dispositivos m坦viles y din叩micas para comprometerse con el censo de manera honesta y ayudar a cambiar la historia del pa鱈s. El coronel Bogado agradeci坦 a los censistas y les dese坦 辿xito en su importante labor.
La tecnolog鱈a se refiere al conjunto de habilidades y conocimientos que permiten construir objetos y m叩quinas para adaptar el medio ambiente y satisfacer las necesidades humanas. La tecnolog鱈a es una palabra de origen griego que se usa en singular para referirse a una tecnolog鱈a en particular o al conjunto de todas las tecnolog鱈as. Cuando se escribe con may炭scula, la tecnolog鱈a tambi辿n puede referirse a la disciplina te坦rica que estudia los conocimientos comunes a todas las tecnolog鱈as o a la educaci坦n tecnol坦gica
Este documento presenta una breve biograf鱈a de Yessica Espinoza Ch叩vez. Naci坦 el 6 de febrero de 1999 en San Pedrito, M辿xico. Sus padres son Mar鱈a Guadalupe Ch叩vez Gonz叩lez y Arturo Espinoza Vel叩zquez, y su hermana se llama Klivia Espinoza Ch叩vez. A Yessica le gustan las pel鱈culas de princesas, las mu単ecas y las Barbies, y disfruta jugar y vestirse a la moda.