Poesia bloc 1r articleMaria CodinaLa escuela El Bosc de la Pabordia ofrece un curso de poesía durante el año académico 2017-2018 para estudiantes del ciclo superior.
ProcessesMaria CodinaThis document describes several manufacturing processes:
- Coca-Cola production involves cleaning water, juicing and flavoring, carbonating juice, bottling, and distributing bottles to stores.
- HARIBO candy production starts with mold casting, adding jelly, cooling, removing from molds, packaging, and transporting to a machine for packing.
- Oil extraction involves drilling wells or towers, separating oil from water and gas, storing and transporting oil via pipelines to refineries or ports for export. Extracted oil is used to make fuel, plastic, and other products.
- Mesh production includes design, pattern-cutting, sewing, adding elastic and accessories like glitter.
- Diamond processing transforms rough diamonds
Matèries o competències?Sergi del MoralDiapositives de la intervenció a la jornada "El treball per projectes a l’ܳó secundària" organtizada per @RosaSensat: http://www2.rosasensat.org/post/jornada-el-treball-per-projectes-a-l-educacio-secundaria
Clepsidra - Document d'inici de projecteSergi del MoralDocument d'inici de projecte del projecte Clepsidra.
Descripció del projecte:
En aquest projecte ens proposem mesurar el temps. Construirem una clepsidra, un rellotge d’aigua.
Treballarem com a científics i científiques, no ens creurem res que no puguem demostrar. Experimentarem i recollirem dades, ajustarem un model matemàtic a les dades recollides, analitzarem la validesa, calibrarem el rellotge i finalment comprovarem el seu funcionament.
Demanarem als nostres familiars que validin els nostres descobriments, per això els farem arribar un informe descriptiu del procés de treball
eduTrivialSergi del MoralAl betacamp les persones participants són convidades a preparar dinàmiques, activitats, perfomances… pels espais #forfun. L’equip impulsor sol fer una proposta per trencar el gel el primer dia, l’eduTrivial és una d’elles.
Still life charcoalMaria CodinaThis document discusses charcoal drawings by Maria Codina for an art class. It introduces Maria Codina as an artist from Guatemala and suggests watching some video tutorials on charcoal drawings as part of the art class.
Colours art classMaria CodinaThe document discusses the color wheel and how colors relate to each other. It explains that Isaac Newton developed the color wheel and identified red, yellow, and blue as primary colors that can't be created by mixing other colors. Secondary colors like orange, green, and violet are created by mixing two primary colors, and tertiary colors like red-orange and blue-green are made by mixing a primary and a secondary color. The color wheel is a visual representation of these color relationships.
Patterns taskMaria CodinaThe document appears to be a children's story or art project about imaginary creatures. It introduces several creatures such as an unusual butterfly, a genius with lightning ideas, and a fairy. It asks the reader if they know of any other strange creatures and has them imagine transforming into one of the creatures in a photo. The story seems to transition between describing the fantasy world and creatures that live there and engaging the reader to participate in an art or creative writing activity.
Let's revise...Maria CodinaThe document provides instruction on revising usage of the past simple tense in English. It lists the regular and irregular forms of verbs in the past simple, including examples of affirmative, question, and negative sentences. It also covers using the infinitive of purpose, past continuous tense with was/were + verb+ing, and must/mustn't for obligation or prohibition in the past.
Rc the history of chocolateMaria CodinaMilton Hershey started the Hershey's chocolate company in Pennsylvania. He built not only a successful chocolate factory but also an entire town for his employees. Hershey focused on affordable chocolate bars for everyone and added popular products like Hershey Kisses. He used his wealth to establish charitable foundations and organizations to help orphaned children through education. Though Hershey passed away in 1945, his company and legacy of philanthropy continue on.
Rc sun, moon and starsMaria CodinaThe passage discusses the sun, stars, and moon. It explains that the sun is up during the day and provides light and heat for plants to grow. The stars are visible at night like the sun, as they also give off light and heat. However, the moon is different because it is seen at night and does not produce its own light or heat. Constellations are groups of stars that appear to form shapes or pictures in the sky.
Day and night[3342]Maria CodinaThis document is a science mini unit by The Constant Kindergartener that explains why there is day and night. It describes that day and night occur because as the Earth spins on its axis, different parts of the planet face toward and away from the sun, experiencing light or darkness. The mini unit includes activities and worksheets for students to label where it is day and night, illustrate how the Earth spins to create the cycle, and reflect on favorite day and night activities.
6èA: our theory slidesMaria CodinaThis document provides information about telling time in English and Catalan. It includes the parts of a clock, how to read quarter hours, and examples of times written in numbers. Key terms are defined such as past, to, quarter past/to, and o'clock. Exercises are provided to practice reading times.
ART MOVEMENTS 5BMaria CodinaExpressionism emerged in Germany in the early 20th century as a reaction against Impressionism and academic art. Inspired by Symbolism, Expressionism sought to convey emotions and ideas through bold colors and distorted forms rather than through realistic representations. Key Expressionist artists included Vincent van Gogh, Edvard Munch, and James Ensor, who influenced the movement with their emotive and non-realistic styles. Expressionism aimed to express inner feelings and convey a sense of anxiety about modern humanity's relationship with the world through intentionally distorted forms.
THEORY NUMBER 3Maria CodinaThis document discusses grammar concepts including nouns, verbs, and relative clauses. It defines nouns as naming people, places, things, or ideas, and verbs as describing actions or states of being. It then explains the different types of relative pronouns that can be used in relative clauses - that, which, who, whose, and whom - and provides examples of how each is used. It notes that relative clauses can include commas or not, and that pronouns play an important role in identifying what a relative clause is referring to.
Power point grammar 2Maria CodinaThe document contains summaries of several grammar topics:
- The past continuous tense describes actions that were happening at a moment in the past. It can be used to show two simultaneous actions, with one in the past continuous and one in the simple past.
- Auxiliary verbs like "to be", "to do" and "to have" help form questions, negatives, compound tenses and the passive voice. They are used differently in questions versus negatives.
- Relative clauses use pronouns like "that", "which", "who", "whose", and "whom" to join two clauses. They can be used with or without commas and the pronouns play an important role.
Power point de grammar 1Maria Codina1. The document discusses grammar topics related to time in English, including the present perfect, past simple, future, and present continuous tenses.
2. Examples are provided to illustrate how to form and use these tenses in positive, negative, and interrogative sentences.
3. Irregular verbs and comparisons between regular and irregular forms are also explained.
The shark[1762]Maria CodinaSharks are carnivorous vertebrate animals that live in the ocean and have certain key features like gills for breathing underwater, strong jaws and teeth for hunting and eating prey, and a risk of going extinct with many species. There are over 500 different shark species ranging widely in size, with the whale shark being the largest fish and able to live 70-100 years.
2. Acords Consell Escolar web 30-01-2025.docxEscolaRoserCapdevila18Acta del Consell Escolar celebrat el dia 30/01/25 a l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
Still life charcoalMaria CodinaThis document discusses charcoal drawings by Maria Codina for an art class. It introduces Maria Codina as an artist from Guatemala and suggests watching some video tutorials on charcoal drawings as part of the art class.
Colours art classMaria CodinaThe document discusses the color wheel and how colors relate to each other. It explains that Isaac Newton developed the color wheel and identified red, yellow, and blue as primary colors that can't be created by mixing other colors. Secondary colors like orange, green, and violet are created by mixing two primary colors, and tertiary colors like red-orange and blue-green are made by mixing a primary and a secondary color. The color wheel is a visual representation of these color relationships.
Patterns taskMaria CodinaThe document appears to be a children's story or art project about imaginary creatures. It introduces several creatures such as an unusual butterfly, a genius with lightning ideas, and a fairy. It asks the reader if they know of any other strange creatures and has them imagine transforming into one of the creatures in a photo. The story seems to transition between describing the fantasy world and creatures that live there and engaging the reader to participate in an art or creative writing activity.
Let's revise...Maria CodinaThe document provides instruction on revising usage of the past simple tense in English. It lists the regular and irregular forms of verbs in the past simple, including examples of affirmative, question, and negative sentences. It also covers using the infinitive of purpose, past continuous tense with was/were + verb+ing, and must/mustn't for obligation or prohibition in the past.
Rc the history of chocolateMaria CodinaMilton Hershey started the Hershey's chocolate company in Pennsylvania. He built not only a successful chocolate factory but also an entire town for his employees. Hershey focused on affordable chocolate bars for everyone and added popular products like Hershey Kisses. He used his wealth to establish charitable foundations and organizations to help orphaned children through education. Though Hershey passed away in 1945, his company and legacy of philanthropy continue on.
Rc sun, moon and starsMaria CodinaThe passage discusses the sun, stars, and moon. It explains that the sun is up during the day and provides light and heat for plants to grow. The stars are visible at night like the sun, as they also give off light and heat. However, the moon is different because it is seen at night and does not produce its own light or heat. Constellations are groups of stars that appear to form shapes or pictures in the sky.
Day and night[3342]Maria CodinaThis document is a science mini unit by The Constant Kindergartener that explains why there is day and night. It describes that day and night occur because as the Earth spins on its axis, different parts of the planet face toward and away from the sun, experiencing light or darkness. The mini unit includes activities and worksheets for students to label where it is day and night, illustrate how the Earth spins to create the cycle, and reflect on favorite day and night activities.
6èA: our theory slidesMaria CodinaThis document provides information about telling time in English and Catalan. It includes the parts of a clock, how to read quarter hours, and examples of times written in numbers. Key terms are defined such as past, to, quarter past/to, and o'clock. Exercises are provided to practice reading times.
ART MOVEMENTS 5BMaria CodinaExpressionism emerged in Germany in the early 20th century as a reaction against Impressionism and academic art. Inspired by Symbolism, Expressionism sought to convey emotions and ideas through bold colors and distorted forms rather than through realistic representations. Key Expressionist artists included Vincent van Gogh, Edvard Munch, and James Ensor, who influenced the movement with their emotive and non-realistic styles. Expressionism aimed to express inner feelings and convey a sense of anxiety about modern humanity's relationship with the world through intentionally distorted forms.
THEORY NUMBER 3Maria CodinaThis document discusses grammar concepts including nouns, verbs, and relative clauses. It defines nouns as naming people, places, things, or ideas, and verbs as describing actions or states of being. It then explains the different types of relative pronouns that can be used in relative clauses - that, which, who, whose, and whom - and provides examples of how each is used. It notes that relative clauses can include commas or not, and that pronouns play an important role in identifying what a relative clause is referring to.
Power point grammar 2Maria CodinaThe document contains summaries of several grammar topics:
- The past continuous tense describes actions that were happening at a moment in the past. It can be used to show two simultaneous actions, with one in the past continuous and one in the simple past.
- Auxiliary verbs like "to be", "to do" and "to have" help form questions, negatives, compound tenses and the passive voice. They are used differently in questions versus negatives.
- Relative clauses use pronouns like "that", "which", "who", "whose", and "whom" to join two clauses. They can be used with or without commas and the pronouns play an important role.
Power point de grammar 1Maria Codina1. The document discusses grammar topics related to time in English, including the present perfect, past simple, future, and present continuous tenses.
2. Examples are provided to illustrate how to form and use these tenses in positive, negative, and interrogative sentences.
3. Irregular verbs and comparisons between regular and irregular forms are also explained.
The shark[1762]Maria CodinaSharks are carnivorous vertebrate animals that live in the ocean and have certain key features like gills for breathing underwater, strong jaws and teeth for hunting and eating prey, and a risk of going extinct with many species. There are over 500 different shark species ranging widely in size, with the whale shark being the largest fish and able to live 70-100 years.
2. Acords Consell Escolar web 30-01-2025.docxEscolaRoserCapdevila18Acta del Consell Escolar celebrat el dia 30/01/25 a l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
1. Acords Consell Escolar 15-10-2024EscolaRoserCapdevila18Acta del Consell Escolar celebrat el dia 15/10/24 a l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
Liquidació del pressupost 22-01-2025.pdfEscolaRoserCapdevila18Liquidació del Pressupost, exercici 2024, de l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
3. Acords Comissió Permanent web 20-02-2025.docx.pdfEscolaRoserCapdevila18Acta de la Comissió permanent del dia 20/02/25 a l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
Els alumnes de 5è haureu de fer una exposició sobre un invent que feu. L’invent és
completament obert i no cal que sigui real, pot ser algun invent imaginari o impossible
La vostra conferència pot tenir tots els continguts que vosaltres volgueu, però sí que
hauria de tenir alguns d’aquests punts:
Aquests punts són només una orientació, però vosaltres podeu afegir-ne més. A més
estaria molt bé que portéssiu un SUPORT VISUAL del vostre invent. Podeu portar el
vostre invent fabricat (fet a mà), en imatges que es puguin projectar o en cartolina.
Recordar-vos que sou venedors i que el vostre objectiu és que el públic els hi agradi
molt el vostre invent per tal que us el comprin. Demostreu molt d’entusiasme i segur
que sortirà molt bé!!!