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PLENARY SESSIONS 09:00 - 12:45
A snapshot of the food and nutrition industry in 5+ years time
Registration and refreshments
Welcome address - Angelique Cachia, Head of Content, Fi Global Followed by:
Moderator: Heather Granato, Vice President - Content, Health & Nutrition Network
Title: A snapshot from the future: what happened to the trends of today?
Speaker: Julian Mellentin, Director, New Nutrition Business
Case studies: Securing a sustainable future:
 Case study 1: Lab grown meat
Aleph Farms: Sustainable meat-eating for the future, Didier Toubia, Co-Founder & CEO, Aleph Farms
 Case study 2: Edible packaging
The edibles: Customization and sustainability, Divya Mohan, Co-Founder, the edibles
Title: Anticipating future retail through personalised nutrition from a digital perspective
Speaker: Ignace de Nollin, Business Manager, SmartWithFood
Title: Digital health and its impact on the nutrition category in consumer health
Speaker: Dr. Volker Spitzer, Global Principal, Consumer Health R&D - Consulting Services, IQVIA
Refreshments and networking
Title: Artificial intelligence has moved from science fiction to reality.
A new AI based technology could accurately predict future flavour preferences among consumers
Speaker: Jason Cohen, Founder & CEO, Gastrograph
Focus on open innovation: Harnessing the power of open innovation.
Open innovation encourages companies to look externally for sources of innovation as a way of improving
products and reducing time to market, rather than relying on in-house R&D expertise. These external sources
can include academia, startups or other industry players. This business model is changing the face of innova-
tion within the F&B industry.
Moderator: Dr. Volker Spitzer, Global Principal, Consumer Health R&D - Consulting Services, IQVIA
Introduction from moderator: Open innovation as a new business driver in the consumer health
and nutrition industry
Interview: Open innovation within Bayer
Interviewee: Adrian Percy, Head of Research & Development, Bayer Crop Sience
Mini workshop: Identifying the benefits and challenges of implementing an open innovation strategy
Lunch and networking
Please note that this programmes topics and
speakers are subject to change
at the discretion of the organisers.
Check out our early bird
discounts here
Personalised nutrition for the
future consumer
The future of sports nutrition
Title: Exploring the potential for personalised nutrition
Speaker: Nard Clabbers, Senior Business Developer
Personalised Nutrition and Health, TNO
Title: Personalising gut health
Speaker: Prof Christian Sina, Director, Institute of
Nutritional Medicine - Campus L端beck
Debate: Personalised nutrition: established category,
or emerging science?
Panellists: Adrian Hodgson, Spoon Guru
Prof Hannelore Daniel, Technical University 	
of Munich
Refreshments and networking
Title: Crossing boundaries: learning from other
industries to develop personalised solutions
Speaker: Mariette Abrahams, Director, Mariette
Abrahams Consulting
Panel discussion: Privacy vs customized targeting:
how to deliver a personalised service with enhanced
data protection
Panellists: Marco Iotti, MIXFIT
	 Nard Clabbers, TNO
	 Ignace de Nollin, SmartWithFood
Prof Christian Sina, Director, Institute of
Nutritional Medicine - Campus L端beck
Title: Mapping the evolving relationship between
industry and consumers
Speaker: Jeff Hilton, Partner & Co-Founder, BrandHive
Closing address
Title: Introduction from Chair
Speaker: Luca Bucchin, Vice-Chair, ESSNA
Title: Insects in Sports Nutrition  Biblical Plague
or Modern Superfood?
Speaker: Dr Christopher Zeppenfeld, Swarm Protein
Title: Sports nutrition and the general population -
I now pronounce you husband and wife
Speaker: Dr Dan Reardon, CEO, Fitness Genes
Title: Probiotics, Health and Sports Performance
Speaker: Mark Gilbert, Vice-Chair, ESSNA
Refreshments and networking
Title: The Future of Sports Nutrition: mind, body and
holistic health
Speaker: Joe Welstead, Co-Founder, Motion Nutrition
Title: But speed of legislation could limit innovation 
heres what businesses need to know
Speaker: Claudia Mucciardi, Vice Chair , ESSNA
Closing address
Please note that this programmes topics and
speakers are subject to change
at the discretion of the organisers.
A snapshot of the food and nutrition industry in 5+ years time
Check out our early bird
discounts here
Session Moderator: Mariette Abrahams, Director, Mariette
Abrahams Consulting
Tackling current challenges and identifying immediate opportunities for the F&B industry
PLENARY SESSIONS 10:30 - 16:50
Title: The evolution of the protein trend
Speaker: Emma Schofield, Global Food Science Analyst, Mintel
Title: Protein sourcing 101
Plant-based: Verena Wiederkehr, Head of Food Industry & Retail International, ProVeg International
Microorganism-based: Wim de Laat, Owner, BioscienZ
Insect-based: Dr Daniel Mohr, CEO, Plumento Foods
Title: Bleeding plants: the trend for meat-like plant proteins
Speaker: Niccolo Manzoni, Founder, Five Seasons Ventures
Company case study by Rousselot: The protein challenge: how gelatin and collagen can help build the future
Speakers: Dr. Jeff Daelman, Product & Business Development Manager, Rousselot
Dr. Sara de Pelsmaeker, Product & Business Development Manager, Rousselot
Test your knowledge, share your opinions and discover what your industry peers think about the latest industry trends
with a quick, live poll.
Refreshment Break
Title: What do consumers really want?
Speaker: Amishi Takalkar, CEO, NAILBITER
Title: Developing products with naturally functional ingredients
Speaker: Gr辿gory Duborg, CEO, Nutrikeo
Title: Making calories count
Speaker: Dr Ewa Kania, Analyst - Food and Nutrition, Euromonitor International
Company case study
Speaker: TBC
Test your knowledge, share your opinions and discover what your industry peers think about the latest industry trends
with a quick, live poll.
Afternoon refreshment break
Title: Changes to the novel food regulations: one year on
Speaker: Nicoleta Pasecinic, Regulatory Affairs Associate, Pen & Tec
Title: Experience is king: creating products for the social media generation
Speaker: Edward Bergen, Global Food and Drink Analyst, Mintel
Title: Keynote presentation: Influencing consumers and predicting trends
Speaker: Ella Mills, Founder and Creative Director, Deliciously Ella
Matthew Mills, CEO of Deliciously Ella
End of conference Day 1
The Hi Conference focuses on four key themes which are marked under each presentation:
Focus on Functional Personalising Nutrition Clean, Natural & Transparent Reduce, Remove & Reformulate
Please note that this programmes topics and
speakers are subject to change
at the discretion of the organisers.
Tackling current challenges and identifying immediate opportunities for the F&B industry
PLENARY SESSIONS 10:30 - 17:15
Moderator: Ewa Hudson, Head of Market Insights, Lumina Intelligence
Case studies: Commercialising the personalised nutrition trend
Case study 1: Innovation in sports and nutrition
Speaker: Jeroen Wouters, Innovation Manager of Sports & Nutrition, Sports Centre Papendal and
	 Director International, Food Valley NL
Case study 2: Medicine use and opportunities for personalised nutrition
Speaker: Mike Wakeman, Director, Lifespan Essential
Company case study by BASF: The new generation of immune-active peptides for sports recovery
Speaker: Dr. Dietrich Rein, Global Scientific Marketing Human Nutrition, BASF
Title: Tracking new product development for different life stage
Human Milk Oligosaccharides: Our first functional food, Jo Garvey, Independent Consultant, Paediatric Nutrition
Healthy ageing: Diet, cognitive decline and dementia: what is the evidence for brain food?, Ayela Spiro, Nutrition
Science Manager, British Nutrition Foundation
Test your knowledge, share your opinions and discover what your industry peers think about the latest industry trends
with a quick, live poll.
Refreshment Break
Company case study by Kerry: Making healthier choices simple: targeting consumer lifestyles
Speaker: Kelly Blaszczak, Strategic Marketing Director, Kerry
Title: Free from yet full of: reducing salt and sugar through
Speaker: Herwig Bachmann, Group Leader of Fermentation, NIZO
Panel discussion: Is there an easier way to get scientifically-proven health claims?
Panellists: Christiaan Kalk, Founder, Life Science-Based Innovations (LSBI)
Alwine Kardinaal, Work Group Leader -Gut Health & Immunity, NIZO
	 Dr Hannah Lester, Scientific Director, Pen & Tec
Title: Applying the latest research into gut health
Speaker: Kara Landau, Founder & Head Dietician, Uplift Food
Test your knowledge, share your opinions and discover what your industry peers think about the latest industry trends
with a quick, live poll.
Afternoon refreshment break
Title: The digital nose: using digital olfaction to develop new products	
Speaker: Tristan Rousselle, Founder and Deputy CEO, Aryballe
Title: Old meets new: harmonizing traditional knowledge with science
Speaker: Ranjan Sinha, Co-Founder & CEO, 3TandAI
Title: State of the industry: Whats Hot? Whats Not? Whats Next?
Panellists: Kara Landau, Founder & Head Dietician, Uplift Food
	 Christiaan Kalk, Founder, Life Science-Based Innovations (LSBI)
Ranjan Sinha, Co-Founder & CEO, 3TandAI
End of conference Day 2
The Hi Conference focuses on four key themes which are marked under each presentation:
Focus on Functional Personalising Nutrition Clean, Natural & Transparent Reduce, Remove & Reformulate
Please note that this programmes topics and speakers are subject to change at the dis-
cretion of the organisers.
Media Policy for Attendees: By attending Fi Global events, you grant permission
to be photographed or videotaped by Fi Global or its official photographer and/
or videographer during the event. By participating in this event, you grant Fi Glob-
al the right to use any image, photograph, voice recordings, or likeness, without
limitation, in its promotional materials and publicity efforts without compensation.
All media become the property of Fi Global.
Check out our
early bird discounts here

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Conference programme Hi Europe 2018

  • 1. FUTURE OF NUTRITION SUMMIT PRE-EVENT MONDAY 26 NOVEMBER 2018 SOFITEL FRANKFURT OPERA PLENARY SESSIONS 09:00 - 12:45 A snapshot of the food and nutrition industry in 5+ years time 08:15 09:00 09:10 09:35 10:05 10:30 10:55 11:25 11:50 12:10 12:30 12:45 Registration and refreshments Welcome address - Angelique Cachia, Head of Content, Fi Global Followed by: Moderator: Heather Granato, Vice President - Content, Health & Nutrition Network Title: A snapshot from the future: what happened to the trends of today? Speaker: Julian Mellentin, Director, New Nutrition Business Case studies: Securing a sustainable future: Case study 1: Lab grown meat Aleph Farms: Sustainable meat-eating for the future, Didier Toubia, Co-Founder & CEO, Aleph Farms Case study 2: Edible packaging The edibles: Customization and sustainability, Divya Mohan, Co-Founder, the edibles Title: Anticipating future retail through personalised nutrition from a digital perspective Speaker: Ignace de Nollin, Business Manager, SmartWithFood Title: Digital health and its impact on the nutrition category in consumer health Speaker: Dr. Volker Spitzer, Global Principal, Consumer Health R&D - Consulting Services, IQVIA Refreshments and networking Title: Artificial intelligence has moved from science fiction to reality. A new AI based technology could accurately predict future flavour preferences among consumers Speaker: Jason Cohen, Founder & CEO, Gastrograph Focus on open innovation: Harnessing the power of open innovation. Open innovation encourages companies to look externally for sources of innovation as a way of improving products and reducing time to market, rather than relying on in-house R&D expertise. These external sources can include academia, startups or other industry players. This business model is changing the face of innova- tion within the F&B industry. Moderator: Dr. Volker Spitzer, Global Principal, Consumer Health R&D - Consulting Services, IQVIA Introduction from moderator: Open innovation as a new business driver in the consumer health and nutrition industry Interview: Open innovation within Bayer Interviewee: Adrian Percy, Head of Research & Development, Bayer Crop Sience Mini workshop: Identifying the benefits and challenges of implementing an open innovation strategy Lunch and networking CASESTUDIES Please note that this programmes topics and speakers are subject to change at the discretion of the organisers. FOCUSSESSION Check out our early bird discounts here
  • 2. FUTURE OF NUTRITION SUMMIT PRE-EVENT MONDAY 26 NOVEMBER 2018 SOFITEL FRANKFURT OPERA 13:45 13:50 14:20 14:50 15:20 15:50 16:20 16:45 17:15 13:45 14:15 14:45 15:20 15:50 16:20 17:00 17:25 Personalised nutrition for the future consumer The future of sports nutrition by ESSNA Title: Exploring the potential for personalised nutrition Speaker: Nard Clabbers, Senior Business Developer Personalised Nutrition and Health, TNO Title: Personalising gut health Speaker: Prof Christian Sina, Director, Institute of Nutritional Medicine - Campus L端beck Debate: Personalised nutrition: established category, or emerging science? Panellists: Adrian Hodgson, Spoon Guru Prof Hannelore Daniel, Technical University of Munich Refreshments and networking Title: Crossing boundaries: learning from other industries to develop personalised solutions Speaker: Mariette Abrahams, Director, Mariette Abrahams Consulting Panel discussion: Privacy vs customized targeting: how to deliver a personalised service with enhanced data protection Panellists: Marco Iotti, MIXFIT Nard Clabbers, TNO Ignace de Nollin, SmartWithFood Prof Christian Sina, Director, Institute of Nutritional Medicine - Campus L端beck Title: Mapping the evolving relationship between industry and consumers Speaker: Jeff Hilton, Partner & Co-Founder, BrandHive Closing address Title: Introduction from Chair Speaker: Luca Bucchin, Vice-Chair, ESSNA Title: Insects in Sports Nutrition Biblical Plague or Modern Superfood? Speaker: Dr Christopher Zeppenfeld, Swarm Protein Title: Sports nutrition and the general population - I now pronounce you husband and wife Speaker: Dr Dan Reardon, CEO, Fitness Genes Title: Probiotics, Health and Sports Performance Speaker: Mark Gilbert, Vice-Chair, ESSNA Refreshments and networking Title: The Future of Sports Nutrition: mind, body and holistic health Speaker: Joe Welstead, Co-Founder, Motion Nutrition Title: But speed of legislation could limit innovation heres what businesses need to know Speaker: Claudia Mucciardi, Vice Chair , ESSNA Q&A Closing address 17:30 NETWORKING DRINKS Please note that this programmes topics and speakers are subject to change at the discretion of the organisers. AFTERNOON SESSIONS 13:45 - 17:30 A snapshot of the food and nutrition industry in 5+ years time Check out our early bird discounts here Session Moderator: Mariette Abrahams, Director, Mariette Abrahams Consulting
  • 3. Hi CONFERENCE DAY 1 TUESDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2018 MESSE FRANKFURT, GERMANY Tackling current challenges and identifying immediate opportunities for the F&B industry PLENARY SESSIONS 10:30 - 16:50 10:30 10:55 11:25 11:45 12:15 12:20 13:15 13:40 14:05 14:30 15:00 15:05 15:30 15:55 16:20 16:50 Title: The evolution of the protein trend Speaker: Emma Schofield, Global Food Science Analyst, Mintel Title: Protein sourcing 101 Plant-based: Verena Wiederkehr, Head of Food Industry & Retail International, ProVeg International Microorganism-based: Wim de Laat, Owner, BioscienZ Insect-based: Dr Daniel Mohr, CEO, Plumento Foods Title: Bleeding plants: the trend for meat-like plant proteins Speaker: Niccolo Manzoni, Founder, Five Seasons Ventures Company case study by Rousselot: The protein challenge: how gelatin and collagen can help build the future Speakers: Dr. Jeff Daelman, Product & Business Development Manager, Rousselot Dr. Sara de Pelsmaeker, Product & Business Development Manager, Rousselot INTERACTIVE POLL Test your knowledge, share your opinions and discover what your industry peers think about the latest industry trends with a quick, live poll. Refreshment Break Title: What do consumers really want? Speaker: Amishi Takalkar, CEO, NAILBITER Title: Developing products with naturally functional ingredients Speaker: Gr辿gory Duborg, CEO, Nutrikeo Title: Making calories count Speaker: Dr Ewa Kania, Analyst - Food and Nutrition, Euromonitor International Company case study Speaker: TBC INTERACTIVE POLL Test your knowledge, share your opinions and discover what your industry peers think about the latest industry trends with a quick, live poll. Afternoon refreshment break Title: Changes to the novel food regulations: one year on Speaker: Nicoleta Pasecinic, Regulatory Affairs Associate, Pen & Tec Title: Experience is king: creating products for the social media generation Speaker: Edward Bergen, Global Food and Drink Analyst, Mintel Title: Keynote presentation: Influencing consumers and predicting trends Speaker: Ella Mills, Founder and Creative Director, Deliciously Ella Matthew Mills, CEO of Deliciously Ella End of conference Day 1 The Hi Conference focuses on four key themes which are marked under each presentation: Focus on Functional Personalising Nutrition Clean, Natural & Transparent Reduce, Remove & Reformulate Please note that this programmes topics and speakers are subject to change at the discretion of the organisers.
  • 4. Hi CONFERENCE DAY 2 WEDNESDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2018 MESSE FRANKFURT, GERMANY Tackling current challenges and identifying immediate opportunities for the F&B industry PLENARY SESSIONS 10:30 - 17:15 10:30 11:15 11:45 12:30 12:35 13:30 14:00 14:25 15:00 15:25 15:30 15:55 16:20 16:45 17:15 Moderator: Ewa Hudson, Head of Market Insights, Lumina Intelligence Case studies: Commercialising the personalised nutrition trend Case study 1: Innovation in sports and nutrition Speaker: Jeroen Wouters, Innovation Manager of Sports & Nutrition, Sports Centre Papendal and Director International, Food Valley NL Case study 2: Medicine use and opportunities for personalised nutrition Speaker: Mike Wakeman, Director, Lifespan Essential Company case study by BASF: The new generation of immune-active peptides for sports recovery Speaker: Dr. Dietrich Rein, Global Scientific Marketing Human Nutrition, BASF Title: Tracking new product development for different life stage Human Milk Oligosaccharides: Our first functional food, Jo Garvey, Independent Consultant, Paediatric Nutrition Healthy ageing: Diet, cognitive decline and dementia: what is the evidence for brain food?, Ayela Spiro, Nutrition Science Manager, British Nutrition Foundation INTERACTIVE POLL Test your knowledge, share your opinions and discover what your industry peers think about the latest industry trends with a quick, live poll. Refreshment Break Company case study by Kerry: Making healthier choices simple: targeting consumer lifestyles Speaker: Kelly Blaszczak, Strategic Marketing Director, Kerry Title: Free from yet full of: reducing salt and sugar through Speaker: Herwig Bachmann, Group Leader of Fermentation, NIZO Panel discussion: Is there an easier way to get scientifically-proven health claims? Panellists: Christiaan Kalk, Founder, Life Science-Based Innovations (LSBI) Alwine Kardinaal, Work Group Leader -Gut Health & Immunity, NIZO Dr Hannah Lester, Scientific Director, Pen & Tec Title: Applying the latest research into gut health Speaker: Kara Landau, Founder & Head Dietician, Uplift Food INTERACTIVE POLL Test your knowledge, share your opinions and discover what your industry peers think about the latest industry trends with a quick, live poll. Afternoon refreshment break Title: The digital nose: using digital olfaction to develop new products Speaker: Tristan Rousselle, Founder and Deputy CEO, Aryballe Title: Old meets new: harmonizing traditional knowledge with science Speaker: Ranjan Sinha, Co-Founder & CEO, 3TandAI Title: State of the industry: Whats Hot? Whats Not? Whats Next? Panellists: Kara Landau, Founder & Head Dietician, Uplift Food Christiaan Kalk, Founder, Life Science-Based Innovations (LSBI) Ranjan Sinha, Co-Founder & CEO, 3TandAI End of conference Day 2 The Hi Conference focuses on four key themes which are marked under each presentation: Focus on Functional Personalising Nutrition Clean, Natural & Transparent Reduce, Remove & Reformulate Please note that this programmes topics and speakers are subject to change at the dis- cretion of the organisers. Media Policy for Attendees: By attending Fi Global events, you grant permission to be photographed or videotaped by Fi Global or its official photographer and/ or videographer during the event. By participating in this event, you grant Fi Glob- al the right to use any image, photograph, voice recordings, or likeness, without limitation, in its promotional materials and publicity efforts without compensation. All media become the property of Fi Global. Check out our early bird discounts here CASESTUDIES